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Posts posted by Azuris

  1. 14 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    I only wanted one copy and I'm done with the banner, do the nature is is annoying indeed.

    Oh, that's bad, then. I'm sorry.


    14 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    Good luck getting a big heap of Hectors and Lucinas! Plus a wild Hrid of course. 

    Thank you.


    13 hours ago, Alkaid said:

    On my free summon I got.. Lucina, +spd -hp.

    Nice. Congratulations.

    Good to see the game is giving you something good as well, after trolling you in Aether Raids.

  2. On 28.11.2018 at 10:21 AM, Some Jerk said:

    No chances to flex on enemies this time. But you get to see F!Grima be a boss.

    Nice to see someone else using F Grima for abbysals, she can take quite some hits, when there is no direct counter around and you made Ryoma look like the one struggling to beat the boss. Well done.


    On 28.11.2018 at 12:13 PM, LordFrigid said:

    Pre-charged, Bushido-boosted Glimmer can go off and die somewhere. Bleh.

    Nice and fast as always. Brave Axe Galeforce Azura was interesting, even your dancers destroy abyssal enemies like it is nothing, that's pretty impressive. Also nice Nowi one-shot.

  3. 4 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    Thanks! Yeah I'm content with the outcome. Perhaps the natures could have been better, Hrid only wants DEF and ATK and I get -ATK of course. Like his siblings (-SPD Gunnthrá & -ATK Ylgr). 

    Who do you want to get? 

    Stupid natures trying to ruin your joy, do you plan on merging him or just one copy? When it's a hero you only want one of, it's extra annoying.

    I would like as many Lucinas and Hectors as possible and maybe a Hrid, maybe? No, actually I really want a Hrid, but I am not interested in the other reds, so I just get red, when it is with 4 blues,  there are no blues, or after a 5*.

    Grima will have to wait until february, colorless is meh again.

  4. 55 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    that girl is on fire! *ba dum tss*

    Now I'm angry at Surtr again.


    55 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    Maybe I can go with Laevatein if Gunnthrá loses the first round.

    Doesn't hurt to have a backup plan.


    45 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

    Lucy is okay! :) 

    I'm glad you like at least of them.


    45 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

    I have to always look at the lemonade here, because if i don't then i'd be really upset haha

    Yes, that is a good way to look at things.

  5. Haha, so many Grima banners and then when she could finally share with Veronica or Loki to finish her, she's gone.

    I have some hope that one of them will share with a legendary healer, but I think it's unlikely now. It looks like we get two new colorless legendaries in a row. Having taken that long for a new one and then getting two in row with book 3, looks more like they were waiting for something that book 3 introduces.


    11 hours ago, Johann said:

    (perhaps one bring from Book III?)

    Ah, that is a good idea. I was wondering why next banner seemed like it would be back to only 4 legendaries, but releasing a free one with book 3 and then making it appear on the banner together with a new one makes sense.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Nanima said:

    And I did not have fun. The only thing keeping me going was the sunk cost fallacy, and now even that has burned out. I was so sick of constantly thinking "If only I had X, I could clear it." I suspect I wouldn't have felt any triumph even if I had beaten it. 

    Oh no, it's so sad to hear that.


    17 minutes ago, Nanima said:

    Seeing as frustrating reinforcement hells seem to be the only challenge maps Intsys releases anymore (outside of BHBs), I guess this is as far as I go. I won't be forcing myself to do any more of these. Maybe I'll do the occasional clear, if I should get in the mood again and have time on my hands. But I won't tear my hair out if I can't beat it with them. And I won't sacrifice highly valued units for these anymore. If my team can't do it as they are, they can't do it. Otherwise I can see myself dropping the game entirely out of frustration.

    Yes, don't push yourself too hard. Your well-being and enjoyment should always come first, so just have fun with your Takumis in other content.

    If you ever feel like making more Takumi clears I'll gladly watch it, but you should never feel forced, so please stop stressing you out.


    32 minutes ago, Nanima said:

    I think I have shown that a Team of Takumis (and Princesses) can certainly clear very challenging maps.

    You certainly have, nobody can doubt that and you can be proud of that.

  7. @mcsilas

    Nice one. Congratulations.

    Are we going to see more of Hrid soon?


