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Posts posted by DefyingFates

  1. 22 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    It looks like the prediction tracker is now up and running and Lyn's gains appear to be slow enough to not give Lucina another bonus.

    We'll probably want to wait until the end of the day to make judgments, though. More points will come in as the West wakes up, which might accelerate the scores a bit.

    It's funny how gradual the prediction compared to the crazy spikes of the other three match-ups.

  2. 17 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

    Sorry about that, it's difficult to replicate a strategy with different units. Perhaps you'll find another way that works for you to get this last mission orb.

    Thanks! I've come up with a strategy of having Robin break the left wall himself, which puts him in Lyn's line of fire then using Tharja's Reposition to move him directly down out of said line and Ninian to move Tharja out, then Legion (since he also has Spur Atk 2) nearby so Robin can move into Lyn's range next turn (thus giving him a Spur Atk without Legion being attacked). This gets Lyn and Ike onto the left and Lucina and Roy onto the right, meaning Lucina isn't buffing Lyn, so Robin can kill her on the next turn (as long as he stays next to Legion). After that I shuffle Robin, Legion and Tharja around so that Tharja gets Spurred (along with the Fortify Def 2 from Ninian) and attacks Ike. Ike survives but Tharja can take the hit on Enemy Phase and kill him on the next Player Phase.

    By this time Lucina and Roy move in and I end up getting someone killed because there's not enough room to manoeuvre around, then because Roy gets Galeforce off he kills a second unit and after that my success depends on who survived.

    I think getting Robin enough SP to learn Swordbreaker 2 (he currently has Swordbreaker 1) will help and, after all, I still have two weeks to go!

  3. Ike breaks the wall and Roy follows him.

    Ike going after Robin makes sense. Tharja had a ton of SP saved up so giving her Reposition wasn't an issue. I have a Ninian I could add to my team (and I could swap Tharja for Lilina or Sanaki since they don't have -blade Tomes). Hmm...

    Edit: @mampfoid I got the win (minus the Achievement) by getting Robin and Hector killed and having Lucina chase Tharja and Eirika around a pillar for two turns. Not the most glorious strategy but I'll take it.

  4. Just now, mampfoid said:

    My team was M!Robin, Azura, Michalis (QR & Bonfire) and Celica.

    To start, everybody moved to the left. M!Robin to bait Lyn, was standing directly under the wall. Lyn moved directly above him to attack, Lucina moved near Lyn to her right side. Ike moved directly down and Roy tried to follow up. On my next turn, Robin finished Lyn and Celica killed Ike from behind the wall near him (i don't remember if a dance by Azura was necessary). 

    On second enemy phase, Lucina broke the wall and Roy moved below her, leaving only the now destroyed wall between them. On my turn Robin killed Roy (i think he needed a dance by Azura, because SB wasn't active anymore for the damage he took from Lyn). And Michalis moved directly in front of Lucina (without attacking) to cover my blue units. 

    I guess Hector can't reach that position fast enough without help. Do you have an Reposition on Eirika or Tharja? Or perhaps Draw back on Tharja and Swap on Hector? 

    Hector has Swap, I think I have Draw Back fodder for Tharja. Should I get Reposition instead or is Swap + Draw Back better?

    When I play, Lyn and Lucina do the same as they did with you, but Ike and Roy also move in and break the wall immediately.

  5. Just now, mampfoid said:

    My team was M!Robin, Azura, Michalis (QR & Bonfire) and Celica.

    To start, everybody moved to the left. M!Robin to bait Lyn, was standing directly under the wall. Lyn moved directly above him to attack, Lucina moved near Lyn to her right side. Ike moved directly down and Roy tried to follow up. On my next turn, Robin finished Lyn and Celica killed Ike from behind the wall near him (i don't remember if a dance by Azura was necessary). 

    On second enemy phase, Lucina broke the wall and Roy moved below her, leaving only the now destroyed wall between them. On my turn Robin killed Roy (i think he needed a dance by Azura, because SB wasn't active anymore for the damage he took from Lyn). And Michalis moved directly in front of Lucina (without attacking) to cover my blue units. 

    I guess Hector can't reach that position fast enough without help. Do you have an Reposition on Eirika or Tharja? Or perhaps Draw back on Tharja and Swap on Hector? 

    Hector has Swap, I think I have Draw Back fodder for Tharja. Should I get Reposition instead or is Swap + Draw Back better?

    When I play, Lyn and Lucina do the same as they did with you, but Ike and Roy also move in and break the wall immediately.

  6. @mampfoid What was your full team when you did it? I'm using Robin, Tharja, Hector and Eirika (to buff my mages). The problem seems to be that I get everyone onto the left so Robin can bait Lyn, but Lucina stands right next to her after she attacks meaning I can't kill her with a counter attack and Hector gets left behind so can't save my team when they get surrounded. I have an Amelia so will try swapping Tharja for her, or Legion for Hector so I still have an offensive red unit for Ike.

