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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I have a Five Guys near me, it's within a literal 5 minutes of my gym. ๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿคค๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ I haven't had a milkshake from there, but I do like a good black and white, the first I had was from a rare Bobby's Burger Palace. I have one of those close to me too, which I like; it's slightly more upscale than Five Guys. You can get potato chips on your burger there, which is crunchy good, if something you could technically do anywhere, but just never thought of trying.
  2. I don't think you really even have to send units that far into the sands, or that many. After you take the castle not that far into the sands, you don't need to send many units much further. Erinys to poke dead any Meteor enemies in your way, Lewyn to Forseti nuke, and Sigurd to finish Gen 1. Aida betrays and helps you as soon as you fight any Freege unit, and Erinys I recall was able to safely bait a stray Freege. After that, Lewyn can snipe Leptor from over a cliff, and once he dies, the rest of the Freege forces disappear. Most of Chapter 5 is empty space anyhow, the only major fighting ground is the straight stretch between the starting castle and Lombard's.
  3. Was it casual Friday at the courthouse? Was the defendant one of the cosplayers? ๐Ÿ˜† Phantasia was the first Tales game, it did invent the franchise, so it'd make sense it'd get a fair deal of attention. I'm curious about how the 2D Tales are, they don't get the same attention as the 3D ones, so I don't have as much of an idea about their quality. I played ToP GBA, but that is not good. With it being rumored that SNK is getting a Smash DLC slot, I found this ...interesting๐Ÿ™ƒ: An Otome (dating sim/visual novel for straight females) for the King of Fighters series, with what appears to be 15 males featured. Does a more niche fighting game franchise do more niche things than a more well-known one? I've never never heard of a Tekken or Street Fighter dating sim.
  4. Or, it might have something to do with how his Brave turned out vis a vis the others. Sword Infantry are extremely numerous in this game. Camilla and Micaiah are much rarer unit types and were more likely to be have been picked as the free unit, or something people actively wanted to try summoning.
  5. I'm quite indecisive and rather considerate, the idea of ranking everyone would be too much for me. Just finished off TearRing Saga, the ending took more than an hour to get through I think. Slow moving dialogue partly, and partly me wanting to carefully take everything in. I posted a review of sorts in the "Watcha Playing?" topic, but I didn't give it a number or letter grade. As I said, I'm not good with ranking, so I couldn't determine what it should get, nor where it'd fall on list of FEs from favorite to least.
  6. I finished TearRing Saga, the I Can't Believe It's Not Fire Emblem! game. Allow me to give a lengthy dissection of aspects of it, mostly gameplay, in the form of a review: Gameplay: Narrative: Characters: Music and Visuals: No great hits among the music, but it works. No problems with any of it. But not being a Fire Emblem in copyright, I miss the Fire Emblem Theme. The credits has a song with English lyrics, beating out Fates by more than a decade. The PS1 graphics are pretty, quite colorful, the sprites and portraits of characters are great usually. I like the Mediterranean aesthetic of most of the towns and the other map graphics are clean. Animations look good- the spells are cool- and you can turn them off for map animations, which you can choose longer or quicker versions for, the former being simple, yet crisp and dynamic. Conclusion: TearRing Saga is worthy of your time and attention if you are willing to emulate. It might not be your favorite by the time you finish it, but you should still give it a chance, unless something I mentioned above really really turns you off. Although IS will can't do anything with this game- no Cipher cards, no FEH inclusion, no anything- it is still a Fire Emblem beyond the name and legal ownership. If you like the Fire Emblem franchise enough, it's worth a shot.
  7. If Monolith needs more money and a new project, maybe give them Pokemon for a change and take the burden off Game Freak. That Pokemon Masters gatcha came out, and I'm not very interested in it, though I'm happy for those who are. I can understand the joy of getting to use trainers who've you bonded to for years for the first time. But, I've come to something of a realization that what allure Pokemon had for me might not have so much been the battles or the trainers, as it was the world- or at least it is now. And, Monolith is aces when it comes to making open worlds. A gorgeous open-world spinoff, set in a brand new region, or maybe Hoenn (the most "wild" of regions I'm familiar with, plus it'd having underwater exploration- something Monolith hasn't tried before). Not all wilderness, I do appreciate Pokemon towns and cities, but I'd rather they not be as urban as Kanto, more "settlements and outposts" of varying sizes in a primarily untamed region. And speaking of Pokemon, I had a ๐Ÿคฏ moment recently. I never played ORAS, only RSE, so when I saw Brendan's (Hoenn male player character) Masters appearance, I asked why his white hair had become a hat. Then I was told his hair was never white, which struck me as odd. So I went back to examine the old RSE artwork, to discover that a tiny bit of black sideburns stuck out from under the headband near his left ear on the Emerald art. It was then that I realized that indeed, the white was a hat. And looking at the white "hair" again, I realized it looked too blobular like a jello mold to be hair, but only now in retrospect did I see that. May>>>>>>Brendan visually then. As hair, the white was cool and made Brendan=May, but as a hat, it is dorky. Being very new to me, I won't judge his ORAS redesigns. Note: I am not against white hats that cover all or most of a teenage male's hair, Atsuro my Atsubro rocks one.
