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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. Wow, today must be my lucky day! Spent 100 orbs on Brave Redux and got 3 units I have been wanting. Got 2 Kliffs right away one was +Spd/-Atk other was +Res/-Atk (Guess I will keep Sagittae huh), gotten 2 Owains first one was +HP/-Atk the other one is much better with +Atk/-Res, and the one pitybreaker was a five star Silas with not an ideal nature +Spd/-Def but I welcome him anyways since I didn't get him on the Conquest banner and he is one of my favorites from Fates. All in all great night for me. How come all my favorite male characters come easily but I spend hundreds of orbs for my favorite female characters?
  2. He will show up on March's legendary hero banner to go along with the new binding blade banner that month. We can always hope for November's legendary banner though.
  3. I watched the animation a few weeks ago and honestly I thought it wasn't very good. It skips the first game entirely and only skims through some of the second game's big events. You also never see main antagonist, Zin never utters a line and only exist in the background for a shot, Kevin is also adapted out plus the animation ends before reaching the final dungeon (though maybe that was done to keep it a secret?). Character models also looked off, the dub voice acting was so bad it's good and I also felt like needless fan-service was tacked on as well. I hate ragging on it since I do like the Trails series but I always think that anime/movie adaptations of video games never turn out good. Playing the game itself almost always offer a much enjoyable experience than watching something that has been watered down.
  4. Definitely wasn't expecting Eirika to be the legendary this month since I was totally expecting Alm, Celica, or F!Corrin. Never understood why people were expecting Hrid since there was never anything that suggested such. I'm fine with this though, I like Eirika, her legendary art is beautiful here and she was bound to get a legendary alt sooner or later since her brother got one. Still kind of disappointing seeing all the red legendary being swords though. I am still wanting on who is going to be the first red bow unit. Also, since Eirika got a legendary alt despite getting a normal alt earlier this year that means it is quite possible Chrom could still get a legendary alt as well. As for the banner itself red and blue is looking good for me this time. Red for Legendary Eirika and blue for Sumia who I don't have yet. Though I might just take my free summon and bail out since I still want to Owain and Kliff and brave redux.
  5. Wow, I actually made it to tier 21 this week! It's my first time as well. I guess I have L!Tiki to thank for that since I was using her as my bonus unit and had her take out everything that wasn't green. I'll enjoy being at the top while I can for whatever that is worth since I doubt I will be staying in tier 21 for long and will most likely be back down at tier 19 before I know it.
  6. Mostly favoritism for me. Most of the characters I like to play as; Mario, Sonic, Captain Falcon, Corrin and Pokémon Trainer, the way they work suit my playstyle though there are a few of my favorites, Lucario and Mewtwo, that deviate outside the way I play. There is also Chrom who while I hear people say he is going to be bad because of his b-up move it won't stop me from picking him as my FE main simply due to fact that he is only FE character on Smash Ultimate's roster that I actually like since I don't really care for Roy, Ike, Robin, Lucina and M!Corrin and I am just neutral towards Marth and F!Corrin.
  7. Yes, I very much wish for this to be true even if the chances of it actually happening are kind of slim. If that wish that come true though I fear all of my orbs would disappear trying to get her.
  8. Interesting gauntlet theme this time. Even though technically Delthea never had lightning spells outside Heroes, she only knew fire and light magic in Gaiden/Echoes. Don't know who I will support though. I like all eight contestants though I most likely will choose between Delthea and Tailtiu, with a slight preference for Delthea.
  9. Didn't realize the month was almost over already. Trailer should be dropping on Monday then. My guess for the red legendary hero is still either Alm/Celica wielding red bow or F!Corrin holding a red tome. It would just be disappointing to me if it another sword (triple that if they are infantry) unit. I think having Ike, Ryoma and Marth are more than enough for sword legendary heroes.
  10. Finally cleared Infernal difficulty. Constant debuffs from Aversa's Tome made things frustrating since my usually dragon or flying teams couldn't do it without someone getting knocked out. Decided to upgrade that atk/res brazen seal, gave it to Celica and watched her demolish everything besides the sapphire lance cavalier with regular Azura, NY!Azura and YT!Olivia providing support by basically giving Celica four times to move every turn.
  11. The only thing I would like is a way to convert my inventory items into something else. Like, I really wish I can turn my arena medals, badges, shards, dueling crest and stamina potions into feathers so I can merge more of my units. More 5 star demotions would also be appreciated. Not sure if there are any more new units I would like to see since IS added most of my favorites this year. Only two missing at this point is Cynthia and Deen and while most people seem to hate alts I still would like to see Anna from Awakening and Fates show up but I am guessing they are waiting for Three House's Anna (assuming Anna is a playable unit in Three Houses) so they could put all three of them on a banner.
  12. Yeah, I decided to set my lead with a unit who could lower multiple stats because debuffing enemies seems very useful in a mode like GC.
  13. I could have sworn that map was in last month's GC except I'm not sure if those two breakable walls near the bottom was there last time or not.
  14. Eh, I always thought most GC maps weren't that great since cavalry or flier teams seems to be the way to go unless infantry units got bonus effects. Putting breakable objects in the way just makes things more annoying and I hate having to waste attacks breaking them due to being turn limitations. Also hi @Alexmender I guess we are on the same team in GC or at least I am sure this is you since I don't know anyone else with that name who uses a +10 Eirika wearing red glasses.
