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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. so Mareetas B skill Close Call... Haveing thoughts about giving it to Leg Marth or Regular Lyn Lyn is especially interessting because she has some mixed bulk and it could turn her into mixed phase unit. The Skill feels so niche with being only infantry and sword axe lance Raven could be a candidate too I guess wait and see what comes out
  2. The tone change is something to get used to yes, but i am having a difficult time with it. Its like its not fiting Fire emblem heroes at all: i mean i get it its a Dreamworld soo it has to be different. I am usually very fond of OC chars, but the new fairies just dont click with me at all from a Design point of view. Usually the OCs shared some kind of design similarity with the ornaments but here its kinda missing, Aside from the that one big thing on Peony chest. So yeah this is a first in FEH where i am really not digging the OC at all and the world behind it.
  3. I am not talking about AR I mean in general. When I see 1 unit and 3 dancers stuff in on offense (not defense) in AR or in Abyssal map videos i just roll my eyes @daisy janeI dont use any Dancers at all in Abyssal (or only 1 depending whicht Team i am running) maps and use 1-0 Dancers in AR.
  4. Imho they should have limited the amount of Dancers per map on all modes to 1. It dumbs the game down.
  5. not to mention with the new skill of Mareeta, points in Spd might matter because its a flat out Damage reduction. Assuming it is an upgrade from Hit and Run. this means only Melees can use this skill, but the skill can be very powerfull. Sothis for example could become quite bulky with this skill and her special, considering she has very high spd
  6. When IS doesnt want to spoil Book 3 because you can start Book 4 without playing Book 3 *sigh* This is so garbage imho and limits story developing immensly
  7. My Team is scoring 752 points... hm. Merged Mythics give quite a large boost to points. But the battle itself was a joke, i never even came close to loosing because everything was killed before the enemie even reached the middle of the screen.
  8. They changed it it back then so people would pull for Bonus units to score higher and start investing into high BST cheerleaders. They are changing it now because: Alot of people have built up their Cheerleaders and Duellskills A-Slot skills arent making such an impact as they wanted (prolly). With this change they can actually promote easier Pair-up Legendaries, because you only need to kill 1 unit with the bonus unit, meaning the rest can be handled by Pair-up Legendaries with Arena stat bonus blessing or by new/higher 185 BST units. It also opens up the possibility for people to invest more into Tier 4 offensiv skills outside of AR. (mind you you didnt want to kill a unit with a Cheerleader). This is just a change from IS to make pulling for Arena worth it again in the future.
  9. Oh i would be interested in playing remakes/rerealeses (virtual console) of those games. Sadly there is no way to play them legally on the Switch or PC. And I am not gonna purchase a Gamecube to play Radiant Danw for example. (oh i forgot to mention i did play shadows of valentia too, one of the reason why my Sonya is +10) I do interact with the characters i get for free (or from lucky banners) but the hard fact remains i am not emotionally attached to them. The approach to those characters is very logical and clinical from my side. Not a good personal skill/weapon/stat spread? benched. While I do invest in characters i am emotionally attached to. Besides after 2 and half years of Fire emblem heroes my roster is so big that well... whats the point of adding new chars to it when i am not emotionally attached to them? Nostalgic can be a strong selling point, but if its a character i didnt even know existed, it would not check that box. All thats left then is Design and skill set.
  10. And thats totally fine, for you its the best banner for me it tells me nothing. Hence why i disagreed 🙂
  11. There is a difference between ignorant or just not interested. I am more attached to the following Fire emblem games/chars because those are the ones i played: Three Houses Fates Awakening Blazing Blade Binding Blade Sacred Stone and the OC of *shockingly* FEH. I am not rating the banner for everyone, but for my personal view: 0 value. I dont know the game the chars are from, i dont know the chars, hence it has no attachement from my side. Thats a fact. In that regard the Banner has 0 value for me. (read for me and prolly assumebly for the majority of other people). Now please dont misunderstand this in the way that i dont want this banners to happen. Thats far from the truth. Infact the Sigurd banner exposed me to Thracia and made me aware of that game and i do encourage such banners, but i wouldnt bet on a Thracia "only" banner to bring in the big bucks for IS. Hence the reason why they throw in the Mythic Hero and left the Farfetched Heroes banner out. They want to have at least 1 ace for every banner so they get a better pull result over the year instead of 1 high peak. But this implies that we have reached the bottom of the barrel imho.
