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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. Ah, I see, I asked because there's some really out there events in the game like Lex's Brave Axe and Arden's pursuit ring events but I see you already knew about Lex's Brave Axe. Yeah, Azel is really difficult to train because he's a fire mage and fire magic is pretty bad in FE4. I recommend you replace that fire tome the moment you get a thunder or wind tome, either is better if you ask me.
  2. Yeah, the inventory system is quite the annoying thing to get used to, that's for damn sure. Glad you're giving the game another shot and that you're enjoying it. Have you read some guides? Do you know some stuff about the game? Or are you planning to go 100% blind?
  3. I actually don't dislike that about Tellius because in the Tellius games the majority of the characters aren't gimmick characters. I even like gimmick characters in Tellius because they're not the norm in those games and that can make them quite amusing when they do show up.
  4. I do think there's some truth to what Manstein is saying. If the majority of FE gamers didn't care for fanservice and the like then why is it that the biggest FE fan controversy leading up to the release of Fates was about not being able to pet your units?
  5. Fallout New Vegas Pokemon HG/SS Pokemon Platinum Pokemon B(2)/W(2) Fire Emblem 4 Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
  6. The Pokemon 3DS games: The issue I have with the Pokemon 3DS games is that they're either too easy (X/Y and ORAS) or they're just FULL of tutorials and roadblocks to the point it just feels like it's ruining the reason why I used to play Pokemon so much (Pokemon SUN/MOON and ULTRA SUN/ULTRA MOON). Pokemon let's go Eevee: Pokemon let's go Eevee I've actually enjoyed quite a lot and that game doesn't suffer from the problems I've mentioned before but it has such a big focus on the new catching mechanic that they even force you to own 50 different Pokemon to fight a gym and I really don't like to feel forced to do something like that every time I'll play it.
  7. Fallout New Vegas had a lot of cut content that they didn't manage to put into the game like being able to visit a Legion controlled region to show you how the people live there and some more Legion related side quests. I would have loved to have that in the game so we have some more depth to the Legion faction.
  8. Ike, because he's the strongest lord in the franchise and he has experience working as a bodyguard/mercenary.
  9. 1. Eirika: My favorite lord. I used to not like her that much when I was younger but when I got a little bit older I started to appreciate her believes and the way she looks towards the world so much more and it warms my heart how hopeful of a person she is and how much she cares for those dear to her. I don't really mind her "stupid moment" because she got tricked by someone that meant a lot to her. I can understand that. 2. Leif: I love Leif's backstory, how much more difficult he has it compared to most main characters and how emotional he can be at times. I mean damn you can really feel the anger this kid has in some of the boss conversations. He also makes a lot of mistakes and one of those have serious consequences and I really like that. Guy is really flawed but he really tries damn hard to become a better lord for his people and understand them more in his journey. 3. Ike: I like Ike. He's not an actual "lord", has a decent arc in PoR, a good rivalry with one of the villains and has this kind of almost hero --> legendary status arc in RD which is kind of cool. I also think his role is fine in RD though I would have preferred had he been a Part 4 Gotoh character. 4. Micaiah: Miccy is great! She's a female lord that has a really cool role, backstory, some flaws and is challenged a lot in the cour of the story. I just wish that she wasn't put in the game that has a certain plot point that I (and many others) really dislike. Oh and it sucks that her role gets lessened at a certain point of the game. 5. Hector: He has a great character arc in FE7 where he ends up developing a lot from the brute he first seems to be to a respectable ruler. He's also a very unique lord since he's the only Armor lord that uses Axes and he has a very unique personality among the lords 6. Sigurd: Siggy is interesting because of the situation he finds himself in the story and his Jeigan like gameplay power. Aside from that he might be just another nice bland lord but I can't help but like him because his actions are very similar compared to other lords in the series yet unlike other lords h his situation is so much more different compared to that of other lords in the series. 7. Seliph: He's fine. I'm mostly indifferent to him but just like his dad he's mostly interesting because of the situation he's put in. Oh and unlike his dad he can actually choose who to fall in love with and there's at least 3 girls that in a few lines have more chemistry with him than his dad had with Deidre. 8. Marth: Not a fan of the "Marth archetype" lords in the series so I'm not really a fan of the original character either. Maybe he improves in FE12 but I didn't really enjoy his character in Shadow Dragon all that much. He does have good some good lines like the one where he puts his plights as a prince above that of a brother. Oh and I do like his relationship with Caeda. 9. Eliwood: Not much to say about Eliwood. He's another Marth archetype and just like Marth the thing I like the most is his story related romance. 10. Lyn: A tutorial lord that barely appears after her story is done. I don't really dislike her, I'm just indifferent to her. 11. Chrom: I don't really like Chrom that much. Maybe it's been too long since I've played Awakening but I remember Chrom talking waaaaay more about "bonds between characters" and all of that fluffy stuff. I know that other lords also have their moments when they talk about their companions but Chrom takes it to the next level with his decisions at the end of the game. 12. Alm: He's kind of boring since he almost never has any struggles till the end of the game and even then those situations are only things set up by other people. 13. Ephraim: Someone who could've had an interesting character had they actually given him any notable flaws. As it stands he's honestly just a gary stu. 14. Celica: My second least liked lord. She's a naive lord who falls for a trap made by a really really obvious villain and unlike another lord (that I do like) she doesn't have the excuse that said villain used to be her friend. She's also very nasty to Alm when they meet each other again. 15. Corrin: The absolute worst. There's nothing likable about this kid. He's the only lord in the series that annoyed me so much that I somewhat feels hesitant to replay a game like Conquest which has really solid gameplay because of the story behind the missions and the actions of the character we play as. Things like sparing people in a time of war in one route but not the other, his whiny attitude and his absolutely insane plan in Conquest make it really difficult for me to even replay the game.
