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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Not to harshly criticize and discredit centricism (not to call it perfect- the 1950s "consensus" against pushing race relations too far) and "working across the aisle", but I remember reading this a couple months ago.: https://www.vox.com/culture/2019/9/16/20857281/the-west-wing-20-anniversary-primetime-podcast-episode-bartlet-biden This passage caught my attention: "But, as many on the party’s leftmost flank would now argue, the failure of Barack Obama’s administration to win over Republican legislators, despite having one of the most gifted orators in generations behind the bully pulpit, would seem to unseat The West Wing’s ideals, to firmly prove you can’t solve all society’s ills with the right speech and a little politesse." What to do then? Win the presidency and 50+ in the Senate while holding the House, that seems about the only thing that can be done that'll get good done. Whatever is best, I just humbly hope it happens.
  2. [(Father's Gold + Mother's Gold) / 10] + 2000 So the minimum is 2000. The max, with two parents of 50000 each, is 12000. Thus, it's always better to have a parent buy something for their respective child, than have the child themselves buy it if possible. Wrong! Are you even looking at the map? This is what I saw (unit class and number spoilers for FE5): But some say I have the power of seeing invisible people, or the power to borrow pics of others' quick hacks. Seriously though, people invisibly exist in FE, do ya think Grannvale had less than 100 soldiers defending Issach? Pretend Leif, Nanna, and Finn are each backed by some of the ~40 people seen there, and more. RIP Lester. Midir's son is done. The Brave Bow is lost, not that anybody needed it.
  3. This will not end well. Nintendo opens its first official store in Japan, and it couldn't be bothered to use the coolest new Link. TP feels sooooo dated at this point. Same shopping mall in Shibuya, and Capcom opens its own store. Ryu looks like he's holding Sonic. Can I have one of these, but Xeno? At Nintendo New York please.
  4. You can jump ahead to Origins if you want. It'd be something like playing Torna before XC2 maingame, though not exactly.: The brighter side: The main storyline of Origins is more independent, the prequel was started only after Eternal Wings was released. BKO lays some groundwork for EW ~20 years later, but it is mostly confined to itself. I can't say too much. Torna by contrast doesn't show you the exact scene of Mythra being awakened by Addam IIRC, since XC2 shows you that, and Malos is still alive and kickin' at the end wanting to do more destruction. And you don't get that moment for Jin. Albeit going in reverse actually left me tantalized during the main narrative about what it was. The downer side: Yet, you'll still find oodles of references big and small from beginning to end in Origins. And those references come from things found as late as the final dungeon of EW. So XC2 is better in that you can leap into Torna after Chapter 7 and you'll know everything you need to for it. -Not that I think anyone should try that, since C7/8 is so close to the end. I was weird, because I made it about halfway through Eternal Wings several times without completing it as a kid, I don't know why I suddenly paused on them, only one incomplete was because of the infamous first dungeon of Disc 2 boss fight. But I still knew the gist of how the rest of the game went, because the game guide had so many lovely spoilerific images, not that I minded at that age. Then I got Origins, and that I actually played to completion no problem. I played through it twice even. It wasn't until a few years later that I did a full run of EW and saw the stuff I missed. I found a translation of an interview that was in Eternal Wings's artbook. I won't link it, because it has major spoilers at some points, but I saw this notable nugget: "- How would you place Baten Kaitos among Monolith Soft's creations? Sugiura: I'd like to make Baten Kaitos into a series, like the Xenosaga series. If I succeed, I'd like to make it into the anti-Xenosaga - in a good sense." Not sure what is exactly meant by this, but it might mean "not sci-fi". It looks like BK was made using a separate, secondary Monolith team from the Xenosaga one. EW was released between XS Episodes I and II. Thank you! Flight! Is still as aspirational as ever if only it didn't play in that one endgame shop with the broken stuff. Grahf still overloads me with awe. Bringing out his "face" for One Who Bares Fangs At God was a great touch. Unless you're Zelda. I saw two Symphony of the Goddesses (2012-2017) concerts in New York City, with a poster from the first framed in my bedroom. I had a spiritual experience I kid you not after the second performance when I got back home and stood before it. Does the three-point sign of the cross work for the three Golden Goddesses?☺️ I'd say they should do a few more tours, but that'd require Zelda have a soundtrack again. And, it looks like Pokemon had a global Symphonic Evolutions from 2014 to 2018. I would not want them to start up again though, because I'm afraid some people will be throwing potted plants and whale inflatables at the stage.
