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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. Ha, free summoning ticket gave me NY!Fjorm today. Though I don't really care for her so I will probably fodder her off once the VG and TT is over. I wonder what skill is more valuable from her skillset; Atk/Spd bond, Atk/Spd Link or good ol' reposition?
  2. Owain and Cynthia for Awakening. Owain for his hammy and over the top personality along with Kaiji Tang's delivery of his voice lines. Cynthia for her cheerful personality. I saw them both as the clowns of their group who tried to keep the future children hopeful and keep their spirits up. Ophelia for Fates I guess. She has as much of a wacky personality as her father. I never really paid much attention to the children of Fates outside of Ophelia, Nina and Percy and I mostly only care about them due to all the goodies you get for playing their chapters like Horse Spirit and Calamity Gate (Ophelia), Shining Bow (Nina) or even just tons of money (Percy).
  3. After playing the game for a few weeks I found myself playing these characters the most. Mains Pokémon Trainer Zelda Mario Lucina Chrom Mewtwo Secondary Pikachu Captain Falcon Richter Young Link Marth Sonic I would say I have enjoyed Pokémon Trainer and Zelda the most. Depending on how they play I might add Pirahna Plant and Joker to the list as well.
  4. Going with Azura since she is my favorite of the bunch and it would be funny to see if she wins the News Years Gauntlet two times in a row. Catria will probably be my lead for the majority of it since most of the participants are flier units.
  5. She came sooner than I was expecting! Only had to spent 70 orbs to get Legendary Azura! Nature is +Res/-HP which is decent enough. Also pulled a S!Camilla but I will just grind the 5000 feathers and then have her hand Hone Fliers to either L!Robin or even better K!Hinoka.
  6. Plenty of things got me excited this year. Weapon Refinery breathing new life into units released last year Kaze, Silas, Kliff, Owain, Ophelia and Flora being added to the game Finding new characters from older games to like such as L'Arachel and Marisa Alts for Marth, Eirika and even Reinhardt. Also Matt Mercer giving us the 'Being Helpful' quote via Chrom and Chris Smith and his anti magic quote given to Reinhardt. Azura and Tiki being Legendary Heroes Celica and Hector being the top two favorite characters this year Other games in the series getting seasonal alts Grails adding a way to get more merges for GHB/TT units Combat Manuals freeing up space in the barracks Feather farming in Rivals Domain which helped me fully merge some of my units such as A!Tiki, Reinhardt and Kaze
  7. Oooh, very nice Azura alt there and this one isn't a green unit. Sadly though another alt of Azura this soon pretty much kills her chances for CYL3. Don't know if I will try pulling for her yet though. Given my history with Azura being on a banner and sharing colors with another unit usually means I won't get her no matter how many orbs I throw out. Red is also looking nice for me with Marth, Tiki and Flora all being together on it. I think I will wait and see who is on the New Years banner before I start summoning on this Legendary banner. New Years banner comes out in what five, six days so there shouldn't be any rush to summon right away.
  8. Fire Emblem Warriors: Even if it is just to get more characters like Alm, Hector, Camus and The Reinhardt. More History Mode maps would also be nice. Pokémon Lets GO: Something I know Gamefreak would never do but it would be cool if they added the Johto region and mons into the game as a $15-$20 DLC pack. Pokken Tournament: With Aegislash and Blastoise in the game that one empty slot continues to bother me. What are the chances that they left that slot open to help promote a future gen 8 Pokémon? Mario Kart 8: It is probably too late for more DLC for this game since they seemed to have stopped after the first two but I am surprised Nintendo didn't do more DLC for this game unless it DLC sold poorly without my knowledge. Anyways, assuming Mario Kart 9 or Nintendo Kart are not becoming a thing soon I would like to see more tracks and characters added to the game. Some more retro Mario tracks from older Mario Kart games along with crossover tracks and characters like Princess Zelda, Diddy Kong, K Rool, Samus, Captain Falcon, Fox, Kirby and add racing tracks for the Metroid, Star Fox, and the Kirby series.
  9. Knuckles: The OG rival of Sonic and the things he already does as an AT looks like it could be made a viable moveset. Alucard: Honestly never played SOTN and I really only know him for his secret identity in AoS but he seems like a cool dude to play as a third castlevania rep in Smash. Zero: Just as iconic to the Megaman series as classic Megaman. I have little doubt that if Megaman were to ever get a second non-echo rep it would be this guy. Tiki: There are other FE characters I would rather have as newcomers but out of the three FE Assist Trophies would like to see Tiki playable. Shovel Knight: Glad to see him in the game at all but seeing him playable would make me ecstatic.
