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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Acknowledge Hector as a matter of like-dislike personal preference, and exclude Nils, he is fine. I'll let you toss Ninian in the trash, but I don't get whats at all wrong with Eliwood, he is his son's father, there is hardly any difference between the two. Lyn more or less exists a tutorial bot who tags along for the rest, but in that she is merely inoffensive. Roy is bland, always in the right, always mild to the point of lacking emotion, not at all good for the main character, to me. Eliwood through Hector at least has contrast and someone fun to interact with. And Eliwood's Helena outburst gives him more color than Roy ever has. Roy, and Seliph, are perfect young and moral lords played straight, so straight, that they have no true depth, sadly. Even if Roy is said to hide an inner perfectionism struggle, the mask is no fun if we never get an intimate peek at what lay beneath. A little snappiness once or twice would help, a loss of manners followed by an apology, not a bad idea if you ask me. And note, I am not defending the overall plot of FE7 here. Yes, Nergal and his army of assassins is utterly irrational, and FE7's E&H opening narrative (LM being a mere tutorial) is rather slow and dull, while FE6 in this regard begins fast and dramatic, a positive for it. (And, yes Tellius's racism is unbalanced, I see that too.) Yet, FE6's plot peaks early, Chapter 8x to be precise. Once Lycia is saved, the narrative becomes a tour of the world collecting divine weapons without much depth in what happens. Zephiel's Cecilia OHKO adds some zest, as does Narcian's last stand, but chapters 9-20 feature rather heavily the schemes and failure of corrupt nobles more hollow than Denning. Whilst you can't escape Nergal's insanity, FE7 is actually the inverse of FE6- the moment the first part- the search for Elbert- reaches its conclusion, the story picks up. The Dragon's Gate is a dramatic mid-story climax and the stuff that follows has enough life to it. Roy never personally meets Zephiel prior to Chapter 22 either, the same criticism as that of Ike and Ashnard- no pre-final fight in-the-flesh interactions. Roy the First, aka Marth, actually met Zephiel the First, aka Dark Emperor Hardin, once long before the final fight. And that one meeting gave Marth more personality than Roy ever shows, and that is to ignore every other instance in FE3 Book 2 (Book 1 is as dead as Roy) where Marth, still the mild, regal perfect hero, shows actual emotion. Calling Roy the second Marth, and Zephiel the second Hardin, implies FE6 is cliche, the same criticism you toss with excrement at FE7. FE6 is much a retelling of FE3, Guinevere is Nyna, Merlinus is Malladus, Fae and Idunn are both Tiki. The Western Isles is the Grust-Macedon Expedition. Of course, Nergal and Athos are just Gharnef and Gotoh. The game you hate and the game you love share the same game as inspiration.😛 Roy is from the last game where the narrative belongs almost exclusively to the lord in terms of appearances that last for more than 1-3 chapters, which defined every prior FE. Sure, Merlinus, Guinevere, and Elffin show up every so often, but they're there merely to inform Roy with exposition, their interactions with Roy have no interesting dynamics. Starting with FE7, most games try to establish a fun and constant supporting cast for every lord, which is de facto, sometimes bumpy, progress, according the Hegelian model. Once, in a dark era, only one had main-narrative development, but then the light began to dawn and others began to carve out some main-narrative development. Although, FE6 did go in the right direction for non-main narrative character development with the introduction of support conversations, and for that it gets baked tarts. As for subtlety of sword light vs. dark fencing, if it's so subtle that few pick up on it, was it really intended to exist by the writers? (But, spinning you own interpretation that the writers weren't thinking of is absolutely valid.) As is, Exaccus feels like filler, to give Zephiel a special weapon and make the Binding Blade more special too, not that I mind it being extra special. I'd say Zephiel should dual-wield as in the manga and have Roy wrest both weapons from the king corpse, to use them both himself. That is more interesting swordplay. Not really. Inevitably, there are some