    Geirskogul is no joke...

  7. Just now, mampfoid said:

    I wouldn't say he is amazing, but in his niche (against colorless without Cancel Affinity and Sword units) he works very well. Mine also has got swordbreaker (SB3 from 4* Abel, SB2 from 4* Sully), but i don't remember if it was necessary to deal with Roy. 

    I have some Sullys to burn :P Thanks again (and at this point, I'll take every unit I can get). I've heard a lot about his niche (and seen the memes when Innes came out), glad to finally get in on them!

  8. Just now, mampfoid said:

    S!Corrin doesn't sound like a good idea to bring against CYL!Lyn. If you have a counter for each opponent, then its only a matter of positioning. Someone has to start in the upper left, were only Lyn can attack and tank her hit. In my case it was M!Robin, but perhaps also another tanky mage or a dragon with lightning breath could work. 

    I don't know why I brought up S!Corrin, my bad! I saw her mentioned elsewhere so I guess she just slipped out.

    I have a 5* Nowi but I seem to recall her suffering without an external Defence buff. I'll have another look!

    To go back to your earlier advice, I have a M!Robin and 3 4* Roys (i.e. I can give him Triangle Adept!) Hopefully I have enough badges to level him up to 40 right off the bat (and if he's as amazing as everyone says he is, I'll promote him to 5*). Does that sound good?

  9. Just now, mampfoid said:

    Robin is useful in such situations, but not only in this case he needs Triangle Adept on A-slot to stand a chance against Roy and Lyn. Since Urvan reduces the second hit, don't you have Lilina or Cecila to take care of Ike with one hit? Hector would still be good if you can bring him into position against Lucina. 

    I have a Lilina and Tharja, both with their default tomes. Tharja can kill Ike in one hit (provided she starts the turn next to buffbot Eirika) but Lyn swoops in to kill her on the next turn.

    I don't know if I have anyone to get TA off of, but I'll have a look. I have a Blarblade S!Lucina and S!Corrin, for what they're worth

  10. There are two trackers, though the one that predicts future scores doesn't seem to be working yet:



    Lyn seems to be getting a lot of multipliers. As someone on Team Lyn is it a good idea to spend flags now or hold onto them?

    It's actually kinda hilarious to see how Lyn and Lucina have been trading multipliers on the first spreadsheet xD

  11. 13 minutes ago, Usana said:

    Darn nab it. I decided to run my orbs out before picking my free summon(like any sane person). What did I get with my last summon of 5? 5 star Jeorge and 5 Star Caeda.  Had it been Lyn or Roy and Caeda(or better both lyn and roy) I would have been quite happy. But now I am scowling. I know, first world problems. But couldn't I have at least got one of my five stars to be a focus?

    I have a 4% pity rate right now and you've convinced me to stop pulling Reds. I really wanted a Lucina (and then Ike) going in and after failing to complete Lunatic Paralogue 11-3 I definitely want both (at least let me complete Lucina Emblem, FEH!)


  12. 3 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

    I used Michalis (5* QR1, Bonfire), but the VIP has been 4* M!Robin (+DEF, TA3, Swordbreaker, Bonfire). Robin took a hit from Lyn and killed her on player phase. Celica killed Ike, Azura danced Robin (who took care of Roy) and Lucina killed herself on Michalis. I guess Hector could do the same, but i don't remember the exact moves and if he could reach Lucina in time to cover Robin & Azura. 

    I have one or two 4* M!Robins...guess I should level one of those up if I can't do something with Hector. Urvan's damage reduction is insane!

  13. 4 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

    Skipped out on the first hour. Checked everyone's scores. Went with Roy for the constant bonus.

    If anyone on Team Roy is sick of seeing Red teammates, I gotchu, +6 Nowi (+Atk/-HP) - Rally Def/Res, TA 3, Bowbreaker 3, Spur Res 3. She does a little bit of everything, deletes reds, handles bows pretty well (Firesweep can be tricky), and has nice support with Spur Res and Rally Def/Res (This was so Hector could survive any Reinhardt).

    10182-60329 - Hawk King


    Does anyone have a link to those handy spreadsheets yet?

    They're stickied on the subreddit (I'm on mobile so can't link atm).

  14. In the same vein, what about Lyn? I'm saving up SP for Sacae's Blessing and want to know if I should get Atk Smoke or inherit another C skill (and Assist, while I'm at it).

    P.S. Lyn and Ike both are nightmares in the Lunatic Paralogues which is a good sign, but any advice for 11-3's Axe Quest?

  15. 45 minutes ago, Florete said:

    I get Leo and Elise over and over and over again but can't seem to get anyone else except for one Chrom. Yikes, what's with these appearance rates?

    Same here. I keep getting Leo and Elise (and I've seen one other unit I can't remember right now). Has anyone personally seen more than 3? It may be that everyone gets a random number of units pop up per day.

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