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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. And that is further than the development team was willing to go with this. One thing which would have to be resolved by moving the Brand to Berkut would be whether Alm was still foretold or not. Does Alm remain a child of the prophecies? Or is Alm an anomaly? -I see you already came up with a preference for leaving him in prophecy, but I'm still going to continue, since I wrote all this. Let us me cast it like this: Emperor Rudolf of Rigel is glad to hear his wife has given birth to a healthy son one day. But then is soon told that nowhere upon him is the Brand of Duma, which Rudolf himself bears. All true Rigelian royals are supposed to bear the Brand of Duma from the moment they leave the womb, particularly the Emperor's children. That Alm is born without it sends shivers through Rudolf, the Chancellor, and the Emperor's few other absolute highest confidants. Fearful of what this portends, Rudolf believes he cannot raise his son as his son without this revelation coming to light and threatening his rule and his son's life. Nor can he just strangle the newborn and pretend the pregnancy ended in miscarriage. The newborn is his one and only child after all. So, Rudolf decides to publicly declare the child miscarried, but has Mycen take it away to a life of innocence in Zofia, where they will have a better life than if they were just handed to a Rigelian peasant family. Mycen takes Alm and intends to hand him off to a barren couple or something in Zofia, but along the way, the Kingdom of Zofia crumbles and he has to grab Celica, who like her father before her and Conrad, bears the Brand of Mila. Now having two royal kids in tow, Mycen forgets about leaving Alm with a new family and instead raises him as his grandson, alerting the Emperor to this, and who agrees to it. The only thing that needs to be further explained is why Rudolf allows Alm to fight him and why he himself does not go and kill Duma. Although since Rudolf has the Brand of Duma here, we can have it so he can't actually kill Duma no matter what, Duma would stop him. Duma can be killed with Falchion, but only in the hands of one with the Brand of Mila, or no Brand at all- but the latter scenario is preposterous! What mere mortal even with Falchion would have the power to kill Duma?! None. A demigod with a Brand is de facto needed, the Brand of Mila! Hence, Celica gains a place here as one who Rudolf initially hopes will kill Duma, only to later with his own son's unexpected rise speculate that the Brands are unneeded, and that Alm on his own could do it. But being uncertain of this, he needs to test his son to his own end to make sure that is possible. And, he needs to throw another scion of Duma, the Brand of Duma-possessing Berkut, at Alm as well. Everything to quell his doubts and end the decline he now realizes that has befallen Valentia through the decline of the gods. Alm as an anomaly- a Rigelian royal raised in Zofia, and without the Brand of Duma. Alm is therefore not bound to either dragon-god. Berkut is bound to the faults of Duma, Celica to the faults of Mila. Thus, he can perfectly embody the theistic liberator of Valentia, his power is purely human. However! Even though Alm can, doesn't mean he will. It is his own ungodly merit and luck that are responsible for that. If he willed nothing, nothing of his heroism would have happened. Admittedly, my preference for Alm as anomaly comes from The Legend of Zelda. The Hero of Time was prophesied. But for Wind Waker, Nintendo decided to ditch prophecy with the Hero of the Winds. OoT Link got the Triforce of Courage naturally when it split, he got the Master Sword naturally and had because prophecy to wait until he was of a certain age to use it. WW Link has to work for the ToC, and is bound by no prophecy to anything else, and this suits Wind Waker, since by the end, stuffy old things that drag the present down are swept away. Prophecy is one of them. And SoV is not unlike WW in this regard for wiping away the old.
  2. Just continuing in with my old strat- Team Laguz (except Nailah has been swapped for Naesala) clears the top difficulty twice a day, and then I spam the first Hard on autobattle with a Vike/Lector/Hector team. Except this time to reduce the tedium a little, I'll permit myself usage of Seasonal Titania on the autobattle runs. When the TT is done however, she will be liquidated. I aim to hit 50k by the final day of this, anything sooner is tedium.