  5. Agreed. It's like all I heard of Freikugel being broken in SMT Nocturne and a physically-oriented main character being the best. That was bad advice, because Freikugel exists for a mere 2% of the game, and it isn't all that strong even. And, the Demi-Fiend from what I played would make far better sense going Vit in the hospital, then Mag until you get about 10-15 points, then you get the Nirvana Magatama for Divine Shot, and at that point you run a dual-cannon build with all your points going into Str. Focus + Divine Shot/Spiral Viper/Deadly Fury/Deathbound on things without weaknesses, and when something has a weakness or is resistant to Phys, you use a spell, Tornado being great in power and availability. Keep a skill slot open for Mind's Eye on Hard. You only pivot to full physical when Freikugel comes at the very top of the final dungeon To stay on topic for Final Fantasy, Enemy Skills > KotR, because Enemy Skills can carry you for a much bigger slice of the game, and takes less time to obtain/get the good stuff. It does taper off and lose to KotR in the end, but it's a "Jagen" of FF, albeit one with "Stefan-esque" recruitment conditions to get Aqualung, Beta, Trine, White Wind, and Big Guard- the most important spells. FFX Summon Rushing is "better" than these both of those things though, in that there is a much higher chance of an average player discovering the strategy and using it. It holds strong as a great way to kill/severely damage bosses from beginning to nearly the end too.
  6. I getcha. That it was composed by Yoko Shimomura and not ACE+ is very noticeable. Before or around the same time as XC1, I was playing a game with this battle theme of hers. Although Time to Fight is the "first" Xenoblade composition, sounding in its very first trailer.: The world and warfare was ready, its name and Fiora's hair were not. I think Shimomura was the only composer announced originally too, the others were mentioned later. To be fair, Shimomura had a reputation at this point, I don't think ACE+ (and Manami Kiyota not to forget her) did, Xenoblade made theirs'. Listening to this again, I forgot it it existed. It reminds me of the one Xenosaga track I've ever heard (and loosely intend to keep that way barring what else gets into crossovers for first impression context to endure until the time comes). "Landscape" was just my way of justifying how boring and empty of action the entire fanfic I extracted that from was. I took the Heroes of the Aegis War partway through their journey, and threw them through an ordinary ether miasma that when dispelled became a momentary dimensional crack, just to have some method of how they got to where they did. They spend three days stuck in the utter boondocks of a foreign sky. Which they deduce is another dimension b/c Siren and Ophion can't be contacted, all the Blades have a nonfatal low-ether fatigue issue b/c it doesn't seem to exist here (not affecting the humans, Minoth the least of the Blades), and Minoth and Brighid read a few books in town to find nothing familiar. They meet the mother of Baten Kaitos: Origins's male protagonist, they relax on the island to kill time until they can get ship to Mira to see if on the highly-unlikely-but-they-have-to-take-it chance that they could find a portal back to their sky. After three days they leave for the portal, see en route that the dimensional crack has opened again, they return to Torna with only milliseconds having passed since they left. Nothing eventful unfolded, no big bad monsters slain, no sparring sessions with heroes of another realm. An idyllic moment before Lora and co.'s return to heroic ordeals. I set it sometime maybe a year or two before BKO begins to avoid having to write interactions between two sets of heroes, that was beyond my talent to handle. Gena was at the core of what I wanted, I wanted Lora to cry because of her. But then I recalled Lora wanting to start an orphanage with Jin, here she was in one, and this would make her happy, doing her character greater justice by showing a fuller extent of who she is.
