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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. I see I see. Thanks for the info^^ @Soledai
  2. So i got Ledin a few days ago and got Liana today :D Ledin's personal is really really good, but his Stats are kinda meh. Atleast he works well as an anti-Demon unit when you go Monk^^ Got Elwin's Faction buff as well, but... i just noticed Dieharte isn't a glory unit I am thinking about reclassing Mathew into Demon Cavalry thing, but i doubt hiy Attack stat will be any close to Dieharte's Got Imelda as well, who i heard is an amazing mage, but i don't think she will fit in my team at all, because she's Empire. Also, i took a small dip into SNES Der Langrisser. Looks fun, but can't i move and use Magic in the same Turn? Also, seems Mages are only 1 range (or i am doing something wrong xD)
  3. So played a bit more, finished up Time Rift 3/Langrisser 2 Light Path, and now starting with Time Rift 4/Langrisser 2 Imperial Path... I really should play these games... Why did a certain known rom site shut down Units i am using are already starting to fall off. Hein for example is becoming increasingly useless, due to his Low Int, and neither his 3 Range Attacks (if unlock Ballistas) nor his Effective Damage abilities make him that useful. He is still pretty good for warping, tho, but i prefer Jessica since she actually packs a punch and can actually kill stuff I really should do more dailies, especially Aniki maps, but i just find them so boooooooooooorning... But my Soldiers are already starting to fall off because i've been neglecting them... I hope we get Zerida some time, because i really need a good Assassin, since the Light faction one is really ugh.... bad. Same with the Water unit. Also, remake demo now out https://gematsu.com/2019/02/langrisser-i-ii-demo-now-available-in-japan Edit: Gameplay video
  4. Hmm will try that since i have 2 Warpers. Cherie + Amelda could work I usually do the first one since it's 9PM in my time. The 2nd one i 4am in my time. I only do it when i am on bed unable to sleep xD I did the Lvl 33 with randos today. worked well. Usually, co-op has been working pretty well, since people are usually friendly. Some times i land with some Auto people though, which can get prettty annoying. Another idea to try once i get energy back! On Another note: I really would love a full game of this. I am really super enjoying this game, but at the same time, the gacha elements are starting to frustrate me (especially the grind.) I don't even have it in me to do the full dailies everyday anymore, since i spend my free time playing ''Full''/PC games. I would be willing to shell money for a full game of this. Also, got Sophia on another try to get Liana, and pretty soon i will be able to 5* Jessica lul
  5. I really should try for Liana as well, Will help aloooooot, especially since i already have every other Legion unit i need tbh. Btw, was anyone able to defeat the Statue dude (after Isskano Fortress)? The units are way too tanky, and while i could decide to send all my units on one side (since it's a defeat boss mission), that one side still completely destroys me xD
  6. She has the Ice spells? You don't use Jessica for warping? She also has much better Stats then Hein (although Hein has the advantage in the spell List outside warp). Jessica also gets access to Archers + Wind Magic, making her able to take out fliers in case you don't have a good Archer. Hero, because until like lvl25 or something he was my only Sword unit xD. Might switch to Demon Cavalary thing later
  7. That's a nice Piece of Art^^ The main reason why i still prefer Matthew over Elwin. The stat difference isn't that big (Elwin is slightly better) and Matthew has access to better Soldiers (He can get (Elite) Lancers wihout Class change, which means he can atleast tank for a bit on Pony filled maps) + Atk Command, which really helps since i am not so far as in to unlock Faction buffs. Grenier for me is not replaceable tbh, he is my MVP XD My current 'Mains' I usually use a combination of any of those, depending on map. Although Genrier is almost always in, except on Infantry filled maps And I gotta finish Time Rift 3Normal/2Elite to get the Promotion items...
  8. Hope rises ever so slightly That reminds me, the session he made over at 4chan was amazing. Especially the ''JusisBestColdSteel'' one xD
  9. I think a Glory team might need Elwin, too, since he has the Glory Faction buff. Luckily, i got him, and have alot of Glory heroes so i am planning to build a Glory Faction... Thing is, Glory doesn't have any decent Assassin or Aquatic unit. The two i have are really meh. Even weaker then enemy no-name units. Well, Chain-hook help alot atleast
  10. Damn it. All my Sky favs in there. I want atleast Estelle, Kloe, Renne and Olivier. Better if all of them ofc xD Time to start saving vouchers and hope in ~6 months when the event comes here i will have enough. Inb4 they come here next week and i don't have enough vouchers. I only have 30 now xD
  11. If we are gonna follow the Ch/TW plan, Trails x-over should be ~5-6 months or something like that (or that's what i saw on reddit) and i now have a 4* Cherie wew
  12. ehh. I've been doing fine with mostly the Starter Party. Sure i am only at ch16, and while do have some SSRs now, i still prefer to use R/SR sometimes due to some abilities. Like Starter Mage gets Warp. A healer gives a random buff to any ally she uses a spell on (combine that with an Area buff spell she gets for massive buffs), and she is R iirc. And Grenier (starter Lance) is one of the tankiest units i ever saw in a SRPG. So now, i don't think lower rarity units are that bad. Especially the Starter trio, or as Grenier calls it ''The Tank/Healer/DPS combo''. Can't really go wrong with that. On other News, i just pulled Elwin^^ Finally another Sword dude.