    6 hours ago, Garlyle said:

    Here's the things I got today in appearance order by spending the rest of my orbs

    • L!Lucina Spd+, Hp- - much better IV than I had before. Welcome
    • Hrid Spd+, Res- - terrible IV, but I can work with it
    • 11% rate - and no Laevatein =(

    I just want 1 more 5* unit, then I quit this banner

    Lucina and Hrid are nice. Congratulations.

    Sad that you missed out on Laevatein, but she may come back with the Voting Gauntlet.


    7 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    This are my result for Hríd's banner:

    Looks like Laevatein loves you, or wants to bribe you for Voting Gauntlet.


    @daisy jane

    Wow, I looked at the pictures and was amazed. A good Lucina rate and even a Hrid, that would be my dream.

    Then I read the text and now I'm sad. The 5* rate wasn't that good, but it would still be ok, if you liked the ones you got. But you didn't even want these ones, so now it's just sad. I feel so sorry for you.



    Nice, more Lucina and Hrid and you even wanted them. Congratulations.

    I am happy for you, but somehow I can't shake the feeling now, that all the Ryomas and Cordelias are reserved for me *sigh*



    Good to see your commitment paying of.

    Congratulations to your +10 legendary hero, that's truly something special, now enjoy the result.


  8. 5 hours ago, mcsilas said:

    Ah but I saved the best Tiki for last!

    Wow, another one, you're on a roll now.

    I really like that Tiki, she was my first +10 unit, so it is always good to see her.

    Reading your comments, it seems this one was quite tricky to set up, so well done keeping at it and making it happen. Also who would have thought, that Threaten Def would be the solution? I can't remember tha last time I even used a threaten skill, so I most likely wouldn't have figured that out. Good job.


    6 hours ago, mcsilas said:

    The game needs more Reposition fodder sources lol (if colourless had one it would be less of a hell to pull!)

    Oh yes, that would be really nice.

  9. 1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    Red Duel Infantry would help a lot in arena. I would say Male Corrin is a better supportive unit to have in arena, since his Yato grant +4 to all stats to the suoport partner, but I don't plan to do a +10 Corrin so soon, and Marth grants less bonus stats but he is a better "healer" thanks to Falchion+Renewal for the 20 HP.

    That is true, but they are both pretty good. I regret sending so many Marths and Corrins home when combat manuals weren't a thing and I was really desperate for space.


    1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    In the last "Anna's season", I used Legendary Marth, and in the previous to that I used Legendary Hector. 

    Yes, these units may have been "a bit" more useful.

  10. 12 hours ago, Johann said:

    Based on these wild theories of mine, I'm currently putting my crazy person chips down on flying axe Legendary Xander next month, wielding Bolverk. Fire type would be there to contrast Ryoma's Water type, though Earth is a possibility too. I don't expect Water though, and Wind is done for this rotation.

    Another legendary flier would be really great. I love fliers but Ryoma doesn't interest me, so I only have Grima to play around with.

    I also like Xander so that would be great, but would that really be a good idea? Wouldn't that make Xander the first male character with 5 versions? Is he really popular enough for that?

  11. 15 hours ago, XRay said:

    My first time in Tier 21! I forgot what my score was, but I do not think it was particularly high. Maybe people are busy over the weekend so they are not as keen on having a perfect score.

    Also congratulation to your first crown. Nice job.


    14 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

    Two weeks ago it was my first crown, this time it was my first stay in T20. Looking good!

    Well done, keep at it.


    6 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    In my opinion, once you reach Tier 21, it's not that hard to keep reaching it. I never fell to Tier 19 again, and never keeped my T20 position for more seasons.

    Yes, that is true. But I had one week where I just held tier 20, because I was so frustrated with my Anna dying to everything, that I couldn't get myself to do another run with more bonus kills.

    AA is a lot more friendly in this and once you got your scoring done, you can rank pretty consistently.


    5 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    I was having good arena battles, but a team with Lewyn, Halloween Myrrh and Legendary Tiki (I don't remember the 4th unit) killed my bonus unit on the 4th battle... Oh well... I needed to start again... But later I got a good score this season: 3.730.

    Wow that is pretty diligent, that you are already done.

    Also nice Marth, having a supportive unit is really good for Arena. I would like one as well, now you just need a Red Duel Infantry.

  12. 14 hours ago, mcsilas said:

    this map is stupid for enemy phase playstyles :(

    Yes, it is indeed.

    But the first team managed that really well. I like Myrrh shuffling all the way to the right to deal with the huge amount of green units that were coming for Tiki.