  8. So the profile then for Smash Ultimate's DLC characters would be: All third party A modern RPG rep with popularity on both sides of the Pacific- Joker An older RPG rep with popularity in Japan- Hero A 3D collectathon platformer rep with popularity in the US- Banjo & Kazooie A Fighting game rep- perhaps because Smash is in this weird place of trying to be both a "Party Game" and something serious in the Fighting genre? ???
  9. Looking at what he says to Eyvel, he says "I never should've led a nomad's life with such a small child to begin with.". But more tellingly flipping back one chapter, is what he says when Mareeta recruits him: "Besides, with the man I am now... with all the blood I've got on my hands... I figured it was better if you didn't have anything to do with me, wherever you were.". So Galzus isn't proud of the life he presently leads, and wouldn't want Mareeta to get involved in it. Which perhaps he thought she would have tried to do if he met her after having Saias freeing her from the cursed sword. And, he now regrets having had her travel with him from the start.
  10. Gaiden has the lowest growths in all of not-Saga FE, nothing else compares. Though Gen 1 Genealogy is on the shabby side, its lowest Growth Rate Total is only 190, which is still better than the majority of NES Gaiden units.: If you're interested in seeing what happened in SoV to those Growth Rate Totals, here:
  11. I don't think he remembers that they're his kids. He can't even remember his wife's name. Be it from traumatic grief or corruption by dark magic, Nergal can't remember it. Ninian and Nils can't remember Nergal as their father either, or they simply couldn't believe he was their father, being that their father was human and should be dead these hundreds of years later. Nonetheless, when Nergal called them through the Dragon's Gate, Nils says he thought they heard "the voice of an old friend". And, on Hector Mode, possibly only if 19xx was visited, starts crying right after Nergal is slain, and Nils doesn't know why. I think the implication there was he unconsciously realized his father had just been killed.
  12. No Fire Emblem game is perfectly balanced, each has outliers of the broken and the underpowered at opposite ends of the "efficiency" spectrum. But, there are those games in which the outliers are closer to the hypothetical mean/median unit, and which the outliers themselves are less numerous. Those Fire Emblems where the outliers and mean/median are closer, are the games with greater balance. Whether one counts "Fix Me Ups" like Shadow Dragon forged effective weapons and reclassing, monster grinding in Gaiden and SS, the Orb fragments and Scrolls of Old Mystery and Thracia, the PoR BEXP dump, the infinite leveling of Awakening, the plethora of Fates options, is up for debate and personal preference. As is the logic of "everyone being broken makes things balanced", which is embedded into many of those above possibilities. I can't choose least balanced, but for most, I'd lean on Blazing Sword or Path of Radiance. Thracia isn't so bad either, with the exceptions of Ronan, Eda, the two Armors, and a handful of cavalry with poor Sword ranks who join in the midgame. I've been playing TearRing Saga, and I might put it in the category of being rather balanced, in the better half of FE at least. And one particular thing I choose to focus my lens on in this topic, Radiant Dawn!: Radiant Dawn is an oddball with its outliers so numerous. The Laguz Royals and Haar rest at the broken end, while others like Tormod, Vika, Fiona, and Astrid are firmly placed at the underpowered endpoint. And yet, I can't unhesitatingly call Radiant Dawn the most unbalanced, even if it has severe problems. My reasoning for that is that the Part system constantly jumbling up your army means that on a given playthrough, I am more likely to use a subpar character than I would in a game with more "traditional" availability. For an example of what I mean: Astrid has a good chance of shooting a few arrows off in RD and contributing that way. Because Astrid is around for several fights where I don't have many units to use and she is being deployed without taking a unit slot that leaves someone better on the bench. Someone like Tomas in New Mystery doesn't have that chance, because only once is he freely deployed, the rest of the game he has to fight for a very highly contested unit slot, when I have so many better units I can choose from. And yet, Tomas is easier to train and make good with long-term payoff than Astrid. Because Tomas once recruited has all of the remainder of the game to train and fight, while the Part system denies that chance to Astrid. This then raises the question- is a game where: Pro- A unit is guaranteed to contribute, however little it may be. Con- That unit's long-term growth is stunted. ...more balanced than game where: Pro- A unit, if you choose to put them in your main lineup, will be able to grow well in the long term. Con- The unit in the short-term makes less contribution on their own without having to use a limited deployment slot ? Which of the two scenarios is more balanced? Ideally you want units to readily contribute in the short-term without being a burden, and to have good long-term growth. But either-or, which matters more to balance?
