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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. Does anyone have a good map for Seoul in English? I've been looking at Google Maps, expecting at least some English-translated names for the area, but which they ridiculously lack. (They don't even indicate campuses for Seoul National University in English, nor other major landmarks! What the hell, Google???)
  2. Lance and Diantha - and I don't really care whether in the anime or in the games. Basically the champion version of Amourshipping.
  3. I don't see the need for it either. Just leave as Alm and Celica and call it a day.
  4. Whoa! Congratulations! Now you've effectively built Trump and Le Pen's wall against the heathens...hehehehehe. >:D
  5. @Glaceon Mage: I gather Nintendo finally got the memo that region-locking is unpopular enough to warrant a change for the Switch. I am still baffled in what was the case for the DSi and 3DS's locks when, barring at least one special case, all the handhelds before them did perfectly fine being region-free.
  6. Yeah, that's the thing. I'm pretty sure Mystery of the Emblem's DSi enhanced too. Come to think about it, I wonder what was the reason for region-coding all the past consoles up to Wii U in general, and particularly the 3DS.
  7. Banned for no longer having Erwin Rommel as his avi.
  8. Wait, a reverse harem??? Anyway, more serious answer, a fan of the Nohrian family (may or may not include Garon).
  9. Now know that I know Chrom is her hasubando~
  10. Banned for capturing only one Eevee. C'mon, you gotta be more enthusiastic than that! hahaha XD
  11. So the Switch is region-free? About time! That blasted lock on the 3DS was the main reason why I couldn't get Mystery of the Emblem remake - even though I would have no problem playing that in Japanese! Also, that'll mean Australian gamers can probably import cheaper games from the US, and kiss goodbye to the price disparity stumbling block too... Not to mention that at least UK and Australian gamers would have a chance in some form to play games that would otherwise be limited to Americans for US-only localizations.
  12. I haven't ironed out my details either. On a different note, I'm surprised that, considering the adage of "All people are equal in the eyes of the Law.", this doesn't extend to appointing judges in the US Supreme Court. (Or am I wrong with this?) Similarly, appointments for the Japanese Supreme Court is done through the government's (or more strictly, the Cabinet's) nomination - though the appointment itself is carried out by the Emperor.
  13. @Blah the Prussian: How about, for example, providing a (comparatively) bigger part of the appointments for the judicial branch from the opposition within Congress/Parliament, and a smaller part of the appointments being shared with the elected majority/unelected head-of-state etc? Could this work as a check for, to use a particular Australian term "keep[ing] the bastards honest"?
  14. Aside from my current LP/fanfic involving Conquest and the Pacific Theatre of World War II, I actually thought of a crossover fanfic between Binding Blade, Pokémon XY, and a 21st Century version of World War II involving the Poke-Fire Emblem version of Neo-Nazi Germany. Here is part of what I have written over at my blogs in Bulbagarden: Basic Story The Nations
  15. My 2 Japanese yens/Australian cents: Unit-specific traits for Attack/Support Stancing: Some classes have specific traits in attack/support-stancing. For example: A supporting Armor Knight/General can fill the defense gauge slightly quicker. An attack-stancing Pegasi, Nomad(trooper), or has a (Speed/2)% chance of doubling. A supporting/attack-stancing Lord gives additional boosts in the effects of support-stance/conversation bonuses (or even leadership stars) to the unit supported/attack-stanced. An attack-stancing Berserker can deal 3/4 (or even full damage), compared to the usual half damage. More cases of cutscene-based events affecting gameplay outcomes: For example, if there is an ambush at the start of a chapter, then some units will have to start with less than full HP or debuffed stats. The extent varies - if a unit has low luck (or even speed/defense), then they may have to start with some temporary, yet significant debuffs (say, -4 across the board) or 1/2HP-1/4 of their max HP or even 1HP, while those with higher luck/speed/defense can start the chapter with 3/4 or even full HP. If there is a rescue/rendevous from allies, then all units have a temporary boost of hit/crit/skill activation rates reflecting their boosted morale. If the army becomes depressed after some tragedy (for example, Chapter 11 in Awakening, or Chapter 4 in Binding Blade), then the opposite can occur to reflect their dented morale. Of course, to what extent IS should do this without making the game either broken or unbeatable, I don't know.
  16. While I was initially apprehensive about Conquest not having the traditional Arena like it used to in the past games, I was actually pleasantly surprised that in-chapter grinding in that game is not so much of an issue. In Binding Blade, at least, it was tricky to get level ups for...just about everyone - the extent varies, but yes, this includes even better-than-average units like Sue, Rutger, or Milady. That and we have lost causes like Wendy and Sophia. Fates' mechanics on the other hand, made it so much better for Mozu to level up, because you have Attack Stancing, and also debuffing units like Felicia. And perhaps due to skills, or due to better stat balancings, I had zero misses on units I used - everyone was able to contribute in some way. It's something that a possible Binding Blade remake can do with. Very ironically, I used the Arena to grind on Binding Blade (and this was in Normal Mode), while it looks like I may not need to in Fates. While I don't really mind grinding per se, some of the related features/mechanics should be reworked. Maybe less underlevelled units (unlike Revelations) would be a start in relying less on grinding. In addition, for online battles, I think there should be another optional restriction in the battle format: whether to allow boosts from Eternal Seals or skills from reclassing, or to restrict to Skills in default class(es) and default level caps. (Similar to what official Pokémon PvP setting has - all participating Lv51+ Pokémon are scaled down to Lv 50, and no legendaries or event Pokémon.) This would allow those sticking to the default to have a chance in PvP battles, without having to grind.
  17. Not too sure about the fandom in the US/EU/AU, but I wouldn't be surprised if some of the Japanese fans were introduced to FE through Smash Melee. At least in my case, I found out about the franchise through that. Although I didn't play Smash Melee, I did play FE6 (which came 3-4 months after) as my first entry into the series. Thinking about it now, if anything, Roy made me wish a modified/modifiable form of leadership stars were a thing in FE6, to better utilise his "brains over brawns" style.
  18. Good to see that the Reconquista is fully underway! Now, to take Catalonia and/or Castille! Say, how do defensive pacts work in this game? Are they like in the Civ series, except the pacts only kick in with same-religion allies? And long live Froila II!! (Wait, since when did we have a Froila I? Oh, right, he was historically the predecessor...) I also noticed that Aurelio, Corrin, and (Ale)Xander do not have Phoenix mode sieges anymore. What's going on? hahahaha
  19. Sure. I mean, I made Sakura as the most sympathetic to the Allies; they probably sent her to Seoul (or Keijo) to keep her from influencing the Emperor for a start. On another note, sorry for the lack of update for the past couple of weeks. I've been really busy at work, and I also made the mistake of getting Hyrule Warriors which I am quite addicted to. Anyway, here is an intermission before the real thing. Intermission: Lucina's Quest Chapter 22: Battle of Seoul To the outskirts
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