  10. Hmm...I actually never considered LnD. Now that I think about LnD might actually work better with Windsweep than Fury and Kaze's res should still be high enough to tank mages. And I just happened to pull several copies of Sothe recently so I might actually try it out. Thanks for the idea!
  11. Another merge project complete, this time my first colorless unit to get fully merged and the MVP of my Conquest playthroughs one of my favorite units from Fates, Kaze. I think I may be the first on Sereneforest to +10 Kaze so that feels neat to be the first to +10 a unit no one else has. Anyways, here he is! Edit: Added images of both skillset I use on Kaze. Imgur link has been replaced with the all debuff stat skillset. https://imgur.com/JuIcDAk With Kaze's high speed and res along with the Flashing Blade seal with always proc and hit hard with Iceberg every time he attacks. I also have an alternative set with windsweep and the Spd Smoke seal where he can lower all enemies stats. With Kaze finished I finally have a fully merged colorless unit so now I will probably go back and focus on Eirika again since she is halfway merged. By the time I am done with Eirika I am hoping that I pull enough copies of Raven or Cherche and start merging them as I still do not have a high merged green unit yet.
  12. Best Super Smash Bros Ultimate: Self Explanatory Pokémon Lets Go: I would say it is the best mainline Pokémon game I enjoyed since Pokémon Emerald. Yes, the game is rather easy but just about all the mainline Pokémon games are easy (they are aimed to be played by children after all) plus easy games can still be fun to play. I personally like being able to chose which wild Pokémon I capture and I didn't mind no wild battles using False Swipe/Spore/throw balls got tiring after doing it for four generations. Seeing Red, Blue, Leaf and Archer again was also nice. Megaman 11: A fun throwback to the classic platformer. Simulates the difficulty the older games had but I can proudly say that Megaman 11 is the first game with classic Megaman I beat. Hopefully Megaman 11 was successful enough to make Capcom think about making a Megaman X9 in the style of the classic Megaman X games (1-3). Also might put Octopath Traveler, Mario Tennis Aces and Super Mario Party here or in worst but I haven't got around to playing those games yet. Worst Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon- Wanted to like this game but couldn't even get past the second level the first day I played and I just never found the time or motivation to go back to it. Blazblue Cross Tag Battle- Interesting concept but quickly lost interest in it after a week plus most of the characters I main like Hakumen, Izayoi and Yukari are either DLC or not in the game at all. 2019 Daemon X Machina: Seems like it could be interesting based on what was shown off so far. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney 7: Besides the original Ace Attorney Trilogy games being ported (again) next year I believe I heard somewhere that another Ace Attorney is in the making though I don't know if it will be released in 2019 or later. Final Fantasy 7: After beating FF6 recently I have been thinking about playing another Final Fantasy game and since Cloud's game is coming to Switch soon I have been considering playing his game to see what the big deal is about him though I have also considered playing FF4 on an emulator. Yoshi's Crafted World: Unless it gets delayed again I might pick up this game once it releases next year even though I still haven't beaten Yoshi's Woolly World.
  13. Single Player Games Super Mario World Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past Super Metroid Pokémon Red/Blue Megaman X1 Megaman Battle Network 1-6 Fire Emblem Awakening Fire Emblem Fates Fire Emblem Heroes Multiplayer Games Super Smash Bros Ultimate Mario Kart 8 Mario Power Tennis Mario Party 2 and Mario Party 6
  14. Managed to get C!Eirika in 20 orbs but she was +Def/-Atk. Decided to go against my better judgment and ended up spending 240 more orbs trying to get a better nature but got pitybroken by FH!Robin. Welp, not the worst thing in the world since FH!Robin now either gets his first merge or his ward dragon skill gets passed on to his just as corrupt 'legendary' female self.
  15. Are you trying to put Est's PRF weapon onto a four star copy of her? If so, you will have to take a five star Est (five star combat manuals of her would also work) and merge her onto her four star merged self. That what I had to do to get my 4+10 Lilina to learn Forblaze.
