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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. Amelia's at her fastest as a General, actually. She hits her 25 speed cap in every line, and General gives her the biggest con. She'll have the largest access to weapons effective against Eliwood while still staying within 4 AS of him as a General.
  2. Look. Y'all guys need to fix your scales. I'm not gonna go past 10. I'm reserving 10s purely for beings capable of causing the apocalypse pretty much whenever they please once they reach their full power. Which pretty much amounts to Naga, Grima, Ashera, and possibly Anankos(When he isn't peeing his pants at the sight of pretty basic things Naga can do). Then the 9s are are like, exceptionally strong humans/Dragons who aren't quite the level of endbringer. Here's where your superpowered baddies like Julius and Nergal reside, and your heroes of legend like the pure Holy Blood Crusaders or Athos. Oddities can occur here, like Reinhardt and FE1 Camus, who manage to break the "normal dude" mold. Camus is a weird one, because he's probably an easy 9 in FE1/11, but he drops to the 8s when you get to 2/15 and 3/12. There he's strong, but he's not "this guy is the strongest dude on the whole continent" strong like he is in FE1. But I would assume he was just a normal dude who really worked his ass off to become a superpower in his world. Kind of like Reinhardt. There might just be some latent potential with these kinds of characters that brings them to these levels.
  3. Tiki is a young dragon with tons of potential, but not that much to show for it on her own. I'm only saying "that much" relative to Naga, who is an easy 10/10. Tiki's a far cry from Naga, and relatively, I'd say Tiki's like an 8.5. Pent's Etruria's Mage General, Athos' disciple, and he'll probably eventually take up the title of Archsage. But if Nergal's like a 9.5, then Athos is like a 9, and Pent is thus like an 8.5. Plenty strong, tons of experience, and pretty much everything that makes a character strong, he just has yet to really break through into the upper-echelon of power, even if he's sure to get there eventually. Gray suffers from "normal dude" syndrome. He might be second only to Alm of the Ram kids, but it's a pretty distant second. No particular feats to his name, no crazy magic powers, no insane heritage that gives him weird superpowers. He eventually makes it to the higher ranks of Valentia's knights, but he remains a completely normal dude. He's like a 6.5.
  4. Ah. A man of fine taste. Welcome.
  5. Last Dinosaurs just released a new album last week, so here are some of my favorites off of the album:
  6. If they're both using the Horseslayer, Eliwood actually gets doubled by General Amelia(His 23 speed and 9 con vs. her 11 con and 25 speed with a 13 weight weapon. His effective speed is 19 in this case, her's is 23). He loses that one. He'd go toe to toe with GK and Paladin, since for whatever stupid reason, all of Amelia's promoted classes cap at 25 speed and General is the only one that lets her wield such a heavy weapon while breaking into doubling territory with the con boosts. His best bet would to use a Rapier, since he'd actually double Paladin Amelia using a Horseslayer, and nothing Amelia uses would let her double him beyond a Brave Lance. EDIT: How this "Fight" is structured also matters. Amelia's best bet is as a General, since it's her most powerful class and the biggest issue with that class, movement, doesn't matter if they're just fighting as if they're in the Link Arena. If it's a big map and healing items are on the table, Eliwood can just poke and retreat safely. Amelia would have a tough time ever getting a killing blow in this case, and she'd never be able to get away from Eliwood. Then her best bet would be Paladin, where she's just straight up worse than Eliwood. GK wouldn't fare much better.
  7. Welcome. Glad you're liking everything you've tried.
  8. Like. Eliwood's not great, but he's not even remotely in contention for worst unit in his game. Amelia's straight up dogshit. Eliwood also gets a prf weapon that does extra damage to every single one of Amelia's promotions bar Super Trainee. If they're both 20/20, since grinding is a thing, neither will double the other(Unless Eliwood wields something of 11 weight or more and Amelia doesn't wield anything higher than her con), and neither has WTA against the other in any particular situation. Eliwood, being slightly beefier(Depending on Amelia's promotion. He's about equal with GK Amelia, slightly less beefy than General Amelia, slightly beefier than Paladin Amelia) and having a Rapier means he'll win eventually. Amelia could use the Horseslayer, in which case she'll have the advantage, but it probably comes down to who attacks first.
  9. At least we beat the Cardinals. When it was 13-10 going into halftime, I was so ready for the Vikes to manage to lose, once again, to one of the worst teams in the entire NFL.
  10. "the soyboy libcucks are mad lel" also "trump is going to get rid of poc" That's all I have. I don't get it. These people are actively cheering against their own interests because it makes people mad. Trump's never been what he says he is. He's made the swamp many times swampier, and he's done jack shit to help out the disenfranchised middle and working classes.