  3. No more silly names from me, too much effort. I'll keep this record simple. Went Colorless on Seasonal 2- Dance Xander, good fodder it looks like. Got an Odin from the Ike and Soren BHB banner rerun. And a Subaki on the GD Tempest Trial banner. I had 505 going in for Micaiah and Sanaki on the BHB banner rerun: Mae, Cordelia, Chrom, Ares, Midnight Thunderboy (who shall be in limbo regarding use until Thracia gets fair representation), Seth, Stahl, Caeda, Eirika, Odin, Gwendolyn, Mmorgan, Chrom, Adult Tiki, L'Arachel (meh nature, but my first and hence I'm happy), Jagen, Silas, Eldigan (a pity breaker, but I might use him), Seth, Sully, Shigure, Selena, Draug (+Atk -Res isn't bad, for Mamori I might have to raise him), Mae, Seth, Micaiah! (396 Orbs left) Seliph, Sanaki! -In the exact same summon pentagram as Micaiah. (388 Orbs left) I chose to finish the pentagram, getting on my next summon a Rhajat (must be the secret sister of Miccy and Sana), and a Lachesis, eh. Even better, I checked Micaiah's nature, +Atk -Def, optimal I think! Sanaki is +Spd -HP, which isn't bad, if not ideal. Now I'm down to 381 Orbs. Not a bad time at all. Now I've most of the Tellius crew, of who remains, only Mist, Mia, PoR Ike, Titania, Zelgy, and Oscar escape me. Vike is enough for me on the Ike front, Mist probably isn't worth going for and hopefully in a hoped for mass demote will drop, Mia I find shallow. So only Zelgy, whom I've mixed feelings on as an alt much too soon (I'll just Grail for an inferior but guaranteed BK), eludes me from the 5* pool. Oscar and Titania are 4*s and thus much wanted, but eventually I know I'll get them while aiming for others. And another plus- I've everyone now for Radiant Rondo! Sothe and Micaiah even have excellent natures. A better Soren is all I'd want for this. But that will come in time. I can still assemble the team for now. If only Sanaki could have her father figure now...
  4. Same here I'd like more Yuji Himukai artwork. Being quite the EO fan myself. Hopefully Lugh gets the same treatment as his brother. And I'm pretty sure they already gave a Camilla: "I command you to heal! And no suffering debuffs either!" -Just no loli Necromancer please, that is, for reasons that are pretty obvious, a bit too much. This said, they still have a whole good bunch of female designs that compensate for any oversexualized ones, and plenty of good males as well. Also standard Chrom on the male side. His absence of nose is very off-putting to me. Reminds me, I heard in a part of India centuries ago, an adulterer would be punished with having their nose smashed. Apparently led to the development of rhinoplasty there. I'll also add Narcian is problematic for me. Maybe it suits his character, but it looks out of place and leaves me feeling the twitch to put manual him.
  5. I'd be fine if they just unloaded all the old artwork and let us use it instead of the current stuff if we wanted to. Find Elincia too cheery? Swap to her regal and calm RD official artwork. Eliwood's eyes are burning a hole in your trachea? Swap to his assured Blazing art. Think Marth needs to ditch his pants? Just have them laser cut out the Marth from FE1's box art. Sure they won't replace the actual sprite models, and there will be zilch in dynamism to these. But I don't care.
  6. From a gameplay perspective? On her route I assume. I'd say she can't be truly bad being a lord, but good? No. She is frail, and it takes time sans terrain to become a reliable dodgetank. She can't ORKO either sans Rapier or a crit for quite some time, if ever. Other than for 10 HP and the +15 Crit, a 20/20 Eirika ties Joshua offensively, and has more Luck, Def, and Res. So in the long run her stats are great. Plus Sieglinde is better than Audhumla and is all to herself. If we compare base stats however, a level 5 Eirika is as follows: 18.8/6.6/10.4/11.4/7.4/4.2/2.2 Base (level 5) Joshua: 24/8/13/14/7/5/2 Joshua starts significantly better, and has 3 more Con (this closes to a 2 point difference at promotion). Although he takes up a unit slot, unlike Eirika. He also lacks the Rapier while Eirika can steal his Killing Edge. Since swordlock is rather bad in FE8, not the demon it is in Awakening or RD, but still bad, Eirika suffers from it. Overall, I'd consider her to be high end of Lower Mid on a tier list, assuming Top/High/Up Mid/Low Mid/Low/Bottom. Perfect availability, good growths, a clear role, and some good personal weapons seriously help, but aren't enough to make her great.
