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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. At the very least, I think the game should on one of the player unit menu pages tell you to bring Lewyn to Silesse Castle after seizing it. And there is this one line in the opening dialogue: Lahna:“Why, I never! Treating me like an old lady… Levin, I have much to tell you. Come to Silesia. Soon. Understood?” (My bolding) But, I can totally understand someone missing out on Forseti just the same. It's only one line in a long conversation between mother and son. And who looks at certain menus anyhow? I don't think the game ever tells you can find a list of conversations available at the moment, you just have to fiddle around to find it.
  2. If you like museums, Washington D.C. has a lot of federally-funded free ones. Most are located on the National Mall within walking distance of each other. The Smithsonians are the most noted ones, particularly the: National Air and Space Museum National Museum of American History National Museum of Natural History Thats the big trifecta of Smithsonians when people think of "the Smithsonian". Some others include: National Museum of African-American History and Culture National Museum of the American Indian Smithsonian American Art Museum & National Portrait Gallery (not on the National Mall) And the Smithsonian Castle- which is just a pretty visitor's center. There are modern, Asian, and African art museums too, a Postal Museum, and a non-Smithsonian National Gallery of Art. Besides museums, there is the US Botanic Gardens on the National Mall, which is fairly small. The Library of Congress is worth a visit too to the east of the Mall. And, you have no shortage of National Monuments and Memorials dedicated to past wars and great men in history, the Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial being the most famed. And I almost forgot the US National Archives, where the original copies of the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution are carefully stored. Go a just a little outside of DC proper (trolley service exists), and you get Arlington National Cemetery. And Mount Vernon isn't far away either- the historic residence and plantation of George Washington. -But, I don't advise putting too much on your plate. Your feet will otherwise hate you. ---- Speaking of feet bleeding, if you go to New York City and are thinking about "the Met"- the Metropolitan Museum of Art (not the opera house), don't try to schedule any other museums for the day. The place is colossal, with everything imaginable. The just as famed American Natural History Museum is similarly large. For a smaller, not so grand option, consider the New York Historical Society. Several major NYC museums are to the left or right of Central Park, so you can get some greenery in that way by heading there before or after a museum visit. Heading south of Central Park into Midtown Manhattan will bring you to: Times Square Broadway and all its musicals and plays The Empire State Building (not so worth it I'd say, unless you want a great view of the NYC skyline) The New York Public Library (fairly large and elegant inside) The Hell's Kitchen neighborhood to the west is good place to look for food The Nintendo New York store is here too (at/near Rockefeller Center) The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) The Museum of Sex🙄 Going yet further south brings you into Lower Manhattan you can find some museums there. Namely the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, and the One World Trade "Freedom Tower" skyscraper. Wall Street and the New York Stock Exchange are located here. You can cross the famed Brooklyn Bridge by car or on foot if you want into Brooklyn (with a nice museum and botanic garden there I've yet to visit). Lower Manhattan is where you'll find the ferries to get to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. Heading north of Manhattan into the Bronx for the New York Botanical Garden is another option for pretty greenery in NYC. I forget, but April-May might have been the time I went and the roses were on bloom. ---- I'm not as familiar with Philadelphia, but the compact Center/Old City has the historic stuff. Independence Hall and the National Constitution Center are the important things here. Franklin Court is here too, in honor of the founding father on the $100 bill who lived there, with his grave on view. Center City has the Museum of the American Revolution. And within five-hundred steps of it is the tiny but free Science History Institute to provide variety for your museum diet of the day. The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University exists if you want to spend money for a bigger science museum. For another quickie, try the Rodin Museum, it's the second-largest collection of sculptures by Auguste Rodin in the world (only Paris has more). If you're coming with friends, tell them you'll meet them at the Gates of Hell- the bronze sculpture at the building's entrance. If you'd like a big art museum, then the Philadelphia Museum of Art is a drive that isn't too far away. For food, if you're going local, then you should consider a Philly cheesesteak, Pat's or Geno's south of Center City are the big two names. But, there is no shortage of cheesesteak eateries in Philadelphia, just pick one that looks good. For a sweet desert, if you like milkshakes, the old-timey Franklin Fountain (again in Center City) has a delicious selection of them. I've only been to Boston once, years ago, so I can't help you there. And if you're not into museums, well, ignore most of what I've said.😅
