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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. Yeah, I would say Tiki is my second most favorite female Fire Emblem character. I mostly have Heroes to thank for that since Y!Tiki was the very first 5 star I pulled, A!Tiki is the first unit I +10 and heavily invested high level skills on plus I just love using her because she tanks well on enemy phase plus using her makes this game's more difficult challenges more bearable for me. Tiki is also the first character I genuinely like to attain legendary status so it was pretty much 'well, I knew she was getting legendary status sooner or later and I have been saving orbs for a situation like this nor would I be disappointed getting pitybroken by Micaiah or Catria so I might as well go all out with my orbs'.
  2. Here are the units I still don't have but would like to have. Linde Cavalry Eirika Cavalry Chrom Sumia Maribelle Silas Flora Ophelia
  3. @mampfoid Nice, congrats on finally getting L!Robin! It's great you got her now considering next month is the last month L!Robin will appear before getting swapped out.
  4. Thanks to the current Legendary Banner I managed to get the final copy of Tailtiu I needed to +10 her so here she is. https://imgur.com/QgVX9OZ I never pulled Linde so Tailtiu was the next best thing for blue mage infantry and after using her Tailtiu became one of my favorite female Fire Emblem character now. I never played the Jugdral games but from what summaries I read online she seems to have an interesting yet sad story. Still, I never did manage to figure out how to pronounce her name. Also, I forgot to post my fully merged Nowi last month so I figure I will do it now. https://imgur.com/wbuwxyV I really need to stop merging blue units and work on a green or colorless unit and I still want to merge Reinhardt eventually.
  5. I spent all 300 of my orbs but I managed to get good stuff out of it. I got 2 Micaiahs who I never got until now, a Brave Ike and... Legendary Tiki! She is even +Spd/-HP which is probably one of the best natures to have for her. Also got more copies of Cordelia and L'Arachel so I can merge them both up to +8 now. Also got the final Tailtiu I need to +10 her as well and will post that over in the compendium topic in a few minutes. Glad to have something good happen for me since I have been getting nothing but pitybreakers on Nohrian Dusk all month.
  6. Just looked at the notifications and noticed Hector is coming back in December. Since Marth and Fjorm are also coming back in December that means both November's and December's Legendary Hero will be colorless. After October it looks like we won't be seeing L!Robin for some time. January could also potentially be Colorless but there is no way they would introduce three Colorless Legendary Heroes in a row, right?
  7. Except the Nohrian Dusk banner will still be running before the Voting Gauntlet ends so Ophelia and Nina won't have to be put on another banner. It also lines up with Voting Gauntlets being based around a current banner so IS only has to put out one banner instead of two.
  8. @Johann usually makes a new speculation thread after a legendary banner ends.
  9. I am merely making a prediction of what future legendary heroes could be based on facts we already know. We already know Ephraim, Lyn and Robin are coming back in October so the new heroes' color has to be red. My prediction is they will wield a red bow but they could also end up being a red sword, red tome, red dagger or if IS really want to be ballsy introduce a red staff. In November we have Ryoma, Lucina and Gunnthra so the new hero has to be colorless. The weapon could be anything though. In December all we know is that Marth and Fjorm are returning that month. We don't have any confirmation yet that Hector, Lyn, Gunnthra, Robin or November's Colorless Legendary are returning in December so all we know right now is December's Legendary could be a green or colorless unit but I am guessing green because I don't believe they would introduce two colorless heroes in a row but who knows I may be wrong like I usually am.
  10. According to this datamine post on Reddit this is what the legendary elements currently look for the future. Though IS has change the future element order once and could potentially change it again. https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/9de7aj/future_seasons_have_been_changed_in_version_290/ October: Water, is going to be wielding a red weapon, highly likely to be a red bow November: Water, new colorless hero so the complaints about L!Robin will finally stop December: Wind, could be green or colorless but probably green though January: Wind February: Fire
  11. Aha, I knew Tiki was getting a Legendary alt someday though I wasn't expecting her to come right after Marth got his. I also guess I should throw patterns out the window now. Red Bow Anna for October then IS! Anyways, nice to see a dragon version of Tiki who is not red at least. Was expecting Legendary Tiki to be green but I guess blue makes for sense to align her more with the light attribute. Would have preferred her to be based on her Awakening self instead of Archanea but I guess they gotta go for that armor+trainee BST. Really hope there isn't too much controversy over this being her 5th alt. Also didn't expect Maribelle to come back so soon. Still want Maribelle and a L!Robin who doesn't have a -Spd nature would be nice as well but Jaffar presence on the banner concerns me. I don't really want to be pitybroken by that guy. Blue is the color I will mainly pull from. Getting L!Tiki would be great and don't have Micaiah yet either. Wouldn't mind Spring Catria either since I could give Reinhardt Chill Res then.
  12. I vaguely remember rumors and leaks for Brawl outside the ones concerning Geno, Bowser Jr and Cloud. The only reason I think Duster could be an AT is because the rest of Ness' and Lucas' main party members are shown in Ultimate one way or another. Plus I could see him being another AT that can chase down foes by trapping them with wall staples and then walking up and kicking but can still be KO'd.
