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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Uhhhhhh... I'm either Thunder, Fire, Wind, or Light... (December) ...how do I check my blood type again? I never really cared to know.
  2. It should only be active on Enemy Phase. Reverse Armored Blow. If it were always active, well that'd basically be the Killing Edge series of Stat+ skills.
  3. In fairness to Hector and Eliwood, they are a General and Paladin, respectively, in Binding Blade, and they do become an "armor" and "mounted" when promoted. But about Arvis... well I may be biased because I've been using Arvis a lot more than any other Red I own, but he would probably be terrible at his "debuff everyone" job if he were an Armor (and pseudo healer now that I think about it...), and he technically isn't that central an antagonist in Gen 2 (Julius and Ishtar apparently filling the role) when his biggest moment was being Iron Chef Jugdral in gen 1. I don't think Armor Bow would even work that well in practice. The armor would weigh the archer down so much that drawing the bowstring would be as much a chore as just trying to keep aim would. I'm not an expert, but that might be why "archers" are always lightly dressed, to draw the bow fast and then be able to maintain accuracy.
  4. True true, though he probably isn't doing my Defense score any favors...
  5. Good intention, kinda bland execution. i'm bitter i used my 20k feather promotion on Alfonse though...
  6. Good idea, I'll remember that when I get Abel in a few years.
  7. Oh my bad. ...imagine the conversation that THAT would have sparked though. Well you can't have a girl wielding the legendary Brynhildr. Wait....
  8. I suppose that's technically up for debate, but Dorcas. Look at the dude. He didn't even put on any decent jewelry he might have gotten from Natasha. ...so anyways, these Alfonse quests were a pain to do. Not only did it require me to have him ready for battle at 5* so I wouldn't be suffering the entire time, but also every time I got an enemy team with at least 2 axe units (he has Axebreaker 3), the one lance user had a Sapphire Lance or Triangle Adept 3...
  9. Don't forget the most important Owain, Assassin Owa- Wait... Inigo hasn't cosplayed as his mo- ...nevermind actually.
  10. It took ALL FREAKING MONTH of sniping Red orbs. ALL. FREAKING. MONTH. My unit bunker has suffered as a result. I only have 1 Reposition fodder and pretty much nothing else (well a few Hinatas but not EVERY unit can be improved by throwing Fury at them). The only 5* units I have gotten, aka pity breakers, were Male Corrin (+Atk -HP to be fair) and Celica (pure DD3 fodder), and I had to dip into my bank account a few times so I could afford that 3 extra orbs for one more summon... for getting another freaking Stahl or Fir or something. It took ALL FREAKING MONTH... to finally get ToD Nowi. +Def -Spd is horrendous, but screw it all I'll make this work if I have to sacrifice multiple 5* exclusive units, damn everything the higher ups tell me to use someone else. Screw Henry Jakob and Sakura, screw gachapon phone games, screw gambling, and ESPECIALLY screw YOU, Celica. I ALREADY GOT LIKE 3 OF YOU AND ONE OF THE YOUS WAS BETTER THAN +ATK -RES, YOU ARE WORTH NOTHING TO ME. ...so yeah, I can finally let this banner pass on in peace, inhaling candy with Nowi.
  11. My luck wildly shifts in the right direction when I actually GIVE UP on getting any 5* units I want and am now just spending orbs to get rid of the pity rate, damn the number of orbs I bought. But otherwise I don't feel it. I usually have better luck just spending orbs the moment I get 20 for free.
  12. Children of Fate makes one think "Second gen Child units", but we all know it'll just be 3 different versions of Owain and MAYBE Ophelia. ...I don't know what they would do for Owains number 2 and 3, but they'll find a way I'm sure of it. These are the same guys who found a way to make people dress up like their dads and also make "dude in average villager clothes" one of the most powerful units in the game...
  13. In all fairness, it's like that for all "Effective" damage, not just Anti-Fliers. Usually might even be better to just exploit the enemies lower defensive stat (coughcough magic) and call it a day.
  14. Actually, only "weaponless" archers and Venin Bow archers are not effective against fliers. Any other Archer will deal bonus damage. It's a kinda lame technicality to be fair, since there really aren't that many armed archers unless on Hard mode... I think.
  15. "It's okay. I've already given up. I have spent all month on Trick or Defeat and have suffered trying to get Nowi. As much as I like Nowi as a character and in design, I have to admit defeat someday. I am okay to give up now." ... ... ...she's -Spd +Def, but I don't care, that's what LnD3 and Speed +3 are for.
  16. Can't this banner last all month so that I can whale on it...? Really though, I need Hectors. I have more than a few units who need Distant Counter, and the other Greens at least look appetizing if not... "appetizing". After that though, I need a new Brave Lyn. I've been having second thoughts on if I REALLY need a new nature for my Bridelia, but they're no more than second thoughts. I'll probably be sacking her HP at the first chance I get. But at the end of the day, I'm summoning from every orb anyways.
  17. I might actually try to AVOID Red Orbs if I can. Knowing my luck, I'll just get even more Celicas before ever getting one Ayra, and even if she is the best Sword in the game, I already got too many reds in the first place. Otherwise I need Distant Counter on a few of my units...
  18. That wasn't as hard to do as I thought it would be...
  19. The fact that I had to look up what that was may or may not tell you many things about me... Besides the COUGHCOUGHHACKHURGHpokemonHACKHACKWHEEZE obvious, I also like many other Nintendo properties, including Kirby, Zelda, Mario, Splatoon, mainseries Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus Uprising... well, it may be easier to point at Smash Bros and say that if it appeared there, there's a good chance I at least played the first level of one of the series games (except Metal Gear, though that's not to say I didn't glance over from time to time). I also like learning things, even if I forget what I learned about 5 minutes later... I forget a lot to. Also VG music. Okay I'm done.
  20. I'd hate to sound rude, but take a wild guess. Hint hint, a new game was released on the 17th.
  21. I'll do all 4 quests in one go some other day, I need to get a Michalis to level 40 first.
  22. To be fair, Fae and Nowi are the same height as other units, even though both are supposed to be kid-sized. I'd also mention how overwhelmingly broad figures are the same size as everyone else, if a little bulkier, but I can't think of anyone off the top of my head.
  23. I am so upset to say this, but I think if I don't get Nowi as my next 5* from Trick or Defeat, if I even get another 5* before the banner ends, I'll have to just give up and start on a different banner... my hero resources have been suffering ever since the banner began, and all I've gotten out of this stupid banner is M!Corrin and another freaking Celica. My skill fodder is so low now that I can't even build a new unit even if I wanted to, but even worse to me is that this banner made me collect every orb I could get from Chain Challenges and Squad Assault, you know orbs that one would normally reserve for emergency use. That's going a little too far. I'll contend myself with my normal Nowi if I can and try to get someone more valuable during that 8% focus 0% 5* banner...
  24. ...crap, I'm gonna have to 5* alfonse aren't I... ...to make his quests easier because Silver Sword sucks.
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