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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. plz cam you can't use two power rings Yeah endgame Julius has nihil.
  2. This one time I found a peach player on for glory, and they were literally the best player ive ever played, they were doing a whole bunch of footstools with turnips for easy 50%+ combos, it was actually crazy. As for actually playing her uhhhhh I hate her fair it's really strong and pretty safe, dair eats shields and is combo starter.
  3. There are limited chapter modules that you have to make yourself past chapter 1. I had made them up to chapter 20 a few years ago but then my computer imploded. Maybe I'll finish them sometime. The existing modules definately worked though.
  4. I told Jedi already, but I played Right Here and I'm leaving town on tuesday and am not home till late Sunday, so if the final 8 bracket starts then (and I qualify, I dunno if 3-2 record will) I can't play till Monday or even potentially Wednesday.
  5. I don't expect this to progress at the speed of sound but team, i'll be unavailable from Aug 30-Sept 4th.
  6. I can't answer your question but later chapter spoilers Also note that the Valkyrie staff can only be used in the home castle. If you already have Claude just try it out!
  7. Their appeal is you don't have to train them. They come at a high enough level to be immediately useful
  8. Yukimura is the definition of filler, his bases are decent enough and he had good weapon ranks. Shura has decent combat and staff utility, his bases on Revelation are absurd for his join time too. Izana is pretty much only a staffbot. Reina is very good in both Birthright and Revelation, she joins pretty early on both routes with really high bases. Her durability is always going to be a little spotty but her offence is very good, debateable the best Pegasus Knight on both routes.
  9. depends on the stat/game. 40% strength is decent enough in gba games, but is pretty poor in some of the newer games. Likewise, there's a big difference in usefulness of a 50% skill growth compared to a 50% defence growth.
  10. I've got classes in the morning, but i'm around most of the evening tomorrow. My availability is a bit spotty later on though.
  11. I'm usually like "i'm gonna use this set of 8-10 characters" then it slowly rises to like 15-16 and I never end up using half the people I was going to because I end up using all the Royals in every run
  12. CHAPTER 19 - 4/99 TURNS Finally back from holidays, gonna hopefully plow through this today. Lost a turn because the foxes near Kaden and Kaden himself didn't want to attack Percy even though they did damage. Corn killed all the northern foxes with the hunter's knife, while the Butler/Maid Squad + Leo and Peri killed some stragglers from the left. CHAPTER 20 - 3/102 TURNS Not enough fliers to 2 turn, even though I could kill Fuga on turn 1 (then get boned by the freeze staff, Percy isn't dodging it with 8 res). Selena got the seize tile on turn 3 after Percy killed Fuga with a killer axe crit (he doubled at ~70 hit) and then had a dual guard ready for one of the bows, and comfortably lived the other hit (it only had 45 hit anyway). Got the rescue staff with Corrin. EDIT: Think i found a 2 turn. EDIT2: Curses forgot Fuga was on a throne, plan ruined, screw you Fuga. Figured out a better strat though! Moved Selena + Peri and Percy + Effie northeast, then Corrin used the dragon vein to boost them ahead. Leo weakened the spear master that got blown south for Jakob to kill so he could level up and get locktouch (partner sealed him to master ninja) then Leo got danced to kill a couple onmyojis with Felicia pairup. Percy moved ahead and killed the freeze staff Priestess (he could live a hit from her + Fuga, and both had poor hit on him) and Selena moved ahead and swapped to Peri who killed the other priestess, Corrin paired with Arthur and Flora paired with Jakob and Leo dragon veined them ahead, and Arthur moved north and swapped to Hunter Knife Corrin. The last lunge priestess got shunted south out of Percy's range. Peri killed a Spear master on enemy phase, and Corrin killed a bunch of stuff EP, Leo blew up some Onmyojis. Jakob got the rescue chest and Corrin got the 10000g, Percy killed Fuga and Peri seized. CHAPTER 21 - 3/105 TURNS stupid chapter percy just carried corrin to victory
  13. glad i got back from the middle of nowhere today, /in i won't be home till tuesday evening so if drafting starts before then i'd prefer not to be a team captain to hold things up, unless you dont care about waiting tillthen
  14. storywise they put heavy emphasis on how strong Xander had become, while Ryoma was just kinda chilling in Hoshido and wasn't mentioned a whole lot other than randomly showing up in the stupid pot chapter. He's a better unit gameplay wise too, which proper pairups he's an 8/9 move unit with unrestricted 1-2 range that's basically immortal. Ryoma can still get gooned by some lame low% hitrates.
  15. i did autobattle birthright this morning, the AI also doesn't go up stairs, I don't know how you guys want to handle that.
  16. Hatches three 5 k eggs earlier, got Triple Psyduck, which was pretty salt inducing considring last batch I got double Rhyhorn. I haven't got a 10k egg since the first week either, which kinda sucks :(
  17. Oh I guess i'm supposed to report things here too.
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