  13. There is some grounds for this. Developers can make games with multiple playstyles in mind, but fans can go beyond what developers thought their playstyle pool would consist of. To use Final Fantasy X, whilst the developers thought that fans would experiment with Sphere Grid progression on their characters, they likely couldn't have imagined or thought much of No Sphere Grid challenges. And certainly, they could not have accounted for No Sphere Grid No Summons No Overdrive challenges. But, that FFX case is an extreme. FE Fates is far trickier to figure out. IS included so many gameplay mechanics to use or not use, within what ranges did they predict people would use or not use each and every one of those little mechanics? I haven't a clue. I'm feeling too intimidated to wade into the greater discussion at hand this point. Just wanted to make that one comment.
  14. Although I wouldn't necessarily call him the worst, for he is good to Arion, I will mention Travant in this topic. Travant is a nice villain deserving some sympathy, but his relationship with Altena is shown as so poor, that it is the one real blight on his character. Being a villain which certain political aims, his other objectionable act is justifiable, but being mean to Altena has nothing to do with his villainous goal. Therefore, the meanness was unjustified, and goes against what Kaga said Travant's relationship to Altena is supposed to be, one in which he really loved her. The issue is he never expresses the love properly.
  15. The "immigrants steal jobs/welfare/other opportunities 'natives' deserve (like college tuition grants)" argument, whenever I overhear someone bring that up IRL, I sheepishly back away instead of confronting them and proving them wrong. It's not necessarily I want to back away from defending immigration, but rather, I am not armed with the empirical data to contest those against immigration. I know nothing of how large the various social programs are, and what percentage of their revenues are spent on immigrants. Nor do I know the quantity of taxes paid by immigrants. I cannot fight wrongful perceptions with only "good" perceptions, I need hard facts, hard truth to prove my point. Politicians on the left seem to only address the immigration matter on the moral and humane rightfulness of letting people into this country, which is a good argument. But they don't use statistics (ideally accurate ones, bad ones are arguably worse than none) to counter the core complaint of "needy immigrants bankrupting the country and taking 'our' money". That pro-immigration politicians don't attempt to blunt that criticism, leaves them exposed to being branded "Lots of heart, but not enough brain". And it leaves me as I am, someone who has been cultivated with the ideal of a pluralistic society in them, but feeling as though the position they want to unflinchingly adhere to, has a glaring flaw in it. Does anyone actually know where I might be able to find the empirical statistical information which could solidify my position? Ideally from a more centrist or nonpartisan source? And just to make sure I'm not misunderstood: Want to: Be able to defend immigration against those who think immigrants are a colossal drain on taxpayer dollars and social programs. Problem: I don't know where to find information on government spending and income related to immigrants. Not knowing those statistics weakens my abilities to counter those opposing immigration. Pro-immigration politicians (insofar as "the news" covers them) never counter this argument with numbers. That does not help me, nor anyone else out there like me. I hope this is clearly stated enough. I'm on edge after some unfortunately catastrophic mistakes on my part elsewhere.
  16. Tom has a use! So someone told me, and so it proved true! Take him to an Arena, Fort Ligria is fine. Give him lots of bows, or have a man man the Armory for infinite Irons. Teach Arena Fighter to Tom. Fight only non-Mages/Sword units at the Arena. Watch as enemies deal pitiful damage outside of Crits to Tom. If any damage at all. Watch Tom kill said enemies. Watch Tom earn you 500 Gold or more per fight. Watch your funds worries gradually disappear. Add Dance to accelerate this process. I guess you could try Enarmor/Enpower too, but anyone if they worked could use those effects. Tom doesn't call for them to win in the Arena with few worries of death. Despite starting much later than you, I've almost finished (up to C39) TRS for the first time myself. Not Ironman, and not having the albatross of a LP to make certainly speeds things up. Good luck with your remaining fights! -Unless you have finished the game already and just haven't posted it.