  16. Haven't spent any orbs since Brave Redux but since Hero Fest ends today I figured since all the units look nice I should use all my tickets and do full summons on all of them just to see how many five stars I would get and to my surprise I managed to pull three five-star units, two were focus units and one pitybreaker. I managed to get Ophelia (+Res/-HP), Adrift Corrin (+Spd/-Def), and Lewyn (+Atk/-Res). Ophelia and Adrift Corrin were characters I have been wanting for a while but I never attempted to get them on any of the previous banners they were on so I am glad to get them now. Lewyn is getting one of his skills foddered off though I don't know whether to fodder off Special Spiral to a mage (like Sonya, Celica or even the Ophelia I just got) or to give Odd Attack Wave to A!Tiki. Still got 360 orbs saved up so that should be more than enough to pull Eirika on tomorrow's Christmas banner.
  17. You push the 'L' or 'ZL' button to favorite a spirit as well as for spirit team setup.
  18. Huh, yeah I meant Xenosaga. I have been watching a lets play of Xenogears lately so I must of had it on my mind when I was writing my post.
  19. I think Mewtwo's attacks are considered magic in this game (Psychic power is apparently magic as far as Nintendo is concerned). At least when I push recommended spirits for Mewtwo it puts magic boosting spirits up and physical boosts (for his tail attacks I assume). I guess PSI boosting spirits are only for Ness and Lucas in the same vein that aura boosting spirits are exclusive to Lucario (at least as far as the game tells me at any rate).
  20. Looking back at CYL2 I guess you could say IS gave me all the characters I wanted this year. Kaze was basically given for free, Silas got put on a banner as the obvious demote (which was fine with me) and Owain and Kliff were the real stars of the CYL consolation prize banner as far as I am concerned. The other three characters I voted for were already in the game and I just wanted alts for them which hasn't happened yet. For CYL3 all of my votes are going to Anna and Cynthia and depending on the mid-results Chrom, Azura and Eirika.
  21. Hmm...if the comments about the DLC characters all being from series not yet in Smash is true I might have to amend some of my predictions. Technically predicted an Atlus rep but Jack Frost did not happen but I don't mind too much since we got Joker from Persona 5 instead. Pokémon and Fire Emblem might not happen this time around. I still think Phoenix Wright and KOS-MOS still have a chance and both of them can stir excitement just as well as Joker did. So, these are the four characters I will predict now. Phoenix Wright from Capcom's Ace Attorney series and I would say is my most wanted character for Smash despite competition from DMC, RE and even Okami KOS-MOS from Bandai Namco's Xenosaga with competition from Tales, Tekken and Soulcaliber A Square rep, probably someone from Dragon Quest even though I would prefer someone from FF4 or FF6. First Party rep. I don't know, I am still kind of hoping Nintendo brings at least one new character from their own franchises outside of Piranha Plant, preferably something popular like Eevee. Otherwise I guess I will predict something crazy like an Arc System rep.
  22. Wow, just got spirits of the Whitewing Sisters and I am glad that they went with their art from Echoes. Also got Caeda recently as well and I am surprised they classed her as a Legend. I'm guessing her art is from the DS version of Shadow Dragon? Just need to find Camus now. Also, I was surprised to find a track from Megaman Starforce in the shop and now I am hoping Battle Network also got at least one soundtrack in the game.
  23. It has been a while since I posted anything FEH related though for the last six weeks there really nothing interesting related to the game. Anyways, they made some interesting choices for Christmas units this year though sadly all of them are armors again. Also, I knew we would eventually get an armored staff unit. I recall someone telling me off once here on sereneforest that armored staff wouldn't happen but look what we have now. Also surprised to see only three units here but I suppose the bridal and new years banners also only had three units. Usually I don't pull for seasonal but I am considering only pulling for Eirika since she got great art once again and she is the only character I like here since I could care less about Ephraim and armor trainee dragon bst Fae (plus pulling colorless might give me the final three copies of Kaze I need to +10 him). All we need now is Brave Eirika with either a blue or green weapon and you could make a viable team of just Eirika and her alts.
  24. Blastoise was the first one I got. The game somehow knew Pokémon Blue was the first Pokémon game (and video games in general) I played.
  25. Yep, that's me. Didn't know you were on Gunnthra's team as well. Though that is probably how high my score will go this round. I honestly haven't been paying much to the VG or Heroes in general since Smash Ultimate came out today.
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