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Everything posted by CocoaGalaxy

  1. Cough. I wouldn't say it's very "glory" though
  2. Just a reminder, Shenmei, Rontao, and Anankos have voice actors. Here they are:
  3. What my opinion is that, it's less cluttery to have one thread, and rather than getting people to read through 5-10 threads, it'd be easier to just have 1 "read this for all your questions" thread.
  4. My only concern with the idea is that we might have over a hundred or more questions and it wouldn't all fit. Of course, that's not too big of a problem..hopefully we don't have *that* many questions
  5. I believe it was already mentioned previously but the shop problem can be "circumvented" by buying from other players' shops. I wonder if there's some limit preventing you from cheaping the system
  6. Well you can see my "Progress" on the Wiki, I guess... I've updated up to Hoshido chapter 24, so after adding some more enemy stats (Normal Mode) it'll be onto Nohr. After that I dunno, I still have plenty of weapons to add, fixing miscellaneous things, etc. I did miss some things, like Asura, some other bosses (being a bit nitpicky about these kind of things), named non boss characters (Severa, etc) Oh er, can you check if there is a Special Sorcerer class that can use Staves? Because we all know Iago cheats at the game. It seems like I do derail all the topics whenever I start talking about these things though I'm pretty sure I have a thing or two that is on topic, now if only I could remember it
  7. I think someone will eventually add all of it, but who knows..for now, I'm just here to add that Level 1: Bronze and Iron weapons can be bought with infinite supply, Tier 1 and 2 Heal staves as well, along with Vulneraries, and all Tonics. I don't have a complete list, but for example, (on the Hoshido side at least) you can buy 1 Steel and 2 Kodachis (presumably this also applies to the other weapons), 2 Master Seals, 1? of each other Seal, limited supply of concoctions
  8. I don't recall the Vengeance nerf, but I was never really a fan of Vengeance anyway Breaking Sky is largely okay I guess, assuming you face maxed out enemies or so Long story short, my main gripe with Breaking Sky is that a mage has no use for it when facing 0 mag enemies, and likewise for physical units against 0 str units. I suppose it balances out in the end, and it's mostly meant to be used against enemies with higher stats I guess
  9. It's subjective though Nohr Prince, White Blood, Dark Blood, Singer (Unique classes) Ninja, Elite Ninja, Puppeteer (Ninja Line) Herb Merchant, Great Merchant (Merchant Line) Weapon Master Revenant Knight Maid Butler Garou, Managarm Fox Spirit, Nine Tailed Fox Shura Blacksmith Basara Mountain Priest War Priestess Golden Kite Warrior
  10. Not sure what you meant, but the amiibo battles don't give exp (nor gold for that matter) and presumably others (but everything else can be grinded on nohr anyway)
  11. I'll also be trying to verify for myself, but does anyone know if the difficulty affects the base stats of your characters when they join? I'm currently assuming that there isn't any though Well as "planned" I verified that Azura has the same stats in normal and lunatic Chapter 5. Well it'd be best if they all do, but there could be later differences (e.g. 14/16, etc)
  12. Hello Folks Long story short, there is currently no page for Kunais on the Wiki. It's also been rather awhile since they introduced a new type of weapon to the game, so the long story short is, some people have been linking Kunais to Knives, while I personally feel that a separate page should be made for Kunais. So I made this thread to see the community's opinion on this issue, I suppose. (It'd be really ironic if I ended up making it "worse" from my perspective) That's kind of it really, I also do plan on adding the Kunais and Shurikens to the Wiki as well. It's kind of complicated, sigh.
  13. Child Seals will scale according to your progress in the storyline, exact numbers not known though It may depend on where you are in the storyline, but most of the videos I've seen have the child characters coming in at Level 20 base class Oddly, most of the videos I've seen only started promoting units around Chapter 17 or so
  14. It's probably a mistake, Leo has Dark Mage and Rod Knight Well Rod Knights are mounted stave users, so are troubadours, so that's that The others are more complicated though. Also, Vincent, if you see, again, slightly off topic, but if you're planning to do all the character base stats, then I suppose I wouldn't do them either. Well if you're planning to do everything I'd end up doing nothing actually, so I'm not fully sure either.