  17. The idea of 3H taking both on the men's side for CYL4 would mean a fourth defeat for Marth. What is to be made of his near-failure last time? Reason to try, try one more time? Or did it exhaust all hopes for him and the Marthites have surrendered into apathy?
  18. Congrats on finishing the primal ancestor! Onto the ancient black sheep you go! And remember, after Gaiden, it's only a boring but better abridged remake, before you get to its combo plate of the first truly delicious FE. Don't give up this early. It wouldn't take very long for someone to reexamine the Japanese in NES Gaiden and check for this patch's accuracy. The price to retranslate wouldn't be more than a few sixpacks of beer and a weekend or two.
  19. To be precise...: Medeus is still hard to scratch in Mystery, since Atk-halving does that. Atk-halving is so strong, that its readily apparently why FE dumped it after Thracia, settling on high Def alone, or in the case of Awakening-Fates, damage-halving. In SD and NM make it much easier to hurt Medeus. He only has 27 Def in both remakes with the Throne's +2. And, they raised stat caps on the player side, so it's possible to negate that entire 27 with just Str alone. SD Medeus is the worst with base Tikicide being a viable avenue to victory. Though he is still menacing on the offense.
  20. Regardless of the ease with which storms weaken when they move off of warm waters, be safe, high, and dry!๐Ÿ˜€
  21. Check you inventory. If you see a Tenfold and it is being counted separately from any other Tenfolds you have, it's got an expiration date. I'm not sure why this is. But I've only had two of these come to me, and I have like 6 never-expiring ones, so they seem to be rare. Tapping the expiring Tenfold will tell you when it expires- down to the exact minute of the exact day it happens. The new Showcase looks good. The 5* Adventurer seems great with Bleed, but I'm not obsessed with gameplay performance at all, so Musashi works for me. Vayu is aesthetically appealing, reminding me just a little of the first Vayu I ever encountered in video games- Digital Devil Saga's. -But I should save for the Anniversary. The 4* is of no concern, it'll come eventually on its own.
  22. Just because I've been playing it lately, two of TearRing Saga's three Armor units (minus the Wood Shooters/Artillerymen) have City Fighter/Urbanite. The skill, which plenty of other units have, increases Move by 1 (and +10 Hit/Avoid) when fighting on a map classified as a "city" environmentally. These just so happen to be maps where the chokepoint conditions which favor Armor use are present. It's just an ounce of cure, but it could be a pinch of help. Perhaps add a dedicated medieval Armored Personnel Carrier (wordplay not intended) then? An APC might be too good, but having a dedicated ferrybot would make bigger maps more bearable. Even if it would still take a turn to load and the unload the units. Just don't let it work indoors, or traverse particularly bad terrain. Advance Wars always had APCs, but to be fair, you can't just drop a lone Mech into a horde of enemies and expect it to win out the way you could do that in FE. Although Valkyria Chronicles has made an APC work in post-1 installments, with units weaker than FE, but stronger than AW.
  23. Clearly, she is a leftover from the Fire EmblemxPokemon crossover game that would have happened had not Pokemon Conquest been in the works. Can we have that game now? It's been long enough since Pokemon Conquest, and an FE has now been almost entirely made by Koei plus an FE Musou spinoff. So both franchises have plenty o' Koei experience now, can leave that behind, and now be married to each other.
  24. Too much gameplay BS is their argument I think. Just that. To the point they haven't played it in full if at all. -Not to say their isn't a kernel of truth or more to that assertion. But, I'm more charitable than that. On an FE note, I'm 30/40 chapters through TearRing Saga for the first time. The thing that was going to be called Emblem Saga, until Nintendo filed a lawsuit and forced a name change. It is spiritually in so many ways FE that I see no reason anyone who likes FE and is willing to emulate shouldn't try it. Seriously, if you didn't know it wasn't FE, you'd mistake it as some unreleased N64 FE. That said, low growths, no weapon triangle, no supports, and a midgame with some Gaiden-esque monster summon spam are a handful of criticisms that might hold one back from trying it. I understand if those are turnoffs. I can say more flaws or identify pros if you want me to.
  25. I stopped paying any attention to the story with Fates, continued that with SoV, but then have paid full attention playing the old FEs and TRS. B/c my stopping on the new games was irrational, I want to actually pay attention again with 3H. But, old habits will die hard. Maybe I'll make a partial return to normalcy by playing 3H "interpretively". By which I mean: Voice acting is turned OFF. Playing undocked. Covering the bottom of the screen to hide the text, possible playing undocked. I will see every action taken, but I'll have no clue about the dialogue related to said actions. I would have to "interpret" them on my own.
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