  3. Chapter 3 looks like it'd make a good outdoors vacation spot. A great big island with a great big mountain and some forests surrounded by plenty of freshwater to swim in. As for Iote's Shield, this is Macedon, it makes sense it'd be hidden here. But, missing on Iote's Shield isn't too terrible in FE3B2, for you have dismounting, which works just fine for Pegasus Knights. And, the Lightsphere nullifies weaknesses too. There are some chapters where having Iote's pre-Lightsphere would be good, and having two arrow protectors is great, but it isn't so heavily wanted. This has been Palla's profile from the very beginning if you recheck FE1 and FE2. It's unusual for a Pegasus Knight, but she has always made it work. Proof that good bases can counterbalance (not entirely in FE12 on Maniac/Lunatic) poor growths- Spd, and that good growths can counteract poor bases- Str. Catria has always been "faster, more growths girl" but with weaker bases and Str, and Est has always been an Est. At least this leads to some distinguishing differences among the Whitewings. Fortunately, they stop entirely with this nonsense once you get to the desert battle. It isn't like Radiant Dawn where from beginning to end you have to put up with this stuff. Until then, just remember this is an odd practice. I think it was supposed to be purely a fluke. It isn't like they give you any clues for the Pursuit/Followup Ring in FE4, and that I'd say is even harder to discover. The 16-bit era was one where super-duper secretive stuff existed in gaming, a practice that gradually died out in subsequent ones. I'd place its death in the PS3/Wii era after Tales of Vesperia released, that being the last of this archaic kind. Considering Julian is recruited here, and that he has a 100% chance of obtaining Iote's, that could provide just the fluke discovery without it being too obscure. The location of Iote's is around the castle, not wholly unreasonable you'd move him there.
  4. From what I remember in my readings, within the samurai class, those who ultimately led the Meiji Restoration were not those who proposed the most under the Tokugawa Shogunate. Although old and loyal Tokugawa officials certainly did try to modernize, the victory of the Emperor was the victory of the "out group" of nobility. The Tokugawa regime had established a divide in the nobility, centered primarily around which side your family was on at the Battle of Sekigahara, the battle which firmly brought Ieyasu and his family into power for the centuries to follow.: If your family sided with him before the battle Sekigahara was over, you were a Fudai samurai lord (daimyo). If your family sided against Ieyasu at Sekigahara, you were a Tozama daimyo. The Fudai for generations were the favored lot of the samurai, being reserved the highest governmental offices. The Tozama were on the other hand kept out of those high offices, which built up hundreds of years of resentment, despite some still having large fiefs, and in the case of the Shimazu family, a powerful foreign policy position. When the Shogunate began to feel pressured from Western powers, the Shogun, perhaps "accidentally", asked the figurehead Emperor for advice on policy. This gradually opened the door to the possibility of rule of Japan under the Emperor instead of the Shogun. And many Tozama, led by the Shimazu clan and their samurai minions from Satsuma Domain, thus rallied under the Emperor's banner. Although samurai of all stripes did yield to the Emperor's rule and accept modern peerage and stipends, the Tozama (and the pre-Meiji Japanese nobility from Kyoto) for a time did dominate Japanese government. Perhaps, to bring this back to FE, this would have helped Edelgard in your case. Having an "out group" wanting for power, it can be dissatisfied nobles, or an entirely separate class altogether, would make her more realistic. "Meritocracy" then becomes power largely by those who have been denied it. Intraclass or interclass conflict can be exploited in the pursuit of an individual's ambition.
  5. Glancing over this reminds me of Joseph II of the Holy Roman Empire. He was a real world case of a "radical" reformist early modern monarch. He plunged himself into various goals, including: expanding freedom of press, religious tolerance, improving the lot of the peasantry (partly for the sake of cutting back on their rebellions), and reforming (or destroying) the Holy Roman Empire through modern governmental centralization. He wasn't perfect, he, in his workaholic desire to know everything about his realm, established a secret police, I think. But, his well-intentioned reforms at a breakneck pace met disaster against the traditional institutions of the nobility and clergy in the HRE. They turned against him and stymied his efforts everywhere. The Hungarian Magyar nobles in his Hapsburg Empire (separate from his German HRE) were far too stubborn and selfish to enact any reforms, and so their peasants revolted. Whatever he got done, was left incomplete.
  6. They are secretly advocating for placing the world under just one time zone. So, when it's 9:00 AM for you, it'll be morning not too early, but, 9:00 AM for Californians will be the dead of night. And for people in Japan, 9:00 AM will be the late afternoon/early-mid evening. It makes little sense now, but it will in time.
