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Posts posted by DefyingFates

  1. The ones I really want:

    Tana, Delthea and Nephenee (I'm afraid to pull on a banner that may give me Oscar instead).

    Yes, I'm aware they're all blues.

    Maybe a Tiki too, for Dragon Emblem purposes (preferably Y!Tiki).

    The ones I'd like for practical reasons:

    Katarina or Celica, Hinoka (or ANYONE with Hone Fliers, really), Genny (ditto with Wrathful Staff).

    Reading everyone else's posts makes me wish FEH had some sort of trading system. I get that moderating and dealing with scammers would be a pain but still...

  2. I just realised that, since Moonbow is a 2 charge move and she comes with Slaying Lance+, Nephenee could potentially trigger it every single turn once she drops below 75% HP. That's pretty impressive!

    I will be saving my Orbs again though, but wow the Blue pool is already accumulating quite a few Heroes I really want...

  3. AAAAARGH just after I spent all my mini Tempest Trial Orbs on Lancina! I'm currently playing PoR (just started Chapter 8) and haven't met Nephenee yet but Wrath and Amiti look so good! (Amiti is a better Brave Sword, but locked to Elincia if I'm correct?)

    Wrath is the offensive version of Shield Pulse but with a HP requirement and Wo Dao+ thrown in. I love it!

    I guess these three units plus B!Ike will be the bonus units for the next Tempest Trial then. I am upset and surprised that Nephenee isn't the bonus unit. Maybe the live action trailer was a representation of the Tempest Trial all along? (A group of four fighting hordes of enemies to get to the final "map" containing the Black Knight.) If so we may get the BK there...

    ...or we'll get another Greil Mercenary, since we haven't gotten the final boss of a TT as a reward yet (then again, this is the first time the boss is a new character - assuming it is in fact the BK).

  4. 4 minutes ago, Tolvir said:

    Shits getting crazy.

    Navarre was in the European trailer, he is standing behind marth. Looks like a larger roster than expected could be likely

    Beat me to it, damn you!

    Yeah, I came here to say this. Maybe the boxart was incomplete or someone got swapped out of the roster at the last second. As much as I'm looking forward to her I thought it weird that Celica's sprite looks like her kid self - maybe she got scrapped in the latter scenario? I sure hope someone gets the reference...

  5. 3 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

    So it's IS' fault?

    1 minute ago, SageOfAnys said:


    It's sad that we might end up with only three SD characters, but hey look on the bright side!

    We might finally learn how to pronounce her name!

    Huh...you know, FEH has been a godsend for pronounciations (save the three different ways of pronouncing Ephraim), I forget it doesn't solve every name :P


    I would say this confirms the leak, but Caeda was always a safe bet for SD so it could really go either way. (I'm already on #TeamReal, btw.)

    I haven't played SD but she seems to be a cool character from what I've seen of her. Neat!

    I wonder what Nintendo/ IS will do about this...

  6. Just now, LucarioGamer812 said:

    I just watched the trailer as the stream lagged for me at that part, YESS CORDELIA'S ENGLISH VA ISN'T TRASH!!!

    Yeah, it was a really pleasant surprise - especially with how cheesy the dialogue we've heard so far got at times.

    I just got Awakening. I should find time to play it soon...

    On the bright side (relatively speaking, of course, depending on who you are) I'm excited to see Anna in action, especially if she uses an Axe a la Heroes.

    I don't know if this was actually stated but according to some people on Twitter Koei Tecmo said she wouldn't be playable. Either they were wrong or KT really have been tweaking the roster based on feedback (but if Azura got cut as a result that really puzzles me).

  7. Just now, Azz said:

    Oh yes this too. I swear if Celica is in and is a sword user, I can just imagine the outcry.

    I imagine she'll be a mage and use a sword for specials a la Robin (or come with a sword but use magic for everything but the most basic combos).

  8. Just now, Tolvir said:

    So I was wrong. Still find it extremely weird considering everything they said. Just..... Why? Especially with History Mode, just Why?

    And I sure as hell hope Azura makes it. She was the one character from Fates I was looking forward to potentially playing as. She was such an obvious choice. Now? Not so much.

    I imagine Lyn's History Mode will just be her 10 Chapters.

    Just now, AbsoluteZer0Nova said:

    Or you know complain about there being another sword character.

