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Everything posted by Yexin

  1. it depends on the player's experience with the series if you're a newcomer, surely classic normal is the way to go, except radiant dawn where normal difficulty is actually hard, and easy is normal, due to an adaptation error
  2. my mind says legendary sigurd my heart says mythic forseti anyway whoever the next legendary/mythic hero from genealogy ends up being, they won't release him/her within the next year imho and this hurts me so bad
  3. i honestly don't understand how BL final chapter's been so difficult for so many players, i mean if you send your units to crash against the enemy army of course it becomes hard edelgard does have 30 range and attacks twice per turn, but she never attacks the same unit twice, and she doesn't deal much damage when directly facing her, she has some damn annoying skills, such as desperation, vantage and wrath, but that's what dedue and dimitri are for, to tank hits and deal tons of damage i just moved all of my units on the left side of the map, patiently killing enemies one by one, or more in the same turn if possible, but always making sure my units were out of all those mortal savants' range i have to admit, my bow knight ashe basically did all the dirty work with parthia, backed up by my beloved girls, wyvern lord hilda and dark knight annette felix, dedue and dimitri took care of all those snipers, war masters and whatever, while mercedes, flayn and marianne healed everyone when needed anyway, the game as a whole is very, very easy (talking about classic hard mode), and i really couldn't decide which route is the hardest probably i'd say church route (thanks rhea) and edelgard route (thanks random beast units, dimitri, rhea and 75-avoid cyril), because of my inexperience
  4. if there's an alternative that allows both me and my aggressor to be saved, i'd go for that: no one has the right to take another person's life, no matter the circumstance, and if there's no such alternative, i'd rather die than being guilty of destroying someone else's family i don't know where you two grew up, but that's what i've been taught, and i strongly believe in it and no, i am not christian nor anything, i'm just very close to people whose job also has to do with handling these situations, so probably this made me less selfish and more thoughtful about these things back on topic, i think neither rhea or edelgard are 100% right or 100% wrong i just happen to like rhea's character more, for both design and attitude i also generally love motherly figures in videogames, so yeah, easy win for me still, as i said, i don't justify her for what she does
  5. there's no "less evil" or "more evil" when you kill people, regardless of your intentions in this case, there's only "i like edelgard/rhea more, so i agree with her"
  6. 1) jugdral is another continent in the same world of akaneia iirc, except genealogy and thracia take place something like 1000/2000 years before shadow dragon 2) i'll just pretend i didn't read this 3) they're just a reference, don't read too much into these things if 3H had a weapon called audhulma, would that mean joshua somehow reached fódlan?
  7. sariel's scythe can be used by anyone don't know anything about these two crests honestly
  8. S) "Absolutely adore these characters/Anna returned to be what she should've never stopped to be" tier A) "Like a lot" tier B) "Like" tier C) "Neutral/Quite like but not enough for B" tier D) Every character in this tier should have his/her own tier but i dislike them all so they're all stuck in a general "don't like at all" tier
  9. 1) Fire Emblem: Who can remember the name of at least 20 characters wins a cookie 2) Fire Emblem: Guy-Den (so that anglophones understand it's not "gay-den") 3) Fire Emblem: Did you know remakes existed even in 1994? 4) Fire Emblem: Did you know I'm never gonna get a remake because "I'm ToO dArK fOr ToDaY's StAnDaRdS"? 5) Fire Emblem: Well if Genealogy's not getting a remake... 6) Fire Emblem: So i heard you like the weapon triangle 7) Fire Emblem: Ok ok, we got it, you like Marth and Roy 8 ) Fire Emblem: So I heard you like strategy 9) Fire Emblem: When you try your best but you don't succeed... 10) Fire Emblem: I feel you... 11) Fire Emblem: So i heard you like Extra Chapters 12) Fire Emblem: Do you remember Mark from FE7? Well guess what! 13) Fire Emblem: Hey, looks like advertising our games helps! 14) Fire Emblem: So I heard you like Pokemon 15) Fire Emblem: DlCs ArE sO pRiCy ThE bAsE gAmE iS lEsS eXpEnSiVe 16) Fire Emblem: ThEsE cHaRaCtTeRs ArE sO mOrAlLy GrEy GoD i LoVe GrEy BONUS: Heroes) Fire Emblem: Heroes who already joined the battle join the battle! Warriors) Wait, the series didn't start with Awakening?: The Game Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE) So we have to make a game together, but that's not important, do you like idols?: The Game
  10. i mean, if you don't believe us, just read through edelgard's page in the wikia anyway that's not my problem, goodbye
  11. i mean deluding yourself is not a great way to change what edelgard actually did, or rather tried to do whatever you want to believe, she hired bandits to kill dimitri and claude in order to achieve her goal and face less opponents later on stupid or not, that's what she did
  12. well there's a difference between "the player can use a mechanic which is also a major plot point" and "every rule that said mechanic must follow is true even when used in the story" what if you used every divine pulse during that chapter? would that mean byleth just randomly and extremely conveniently gains another divine pulse point?