  13. Suppose I will join in as well. Can't wait to see how much I get wrong. Pokemon Gen 7 Rep: Newcomer Elma or Cross (Xenoblade X): Newcomer Terra Branford (Final Fantasy): Newcomer Dixie Kong (Donkey Kong Country): Newcomer Excitebiker (Excitebike): Newcomer Shadow (Sonic): Echo Fighter of Sonic Jack Frost (Shin Megami Tensei): DLC New Rep Springman (ARMS): DLC Rep New Fire Emblem Rep: DLC Newcomer Eevee (Pokemon): DLC Newcomer Rex (Xenoblade 2): DLC Newcomer Phoenix Wright (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney): DLC Newcomer KOS-MOS (Xenosaga): AT Duster (Mother 3): AT Azura (Fire Emblem): AT Caeda (Fire Emblem): AT Black Knight (Fire Emblem): AT/Boss Grima (Fire Emblem): Boss Zygarde (Pokemon): Boss Death Egg Robot (Sonic the Hedgehog): Boss Phantoon (Metroid): Boss Beast Ganon (Legend of Zelda): Boss Petey Piranha (Super Mario): Boss King Boo (Luigi's Mansion): Boss Sephiroth (Final Fantasy): Boss Edited: Added Phoenix Wright to my list
  14. Voted for Anna even though she is technically not a Heroes OC.
  15. Easy skip for me. I am not interested in the Muspell OCs so I can save orbs and wait to see who shows up on the Swift Sparrow and Legendary Hero banner.
  16. My favorite is Anna. Was always fond of her, Anna's specials are always hilarious to watch and her high luck lets her take advantage of the several luck stat related skills in this game. I always choose her over the other three archers. Lissa is my favorite axe user, Linde is my go-to mage, I alternate between Azura and Cordelia for lances, and Chrom/Owain/Lianna are the swordies I commonly use.
  17. Anna is my pick. She is somewhat of a mascot for Fire Emblem and she has no presence whatsoever in a game about mascots fighting each other, what? Not to mention I could see her bringing all the different weapon types from Fire Emblem all on her own with her moveset. I would also be fine with Alm, Celica or Azura as well.
  18. Nice to see renders for Female Robin and Female Pokémon Trainer. Now where is Female Corrin's render? Grima is too big huh? Spoilers for Fire Emblem Echoes though but... If nothing else I could see Grima's boss battle being Grima possessing Robin's body who stands in the background and just summons Grima's head which players will have to attack.
  19. Next week's banner are the Heroes OC from Muspell huh? Cool, I can safely ignore that and focus on spending orbs trying to get Flora, Ophelia and Silas on the Conquest banner.
  20. Xenoblade Chronicles- I used to like Xenoblade but X and 2 basically killed my interest in that series. X because the game moved slower than snails and the free downloads that were suppose to make the game go faster wouldn't download for whatever reason so I just gave up on the game out of frustration. 2 made me shy away from the series completely because the majority of the playable characters look like pre-teens and the more anime-like graphic and...certain character designs didn't appeal to me either. Even looking back on Xenoblade 1 I remember the majority of sidequests being tedious and the save scumming you need to do to get items from chests. Legend of Zelda- I like the games as a kid but Twilight Princess was probably the last game in the series I genuinely like and after the disappointment I had playing Skyward Sword and A Link Between World I was done with the series. No, Breath of the Wild wasn't good enough to make me want to come back. Metroid- I tried to give this series a chance and tried several of their games but the only game I like and finished to the end was Super Metroid. Plus the loud majority of their fanbase is annoying to listen to as well. Other popular franchises I dislike but won't go into detail are Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Kid Icarus, Metal Gear and Star Fox. Gosh, this post makes me look like a Nintendo hater.
  21. Kanto: All of them but if I had to pick one then Brock I guess. Johto: Again, all of them but I like Jasmine the most out of these eight. Hoenn: Norman, gotta go with Pokedad Sinnoh: Volkner, because he reminds me of the 4th Hokage from Naruto Unova: Drayden, cool old guy with the dragons Kalos: Korrina, she is the only gym leader from Kalos I remember since she introduced mega evolution and had those two Lucarios with her.
  22. My Smash Ballot votes went to Sceptile and Shovel Knight. If I was a fan of Fire Emblem back in 2015 I would have voted for Anna as well. As for Smash content in tomorrow's direct a newcomer and an echo fighter seems like a safe bet. Couldn't guess who they will go for though.
  23. I knew a Conquest themed banner was going to come out some time this year although it came a couple months earlier than I expected. Still, I like just about everyone here but I don't know if I will pull for all of them. I will definitely go for Flora for that red dagger in the permanent pool, won't pull for blues since Silas will get demoted later which I am okay with since it will make it easier for me to +10 him and I will try for Ophelia when she is on another banner and not sharing a color with someone. Nina is probably the one I am least interested in but I will take her if she shows up if I'm forced to pull colorless. Overall, this is probably my favorite banner they released so far this year.
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