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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. Neither, because I actually prefer KOS-MOS to be the next Xeno rep over Elma and Rex. If I had to pick one though then I guess Elma if only to see her summon a skell for her final smash and have a stage based on Chronicles X. Imo Rex just looks like another generic, boring anime protagonist that I am tired of seeing these days plus I disliked the design choices for their female character, especially Pyra who I hate seeing because every time I see her I'm reminded of Celica's Awakening art.
  2. So many of these TT/GHB units I want to +10. Xander, Black Knight, Marisa, Masked Marth and Camus.
  3. Glad to see Red, Blue and Leaf all in the game and with their original/manga designs as well! Can't wait to find them in the game and hopefully battle all three of them.
  4. @mcsilas Hmmm...now that I think about I might have gotten it mixed up with the 'Past Below' track which I know plays in the Revelation path. But yeah, I guess 'Desire Below' is only a DLC track and is the music that is being used for this banner trailer and the Paralogue as well.
  5. The track is called Desires Below and plays during the Revelation route (I don't believe it is played at all during Birthright or Conquest) on missions where you fight Vallite troops and considering the units on this banner are implied to be possessed by Anakos I think the music fits. Edit: Ninja'd, also yeah it did play in Hidden Truth DLC now that I remember though I could have sworn it plays at least once in Revelation (I have only played that route twice and it has been several months since I last played Fates). I honestly wouldn't know how people would react if such a thing came true.
  6. I kind of figured if Fates is getting another Legendary Hero Xander would be next (please don't make him a sword unit too) because Ryoma got one but yeah Azura and the Corrins getting alts now kind of sent a signal (to me at least) that they are not getting Legendary alts, or at the very least, not being part of the first twelve legendary heroes.
  7. Leaving the Legendary banner without trying to pull for L!Eirika. Would have tried for her but I didn't want to waste orbs getting pitybroken by Tana and Olivia. Oh well, I can try for L!Eirika in January which will have her, Warding Breath fodder L!Ike and hopefully a good third red unit.
  8. It kind of stings me that Reinhardt knocked out all three of my favorite mage girls from this VG. RIP Tailtiu, Delthea and Linde.
  9. Wasn't expecting the banner reveal tonight but wow I seriously thought this was a seasonal banner at first. Are we also getting Legendary Xander dressed as Azura this month for the legendary banner? Joke is on them though because Azura is the only one I care about and we are getting her for free. Normally I would be excited about a new Fates banner but since Silas and Flora got put in recently all my favorites from that game are here now. I will just take my free summon and rejoice that I can start saving orbs again.
  10. Ah, I see. I didn't know that. Though I do still wonder if Alm and Celica will have a separate spirit depicting their selves (not that they need another spirit battle dedicated to them.
  11. Here are some Spirit battle I hope to see in Ultimate though I am mostly looking forward to the Pokémon and Fire Emblem battles. Raikou, Entei, Suicune- Represented through Pikachu (Raikou), Charizard (Entei) and either Squirtle or Greninja (Suicune). Their attacks are much more powerful but they tend to run from you. Wart- Represented through King K Rool who stands on one spot and throws items at you. Palla, Catria and Est- Though I am not sure who would represent whom. I guess Palutena would be Palla, Zero Suit Samus could be Catria and either Daisy or Isabelle would be Est Alm and Celica- Roy would be Alm and Female Robin would be Celica.
  12. What was your first Smash Bros game? Melee Which Smash games have you played so far? Melee, Brawl, Smash 4 Wii U What's your favorite Smash game? Smash 4 Wii U Who's your favorite character in the parts you have played? Mario and Captain Falcon are probably the characters I find myself playing the most. Who's your least favorite character in each part you have played? Melee: Pichu Brawl: Olimar Wii U: Rosalina What's your favorite stage in each part you have played? Melee: Fountain of Dreams Brawl: Bridge of Eldin Wii U: Mario Circuit What's your least favorite stage in each part you have played? Melee: Brinstar Depths Brawl: Distant Planet Wii U: Palutena's Temple What's your favorite music theme in each part you have played? Abstain What's your favorite mode in Smash overall? Free for All What's your favorite item? Baseball Bat What's your favorite taunt? Captain Falcons' Show me Your Moves. Do you rather play alone or with friends? With Friends What's your favorite free for one mode (time, stocks or coins)? Time What's the perfect Smash battle for you? (stage, characters, items (?) ) Abstain Do you usually play with items? Yes What has been the hardest challenge (events, all star mode...) for you? Melee's Event Match 51 Are you excited for Smash Ultimate? Yes, of course If so, in what are you the most exicted for? Multiplayer and Co-op content In which new character are you the most excited for? Chrom In which returning character (character who wasn't constantly in the cast since Melee) are you the most excited for? Pokémon Trainer In which classic character are you the most exicted for? Mario What's your opinion about the Echo character? Don't mind them Any character you want to see in Smash, but hasn't made it into the cast yet? Anna (Fire Emblem) or Phoenix Wright In which videogame series did Super Smash Bros introduce you? Legend of Zelda, Earthbound and Fire Emblem Have you ever built a stage? No Could you imagine that Smash Ultimate that could become the final part of this series? No Have you ever played competitive? Yes With whom can you go under Final Destination? No one How much do you care for tierlists? Not that much How would you describe your experience with the Smash Bros series in three words? Great memorable times
  13. Darn, Delthea is out. I wonder who I should join for the final round. Assuming I aim to get the highest score possible I guess I should join Linde's team since she should be the underdog even though I don't have her or would that ten percent boost from Reinhardt really make much of a difference in the long run?