  7. Eh... I'd rather go for divine anorexia excuse for Claud, not that it's always my choice. Fasting to the point that you start hallucinating. It's the clothes are thick and bulky, not him.
  8. This was... *checks* two years after Final Fantasy X. Admittedly, that was four after FFTerrible. But point being, I would hesitate to use the word "zeitgeist" but the same something, be it a toxic gas leak that makes you atheist, I could see as lingering in the air of some all-valued "young adult" JRPG community. I would need evidence enough to fill an academically-reputable book to "confirm" this though. Not to justify ToS's use of the cliche. And given this cliche continues to endure, how much can a "something of the moment" be used to justifiably explain the presence of Y, is open to argument. ToA's Score Score Score! church came as worse to me. Could be first formative game bias of course. But: The Sylvarant church is blissfully ignorant it's a pawn of True Bad, and so is the Tethe'alla church. The only corrupt figure in either IIRC is a pope who is really evil to his daughter, a fingerling potato's skin in the whole of the plot. The real evil wears the stylish trappings of faith, but nothing more. Abyss on the other hand, the evil is embedded right in the church. It's one unsympathetic man, one so-so lackey who had good intentions but is otherwise mad, and their god-generals. These sit the ecclesiastical offices and do their bad dressed in blandest clothing. The distinction I draw one could completely brush aside as nonexistent. ToS True Bad uses church as a pawn, it is "ecclesiastical", not being at the surface level such that the True Bads can be seen on a daily basis by hundreds and thousands who know who they are, is utterly irrelevant. And they had no reason to not trust each other. Those without ulterior motives have nothing to hide and the others don't show any visible grounds to hide stuff from. As for those with ulterior motives, they should've wanted the others to trust them, since ulterior motives are always carried through better if you get people to trust you so you can play them more. Let's take a glance at prior announced-in-advance Tales one-liner themes, doing a quick look to find their espoused "genre names": ToP- "Legendary RPG" ToD- "RPG of Destiny" 🙄 ToE- "RPG of Eternity and Bonds" ToR- "RPG Where You Will be Reborn" (And apparently coexistence between different races, and "rebirthing" those relations.) ToS- "RPG That Resonates With You" (Shouldn't this be Abyss's?) ToL- "RPG Where Bonds Spin Legends" ToA- "To Know the Meaning of One's Birth RPG" ToT- "RPG That Awakens the Soul" ToI- "RPG to Tie Thoughts Together" ToV- "RPG to Enforce Justice" (Aw yeah!) ToH- "A Meeting Between Hearts RPG" ToG- "RPG to Know the Strength to Protect" ToX- "RPG of Unwavering Convictions" ToX2- "RPG Where Your Choices Spin the Future" ToZ- "RPG of Passion Lighting the World" ToB- "RPG of Discovering Your Own Reason to Live" These are kinda funny. Reminds me of nengos/nianhaos- Japanese/Chinese era names.
  9. Gotta agree, the jazzy elegance is brilliant here. Definitely the best standard battle theme of Xeno. Followed by Mechanical Rhythm, Xenogear's Stage of Death, Time to Fight, XB2's Battle!!, and lastly Black Tar even if for once the lyrics aren't broken English or German. It is done! My Torna tGC meets -slightly- BKO "landscape" fanfic is written. It took longer than I expected. About two dedicated days. It's single-spaced size-12 font 20 pages, and over 13000 words. No dialogue and glacially paced, but if I ever mustered the courage to write some, I could make the conversion without any worries. All to get this picture out of my head:
  10. I just brush aside the Claud convo. He doesn't have it unless he marries Edain- he doesn't even share the vision with Silvia, if he had it there. I'm also okay with the Turnwheel, though I try to use it not, even if it makes me play a little less cautious than I otherwise would. SoV and 3H don't have plots insofar I'm concerned, so its narrative implications don't bother me. A quick retcon to "I feel an ominous wave of dread" would fix everything. Sigurd, Dew, and Jamke already shared one. But they weren't married yet. I means the Loptians would've liked to cotton swab her with some Arvis seed as soon as they caught her, but I don't think they did that. It's wwwwwwaaaaaay safer to presume no sex until the marriage night. So beheading Arvis now would've stopped the return of Loptous.