  12. There is no other way to handle this when there are no requirements to start with Book 4. or Book 3 or Book 2. None of them required the completion of the previous Book, so its kinda hard for them to go on overarching storytheme when there are no requirements. An easy fix would have been a Summary of the events pre Book 4, that simple IS, that simple...
  13. oh i get why IS is putting the new Mythic into the mix with this banner and why its not a Farfetched Heroes banner. They are scrapping whats left on the bottom of the barrel. I think i am not the only person, infact i would say i would be a majority of the people that didnt even know about Tharcia before Fire emblem heroes and I still dont know that game well. That game got exposed to me via FEH. So far the only things i know: Sigurd and Deirdre had a love thing going? In any case Arvis burned Sigurd to ze ground and Julia is the daughter of Arvis and Deirdre. Meanwhile Julius is their son. While Seliph is a Bastard son of Sigurd and Deirdre? In any case there was alot of burning and abduction going on. So for them to not implement the Farfetched heroes banner is a strategic move to ensure that future banners have at least one unit that apeals to a portion of the audience.
  14. This is intended by IS, because they want to push people to pull for the new high BST: 185 Armor and Tier 4 Skills. Which will hit us prolly around in 3 Months or less. Most current or future Tier 4 Skills are useless in Arena because you A: Either running a Duell A-Slot skill or B-doesnt give much cheerleading or C-is too powerfull and might net in a kill for the wrong unit. This way they can prompt new devestating Tier 4 skills like Quick-Vantage-Brash-Riposte 88939885393 and you still get the bonus kill +12 with that one bonus unit, because you only need to kill 1 enemy with it per battle.
  15. BHB have been a joke since their implementation. Anything outside of Abyssal mode is a joke, and even Abyssal mode can be a joke at times with +10 units or with the laziest way to clear stuff: 3 Dancers and a Nuke
  16. I like to disagree, because frankly, none of this chars tell me anything, because barely anyone knows/played Thracia
  17. I want to believe this is Sharena when she is on a "trip". The contrast between Book 3 and Book 4 thematicly and concept wise are 2 extremes We went from "Edgelord Emo-Death Style" to "Come on Teletubby, teleport us to Mars!"
  18. I think people are underestimating Arthur's refine. It might not look awesome on paper, but this thing can definitly put in some work and can be easy activated in Aether Raids, especially with his Balanced stat spread. I mean its not optimal, but its far from not being usable and not good
  19. I kinda get this, but on the other hand just building 3 units as cheerleaders and artificially lowering their killing power so they dont kill stuff just by initiating is kinda wasted potential too.
  20. I dont count that garbage of a Bunny Bruno as in the game...
  21. how can i describe this at best: "meh" Aside from the fact that Bruno is returning
  22. Did you player or Enemy phase him? What skills was he running? Did Altinas Special activate? All Questions that need to be answered before engaging him. She only counters him if her Special activates. Her Special is the direct counter to the Urvan refine damage reduction not Altina herself as a unit. You definitly dont want to playerphase a B!Ike when he is running some form of Breath (skill or Lucina buff) and Aether/OffensivSpecial, but he will definitly/most likely will die when you enemy phase him with Altina and Quick Riposte, because her Special will activate twice then (unless he runs guard or null follow up). Counters need some strategies too. And if you cant tell why she died then you prolly didnt check his stats/skill set?
  23. The fact she is a flier is actually holding her back in my opinion, because you cant replace her A-Slot skill with something different, unless you give her Iotes Shield in the Sacred Seal slot or give up on tackling Archers. But then again there are so many Sword Infantry users soooo... and allready 3 Brave effect users sooo... more diversity is good.
  24. that is a usefull response, thats why you are pretty much also failing in AR and everyone is telling you to learn basic AI movement order.
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