unplanned story-pre/sequel contradictions, but we aren't looking at very many. Keeping the villain limited to a shadowy assassin group, and therefore not something many know about, and which is destroyed by the end of Cog of Destiny, and opting for this overall smaller scope made that easier. Do list for me every contradiction you find, because I can see some minor ones, but none of these amount to major flaw: Hector being surprised dragons exist in FE6. Bramimond's seals on the Divine Weapons are a bit of an oddity. Ninian dying if she stays too long in Elibe, when Sophia is perfectly fine. Lord Orun The Never Actually Seen not ever being mentioned in FE7. Except, this in itself means little. If Melady can just march forward, crushing everything in her path, with Roy watching atop Shanna's shoulders as she rides her Pegasus juuuuuuust out of range of all the deadly things Melady will draw to her destroy, then how different are things really? Roy is not constantly marching forward against your own will, this is not escorting an NPC who has no concern for self-preservation. And turn counts aren't something that are forced on you very often, Roy can chill wherever and seize whenever everyone else has killed everything in the way of the throne. Unless you're drafting/LTCing, a seize is 95% of the time no different from a rout, since most players will massacre everything before seizing anyway. Agreed. All seize, all rout, all attract 300 spectators to your outdoor punk rock concert, or a variegated mix, nothing is inherently good. And as for overall map design, my philosophy is simple, dissect any FE chapter-by-chapter, and you realize how few truly "good" or "great" maps actually exist. Not that I mind inoffensive averageness/mediocrity. So you're throwing FE7 into the great big bucket of overambitious narratively FEs? Geez, it's already getting full with 4, 10, 14, 16. Agreed, permadeath and 30 Crit with 3x damage is too much. Nerf Critical damage, maybe with a mostly player-only skill to raise the damage crits deal, and then I'd say 30 Crit class bonus is fine. You seem to have some knowledge of such instances here, do tell, what are they? And do they demand overall greater unit durability compared to what average FE durability is? Ah yes, but because the burning trash in an oil drum emits warmth and light, people are drawn to it, even if the plastic waste inside is releasing carcinogens that will prove to be detrimental to their health.🔥🙂
  2. Not a single NES/SNES one left Japan, and considering the first has the silent protag's mom eaten by a demon in the first two hours, and within the next 3-5 US Ambassador Thorman on behalf of God nukes Japan to cleanse it, I think I can understand why. One of the first games to leave Japan, the very first Persona, was infamously twisted in the original translation. 90% of things that indicated it was in Japan were replaced with things to make it feel "American"- names, food, money, and they cut out the alternative story route to boot. And then they didn't bring Persona 2's first half over because the big bad takes the form of Hitler to accomplish its goals. SMT's breakout in the West was SMTIII: Nocturne (the second edition of the game specifically, called Nocturne Maniax in Japan and Lucifer's Call in Europe) in 2004. Persona's breakout was in 2007, with Persona 3. And as an aside, Nocturne has two opening sequences when you load up the game, and the second is still cool to me.: The original non-Maniax version that was only in Japan had very different openings too: --- As for Coronavirus, I was watching the news and a former federal health official said only 15-20% of the infected seem so far to require hospitalization, the rest experience nothing worse than a case of cold or flu.In addition, the death rate is 2-3%, not good to have any death rate, but one shouldn't overly panic. And, while large gatherings are being canceled, they said nothing is wrong with taking a flight to virus non-hotspots or going to a restaurant. Still, packing two weeks' of emergency supplies as you would for a natural disaster someone else said is a good idea.
  3. Flayn is always around after Chapter 6 unless you're going CE later. D+ Faith start and C Restore means you'll get. Use the Battalion? Of course, flight bats are rare. Have I ever used the Recovery Roar Gambit? Nope, Restore itself is very rarely useful here, despite generous uses and AoE.