  15. Hmmm...I just realized Kliff is the only new Echoes characters to be released this year besides outside the Celica alts. I could see the upcoming VG being themed around Farfetched Heroes since the banner for Brave Redux will still be up before it ends. I would have to decide between choosing Owain or Kliff. Not sure if they will do something about Joshua though unless they expect people to have already gotten him on the TT with repeat TT rewards or they plan on him being the next reward for Heroic Feats. Obviously Tobin is going to be our Legendary Hero this month wielding a red bow to show his superiority towards Alm.
  16. Yes, Owain and Kliff, two of my favorite male Fire Emblem characters are finally coming to Heroes! And thank goodness Kliff is wielding a tome instead of sword (I will never forget what they did to Tobin). IS is just giving me all my favorite male characters this year huh. First Kaze, then Silas and now Owain and Kliff. Was surprised that they put Aversa over to the GHB battle slot but I'm kind of glad they did since she would be sharing colors with Owain otherwise and I didn't want to use orbs and have her show instead of Owain. Only got 100 orbs though so I wonder if I should try pulling both red and blue or just snipe one color though I don't know who to choose between Owain and Kliff.
  17. Mushroom Kingdom U stage has that one portion that Kamek sends fighters to temporarily that looks like a fortress level but yeah it is kind of a shame that Bowser (and Bowser Jr. I guess) don't have their own stage since Luigi, Peach and Rosalina all have a stage related to them. I could see a Bowser's Castle stage being very hazardous with Dry Bones, Thwomps and Boom Boom attacking playing along with having lava underneath the platforms. Maybe even have a bridge on both sides of the stage where there is an axe and if a player hits the axe the bridge would collapse and anyone who was standing on it gets dunked into lava. Though I don't think we will be seeing a Bowser's Castle in this Smash iteration unfortunately since they would have most likely shown it off by now if it existed.
  18. @mampfoid Nice one turn clear as always. Was surprised to see Azura with a Brave Axe and Galeforce since I don't really see refreshers being used for combat these days. I struggled with this BHB for about thirty minutes before clearing it with a dragon team consisting of A!Tiki, L!Tiki, FH!Robin and L!Robin.
  19. I was kind of hoping to save orbs since last month's banners gave me nothing but disappointment from pitybreakers outside of L!Tiki. However, I saw Mage Eirika on the BHB banner and just had to try to pull for her. I spent about 130 orbs and the RNG Goddess herself must have decided to shower me with grace because... I managed to get two of her along with two reposition fodder copies of Selena. Funny enough one of those Eirika's nature is +Atk/-HP just like that 5 star L'Arachel I pulled a couple months ago. This kind of makes up for me still failing to PA!Azura. Also got some more copies of Lonqu for merges later on since I want to actually make a build and use him now as my infantry sword along with Marisa (who we hopefully get another copy of soon from Heroic feats so I can get her up to +2).
  20. If we are assuming there is no Farfetched Heroes 2.0 then... Alm's Army: Kliff (Infantry Blue Tome), Luthier (Infantry Green Tome), Tatiana (Infantry Staff) Celica's Army: Valbar (Armored Lance), Deen (Infantry Sword), Conrad (Cavalry Lance) GHB: Fernand (Cavalry Lance) TT: Mycen (Cavalry Lance) Yeah, not the best prediction and so many lance users (a lot of them with horses) but there are really not that many notable choices left since they used the majority of this game's females already unless they start putting up alts of Alm (give him a bow alt already), Delthea (I could see an alt of her wielding Ladyblade or a Red Tome) and the Ram kids (give them anything but a sword please).
  21. Wow, there sure are a lot of topics discussing who could show up in the next banner for such and such game. I will take a crack at it as well. Banner: Cynthia (Flying Lance), Laurent (Infantry Red Tome), Nah (Armored Green Stone) and if there is a fourth unit then Severa (Infantry Sword or Cavalry Bow) GHB: Validar (Infantry Red Tome) TT: Brady (Infantry Staff)
  22. Welp, I think I am finally done with Fire Emblem Warriors. It was a fun ride, spent around 360 hours on the game after playing for a year. I beat all the story mode missions on all the difficulties, S-ranked all the history mode missions including the DLC maps and got all the badges besides the one requiring you to raise a character to Lv.150. I don't think I will bother with it though since my highest leveled character is Anna sitting at Lv.130 (my next highest is Lianna at Lv.120) and it would be boring spending hours grinding levels for mostly nothing since I want to get around to finally start playing Octopath Traveler and Megaman 11. Definitely had it's faults but I still thought it was a fun little spin-off game for Fire Emblem. FEW2 when IS?
  23. Mario, I guess. In fighting games I tend to use characters that are balanced and Mario was my main in Smash 4 so it will be interesting to see if he is just as good in that game or if they nerfed him down some.
  24. Free summon on TT banner gave me normal Myrrh. She doesn't have an ideal nature (+Spd/-HP) but meh, at least I have a bonus unit for TT now and I can just cruise through it with my dragon themed team.
  25. H!Dorcas comes with Sturdy Stance eh. I might finally have a good A-slot skill to give to my FH!Robin now. Also, I am definitely putting that Atk/Res Brazen seal on tome Celica.
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