  7. Pretty much. But now you have me pondering whether Cross should be able to date or not. Mimeosomes are the ultimate form of protection/birth control, no chance of STD or pregnancy and without any sacrifice in sensation. Will Game Freak let you see the Pokemon's level before you encounter them? I'm not aware enough of Sword/Shield to know if they'd let that slip somehow. Sure, you'd likely know at a glance that if you saw a Salamence or even just a Medicham amid a group of level 12 Emolgas, that the 'mence or 'cham was likely one of those dangerous Pokes. But, I would imagine there are certain Pokemon that could trip people up. Perhaps, those Pokemon in the middle of an evolutionary family, or Pokemon that can't evolve at all, or evolve only via special means. Where would Dusclops fall? Or Sigilglyph? Or Scyther? I've read a few reviews for Little Town Hero. 6-9 range I've seen. 6 if you don't like it, 7 for the average, 9 if you love it. Technical hiccups as a flaw. Lengthy (perhaps too long) and fairly complex card-game-inspired battles, with an element of luck, is the game's primary offering. Doesn't sound like my cup of tea, not bad, but not exactly good for Game Freak proving it's more than just Pokemon. I'm getting close to the end of 7th Dragon 2020-II. The countdown is at 77 Dragons remaining. Since the game began, I've been seeing that the Tokyo Sky Tower has 46 Dragons. With only the Imperial remaining at the Atlantis ruins, that means exactly 30 dragons are hiding out somewhere else. It's likely the icy-flooded place from 2020, where the last Imperial I need to slay before going against Fomalhaut must be.
  8. Because IS is still working on the radically different Classic and Casual versions. Casual is a lighthearted story of heroism and love, with a censored mode for those who'd rather do without the visuals. You're a tactician whose job it is help your generals in the field, an assortment of parallel-dimension versions of classic FE characters and 2 OCs, all of whom are native to the Kingdom of Erosia, and are fighting against the Schadenfreude Empire. As your position rises in the military, feel free to do things like strip all spending on armor to just sheer underwear, your commanders will fight valiantly to victory any way. Likewise, if you spot an enemy general who looks beautiful, go ahead and order they be captured. Subject them to being whipped with whipped cream and then personally finish the torture by licking it all off their bare bodies if you want. Although if torture isn't how you want to recruit someone, sweet words and chocolates while they're behind bars works too. But Classic will allow the people you haven't bonded with enough to die forever, often in gruesomely brutal ways. Resurrection is possible, but it requires: corrupting necromancy; the wooing of other people only to then sacrifice them to bring back another; or that you give up your own life shortly after one last embrace with your returned beloved. Such is life in this other world, the Blighted Domain of Sans-Magnushumanitas. This is a place in purest anarchy, where might makes right, and the only thing that triumphs over might, is the power of temptation. You're a wretched soul awash in poverty and pain. Climb your way to the top through the one thing you have- charm. Squeeze the bodily fluids out of a top-ranked warlord if you dare to rise that way, it will be very challenging at first when they have so many others dicks and wenches to choose from. Or, if you've the bellicose talent to guide them to the high ground, find a far lesser man or woman far easier to attract, and as you lay besides them, teach them night-by-night how to become the universal conqueror. And go ahead, try to draw in multiple violent lovers, but do be careful, they might abandon you if they find out how far your whoring goes, and it'll be certain they'll sever the heads of the others who rode you. Do you believe in love quadrangles?
  9. Actually, SMT tried to make kid-friendlier games in Devil Children/DemiKids on the Game Boy/Game Boy Advance: But, it didn't last. This was in the era before Atlus abandoned SMT spinoffs (presumably because development costs), which they more or less did on the 3DS, sticking only to two new games and some enhanced ports.
  10. As the joke inventor of a topic now under a four-thousand-years seal about dating Gardevoirs and Tyranitars, I'm a little concerned about this topic's endpoint. The Digimon look far more humanoids than I'd have expected, even if I vaguely recall from the one season I watched of the anime that the little siblings had angelic monsters. The red witch girl looks like a Yugi-oh recolor. And the blindfolded women in the middle remind of this: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner's (and a great many subsequent games) Angel design. It has a blue variant without the bondage too, the breasts get some cloth over them, but nothing for the lower regions. -But I think there is a problem if Digimon, kid-friendly I assume if it competes with Pokemon, has designs that remind me of SMT.
  11. Considering it becomes entirely possible to stack someone with say: Leo, Cancer, Libra, and Gemini for a total of: +70% Str, +60% Def, +40% Spd, and +10% Lck, with the minor losses of -10% HP and Res, you most certainly can. Particularly with how easy it to figure out when someone will level in FE3 due to the simple EXP gain formula. The game gives you no ingame descriptive idea at all that the Shards boost growths though, so you could just not use them. Or you could quit looking a guide and try to figure it out on your own. Or, you could enact a rule of only 1 or 2 Shards per person. That will balance it a bit more. Those stupid chokepoint mountains were bad enough they fixed it for FE12, and I think they fixed it for FE13 too IIRC. Gangrel's Spotpass Paralogue is this map.