  4. I, much against my own instincts, let it burn because of how tight it is. It's too tight to get to, and the reward? Eclipse. Not worth it. Elibe's political divides are pretty clearly indicated by mountains usually, and once in a while rivers, or ocean for the Western Isles.: As you can see, Lycia is defined entirely by mountains and whose idea was it to place the capital right on the Etrurian border?. More mountains separate Nabata from Etruria, Etruria from Ilia and Sacae, Ilia from Sacae. Bern-Sacae is partly separated by mountains, with Bulgar marking the political border on the open plains. Can someone explain why easternmost Sacae goes off the map? This annoys me, even if Tellius is even more annoying for the same reason. Speaking of Sacae, how about a history lesson! Courtesy of Civilization VI's Civilopedia, which has a playable Scythia, represented by the very likely fictional Tomyris. With a little hair dye, I could pretend she is a middle-age Lyn. Saka- in FE "Sacae"- is another name sometimes used for Scythia, or at least a specific clan of Scythians. Sacae isn't likely very accurate in its depiction of Scythias, no 60 Crit Wo Dao Swordmasters or +30 Atk Res-targeting Druids. But the generalities of Scythia definitely very much aligned with the nomadic life on the plains their many successor Central Eurasian ethnicities: Mongols, Manchus, Turks, Turkmen, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, and Kazakhs to name some enduring modern ones, would live. A brief history, inasmuch as we can know of the Scythians, as written in Civ VI for historical context: And, Scythia in Civ VI gets as its unique military unit the Saka Horse Archer, the history behind it is listed follows: Just wanted to offer some optional fun facts to make Sacae feel a little more alive, or something.
  5. Decided to take a halftime break from DQXI for some Civ VI. I did a Science Victory with the Aztecs- their ability to use Builders to construct Districts is very good, and makes them very versatile, since you can't buy Districts as you can Buildings and Builders. Then, I tried for a True Start Location Earth, on Emperor, my first game at this difficulty. I set myself as America, and put Brazil as the only other country in the Western Hemisphere and lowered the City State total to 6, giving me no shortage of space to settle. I thought that having North America to myself would be very advantageous, and it was. I chose Kongo, Germany, Russia, Arabia, India, and China as my other foes, wanting to represent most of the world. *Sigh* I'm really regret picking Kongo, it is crushed the competition, it and Russia are stole all the Great Writers, Musicians, and Artists. I wanted to win on Culture, but I had to had to drain my coffers buying Great Works from them. I thought Arabia would check Kongo's growth, but no, Saladin lost some of his cities to Nzinga, rendering him useless. Some time later however, I saw Kongo had finished the Moon Landing, and upon my Spies made ASAP afterwards revealed Nzinga had about six Spaceports. I couldn't cripple them all with Spies (which have a mere 25% chance of succeeding if untrained), and nor did I have enough time to build up a military to destroy Kongo. I was doomed, so I gave up. Never will I play above King difficulty again, or at least I'd do it with fixed opponents excluding Kongo (if I had the expansions, I could've used Zulu or Mali instead of blasted Kongo). On the positive side, my United States of North America (all of it, including Canada and Mexico), the Guiana Shield (thank you for leaving this sweet small spot Pedro!), Borneo, New Guinea, and Eastern Australia (India took the southwest and China the northwest) was very fun to establish.
  6. Thanks everyone for the condolences. I was considering posting a picture of my now former dog, but eh... it's too saddening. For something more cheery: Pkmn might be in a ditch right now, but this is cute. Another 'chu alt yeah, but it's a tad ridiculous in a good way, and how do they get the latte foam so precise? I was looking forward to this having heard of but never played this old franchise before. Yet, I see your criticisms and do think it's sales-only game now for me. Too pricey, needs more narrative, combat preview is at best an estimation of what might happen.
  7. I wake at 2: 28 in the morning, and I cannot sleep for now. At 2:56 AM, February 25, 2020, a Tuesday, I see the last of my beloved dog. To the vet they they are driven off, to return in ashes. Her end was not in slumber as sweet as she was, it was thrashing and exasperated breath, 13 long, amazing years, taken by her seizures, as was always feared. I will always love you, Ginger.