  11. I'll have to agree with what's been said. Raigh and Soren get it kind of rough due to being normal mages, and the difficulties that come with being a mage outside of Jugdral. Soren is a talented mage and a tactical genius, but he's not much of a fighter on his own. He's Ike's right hand man and with back up he can be a force to be reckoned with, but on his own he's not that special. We also have no idea what being half-dragon really does for him. 6.5/10. Raigh self-taught himself dark magic. Learning the elder magic is supposed to be pretty hard in Elibe, and even Pent, the highest ranking wizard(Or soon-to-be) in all of Elibe doesn't have much knowledge on it, despite being curious about it. He also made it to the Dread Isles on his own, which is a pretty big deal. That said, the latter could be explained in a number of ways, and the former doesn't mean much until he really mean that much until he gets more experience, which he likely would with Niime's tutelage, as she's a figure even Pent looks up to. 10 years after FE6? Raigh could be in the 9s. As he is in FE6, he's another 6.5/10. Takumi is... look, I know he's a Royal in Fates and has a legendary weapon, which should make him crazy powerful, but I feel like the games(Conquest in particular) treat him as a joke that isn't much of a threat until Anankos fills him with his sexual energy. On Conquest, he's that guy. He's the running joke boss who can never win, even when he's at an insane advantage. And Birthright is a bunch of people just telling him to chill out for half the game. It kind of feels like he gets far and away the least respect of the Royals, which undermines the implications of him actually being a Royal with a legendary weapon. I get the feeling just about everyone besides Elise and Sakura could kick his ass, and he definitely fares far worse than his Nohrian counterpart. I'll say 7.5/10, because he still is slightly superhuman with his gifts, even if he doesn't have much to show for it.
  12. This is true. He still kind of sticks out as a pre-NES gaming icon that's never had any real connection to Nintendo beyond maybe some Gameboy ports, but I supposed Namco owning him and being involved with the development of Smash makes the decision make more sense.
  13. I'm still unsure if I'll get it for PC or PS4. My IRL friends getting it are getting it for PS4, but I only boot up my PS4 once in a blue moon, so I'd probably play with them a few times and then it'd just collect dust for years. Getting it on PC would ensure that I'd play it for more than a few hours of my life, but then I won't be able to play with my friends.
  14. Canas is the one with the most payoff in the long run, IMO. And the sooner he promotes, the sooner he can reach that payoff. Canas gets a big con and overall speed boost from his promotion, also making it the most important of the three options. I have a personal bias against Erk, since he always, without exception, sucks eggs in my runs. But even without that Pent's mere existence makes even trying to make him work rather questionable, IMO. Lucius is a solid second choice, and he'll be a solid staffbot like Canas can be, but his offensive options are a bit more limited. His promotion also isn't as beneficial as Canas'.
  15. Famous characters don't really matter if they're from a famous franchise. How many people do you think were that aware of Richter or even Simon Belmont? Everybody knows of Castlevania and the Belmonts as a whole, but how many people would be shown a picture of either of those two, and immediately know who they are? I imagine it'd be a small fraction of people even aware of Castlevania. Show a dude holding a whip looking at Dracula's castle, and people will know Castlevania. And Erdrick isn't famous outside of Japan because of the dodgy localization of Dragon Quest games. We didn't get consistent translations of the franchise until the 7th game in the series. Which is a big problem when your most recognizable character is the focus of the first 3 games in the franchise. Erdrick is a huge deal in Japan, though. So much so that the most recent game in the series, which the developers want to be a huge deal globally is Two major points: Sora being associated with Nintendo all that strongly is pretty dodgy, as he either isn't the main character(358/2) in any of the games on the Nintendo systems, or he's sharing the spotlight with Riku(CoM and DDD). Yes, he's there, but he's not the sole hero(Or the hero at all) in those games. I go back to this point, but how many people even consider the non-numbered games to be significant entries in the series? How many people have been frothing at the mouth for Kingdom Hearts 3 for over 10 years because they don't consider any of the handheld games as "legit" KH games? I'd wager it's a lot. Cloud's a weird one, because outside of crossover side games, Cloud's never been on a Nintendo console. Final Fantasy as a whole, however, basically cannot be separated from Nintendo. The series likely would not exist without Nintendo, and Cloud was chosen as the series' rep. Snake, on the other hand, has been the main character of 2 games on Nintendo systems(Metal Gear, and the remake of Metal Gear Solid). And while none of those are strictly Nintendo originals, what with MG1 being an MSX game originally and Twin Snakes being... well, a remake, they were pretty high-profile Nintendo games when they came out. Pac-Man I acknowledge as being the biggest oddity. Pac Man is associated with Atari and arcades moreso than any consoles still around to these days.