  10. It was fairly popular in the off topic part of the Bioware Social Network forum at the time of its release and this was around the same time I read Visual Novels that focused on choosing a girl and going out with her and all that mushy stuff. So when I heard that Awakening was a high fantasy game where you could marry anyone young me couldn't wait to play the game so I bought Awakening the next time I went to a game store. Awakening was alright at the time but I really got into FE when I realized that the 3DS I used to play games from my sister also had a free Sacred Stones download.
  11. Heks = The dutch word for witch El is short for Ellen, the name of one of my favorite witches out there The Ka part is just there to make it sound better than just "Heksel". It also looks nicer that way.
  12. Fire Emblem 4: Julia, Ayra and Tine Fire Emblem 5: Leif, Finn and Sara Fire Emblem 7: Hector and Ninian Fire Emblem 8: Eirika and Tana Fire Emblem 9: Ike, Jill, Titania and Mia Fire Emblem 10: Ike, Jill, Mia, Titania, Micaiah and Haar Fire Emblem 11: Caeda and Tiki Fire Emblem 13: Tiki Fire Emblem 14: Nyx Fire Emblem 15: Genny, Saber and Mathilda
  13. What I expect is some FE cipher stuff, an anime announcement and a (I hope) new FE game that will probably be a FE4 or FE6 remake. Not expecting 3H news unless it's DLC because the game should be released by then.
  14. It doesn't really bother me that she's wearing something but why does it have to be such an ugly black color? It looks really ugly and jarring if you ask me.
  15. Oh right, I somehow missed the "second" part of your post when referring to Eirika's alt.
  16. Eirika's alt got hate because she got a tome used by another character. Eirika is my fifth favorite FE character and I also voiced my displeasure at that move in the thread were she got released. I remember the reception towards Micaiah and Elincia's alts being a lot more positive so I don't think it always has something to do with Female/Male characters.
  17. 1. Julia 2. Finn 3. Tine 4. Jill 5. Arvis 6. Eirika 7. Sara If we get the results in a few days in again and Eirika gets a lot of votes again I'll give her all of the votes I have left at that point.
  18. Tailtiu 7/10: She might not be as studious as Azel but unlike him she can use Thoron straight out of the gate when she joins so I'll give her a half a point more than I gave Azelle. Ninian and Nils 1/10 (normal): Without their dragon powers they're kind of useless. They don't show any kind of combat skills whatsoever so assuming we rate them without those because they almost never use it in the story, then they're a 1/10. It's been too long since I've played FE7 so I can't say I would know enough details about their dragon forms to rate those. Morgan 7/10: They're decently strong but they'll take a lot of time before they'll get anywhere to the strength of their father at least physically.
  19. Makalov: He's a horrible person whose very existence makes Astrid worse. I always make sure to let him die when I get the chance. Peri: We've had characters before that don't actually mind killing other people but never before did we have a unit that so easily threatens her own allies and has such a warped view on things. It also doesn't help that just like Makalov she ruins other characters like Xander. Oh and her hair is ugly.
  20. From what I've heard the only reason it didn't exist in SoV is because there were no axe units so It'll probably come back in Three Houses. I would personally like to see it come back because it always gave another layer of strategy.
  21. Ishtar: One of the strongest holy blood warriors in the entire game 9/10 Caellach: One of the villains that managed to accomplishes some of his goals but eventually still gets taken out by Joshua so a 7.5/10? Alfonse: I only played up to book 2 chapter 12 or so I think but he admires other characters more than he actually does stuff himself so I guess a 5 or a 5/10. I would give the same score to Anna and his sister or a point less because he actually bothers using his brain in some situations.
  22. These are in my top 10 overall FE characters: 1. Ike 2. Eirika 3. Leif I like these a lot: 4. Micaiah 5. Sigurd 6. Hector These are also fine: 7. Seliph 8. Lynn 9. Alm 10. Ephraim 11. Chrom 12. Robin Just feel indifferent to these: 13. Eliwoord 14. Marth Dislike these: 15. Celica 16. Corrin I didn't put Kris or Roy in there because I haven't played their games.
  23. What? There's a Pugi Ex? And here I thought the normal Pugi was already super strong. Bless Kowga indeed.
  24. No, we're on a new game system so it's time for a new cast and a new world. Oh but I'm fine with Anna since she's more or less a mascot character.
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