  7. Can I ask what your definition of charm is? I'm just curious. For myself, the word charm can be defined as "admirable simplicity", that is how I think I can best word it. Something or someone that is simple, but nonetheless is somehow appealing. Charm is not depth, charm can be what is used to a make a character appealing in the absence of depth. Charm can take multiple forms- cuteness like a Pikachu or Morgan, or badassery like Sephiroth or Ike, there are other forms too. For other examples of charm, I would use Mickey Mouse, I would use Mario, I would use the casts of SNES JRPGs- nobody in Chrono Trigger has depth, save maybe Magus. Charm is useful because it requires quantitatively less writing I would think to achieve than depth. Therefore, mass producing things that attempt to be charming (individuals will judge apart from creators' expectations) is easier than mass producing things that attempt to have depth. FE most often relies on charm for its 40+ casts, understandably so. Although having a deep and charming character is possible I think. For the opposite of good depth is convolution, not charm. Using this definition, SD has to have some measure of charm if the plot on deems to be good. Not so much for the characters necessarily, since if one thinks a character is boring and simple and not worthy of admiration, they are therefore, not charming. They are its real antithesis- bland. Although I do see your bigger criticism here comparing SD with SoV is best summarized as execution and ambition. SD had little declared ambition and the execution lived up to what ambition there was. SoV had more declared ambition and the execution failed to match it. This is of course, an issue not unknown in FE, both in narrative and gameplay. The franchise has fluctuated between an absence of narrative ambition (besides SD, perhaps FE6 and PoR) and an overabundance of it (Genealogy, RD, Fates), and some middle ground or more ambiguous titles (Blazing, Awakening, I'd hazard SoV actually).
  8. I didn't mean that negatively, nor particularly about you. I just meant that as a generalized statement. I'd rather not summon than summon with less than a reasonably assured chance of getting who I want personally speaking. Even it if means passing on a banner with someone I might like on it. Although to be fair, I haven't ever ran out of Orbs yet.
  9. More Orbs and some seals are always nice, although the idea of Blood Runs Red as a festive map is a little bizarre given the plot that happens there. At least it isn't Gebal Castle. Not going to have any bonus units. Although if Miccy doesn't come right away tomorrow, hopefully I'll get an Oscar along the way, and that'd make me happy. Not going to use Seasonal Titania.
  10. Double Crossbows for a Colorless CC Meister effect solves everything. He needs Absolutely Defiant Res: when HP <=50%, buffs Res to highest unbuffed value of any unit presently alive on the map +1. Oi, that is the irony. You don't want more really good banners than your summonspheres supply can handle, but you're disappointed when the banners are bad.
  11. That would sound a little lacking in punch to me. Since it is 3 launch units. I've heard Cherche has held up decently, and Adult Tiki is in one of the least competitive unit typings. But Virion? Has he even gotten a Refine yet? And what of using these for fodder? I don't think they're very exciting. Then again, it is just a BHB filler banner, I might be overthinking it. I don't mind either as I said before. I only think its inevitable to come at least before Swimsuit Season since they scored so highly last time and would be Beast units. And as long as IS doesn't try to pul another Adrift, the more of Fates in now, the less there is to add in the future. That is a silver lining. I'm expecting Selkie out of popularity to be like 40/40 Atk/Spd, even though I never recall her being able to ORKO a Paladin or GK or General as a Kitsune in Fates. Oh well, not much I can do. And hey, Keaton looks a little cute, although I'm too afraid to know his personality from what little I've heard of it. Better for me to keep it on the Tinder level. And can anyone versed in Awakening answer me this? I thought I heard once Olivia is Valmese too? Or maybe I'm just confusing her and Lon'qu, who is from Chon'sin I guess given his name's spelling and class, since they both happened to work for Regna Ferox.
  12. Two New Heroes Banners yay! I don't care who they are, just yay! I predict Binding Blade (duh!) and Fates Four Furry Fiesta (I don't mean that negatively). But if I'm wrong, doesn't matter as long as it isn't an alt fest. For Binding, I'm hoping for Sue or Sin for a canon Bow Cav, and Lugh, since, while he is only an average shota, the FEH family reunification project is in order. And if he is on, well I hope he gets Yuji Himukai as well, I want Etrian Emblem. Wonder who is going to be the third wheel on the Virion & Cheche BHB banner (assuming there is one). Who would be a desirable 3rd? One of the Ylissean Travelers? OH HELL NO! Mods, time travel and lock the topic now! Issue points to everyone who will participate in it. This said, if it is Love Abounds vs. Greil's Devoted, I'm divided between Soren and Hector. Soren will probably lose and Hector will survive a round, so I'd go with Soren and then jump ship to Hector. Seasonals would stop being Seasonals and thus so special if New Heroes didn't exist. Think of it like that. And absence makes the heart grow fonder.