  16. Azelle's like a 7. He's one of the weaker Holy Blood units in the story, as he's generally relying on others. But he still had Holy Blood, which even without the weapons, is a pretty big power boost. Azelle would probably be an average Mage without it, but with it he's still a force to be reckoned with... Just not quite as much as most of the others. Chad's like a 2. He's a 12 year old Thief. Most enemy mooks are noticeably stronger than he is, and that's really all we have to go on. He's just a Thief, and not suited for combat, with no explicit combat skills. Frederick's like a 7.5. He's a completely normal guy. He's strong, dedicated and experienced, but that only gets you so far in this franchise when you're just a normal dude in the grand scheme of things. I could be tempted to say 8, but if we're saying full-on doombringers like Julius and Nergal are in the 9s, I'm not tempted to bring Frederick out of the 7s.
  17. The whole thing's screwy with how XI deals with time I suppose there are two ways to look at it. That way, but also Either way, "Erdrick" is still a presence in DQ, which remains to be a big franchise, 32 years after the fact(Even if they technically don't make a major appearance until 1988).
  18. Actually I just remembered the ending of DQXI. Erdwin is effectively Erdrick.
  19. Erik's not even at his most broken yet. He's still relatively balanced prior to a big event in the game. Yeah, I get the feeling the developers of Persona were seeing this coming when they were coming up with the idea for Persona 4. They picked a more pervasive, arguably more damaging, topic that's been going on for waaaaay longer and is a lot more general to the world at large for 5.
  20. Even as somebody who has never been big on FE music, that's a mighty fine remix.
  21. Part of the thing that I've noticed about the third party picks is that there is a bit of a pattern with them. First and foremost, they're ALL major gaming icons that have inspired tons and tons of other developers to make similar games. And beyond that, a good chunk of them have, deep, deep ties to Nintendo. Mega Man, Castlevania, and Street Fighter fit this bill the most. Metal Gear and Final Fantasy are a bit of a stretch, but they have their ties to Nintendo. Sonic has been tied more to Nintendo as of late, even if it started off, obviously, as a big competitor to Nintendo. Pac-Man is the one far out pick that has never been associated with Nintendo that strongly, but it is at least one of the biggest gaming icons of all time. Crono is the only one of the popular picks from SE games that really fits the mold. Mana is in a similar spot, but I think if the main character of Secret of Mana got announced, 40% of people would think it was Crono, and another 10% would be wondering if the main character of SoM even has a name. The remaining 50% probably wouldn't have any idea at all of who it was, since Chrono is a dead franchise that hasn't had an entry in 20 years. Chrono I see as the most likely after Erdrick(Or I guess Erdwin now. We'll have to see if they decide to change their name for a forth time before Ultimate comes out), since he arguably is a Nintendo icon. Bravely is part of the JRPG renaissance, but I don't think it has too much name recognition, or obvious choices from the character roster that would make sense. I also feel like it's way too soon for people to have an attachment to the franchise for Nintendo to reach out to get one of those characters. And Kingdom Hearts... Look I honestly don't think KH even really fits into either. Yes, KH has been on Nintendo shit before, and mainline KH games at that. But I think most people associate KH with Sony. In most peoples' eyes, a "legit" KH game has never even been on Nintendo. As much as I know this might piss people off... I don't think it's an iconic gaming franchise. I know that sounds weird for a franchise that has sold... what, like, 25 million copies in total? But I tend to only really see hardcore KH fans repping the series, and beyond that... I can't think of a single game that was inspired by Kingdom Hearts. This massive, 15 year old franchise, I honestly don't think has left much of an impact in the gaming world. The closest would have been Final Fantasy 15, but that's largely because it had the same director. And even that's not true anymore, since it changed directors and gameplay styles 8 years into development. A KH rep is honestly one of the lower Square choices in my mind. Erdrick/Loto/Erdwin's the one that kind of ticks all the right boxes right now, IMO. Gaming icon, strong ties to Nintendo. It also helps that the newest DQ game also centers around their ancestor and Erdwin's adventures are a major part of the game's story.
  22. Probably Aran in Radiant Dawn. He's actually a good unit in normal mode, and the best Soldier in the game(Nephenee sucks in RD. Fite me irl). But hardmode basically hard counters him. His borderline acceptable speed becomes a much greater issue, and his tanking abilities, the primary reason most people would probably use him, are severely compromised until he gets points in speed. The lack of HM bonuses on recruitable characters hurts him(Though I think he's the only recruitable enemy unit in the game, so that might have something to do with it). I still use him tho.
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