  11. The Kaga Saga-ist above answered the question better than I could have. One must remember that the enemy can't see things from the player's perspective and the heroes, the enemies. Learning the personalities of each other requires in-person meetings, but if one side distrusts the other too much, then that can't happen save on the battlefield. Julius wasn't entirely wrong to assume the worst in Runan, but we the more-knowing player understand that that is sadly uncalled for. --- I didn't truly care for Barker or Julius and their underling officers. They weren't bad, but having them fight Runan, at least when things shifted to the 3rd split, seemed wrong. They deserved to die fighting or uniting with Sennet, who by this point at the very least was known to be the heir to Canaan. I did appreciate the measure of nuance they had in that they did support Canaan itself, but with a measure of defiance. They didn't like Gerxel, they didn't want to conquer the world, they wished their father wasn't under Carla's influence. But, they did try to preserve the empire's gains, they did not fight tooth and nail for every meter of it, but they did have a defense stance with the intent of consolidating the empire's gains in Reeve, even if it meant surrendering the Salia possessions. Their disobedience should've gotten them in trouble, but being the crown princes gave them enough clout to avert punishment. Gerxel took control of Canaan, but other than the Black Knights some ~15 years prior, the military they did not purge it appears. It seems "realistic", the same way Ashnard preserved the old Daein military (Bryce, Ena's sub-boss Kasatai, Tauroneo) while placing his new "meritocratic" one in effective control. Gerxel needed as many soldiers as possible for Empire, and I guess they saw value in keeping the old guard alive, as long as it didn't show too much chafing. Although from a nitpick perspective, by the time they yield Razelia through leaving it largely to the Razelians to defend, I'm left wondering if that was too much defiance realistically speaking and that they should've punished the crown princes for it. An excuse to cover this exists though- four Yutona-marked maidens exist, all have their locations known, Gerxel's return is imminent, the Black Rain will reclaim the universe for their cause. Losing territory does nothing to help their cause, keeping it is more useful than not, but if the Gerxel Cult was absolutely assured in its belief that they would resurrect Gerxel in a matter of months, then they could brush it off. -The same can be said of any evil god-resurrecting cult and losing their physical empires. Chapter Julius- whatever number it is, was... bizarre. I should want it erased from memory, it was a terribly meaningless fight, with what might be more realistic at times village visit reactions. Yet, I'll choose to preserve it. There is some value in it.
  12. True. I'm convinced all video challenge boils down to three things at most: Knowledge (information) and Wisdom (applying information) Reflexes (not present in all games) Luck JRPGs don't have the second factor, so they're inherently easier to ace. You can have all the knowledge about Dark Souls/Street Fighter combat, it's worthless if you can't input the dodges, blocks, and attacks at the right times.
  13. I wouldn't put Azelle in the Merrics. He has too much wrong to classify as one. There are three True Merrics to me: Merric, Asbel, and Soren. Then, there is the near-True Merric I hesitate to accept, but acknowledge: Ricken. Then, there is the wannabe True Merric I choose to ignore: Hayato. Then, there is the Merric of right hair and join time, but not right relation or magic affinity: Lugh Then, there is the gameplay and general personality Merric, but who lacks for the relation and the all-important hair color on top of magic affinity: Erk. Then, there is the Merric without right-hair and right-relation that exists in Lieberia: Maruj. No other Merrics exist. Azelle has sex and join time, but not right-relation and right-magic affinity. The three True Merrics are very distinctive despite what they share, and I love all three of them.