  13. GrandpAdol incoming. Didn't Kondo a few years ago say they want to make a game where Adol has a teacher Role or something?
  14. Huh, interesting. And I just got bamboozled because i wanted to warp skip XD It was a reach chest before enemy mission, i warped a Cav there that will need just 1 more turn to reach target.... >Assassins instantly spawned after Warp
  15. The mobile game is a start, at least ;)
  16. I should give my hand at it after i finish my current games then. There are also the remakes coming soon (although the mobile game looks better, for some reason). And on the mobile game, i am now stuck due to lvl requirement <.<
  17. Well, his body is made of Salt, after all, and we all know Sugar > Salt. So makes sense a cookie wrecks him^^
  18. Depends on why you are playing Feh. Alot of people are playing/played feh due to the connection to franchise/characters. Such a thing most of us don't have with Langrisser. However, Time Rift helps with that a bit. Imo, Langrisser M feels much more like a FE game more then FEH is. Units have different MoV (3 for foot, 5 for Cavalary/fliers), there's alot of abilities, and units can promote, usually to different classes as well (ala FE8). And while maps do repeat themselves, they aren't all the 8 x 4 bs feh has, infact there are quite different maps with different sizes and stuff Also, Ponies have Canto and you can warp skip, what more do you ask for XD
  19. I should've made a picture when i defeated her in the mobile game as well xD That's the SNES one, right? How is it? Meanwhile, i am in ch15 in langrisser M, finished Time Rift 1 on both difficulties, and halfway through time Rift 2. Party Lvl25 and lvling up is starting to be a bit of a pain... The game is pretty fun tho. Just wish more modes had the sweep function
  20. I've been playing it and having alot of fun with as well. I especially like the time rift mode, to get to know the lore and the Characters. I gotta play the main game some time! I also love the 4th wall breaking the game has going on xD This so much xD I also like the active abilities focus this game has, makes it more PP focused and not Armor/Dragon EP spam that is feh While it does have the usual stuff that annoy me in Gacha, the item farming is atleast bearable thanks to the sweep function. Once you clear a map (and 3 star it) in Time rift, you can just press a button to gain the rewards. So Farming for necessary items is basically 2 Minutes before sleeping pressing some buttons to waste all your bread. Since i am not really connected to any of the characters yet (since i never played the main games), i will save the Vouchers for the Trails crossover (if it ever comes here, that is xD) If anyone wants to add me, name is Shrimpy on Salrath server (I am gonna add some of you if you guys don't mind)
  21. In Gen1. FE4 drops the ball hard when Gen2 comes around and all Politics and stuff doeasn't matter anymore. It becomes typical we good vs. them bad. On the topic in general, i notice that alot of people complain about Story in newer FE, but let's be honest, Fe never had any really good Story. The only games i would call good Storywise are Tellius and Jugdral... and even they have stains on them like . So i really don't get that complaint. Even if Fates story is another levels of bad. What Fates did really wrong however is the shoved in fanservice. FE always had fanservice (especially legservice), but never had shoved in Panty and thong shots like Fates did. Those are really really annoying. I love CQ gameplay to death, and for me it's the best gameplay Series wide, but those random shots are a really stain on an otherwise amazing experience. And i can see how it can put people really off.
  22. Favourite: Tellius. For me, It's the only FE Era where both gameplay and Story are good/fun. Other FE usually only succed at one. Least favourite: GBA/DS no questions asked. It's unexlainable to me how one goes from FE5 -> FE6 while removing so much stuff. Games are supossed to improve/add stuff every iteration, not remove. Same with FE10 -> FE11. DS Era has even less stuff then GBA era
  23. I hope it will be something like RD. One problem i have with SS structure is that you got only to play one 'side'/Run. I really hate it when it's like that.
  24. honestly, i don'T get this complaint about the Trailer at all. FE has always, always been anime, and while Fates took it way too far, especially in regards to fanservice, it doesn't to be the case here.
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