  15. Mozume still is a good unit, which I'll say until the cows come home Well I'm here more because, omega's playthrough on Nohr Hard is still able to use Mozume, I'm not sure about Lunatic though She's pretty much definitely usable in Hoshido, of course. In other news, there was a guy who had an entire army of maxed out characters (courtesy of Eternal Seals) of course, I wonder just how much time he took (His Ryoma was, I think Level 45? Dang) Mozume would probably ram most of her caps (on average anyway) around Level 25 or so, HP seems like a thing though. Maybe it's stat boosters, but I don't recall the shops very well.
  16. Evidently Dread Fighters are available now, I wonder just how good they will be? Their caps are fairly average, I guess they're technically uh... Brave Sword + Kunai options? Compared to Elite Ninjas, who don't have access to Brave Swords, hoho
  17. Both sides get to double if they have the same speed It was explained to me that this is another "breakthrough" in the game. Of course, I've yet to actually see anyone use them so... Consider for example Generic Trueblade - Iron Katana, 20 Speed Sorcerer - Excalibur, 20 Speed The way it works is that, ability to double cuts the usual requirement down by 5. Instead of "If User Speed is equal to or greater than enemy speed +5", we have "If User Speed is equal to or greater than enemy speed" So since they both have equal speed, both get to double. Etc
  18. The reason why I thought it was the Visitor Emblem was because the boosts correspond to Luck, Defence, and Res. I may have missed some information, but I don't think enemies can buff each other aside from maybe skills (do they even show up in the stat screen?), and he's not in Guard Stance, maybe terrain? (what? oh my) In any case I'm currently going through omega's Nohr Hard run, so that's why. Digging stat screens up is much, much easier compared to..some other stuff, even if I have to stare at the kanji for "Steel Throwing Naginata" or what not. It's not easy to tell though, since the screens are small and all. I'm sure there's going to be more stuff that I have no idea about. Maurice has (or I think he has anyway) the Nohr Normal Run, Hoshido Normal is easy enough, though I will have to find a Hoshido Hard and Hoshido Lunatic run. As well as actually adding some other stuff I missed (Cough Hoshido Endgame) Like, nobody "ever" gets to Takumi in Nohr 10, so I doubt I'll be seeing those for awhile..
  19. Wait really? Well back to the drawing board I'm now completely stumped as to what's going on, I don't think there's any like buffing staff, there were no units in range that could have done anything and I'm like...
  20. I was wondering what was "wrong" with this image, but I figured it out Thankfully Vincent added the items, and I recalled that there were items that were "Carry this to increase your stats", and there is exactly one item that fits in the category http://i.imgur.com/TY56DtN.png
  21. All three games have their own "fun" I guess, and while I agree, it's still a bit early to comment on how good the 3rd route would be. Plotwise it does seem set to be "superior". Gameplay wise, who knows.
  22. Suffice to say Autumn and Great Festal are largely bad ideas, even "if" you have 20-30+ magic, the healing amount is still in the single digits and it costs a bomb. Same goes for Physic and Fortify, even with the +5 healed. I suppose if you really have nothing better to spend the money on. I guess it's "balanced" in a sense. A overly general idea seems to be that the staves drop by 1 exp per 2 Levels, who knows. They're really "pushing" the mend and Summer Festal staves though. Got confused by the names abit, lol fail me
  23. Here's some data sets I got Anomalous data is at the end I may or may not bother to continue updating these, it depends on how easy/difficult it is to find. Ironically (or not), it's easier to find information for Hard/Lunatic mode
  24. From my memory, at max level vendor (or whatever it was) you can buy an infinite number of all the seals Master Seals still bring you to Level 1 promoted Damn, ninja'd
  25. Promoted classes are still 5 and 15 if I'm right (mostly anyway, I'm trying to confirm as well) Base should still be 1 and 10 as well. Not sure about special classes though (Singer, etc) And no, you cannot gain multiple skills per level up..but let me just confirm this anyway I'll try to confirm but digging through videos is quite difficult. At the very least, base classes do learn at 1 and promoted at 5
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