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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. I suppose Silas could be a sword cavalier but I fear he would fade into the background very quickly since Heroes already has so many of those. Yes, his sword rank is higher in all routes but personally I am kind of hoping Silas comes as a lance cavalier and introduces the javelin into the game since that is what he comes with on all routes (besides Conquest funny enough) and most official artwork shows him wielding javelin or some other lance.
  2. Huh, I never actually noticed that until you just mentioned it. Though at this point I am kind of just used to every banner having an alt on it. I am okay with an alt free banner if it reduces the numbers of complaints about it even though I kind of secretly wish for a version of Leo that, how should I put it, can compete and hold his own in today's meta.
  3. For some reason when I saw people saying Flora I mistook her name for Fiora from Blazing Blade. Anyways, somehow I completely forgot about Felicia's sister from Fates and now I kind of hope it is her because that would mean a Conquest banner which means Silas might finally get into the game. It would make sense since the next story chapter seems to takes place in the Muspell rite temple or whatever it is called and the chapter that took place in the Nifl temple had Birthright characters it would parallel nicely. The banner would probably look something like Flora, Silas, Charlotte and an alt of either Leo or Elise with a GHB of Hans because I would love the chance to beat him up Heroes style.
  4. Darn it Lyn, your only job was needing to defeat Veronica. Now I am out of bonus units for the finals. Ah well, I guess I'm jumping to Ephraim's team. Don't have him but at the very least I should be swimming in multipliers the entire round.
  5. +HP/-Def seems to be the most common nature that shows up for me.
  6. Isn't the current banner based on Genealogy though? It would have to be Sigurd or Seliph then but this month's Legendary is going to be wielding a blue colored weapon. Is there a special lance that they could use? Then again I know that Finn seems to be popular within the Fire Emblem community (at least in Japan I think) so I guess it is possible they could make some souped up Brave Lance and call him a Legendary hero but I don't know how important he is to the Jugdral narrative. Is Jugdral the only continent besides Valentia that is still left without a Legendary Hero at this point? However, I am going to predict that there is going to be another new hero banner later this month and the legendary hero will be based on whatever game that banner covers. I think a new calendar should be coming up soon so I can be more sure of my prediction then.
  7. Glad to hear Catria and Elise showed help for you. Unfortunately I didn't see Tana or Maria. I seriously thought no one else on Sereneforest joined Celica's team since the only friend ally I saw was someone's Tailtiu (I think it was silveraura's since she was holding a fresh bouquet). I'm guessing both of the Catrias had a similar skillset I presume?
  8. I prefer Melee's Adventure Mode over a Brawl's Subspace story mode. It's hard to have a compelling story when more than half the cast never speak. I never understood the Ridley hype for Smash outside of memes. Hearing complaints about Pokémon having most of its playable reps being from Gen 1. The first generation is the most iconic after all. That is like saying the majority of the Mario content represented in Smash should come from Galaxy/Odyssey/New Super Mario Bros instead of the older titles. Only Lucario really aged well and is remembered over the years especially since Game Freak's strategy for new games involves abandoning the previous gen to promote the newest gen. Only Gen 1 mons and Lucario never got left behind in the dust. Though if a gen 1 Pokémon were to get the axe from the smash roster I wouldn't miss Jigglypuff since its days of relevancy to the series are long gone and Eevee or even Meowth could replace it as the most memorable normal type mon. Regarding Leaks/Rumors as facts before Nintendo officially de/confirms it. Hearing 'insert here' series deserves more reps because of such and such reasons. Complaints of too many FE reps wielding swords despite the majority of FE Protagonists wielding swords. Bonus points if said complainers then go on to recommend characters like Black Knight, Lyn and Sigurd who guess what, primarily use a sword. Really hearing the too many sword users in general is annoying to hear despite there being just as many characters using their hands, feet, etc. Seeing tier lists for the games despite there being more to smash than one-on-one matches.
  9. Darn, Celica lost though that might be a blessing in disguise since I won't mind seeing red random allies for the rest of the VG. It looks like Lucina and Hector are also out of the running so I have no choice but to join Team 'The Enemy!' I guess. Going against Veronica's Team will surely hand out plenty of multipliers.
  10. I would add you to my friend list since I am also joining team Celica but unfortunately I don't know your friend code.
  11. Eh, I am mostly indifferent to most of designs for the Bow Knights myself but I do like this Cipher design for Severa/Selena and hope for a similar art style in Heroes.
  12. I'm just saying that they have been a bunch of characters from Jugdral being put in the game this year compared to 2017. Last year we only got 8 characters I believe from the Jugdral saga and 12 more characters (+2 more depending on your opinion of alts) have been added nine months into 2018. 2017 focused mostly on Awakening and Fates units (mostly because of seasonal alts) and this year seems to focus on characters from the Jugdral games and Blazing Blade and I am okay with that. I just think it is kind of impressive that the continent whose games are still exclusive to Japan seem to have gotten a bunch of banners this year in spite of the fact that I see complaints for a Tellius or Binding Blade banner. Personally I don't care when which of those three game's banner are picked since that is when I can skip them and safely save up orbs.