  8. Were everyone in 3H to get a DW costume, should they go on appearance, alliance or personality? Edel would obviously get Cao Cao she can murder some swine if she prefers red to imperial purple. But would Dim really look best as Liu Bei? Dim might be better off with Zhao Yun or Ma Chao b/c of shared weapon, or Xiahou Dun due to sameness of missing an eye. Claude, does he want Sun Ce or Sun Quan? If Hilda wants to stay in Wu to match Claude, does she pick Shangxiang or Lianshi? Dedue's bulk, loyalty, and a touch of his skin tone might be best matched by stealing Huang Gai from Wu. Who would Rhea get, Zhang Chunhua? Yet, Chunhua's husband might be best handed to Hubert? Or does Hubert time travel to Japan for Kanbei? Or is Guo Huai befitting him visually? Would get Zhuge Liang? Byleth? Or Seth or a teacher? *Sigh*, Jeritza would be very likely to get Lu Bu. Now stay dead nuisance! Ashe is boyish, Guan Suo is boyish, a match? Lu Xun and Ignatz? Xu Zhu and Raphael? Or Deng Ai instead?
  9. Basically, if you haven't realized it, every Divine Weapon requires you have a native who can "guide" you to it. Except, pretty much none of said playable natives say anything at all in their respective Divine's gaiden chapter. Fix that remake. The last divine weapon is in Bern, so you need Bernese to get it. Except, Guinevere is glued to you since Chapter 13 and should know more than her grunts do, so the requirement on Melady and Zeiss isn't so sensical. This survival requirement also makes Chapter 7 slightly more annoying if one were to intend on going Ilia. Since losing Zelot means no Ilia gaiden.
  10. Sadly, Hugh just isn't that good overall, even with his best stats. He comes late, a bit underleveled, and even at his strongest, his stat spread isn't particularly different from Lugh's, besides a concrete durability lead. Or, you take it slow, disarm two or three of your units, and trap Douglas against a wall or two, with a healer nearby to mend any blows he lands. It'll just be a tad annoying wasting units for this job and seeing him fight you again and again. Nope, he means Apocalypse.
  11. I'd like to say yes... but I'm not truly sure I want them. As was pointed out before, after FE5, where counter-staffing status staffers/warpers is overpowered fun, the way you dealt with them became monotonous. Just make sure your staffers pack a Restore, nothing more, not real strategy. Keeping your units close to staffers helped, and keeping your staffers next to each other in case of Silence. In a sense, a status staff was just a nonfatal siege tome, making it weaker overall, save for the absence of ranged Restore making lone wolf missions untenable. Whilst the Hexing Rod was diabolical for being permanent, I did think that Fates was working towards more palatable status staffs. 1-turn (or maybe 2 would work, just no more 5-turn stuff) duration is not so potent, but they could still be effective debilitation deterrents, and it made placing them more commonly in the player's hands more feasible.
  12. For the Atelier fans here: Dead of Alive 6 is getting Gust costumes. A major fighting game franchise with some reputation for smut (be it warranted or overplayed).
  13. Cliffhanger Dramatic Unexpected Exists Multiplies Rushes Sequel Monolith Shock Hope Wait Speculate Buy Impatient Eager Me The diamante is a good alternative to the haiku for light poetry.
  14. https://www.siliconera.com/a-look-at-how-much-fire-emblem-developer-intelligent-systems-has-grown-lately/ IS has revealed it's employees have risen to 169 as of last month. Pre-Awakening, IS stood at 130 employees, and now women make up 31% of that workforce.: IS's employees are divided as follows: Graphic Designers – 68 Programmers – 63 Planners (Designers) – 14 Sound Creators – 10 Hardware Engineers – 4 General Affairs/Accounting/Sales – 10 Oddly, I don't see anyone here designated as a "Writer", are some of those Planners? Or are writers something you don't include as permanent positions? Who is churning out the supports? I wish to know. For a couple comparisons regarding size, some other Nintendo associated/owned developers: Monolith Soft- 224 (actually went up to 230+ in recently, but I can't find the exact number). Game Freak- 143 HAL Laboratories- 169 (the same as IS now). Unfortunately, I don't have numbers for Nintendo EPD- it's largest dev team. Nor for any division of Koei Tecmo that might have been responsible for Three Houses.