  14. You know it couldn't be Florida Cat, they're too smart to be so absurd. I recall reading the Florida Man phenomena owes something to police reports in the Sunshine State having to be made public fairly soon after the events that unfolded. It's not necessarily other states don't have weird ****, it's just Florida's **** comes to light before any other state's does. I love the pun in the name. I don't think other generic Drivers had wordplay names. Why'd they put them there anyway? You're a bad person for picking the fight, since they're just harmlessly in town looking a bulletin board. If I were to imagine the reason, they're probably the first Driver enemy you can fight, and don't those seem to have a good chance of dropping Core Crystals? I done something unusual- I've almost brought a fanfic to "completion". And I know I'll be able to finish it. No dialogue makes it utterly dreadful to read, and it's slow, meandering through what is less a narrative as it a series of landscape portraits. But, I did it. It took this idea for a fanfic that I had in my head and committed it in full to written word, albeit it was probably more beautiful kept in my mind. I'm up to almost eight single-spaced pages, it's all I've been doing today lifeless I am. Still, it's a little gift to Torna. And I might with the table set around it, be able to hone in on one particular moment of interest and bring out the imagined poignancy through a short dialogue.
  15. You've never heard of sinecures or simony and benefices? What do these mean? Give 💰, get easy job, easy job usually equals 💰💰💰 in the long term. Or you can opt for favors in kind over money bribes. Pull a few family strings for a new gilded designer massage chair for the King of Aching Backs of Zenith, and you can get a no-show job in the bureaucracy or military that pays dividends for the nothing work. Don't worry, your job won't be purged from officialdom as long as the wheels of government stay greasy. If you have to though, add some more lard to the system to keep it going. You can increase your net income if you invest in putting a few more family members into the system. Did you know another Anna is Supreme Architect of Review of Zenithian Public Works?
  16. Agreed, it robs Travant of some of his agency and makes him Loptian Pawn #6. He and his spiritual successor Naesala both get robbed of agency in their second games.
  17. Vesperia has a horrendous narrative. The first arc... did it even feel like a first arc? Compared to ToS, A, and X, it definitely ended on a smaller scale. Not inherently a bad thing, but SAX each had a banger of an arc ending. For the second arc was the betrayal necessary? It felt too short and too insignificant, that is was shoved in there b/c Tales must have a traitor. Even worse was the conceit that the second arc's villain was in any way someone you'd get emotionally invested in, the game seemed to sincerely think you would. They weren't, they were FE6 Pesky Nobles bad, generic and without anything of a cause worth commenting on. This left the 3rd arc's villain, who I actually liked, shortchanged and underdeveloped, with your reason to give them pathos told to you and poorly at that. Tales of Vesperia has Yuri, and thank goodness it does. It feels insulting to Yuri that he must be stuck with such a lackluster plot. He'll bear with it because he's used to life being a bit rough, but he deserves better. Yuri is the light, Yuri is the good, Yuri is the universal salvation. Yuri, Yuri and more Yuri! Remove Yuri, and ToV's narrative would collapse like a hot soufflé at the North Pole. Estelle is an agonizingly generic heroine for so pleasantly unorthodox a hero. Flynn can't hold up the story the same way he never shows proof of being able to reform the imperial knighthood and government like he says he will. The idea of Karol taking the lead is a funny parody idea, but the guilds are not developed well enough despite the Empire vs. Guilds idea being interesting on paper. Judith with the