  13. he can't time travel i think he was just hiding somewhere near kronya to see if everything was going well, and before byleth used the divine pulse he does nothing because byleth does nothing too after the divine pulse, thales sees byleh is trying to attack kronya to stop her, so he quickly teleports in front of him to stop his attack i highly doubt he can time travel, he just reacted to byleth's attack
  14. actually i found that map to be quite easy, i only had to move my units on the left part of the map, in order to face less enemies and less 36 AS warmasters hegemon doesn't attack the same unit twice in one turn, so as long as you have ranged healings such as balm (mercedes and flayn) you should be ok the boss itself was quite easy, i mean i had plenty if brave weapons also ashe with parthia made my life in that chapter SO much easy
  15. nothing forced her to reveal it in that specific moment though no, she just orders her troops to steal the crest stones and reveals herself as the flame emperor in her route again, no particular reason, she just does it well yes but actually no as i already said, nothing really forced her to reveal her identity except her own brain probably also if she didn't reveal it in that moment, she would've been felt by the player even less opposed to byleth, because you already knew the flame emperor was allied with twsid, so yeah she is partially responsible for jeralt's death, even if indirectly, and she quite openly tells you so
  16. that's simply wrong they openly say her plan was to kill claude and dimitri also by playing blue lions you find out that edelgard remembers about that child who gave her a dagger as a present just like 2 chapters before the end of the route, so no, pre-timeskip edelgard doesn't feel anything towards dimitri EDIT: not that feeling anything towards dimitri would stop her anyway
  17. well to be honest edelgard revealing herself as the flame emperor so soon, in the holy tomb (don't know its english name), doesn't make much sense either she could've just been like "hey i don't like the church so i'm your enemy now, but you can still join me if you don't like the church as well", and maybe reveal herself as the flame emperor later on in another route, while fighting her post timeskip, while not revealing it if you join her i mean, the game's already full of things you can't understand if you don't play the right path, and honestly edelgad being the flame emperor is not that important compared to byleth's very same origins
  18. can't say i agree, but hey if a character being like "lmao derp imma kill your father because why the hell not" is fine by you, i'm ok with that as much as jeralt doesn't trust rhea, he seems quite a reasonable man i doubt tHe StRoNgEsT mAn In FóDlAn would've stayed quiet with edelgard breaking out a continental war yeah that's the problem i expressed myself, that would've been too much even for edelgard, but only because killing the avatar's father would've been a direct attack to the player not that everything else she does is less cruel, for example acting defenseless with a brigand she herself made a contract with in order to kill both claude and dimitri
  19. imo if the Flame Emperor showed up to kill Jeralt and you had to fight him in that chapter, that would've been much more meaningful for both Byleth and Edelgard, but proooobably if that were the case much less people would've been ok to side with her, kinda mining her route's meaning
  20. boyd, ike (don't know why, i think they'd fit him even though not backstory-wise), sumia (he punched chrom once iirc), draug and charlotte for now come to my mind
  21. pretty much this, except harsher no one can deny she's very powerful, so i'm not talking about it right now i REALLY don't like how she just randomly loses it in many supports (namely marianne and ignatz, they didn't deserve it at all), yet she wants others to treat her as a grown up woman how am i supposed to do so if you behave exactly as the child you don't want others to think you are? and no, your past doesn't justify your behavior... unless you use it as an excuse, but that would be very uhm what's the word ah yes childish and no, the fact that she magically doesn't go crazy when talking to byleth doesn't make me dislike her less absolutely not the girl i'd like to have anything to do with
  22. i'm on my last playthrough, with Golden Deers, and i wanted to play quite safe for these first runs, so i just promoted my characters into their """canon""" classes (bow knight bernadetta, mortal savant felix and so on) when i'll feel like playing this game once more i'll be more original with classes and weapons
  23. 1) Blue Lions 2) Dorothea 3) Dimitri 4) Marianne 5) Rhea Blue Lions were the ones i expected to love the most, and they didn't let me down
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