  15. Lord is niche at best, so no. Res +2 is hardly anything for these lardlings, it needs to be bigger. Subdue is a waste of a CA slot unless you really need that accuracy or don't have anything better, or, you want to feed kills. But ideally, you should need less than Subdue's extreme 1 HP remnant to feed kills to weaker units. Since Subdue requires mastering the class, you could argue the Class EXP would've been better put into something else. Charm would be good if you could unlock it with mastery, but you can't. And because of this, you're kinda undermining the leaders' combat optimization in order to give them this measure of support. Would not Dimitri prefer to Cavalier across the battlefield, Claude shoot from +1 Range, and Edel ride unrestrained a white feathered steed in preparation for getting a scaly one? I guess Authority training is a use for Lord, but it depends on what higher rank Battalions are available early, and how much quickly you can get to them. And that is beyond my understanding of 3H. Oh, Sword training too as others have said, but each leader's good Sword CA is at A. How long will it take for this investment to pay off? Claude probably sacrifices the least going Lord, since Barbarossa will mean he has to get used to less bow range eventually.
  16. I've finished the Orb hunt in DQXI. Now onto Arboria, the First Forest, and Yggdrasil at last. While some of the Orbs came unexpectedly too easy, the game is still very fun. I kinda lucked out with my semi-intentional Metal and Liquid Metal Slime hunting, everyone is ~35-36 now, overleveled by a bit for sure. But I do find Metal hunting for all that delicious EXP delightful. I found it odd, yet coincidental the Orb hunt involves SPOILERS... And I grinned a little when a Tockle gave me a Pastword to the Altar of the Undeciphered. Running through my mind "wait, I'd remember if a game had "undeciphered" in its subtitle" I quickly realized that "Undeciphered" was a non-meta way of saying "Untranslated". In other words, Dragon Quest X, the one mainline game not to leave Japan. I do wish DQX could leave Japan, and I remember a few years ago one of its developers expressed a desire to bring it to the West, even if in an offline form. I've never played a real MMORPG, and I am not interested in paying any subscription for gaming, but I'd want to give DQX a try, and an offline version would be absolutely fine. Not sure what Race and Vocation I'd pick.
  17. Nintendo porting 8 as opposed to making 9 I guess is why it has no DLC. Gotta save New Donk City and Rosalina for the new game with brand new features, can't attach it to the old one well, they could, they just don't want to. Speaking of Mario, the Switch is young enough that I think we could get an SMO sequel. I'd want one at least. Not sure how to go about it differently though.
  18. Sanders might not be able to grab the swing states. Not to mention attempting to bring America to 100% renewable energy in 10 years is impossible. Biden hasn't put together a strong campaign. Warren has lost the leftist vote to Sanders. Klobuchar and Buttigieg are too white and unappealing to rally the African-American and Latino votes. Bloomberg just lost his debate credibility and is trying to buy a nomination. And for some reason, Gabbard and Steyer are still in it? We're doomed. Thats how I feel. I'd still toss my ballot to Sanders and encourage others to do the same. But the global far right wave will last another four years in this country. So much for the "blue wave" two years prior, it was a ripple, destined to ebb.