    Eh, the only sword character we got after E3 was Lucina so I'm okay with us getting one more (I get that sword fighters dominate the roster though).

  9. I can't believe Fire Emblem Warriors characters got leaked the same way twice.

    Given how out of nowhere Lyn is compared to the other characters, I can't see the rest NOT being correct as well @Arthur97. I don't understand the lack of Azura though.

    Man, it was amazing to see her and hear Wendee Lee on the big a bigger screen... :'D

    She plays like a Myrmidon with that multiple mirage strike attack - at least how the Myrmidon's sprites looked (I know the Blade Lord did the flash step too, I just think the Myrmidon's sprites looked more...miragey). I wonder if she'll use a bow for her specials like Lucina.

  10. 12 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

    "Wait, did you just get 3 Reinhardts off a single banner?"

    "Yeah, so?"

    "That's highly unlikely isn't it?"

    "Screw probability, I have money!"


    Beautiful. Someone image macro this, it's pure gold!

  11. @Anacybele, have you heard back from Customer Support yet? I hope you get your Orbs!!

    How common are transaction problems like this? I'm debating whether to pull for Brave Lucina and plan to decide by Wednesday. If I have to pay to get her then, I won't have much time to resolve any issues before the banner ends on Thursday...

    More importantly, I really do hope you get the Orbs you paid for, Ana :)

  12. 7 hours ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

    I have absolutely zero willpower. XD I was so proud of myself. I had saved up 75 orbs. I spent all of them on the Brave Heroes banner because I wanted to get rid of the 3.5% rate I had racked up. And for some reason, I assumed 75 orbs would do that. 

    Totally wrong. I'm up to 4.25%, and I have 0 orbs. XD Now I'm at this awkward point where I'm not sure if I should save for the next banner or keep pulling on this one. Probably save. I say that. But I probably won't do that. I don't even want Lucina or Ike. I just wanted to get rid of that percentage.

    Back to square one. 

    Ouch...at least you still have five days to stop yourself :P

  13. On 9/7/2017 at 11:38 PM, Dayni said:

    Well, I'd do it tomorrow (It's late now, sorry). But my cover has actually been affected by the 3DS box, and it's indented in the gaps of the box sadly.

    The manual is also only 4 pages, and thankfully I could scan that without issues tomorrow. But I'd rather do it with both at once.

    Update! I just managed to order another copy of the game that comes with everything! Thank you so much for your offer! Hopefully everything arrives in one piece, if not I'll be sure to let you know.

    Thank you again!

    6 hours ago, Lau said:

    ...Are you sure you aren't me? Because that's exactly how I got my copy of Awakening, no box or manual, and I live in the UK...


    This is a longshot, but do websites such as GAME not have the front and back covers? Maybe you could get them from there...



  14. Long story short, I recently bought a used copy of Fire Emblem Awakening, however it does not come with the box or instruction manual. (As for why I bought Awakening and not Fates, the general consensus seems to be it has the better story. Also I remain naively optimistic of the possibility of getting the Special Edition of Fates one day.)

    Despite buying it used, I like to have the complete packaging of games I buy so was wondering if anyone had any scans of the cover (because I'm aware that each region has different designs) and instruction manual (again, I'm aware of variations). I've seen some Canadian unboxings on YouTube and would greatly appreciate it if someone could direct me to - or maybe copy their own if they have free time - any scans of the European box art and instructions (I'm in the UK, to be specific).

    Thank you in advance for helping me with this overly specific request and hoping I'm not the only Brit on these forums,


  15. 2 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

    I don't think you'll suffer without her. But that depends on how much you really want her. She's a good unit, but I'm sure she'll get another banner in the future since she and the other Brave Heroes are getting added into the normal pool. Spending money is really hit or miss. You could spend 200 bucks and not get any 5 stars. You could also get 8, but none of them will be the one you're looking for. Or you could get the character you're looking for on the first pull. (This is coming from someone who whaled too much and recently stopped. XD) Even only pulling blues, it can be risky. 

    I say play around with the Summon Simulator, see how your luck is there. That's usually what I do. 

    Huh...thank you!

    The banner is around for another week so I have time to think about it. Plus we get ~30 free Orbs in that time on top of the TT's rewards so if I decide to go for it I'll have plenty of free Orbs to burn first :) Thanks again!


    (P.S. You have good taste in Fire Emblems :P)

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