camera angles toyed with enough could in an alternative take on ToV where Yuri didn't exist become the main protagonist, with Estelle retaining her secondary protag position and Flynn as the third wheel. Honestly, I wouldn't mind two versions of ToV: Judith-centric with the magic blastia-entelaxative mumbo jumbo taking the thematic center. Yuri & Flynn with the blastia all shattered and set aside for a Reform Without vs. Reform Within thematic focus. It would be about a purely human conflict where Yuri becomes the Hero of the Guilds and Flynn becomes the Hero of the Empire. Add a little nuance by forcing Yuri to attempt reform within once he climbs to the heights of the guilds and has to work out its bad apple gels. Flynn could help Yuri of course by pinpointing attacks on the corrupt guilds, thereby he would in a way become a reform without-er. Flynn's platonic bromance with Yuri is good. Association with Yuri has to remedy his shameless recycling of Guy's body, and the unrelated fact that Flynn never changes anything. Yuri proves right that might from without is the only thing that can start great change, its so lopsided and only Flynn's Notice Me Senpai lady lackey serves to show wrong with Yuri's way. As for Patty, she only became a PC in the PS3 port. They tried to fit her in there, and it was had some success, but it wasn't perfect, she is still irrelevant to the main narrative. Karol at least serves as a representative for the Guild Union. Although both are bad in gameplay, everyone but Yuri and Flynn feel just too dang slow with the normal attacks and like I'd have to guzzle TP to do anything with them. I wish Repede attacked faster, and that he had more of a backstory, albeit not a bad cliche one. I still don't get why Repede was invented, I like the playable dog, but I don't understand why he was added. I would take that direction. The jump from "I'm important do stuff for me!" to "I'm a pathetic, selfish little person who deserves no love and is nothing. I should do stuff to amend how bad I am, because I am bad-" Tear: "Luke acknowledging you've been wrong and worthless is fine, but you're wallowing in self-antipathy too much, get to actually helping", isn't necessarily for the better. Neither Luke is by any means likable, both can be annoying, but nowadays, I think Luke 1 is more refreshing than Luke 2&3, personally speaking. I still harbor a lot of fondness for ToS's main villain, and laughed at a certain free DLC in one game because of it. ToX's might just better written without my first game bias. Good point on ToS and ToA. The Desian Grand Cardinals are "villains of the day who die that day on an anime", being very simple and cartoonish who mostly die real fast. The God-Generals are strong on the whole.: Dis is comedic and a little bit sad in how much he wants his friend. Arietta is a loli with monster taming, but you can genuinely feel sorry for her. Largo is more serious, and fits well into the overall narrative theme. Asch is well, Asch. Maybe a tad too Replicaaaaaaaaaaaa! for me, but he ain't bad. Sync is my favorite, so goodly pitiable. Legretta is the one stinker of the lot. I can't feel sorry for her, much because she shows too much sympathy for the main villain, who isn't worthy of it. I don't know her VA's name, but I know she gets typecasted into this sort of role, Hannit of Octopath Traveler and Einheria of Bravely Default both use her. Unfortunately Einheria was just as lacking. Each of these is also aligned with a playable character, even if Sync's attachment to his playable is thin and quickly shifts to another who already has an associated God-General.
  18. They should've done something with his personal promoted classes' crit animations. Shooting an arrow during a loop-de-loop on your winged mount is 1% less insane than doing a massive twisting backflip on foot, and therefore actually feasible. Is this old news? Or have they announced an expo, despite having another expo that hasn't happened yet having been recently announced?