  19. 100% customizable I agree would be too good. Opting for distinct sets, partial sets with a fixed base are probably for the best in terms of balance. I like this. I really do. I remember how both of the two-decades old Devil Summoner games had you pick one of three spell lists for their respective heroine. It didn't tell you outright what gave what, but each spell set had a premise. Devil Summoner 1 gave you the picks of: Offense, Healing, and Support; though you were guaranteed some of each regardless. Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers gave you a choice of: Fire and Expel, Ice and Death, and Elec + Sexy Dance & Megidola; each option had a distinct ultimate spell too, but they all shared the same set of healing spells. For Reason, I see you went the Soul Hackers way of elemental division: Fire, Wind & Thunder, Dark. For Faith, I see you went the way of DS1 with functional differences- Healing, Support, Offense. Great idea for constructing them. The only issue is nobody playable gets Bohr as is, but coding it so Commander/General possessors are immune would fix that. I'm only chiming in on spells, because Byleth is so devoid of usefulness there as is. Robin was best going magical, and Corrin probably wanted to given the resources (and Kris... probably prefers physical if they don't need to Starlight Gharnef). But Byleth is at best an okay offense hybrid with a Levin Sword, Ragnarok and Aura are the best Reason and Faith Byleth gets, and they're both so-so spells.
  20. Though I haven't paid any attention to Fates's plot, I nonetheless liked the notion of the Tribes. For the Ice, I fanficted some classic "civilization" vs. "barbarian" clashing between them and Nohr since time immemorial. With the Ice Tribe on its best days establishing a Nohrian dynasty or two, and perhaps a distant genetic link in the veins of the current royal family even. Ultimately, brute force won Nohr supremacy over the Ice Tribe in the current day. For Wind, I went in a different direction. Still an antagonistic history with its big settled neighbor, but presently not so hostile, with Wind choosing a more peaceful acculturation to Hoshidan ways, if still fiercely independent and wanting to be treated as equals to the dawn giant. For Flame, well, my fanficting did some radical changes, but basically I set their native lands in southwestern Hoshido and southeastern Nohr. When threatened with extermination by Nohr and Hoshido b/c their lands were desired, Valla intervened. Under Valla's protection, the Flame Tribe relocated to the far north, more so on the Hoshidan side of the continental divide, avoiding extermination and being given rights to pilgrimage to and set up permanent businesses related thereto in their sacred indigenous lands in the south. Displacement, but not of the severest and worst kind, culturally and politically, the Flame Tribe survives. Better very arguably than being the Ice Tribe, who are still on their native lands, but now stomped under Nohrian boots. The Wild Tribes are world unto their own which due to the anatomical differences. Hostilities with the major powers yet again, and other human nations too, but mostly in their own little bubbles. Their continued existence is supported by some old but revered scriptures declaring they are valuable creatures, even if the secular world discriminates against them. And right before Tellius, we got Magvel and Rausten, another theocracy. Of which we know... nothing! Quite the contrast in just two games. We don't even know why Latona, only one of two named heroes out of five, settled near the Demon King's corpse. I had to fancanon Latona's supposed sense of justice led him to entail his family and country to the eternal duty of defeating and restraining evil, and that would be best done by residing besides Darkling Woods.
  21. What game has ever done Noble vs. Commoner well? I can't think of one that has. At best, it's "Good Nobles" as an exceptional bunch allied to the good-on-the-whole Commoners, set against the mass of Bad Nobles. Or, the game makes most/all your characters nobles, but the game doesn't have class warfare. I blame this on the fact, that while most nobles were not necessarily the intentionally evil people games make them out to be, their value system is ultimately incompatible with ours in the modern world. How do you argue in favor of bloodlines being the primary determinant as to who exercises socio-political and economic power and who is excluded from that power? I do think it might be possible to make nobles not quite so unreasonable. On the grounds of: "My family has slaved for generations in the bureaucracy and military, our moments of excessive pleasure are found only between 72 hour stints of crunching dry, dry numbers to assure this country is ran well. Those extreme joys too are only savored when we come back alive from the battlefield, where for our country, our families, god, king and people, we plunge into the most harrowing of straits without the slightest fear of death. Honor my family so, people of the majority, allow us to continue to match our decadence with self-flagellation, for only then do we have our worth and balance in lives. Our gift to you is freedom, freedom from so heavy a burden, lives even and usually devoid of our extremes; mild happiness, mild sorrow, how boring it may seem, how boring I wish mine life could be!" -Of course this soliloquy described above would require a nobility that doesn't overtax its peasants, misspends what it takes, steals their young ladies for rape and its young men for sacrifice in war. This doth require a nobility that treats the commoners it oversees well, quite well. If it does not give them bliss, then they suffer, and suffering under a Bad Noble is very likely equal or worse than any suffering to be gained if the Bad Noble was overthrown. Noblesse oblige of the highest standard is required, genuine self-sacrifice par excellence. -- The other two fights of the Langrisser demo were fine. L2 Chapter 5 was good, and Chapter 6 leaned a tad too easy. I can start seeing how mercenary costs can wear become expensive in time, though I am noticing I probably could've trimmed a few units, particularly Archers. The Lich I noticed was a weak commander, but its Skeleton minions were strong, a clear instance of where it's better to go for the leader over their mercs. But I'm trying to chop down the mercenaries whilst not compromising my units or the map objective, because it seems like a lot experience and gold would otherwise be missed.