  14. I have been wanting Sceptile in Smash since the Smash 4 ballot but sadly the most he has gotten was being playable in Pokken. As for Eevee I feel like Pokémon characters can easily be both pokeball assists and playable characters since more than one exist within their universe outside legendaries. I would say the same thing for mook enemies in other franchises like Hammer Bro and Piranha Plant from the Mario series for example. Hammer Bro is currently an assist but if the smash devs wanted him to be playable for whatever they could keep the assist trophy and still make a playable version of him and just say it is a different Hammer Bro. Same for Piranha Plant, he is playable but they could have made it an assist character as well and no would question it since multiple Piranha Plants exists. It doesn't work for characters like Lyn, Isaac and Shadow since only one version of those characters exist in their universe.
  15. Jack Frost from Atlus' Shin Megami Tensei series though I could see them pulling a Cloud and put a popular Persona protagonist like Yu Narukami in. Fire Emblem rep. Prefer Anna though Lords like Edelgard, Celica and Hector are more likely. Another Square Enix rep. Would like Terra Branford from FFVI though a non-FF character is probably more likely. Phoenix Wright, if anyone third party company is getting three separate franchises in Smash it would be Capcom. KOS-MOS I guess? I would prefer her over Elma and Rex personally. A sixth pick that is very unlikely to happen is another Pokémon rep. Considering their track record it would most likely be from gen 8 though I prefer Sceptile and Eevee.
  16. Ah, I see thanks. I must have not been paying that much attention if they mentioned it during the direct.
  17. Well, just finished watching the final direct and while I wish I could feel more excited about the game, I don't know, it felt kind of underwhelming to me personally. People have been assuming Ken since the echo fighter concept so seeing him isn't that surprising but I don't have much else to say about him since I am not a Street Fighter fan. Incineroar is imo the worst newcomer to end on and not only that but they once again just using a Pokémon form the recent generation and one that doesn't even seem that popular outside Japan. They got lucky with Greninja but Incineroar just screams "NO!!!" to me especially since if they really wanted a fire type Pokémon with a fighting aesthetic there was the more popular Blaziken and its not like gen 3 had a remake recently when smash ultimate's roster was being decided. But I guess Incineroar was picked to appeal to Japan because he is popular there or something? Honestly I found Pirahna Plant the most interesting newcomer from this direct. I don't know why but I just found the idea of it being playable hilarious. 10/10 best pick ever smash devs. The only thing I didn't like was that to get Pirahna Plant for free you have to buy the game directly from Nintendo's website or the eshop which I won't be able to due so since I already preordered the game for $50 from Amazon and I don't remember seeing how much he was otherwise. As for assist trophies I am really I actually correctly predicted Black Knight and Tiki (no Caeda or Azura though) since I never did bought the idea of Black Knight being an Ike echo and Tiki makes sense since she is an iconic character to the franchise. I am especially glad seeing Tiki since she is one of my favorites and I believe is the first FE character in smash attacking without a sword even if it just as an assist trophy. Also found it kind of weird that Tiki's and Black Knight's voice clips are reused from Heroes. Other than that online mode doesn't interest me in the least because nothing will convince me to purchase their Switch subscription program and I have no comments on Spirits Mode/Adventure Mode/SSE 2.0 outside of hoping Anna is a spirit you can collect. Glad to see Yoshi's final smash finally (nice reference to Melee's opening movie) though we still don't know what Robin is going to do for their final smash (is it still Pair Up or is it going to be Grima blasting the screen) nor do we know if Ray Chase is voicing Roy (pretty sure he is though).
  18. Hmmm...So apparently we are still getting Robin next month as a colorless legendary alongside Ryoma, Lucina and Gunnthra so we aren't getting a new legendary in November I guess? Not only that but Eirika will be coming back in January alongside Ike despite both of them being red units. I wonder what that all means?
  19. @mampfoid Great video. It was amusing to see a bunch of units I don't normally see in action. Did you had to use skill inheritance much to build those units?
  20. Ha thanks, strange how things turn out sometimes huh. But I think it says something when I spent only 100 orbs and got 2 Owains, 2 Kliffs and a Silas and in the same month had to spend 200 orbs just to get my first SM!Eirika.
  21. Ah, finally an announcement for the final smash bros direct has been given. Hopefully we can finally put an end to all these leaks and rumors soon as I was quite tired of hearing about them. Just noticed something, and I am not trying to say that the supposed blurred image mode from before is really called Spirits Mode or whatever people were calling it, but I see the direct is scheduled for November 1 which is conspicuously just before All Souls Day which is November 2. It probably means nothing but I thought it would fun to point out.
  22. @mcsilas Thanks. It's always so satisfying when one of your favorites show up.
  23. @mampfoid Thanks. I honestly don't know the last time I was so lucky with my pulls.
  24. I was assuming he was talking about Brave Roy Just saw your post on the official pull topic, sorry to hear about it.
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