  19. ToS was my first and at a pivotal young age, so it ranks highly for me. I still think its grand effort at a typical journey complete with eight elemental temples and four human ranches paid off. Gameplay I can the aging in the simple lack of Free Run and the spell queue. Character-wise, I really did like Genis at the time and even then did I ship and him and Lloyd? and Presea (who became symbolic of my depressive side for yeas) and the rest were good. Heck, I even adapted Colette's overuse of "sorry" IRL.😆 Though the first I was to sour on was Sheena, and I'm able to critically view them all now. The others I've played at DotNW (eh, it's cheap), Abyss, then GBA Phantasia never again, Graces f, Xillia, and then earlier this year, Vesperia. I still find Symphonia holds up character-wise for me. The entire cast of Xillia is decent (staff girl) or good though. -Actually, Alvin was... a very mixed bag. Vesperia's duds: Estelle, Raven, Patty once the nautical wordplays have past their three days' mark and now smell like rotting coelacanth; were countered with some good ones: Judith, Flynn, and yes I am a member of the Cult of Yuri. Abyss... Jerk Luke is interesting if not pleasant and I might have preferred this to what he understandably became later. Jade started repeating jokes later, not good. Guy was a swell guy. Tear, well I get she isn't supposed to have emotion in her voice, but the absence wore at my liking for her. Beyond the terrible first impression she gives (everyone but Guy is required to have a bad first appearance though), she becomes a purely typical and inoffensive princess archetype. Asch is okay but grouchy. While Anise... is a little bitter like a certain beverage of star anise and wormwood, but I'd rather drink it than call her good. Anise and I could agree that Ion is sweet though. Graces is a total bomb narratively and character-wise after the civil war, but we all know that. I can't salvage Hubert and Malik from this mess no matter how much I want to. Best MC goes to Yuri, then Milla b/c I like Summon Spirits!, then I guess Jude (even if I never played his version of events). Whether Shounen Irving or I'm the Ambassador Dammit! follows depends on the day of the week, but I'd be inclined to pick Midriff Boy as the better as long as someone does not remind me of the Flynn costume of him, some things should not exist in this world. Asbel gets ripped to shreds with Grafcalibur in dead last. And Emil can get caught somewhere in the Lloyd vs. Luke mix. Cress, like all of ToP, barely exists and is only found in the fossil record. Keep in mind I do not care for romance, or think any romances in the above games were handled well. I especially do not ship MillaxJude. ...Fine, EmilxMarta is alright, but RainexRegal was infinitely better and will be for all time. Best villain goes to ToX followed by ToS, though there is little competition. ToA has drywall with five underlings of varying quality, DotNW is a shattered bromance, ToV has no villains, and ToG is a pitiful mess of stupidity, pity, and oaths made at age ~10 under trees. I'd be willing to play Berseria if it came to Switch, it's only a PS3 game, if The Witcher 3 was made to fit, another Tales absolutely could. I could get Zesteria and Xillia 2 too, but Zesty sounds like biting into a grapefruit, and Xillia 2 appears to have ruined Jude visually.
  20. I'd be fine with abolishing leveling in FFVIII. Not all games are built around level progression, skills and equipment can be much more important, and fun/strategic too. FFXII has a hard mode where you're stuck at level 1 the entire game, I've heard it's workable because improving your gear and setting the right gambits is what actually matters and yet I find the game hard on its normal setting.
  21. Well they could add Nihil. Problem is that is a slippery slope, what would it negate? Procs was it was made to stop, but there aren't too many of those in 3H. For it to be useful in general, it'd have to negate more, but certainly not everything- Counterattack can't be negated for one. As for spells, I know it's already the strongest Black Magic around, but why not throw a never-miss effect on Agnea's Arrow? It has only 4 uses at most per map, and is the heaviest thing not a siege or Hades. Being a potent single hit isn't enough to have going for it IMO. For a Combat Art, I'd buff Focused Strike the Axe CA to never-miss. All it does right now is give +30 Hit.
  22. Could Stride + Dance? + Warp + Hammer let you 1-turn? Or not enough Move?
  23. Just imagine if it was FE4 Miracle, an Avoid boost of 10 to 100 for one turn if their current HP was at 10 to 1. For Falcoes, a Silver Bow means you'd likely OHKO them, so it'd make them easier, but for everything else it could be a hassle that'd leave you wanting to make absolutely sure your attacks leave no breadcrumbs behind. FE5 Miracle would mean the fatal hit is dodged, not survived with 1 HP. The result would be the ability to proc Miracle multiple times in a row without needing a heal between each time. And that'd be Lckx3 = fatal hit dodged, ~60 unstoppable dodging on all enemies much? I recall in Chapter 21 Thracia a squad of Wyverns which I mysteriously missed multiple 90s on the leader of, turns out he, and possibly all his goons, had Miracle.
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