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Everything posted by Anomalocaris

  1. Luigi's the guy who manages to win at Mario Party by doing absolutely nothing. You should know better than to play a self-destructive game like poker against him.
  2. "The salt" is funny for a little while but then it just devolves into people offending each other, making monolithic statements, and strawmanning, which just gets depressing. This isn't the only forum I go to that's been up in arms about today's article, and it's just as vitriolic there. Though lol at the sriracha hot dog analogy. Sriracha's about as spicy as a glass of iced milk.
  3. I'm just gonna say that I think the people cackling "muahaha where's your precious waifu petting now, lol all the salt" are just as annoying as the "muh waifus this is an outrage" people. There's such a thing as being a sore winner. I think some of us should step away for a bit and calm themselves. I'm personally just gonna wait until a more reliable source either corroborates or disproves the story before I discuss the matter any further.
  4. Instead of Voltorb Flip it should be Texas Hold'em. Then you can't read Felicia's poke-her-face.
  5. Most of Nah's supports suck, especially with Laurent and Inigo. She's best off with Morgan or Yarne, or Owain if they're taken. Or being left to die in that mansion, but...
  6. Wonder what his class set would be? Mage, Priest, and Dark Mage?
  7. On my main file I finally used it on Olivia, since Dancer has low Mov. Don't have enough Renown for another pair, but if I did they'd go to Robin most likely. On my support-grinding files it doesn't really matter, but I usually use them on Robin just to speed the process up a little.
  8. Guys, guys, "homo" just means "same". By "homo changes", clearly TC is just worried that they'll make the characters more homogenous and similar. :P Anyway, TC, not sure what you mean about them changing Hoshido to be more "rebellious". Honestly, given how black-and-white morality the game is, wouldn't it arguably be a good thing if they make it so that Hoshidans don't have light pouring out of every orifice on their body while Nohr's just the evil Grinch up on the mountain wanting to ruin their glorious nation? Adds more nuance to the story and feels less like cultural posturing.
  9. Damnit, just the cape? I wanted to put him through the full Ghosts 'n' Goblins experience. Ah, well.
  10. I asked this a few times in the "I just want to know one thing" thread, but it never got answered. Can you inflict the Brigand Weapons' stripping effect on a particular late-game boss, ?
  11. All of those DLC class seals permanently add the class to the character's class options. Now, my question, does that apply to Buddy/Marriage seals as well? Or do you have to use another Buddy/Marriage seal?
  12. Only one of each for free, however, and Witch/Ballistician is a choice between the two if I recall correctly. Hopefully some of the later paid DLC will include infinite Lodestars and Great Lords...
  13. I don't understand the NEED for baby steps personally. Like, is it going to somehow overwhelm them or destroy the world if they *gasp* included more than one same-sex choice for each gender, or *gasp* didn't restrict them based on game version? You know when you dip your toe in the water because it's rather cold so you slowly work your way in? They're doing that except the water isn't cold at all.
  14. Damnit, it's only the XL version. I'd like to upgrade to a N3DS, but I would much prefer the standard size.
  15. I know at least the Azura/Corrin supports are different across all three versions, but I think the other supports are all the same.
  16. I'm still hoping we'll get a restock before February. If that fails, I'll try and see if I can snag a Special Edition from Gamestop if someone fails to pick up their pre-order in time. But that'll be tight, I'm sure.
  17. That would be ideal, along with the other gender-locked classes, but I fear that ship has sailed.
  18. I'm a page late, but did somebody say Robin x Cervantes? http://img02.deviantart.net/2d70/i/2013/055/5/7/cervantes_confession_by_sirrobx-d5w3h31.png Edit: I can't seem to embed pictures for some reason, so a link will have to suffice.
  19. Challenge maps are expected, and ideally we'll get a map that provides infinite Lodestar and Great Lord seals.
  20. I'd actually be disappointed if they took out skinship. I mean, rubbing people's faces is a bit creepy, but it DOES at least provide us with high-quality model viewing of the characters, and from what I understand some of them say things that develop their character or reveal some interesting things, so there's at least some interesting dialogue in there buried under the foreplay and orgasmic moans. Also I want to see if you can piss the characters off by jabbing them or poking their eyes. Anyway, topic, stuff that may get changed in international release... I don't think any gameplay changes will occur at all. None did with Awakening as far as I know. I wish they'd fix the whole "male Corrin can't marry a first-gen woman without rendering a child lost forever" issue and maybe the "same sex marriage options destroy Kanna and potentially Eponine" issue, since that's pretty much my only major gameplay woe, but I can't see them doing that. Has the Japanese version even received any patches or updates besides the addition of DLC? If it has, then there's at least the potential that an update to the Japanese version will coincide with the already-fixed international release. If the game's been stagnant, though, then it's safe to assume they intend to keep it stagnant.
  21. Wait, you can switch between Classic/Casual/Phoenix mid-game now?
  22. The only meme I noticed in Awakening was Frederick's "My body is ready!"
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