  13. Go down to the very bottom of the page. Somewhere below the "recently browsing" line you should see "theme". Tap it and then pick your choice of the four themes.
  14. Probably should play Final Fantasy X-2 in a public setting.
  15. Actually I think I heard the reasoning stated in an interview is that they thought people who played on lower difficulties didn't want to deal with so much story. Although apparently the "Extended" script is actually shorter in the beginning compared to Hard/Maniac Modes in Japan. Whatever the reasoning was, it seems a bit weird. Since nowadays, easy and real easy modes exist partly with the intention of allowing someone to just enjoy the story in many games.
  16. If I had to compose a bunch of banners: Shadows on the Plains: Julian Lena Coyote Hardin- Sword Cavalry Nyna TT- Wolf; associated map- Chapter 5: Champions of Aurelis. Knights of Valentia: Valbar Zeke Tatiana (as Zeke's lover) Deen (he makes sense when you consider his Accordion background) GHB- Rinea (as Berkut's lover); map would clearly be her battle map Summer Sports Banner: Learning Lacrosse: Florina Home Run Hero King: Marth Divine Drop Shot: L'Arachel Lifelong Runner: Leif TT- Relaxed Goalie: Stahl GHB (What? No Seasonal GHBs yet? Phooey, why not have one were it not for it detracting from revenues?)- Coach of Zofia: Mathilda (basketball... maybe dribbling while on a horse) My TMS#FE Double Banner Bonanza Illusory Friends: Itsuki- Sword Infantry Refresher with Carnage Falchion (although Blue Tome is another option). Tsubasa- Staff Flier (although Green Tome and Lance Flier are other options). Touma- Lance Cavalry. Illusory Stars: Kiria- Blue Tome Infantry (a star who has already risen) Eleonora- Blue Bow Infantry (a star in the process of rising) Mamori- Axe Armor (a star whose journey has only begun) GHB: Yashiro- Sword Infantry; battlefield is inside the Bloom Palace, where the faux battle with him happens. TT: Uta-loid Tiki- Either Staff Infantry or Breath Infantry (any Color can work); final battle location is the famed Shibuya Scramble Crossing.
  17. That is crazier than my back to back freebie Hector-Myrrh from today and yesterday (now I hope Micaiah has the same luck for me in two days). That is enough Greils to for everyone character who'd want one of him to themselves. One for Caineghis, one for Ike, one for Mist, one for Titania, one for Blackie, one for Tauroneo, and still two extra in case Blackie accidentally pokes one. Were you looking for Ike at all? Because maybe Greil wanted him to stay back.
  18. Thank you for the history page! As for the most relevant thing I was looking for there, Jugdral's Gen 2 banner last year was May 5th for the starting date, the later Gen 1 banner was September 7th. So four months. I'll be able to let loose presumably then for a Sanaki and rebuild a few hundred Orbs before another Tellius New Heroes. -There was the Thracia 776 banner only one month before the Gen 2, but I'd doubt that would count with Tellius. Please FEH don't give me anything too tempting in the meanwhile. Speaking of Jugdral. What is the ideal nature for Aghasura Cannon?- You may better know him as Ares. My current 4* in use is +Atk/-HP, so I guess I could do better on the flaw front at least. I'm more curious what the ideal Boon is for him whenever I get more of him. That way I'll know which I should upgrade from an Ares 70 to an Ares 90. Also, whenever I get more Caedas, I'd like to know what is ideal for her. I get the sense -Res is best since there aren't Cavalry Breaths, and CC units should be rare. But what is the best Boon?
  19. Yeah, Dorcas isn't actually a bad character. Fairly simple, a humble man devoted to his wife, seeking little else in life, but likable. Not necessarily smart, but no dumb brute either. Outside of Vaida, they also did a pretty good pick of support partners for him.
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