  13. Personally I hope that when merc Inigo is added into Heroes they go the Raven path and give him an axe instead. I feel like when they add him into the game his banner will come with Owain and Severa and if all of them are swords it will be a nightmare pulling for a specific one. I'm hoping for Owain with a sword, Inigo with an axe and Severa will reference her 'canon' promotion in Fates and be a bow cavalry.
  14. I stand by my belief that most if not all rumors/leaks are fake until proven true. I hate hearing about 'oh, this rumor is true because of such and such reason' when I very much prefer hearing the news come the company themselves instead of hearing about the news, true or fake, spilling out on the internet.
  15. 2018 must be the year for Jugdral banners. I'm sure Jugdral must be happy to see their characters appear in Heroes. Sounds like we are getting a free horse cavalry unit from the next TT as well so everyone will at least have a good bonus unit for that. Honestly I am not interested in this banner due to not playing the Jugdral games but I am just glad that I get to save orbs again after the August banner drained my reserves.
  16. Final Fantasy VI is the only Square Enix game I have ever played so I guess Terra would be my pick and as a bonus Celes would be her echo fighter. I wouldn't mind seeing a different take on a magic knight in Smash.
  17. So what is the general consensus for Grand Conquest? I don't think the changes helped much as lack of coordination and teammates unwillingness to play still screws you over most of the time but that just might be me because I feel like I am always put on the less active teams. I feel like the best thing to do is focus on ranking top three for the 3000 feathers and then whatever the area count is just a feather dispenser afterwards.
  18. All this mono-color talk made me realize I will probably be seeing tons of Celicas and Alms from random allies if I am on Team Celica. People on a red unit team always seem to set their leader to a sword unit for some reason.
  19. Voting Gauntlet is based on CYL winners this time huh. I'm going with Celica since she is the only one of the eight contestants that I care about and hopefully she pulls out a win against Lyn. If she goes down then Hector and/or Lucina will be my backup options.
  20. At this point my most wanted characters are Owain, Cynthia, Silas, Kliff and Deen. My voting pick would be Owain and Kliff but I already think we are going to get those two before the end of the year from Farfetched Heroes 2 so... @Jotari Silas is my pick. He is the only character left from Fates yet to be added that I want in the game plus I think he would be a good fit to be the javelin user in Heroes.
  21. Aha, Celica's Ragnarok is finally getting a refine. Cherche getting a prf weapon is really cool as well. Now I am glad I didn't waste any divine dew on Alfonse's and Sharena's weapons.
  22. @mampfoid Nice job clearing abyssal especially on the first turn even! I was actually wondering if you would still clear these thing in one turn with all those absurd bloated stats on the enemy units. So everyone is moving on to Abyssal clears now? Not sure if I will attempt Abyssal mode especially since I still haven't figured out how to beat Infernal. I really don't want to spend hours trying to figure out how to beat it nor do I really have the time for it this week (plus I would rather be grinding HM feathers out of RD). Thankfully all they reward are accessories which I never bother to put on my characters.
  23. Recently on reddit it seems like someone was able to find out the elements for all the legendary heroes leading up to February 2019. https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/99na2t/seasons_are_locally_defined_up_to_february_2019/ Going off of that and what we already know which previous legendary heroes are returning September should have a blue earth hero, October's should be a red water hero and November should be colorless water. December will be a green or colorless (though I believe it will be green) fire hero. Assuming Marth was picked for August to coincide with CYL I still believe Legendary Heroes are released to go along with the New Hero banner/s released that month. Though without that information these are my guesses for the moment. September: Blue/Earth- Micaiah? I don't know much about Radiant Dawn but I heard people so Micaiah would be a Earth Legendary and she seems to wield tomes that counter armors so. I definitely wouldn't mind her being a check to armors in the same way L!Marth counters dragons. I will be more confident it is Micaiah if there is a Radiant Dawn banner during September. October: Red/Water- I am going to guess either Alm with red bow or I am guessing Corrin because it is bound to happen eventually. If a red bow legendary doesn't happen here then we won't see it until Jan/Feb/some time next year. If it is Corrin I think a case could be made for her to be a sword, tome, stone, red bow or red dagger. November: Colorless/Water- If Corrin isn't picked for October she will be November's legendary instead as either a second colorless stone or staff unit as a Hoshidan Noble or who knows maybe even the first colorless tome as a Nohrian Noble if that becomes a thing. December: Green/Fire- Don't really know any more lords/other important characters who wield an axe, tome, stone, etc. I don't know but I will guess Xander wielding Bolverk or green stone Tiki?
  24. Yes, I finally got her! I have been trying for months to get L!Robin and after depleting most of my orbs I finally got my own. She's +Def/-Spd but if I give her Quick Riposte she will probably be fine but I am just glad she is not -Atk. Finally, my dragon team of A!Tiki, F!Corrin, FH!Robin and L!Robin is complete and of course it happens after L!Marth became a thing. Other highlights were that I got a Kaze with +Spd/-Def so I will finally start working on a dagger unit and start merging him up. Also got my tenth Tailtiu so she will be at +9 now. One more and I can +10 her.
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