  22. On average at level 15, his Str should be 10.6 and Spd 11.2; with 39 HP, 9.9 Skl, 5.6 Lck, and 8.8 Def. So, you aren't really screwed. Lott is just that way, heck it appears his 20/20 Str average is 20, on a Warrior, at max level. Capped HP, and 20 Skl, 21 Spd and Def ain't so terrible though, if taking forever to reach. Dorcas and Bartre are opposites on the Spd problem. Bartre at least needs to be a level 5 Warrior (before the chapter's start) to recruit Karla remember. Fortunately, with a Swordreaver and the bare minimum stats and Iron Rune, Bartre is guaranteed to survive Karla, so you can promote at 10 if you don't actually want to use him no probs. Dart looks good offensively. The accuracy buff to Axes and Lucklessness of enemies should be in your favor too. And if you hack yourself the Double Dash Demo Disc bonus items, you can toss him the Emblem Seal. And status staffs, if you never noticed that. It's Lilina's inner Caeda at play. Just as Caeda could recruit some random characters in Castor, Roger, Navarre, and Lorenz, so too does Lilina get to convert two bandits you would never think of using her on. And remember, don't kill Raydrik on Monday! Yes, Raydrik.
  23. I'd agree to this. Mainline Musou has already done this in Empires games, and the 3DS Samurai Warriors too (wherein they start with one of two unique movesets, but bonding with others lets you use their weapon type). And being a spinoff, nobody should be so critical of an avatar. Split paths in the story mode with an avatar aren't impossible as an aside. Considering HW had its triple-two chapter split and Lana, the heroic OC, only went into one path. Or, they could mimic the 3DS Samurai Warriors, where the avatar freely hops from one group to another for Part 1 (Parts 2 & 3 are all Oda & Toyotomi, Part 4 lets you pick either Western Army (Yukimura) or Eastern Army (Ieyasu)).
  24. I didn't see this was done. Thank you! I'll be having fun some months from now with this.
  25. Point taken. Getting the engine done is probably the most important/hard thing. And 3H runs on it you say? The flexibility to use it for two very different games is incredible, would be a harder test of it than FEW2 could ever be barring technical performance. But, my "saturation" concerns, without hard evidence, remain. FE and Xenoblade both Nintendo 1st/2nd party titles and each is an RPG. Now, the difference between SRPG and plain old JRPG is big, I know there are FE fans who don't necessarily find JRPGs fun, so the audiences do not entirely overlap, I fear there is still too much of that. Would potential buyers go "I only have so much cash for games at the moment, so I should only get one Warriors for now, even if I like FE and Xeno"? I could more realistically envision HW2 or even a Mario or Pokemon or Smash Warriors (not that I'd want any of these things, Mario would be really out of place) releasing within a year FEW2/XBW, because Mario/Poke/Smash has a much wider audience and difference in feel. And a Trails/Ys Warriors, being JRPGs but from a different company with different console- mostly non-Nintendo- preferences, means there would be less fanbase overlap with FEW2/XBW, so a same-year release here would be more feasible too. It's a really specific "saturation" concern I have here.
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