  12. See @Dai assertion it's "Gen 1 pre-Yellow classic Pikachu". To provide visual reference: Compare with Yellow's sprite: It isn't an enormous difference, but Pikachu did lose a little weight as part of its first anime contract. Obeseachu hasn't been a thing since then. I do share in the criticism this is all Gen 1. Not a good sign. It isn't like Pokemon even have character to them, they're wild beasts. Ignoring the other Gens isn't like ignoring 50% of Archanea's/Thracia's cast or a bunch of Tellius's RD additions, who have little character to work with. Swoobat and Zubat are both Thracia or are both *insert richly developed FE cast*.
  13. Yeah, I should have flipped my phrasing to "Dark = Gravity". But good point about sci-fi traits being weaved into Light too, photons are particles of pure energy. There are twin brother NPC BLADEs named Lara Mara and Lara Nara in XCX. Both look a little old (35 apparently- anime logic about aging), but they're both muscular, flamboyant and might be wearing lipstick. So gay stereotypes more or less, a little offensive, but not aggressively so. They even get a Special Holofigure posing together called "Visions of Beauty". And, there is this bit of post-battle victory banter.:
  14. The pocket pain won't happen unless you ban lobbyists first. Otherwise they'll shell out whatever it takes to get the rare cards to the right politicians. And, the Secret Service is going to require its budget be expanded tenfold. Not to protect the President, but to do its other job- stopping counterfeiters. Perfect fake cards that nobody notices are illegitimate are the other workaround. -But I'm seriously overthinking things.😅
  15. I didn't notice the flames. Still, it does make Malos look boss. After considering the full extent of Jin's Absolute Zero, and factoring in Xenoblade already has future sight, I think immediate-term time rewind would be a perfectly feasible inclusion. And since Gravity = Dark in XC2 (but I don't think this is ever brought up in lore actually), Malos reversing gravity might be reasonable. Not that Malos need gravity control to explain flying, Sheba off the top of my mind already does it in a bathtub and she's Water-based.
  16. ...And I was just trying to make a terrible pun for the first part. The second part was semi-serious, semi-nonsensical. The damage being preventable part being that, unlike banned weapons, if someone played a card against the rules, you could just invalidate it with no actual effects to the actual card game war. You can't unscramble chemical gas damages. ...I'll just put the above post on the "miss" side of my posting quality average, as opposed to the "hit" side.
  17. I don't think that is being played in reverse, but, it sure looks like it could be.
  18. Or just arrange a Geneva Cardvention. And if someone violates it, the damage is preventable.
  19. They actually had openings listed a few months ago for jobs like "Art Director", "Lead Character Designer", "Physics Engineer", all of which are kinda sorta just a teensy bit important. It was still possibly missing an art director as late as June from what I know. Also, at Retro, ~27 workers from MP3 remain, but less than 10 going back to MP1 are left. Samus should still have it. Remember, the final "fight" of Fusion (unless you consider it to be the SA-X, not unreasonable since the very last fight is cake) is an Omega Metroid. It cripples Samus as she tries to flee the space station she has set to crash, but an SA-X, probably the original, tries to fight the Omega Metroid, only to be swiped at and itself defeated and reduced to its blob form. Samus then absorbs the SA-X, regaining her old Power-Varia Suit and the Ice Beam, which in this final moment is no longer anathema to her Metroid-vaccined person. She uses the Ice Beam to kill the Omega and she escapes. So, the Ice Beam would be certain to return. And one way or another, so would Metroids.
  20. I played Metroid Prime, but only a little. The furthest I've gone far as past Flaahgra to early Phendrana Drifts. I'm not sure if 3D Metroid is for me, even if I casually like 2D Metroid, albeit I am nothing of a speedrunner type. If I stumbled on the Prime Trilogy Collection, maybe I'd try it again, perhaps the motion controls would be good. Why doesn't Nintendo lazily give these a Switch HD port? Still MP is something that has long interested me from afar, I had the Nintendo Power game guide for it. And as a result, I've read up on pretty much every installment of the Prime subseries. -Which reminds me, when will Smash Bros. finally give Samus her Ice Beam? Not even 4's Custom Moves referenced it. Samus could totally use more of her great canon arsenal in her Smash moveset, replace that old Side Smash with a Wave Beam!
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