    The second team didn't have the same enemy phase firepower, so enemies were piling up, but you still managed it really well. I was concerned about Kana's health dropping lower and lower, but using your healer more offensively turned out to be the right choice.

    Also for the final one, it's good to see Marth getting some action himself instead of being just there as a buff bot. Additional bonus points for showing reposition fodder in action, mine just seem to disappear as soon as they arrive.


    Overall some pretty nice clears and I don't mind some more creative themes. ( Tiki splashing around with a water dragon Kana and mamma Ninian! That one actually made me smile.)

  13. 10 hours ago, Zeo said:

    I'm actually kind of jealous of everyone's clears this time. They're so offensive and don't care about Gharnef's effect at all whereas just about all of my clears lean on the defensive side.

    I understand how you feel there. These newer ghb and lhb throw so many reinforcements at you that, if you don't have the offensive power to blast them away as fast as they come or enemy phase units that defeat multiple foes every turn, you get overwhelmed quickly.

    So it is good to see, that with clever movement and all units supporting each other, you still managed to prevail in all your challenges. It seemed close sometimes, but that only proves that every skill and position mattered. Nicely done.

    Also no 5* +10 Wrys? (I'm kidding of course)



    Really nice Askr clear. I expected them really loaded with exclusive skills, but apart from atk/spd link and to a lesser extend drive attack, there wasn't even anything that was hard to get. But even with skills they are still unmerged low bst melee units, so that was an impressive showing of game knowledge and on top execution.

    I also quite like your layout, was that just for this clear, or do you happen to have a stream or something like that?

  14. 2 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    lot of useless badges.

    Yay, for useless badges.

    But on serious note, I could use the other rewards and look forward to some more interactions, especially Hrid could use some more screentime.

    Also I like Gunnthra's flower accessory and look forward to see the upgraded version as well.

  15. I was hoping for Hrid to be made playable in some way, the first good looking male OC in quite some time (Yes, I know. I'm sorry.)

    So I was expecting to want him but not really need him, as he was likely to be a red unit. Now, he is also a cavalry on top of that and I thought it would be hard for them to get me interested in any more cavalry.

    But wow, I have a wind blessed debuff focused cavalry team around Gunnthra, with only the red unit not synergizing as well with the others and he would be such a great fit. Ryoma and Laevatein don't interest me much and I don't like pulling a color on a legendary banner, if I am not wanting at least two of the units, so I am still undecided.


    I have been saving a few hundred orbs for that banner because the cyl units might have come back and Veronica sharing with Grima or Hector sharing with Lucina would have been nice. So, blue it is then, the third unit could have been better and I may cut my losses early if I see nothing but Cordelia, but otherwise I might use up everything. Green and colorless would just be merges for the legendaries, the rest is meh, so if there's no blue it'll be red and pray.


    @Johann Also good job for the prediction. You nailed blue and green,  red had the legendary, so the only misses were Nina and Laevatein and who would have thought they would jump straight to Laevatein? Her debut banner ended when? A month ago?

  16. 12 minutes ago, dethneer said:

    @Azuris :O 5360 well done congrats!

    Thank you. But luck played a pretty big part in that. I got the 5th unit for offense and didn't fight a single 5 unit defense, meanwhile my defense only lost Lift 3 times, while 6 times would have been possible, which may have dropped me right back out of tier 14.


    17 minutes ago, dethneer said:

    seriously struggling whether to buy the 5th offense or defense slot. On one hand my offense hasn't needed the help so far whereas my defense might, but on the other hand if I suddenly start losing battles or running out of time because everyone invested in a 5th defender that would suck...but if everyone thought like that and invested in 5th attacker it would be useless for me to do so as well...prisoners dilemma strikes again

    Yes, that is a pretty big decision. If you have confidence in your abilities, unlike me, the 5th unit for defense will be useful if it minimizes your lost lift.


    19 minutes ago, dethneer said:

    edit: does anyone have the 5th defense slot and can confirm you don't lose an extra 20 lift from defensive failure if you have an extra person?

    I don't have it myself, but I watched someone who did, and it's still -80 for a total defeat.

  17. Whew, another season done.

    And I am really happy with the results. 5360 should stay in the top 3k as I already have my lose for today and I also got my secondary objective of reaching tier 14 done.

    Luck must have been really on my side this week, I got attacked 13 times this season, but 5 were before 4k lift and the rest stacked in a way to make me lose lift only three times. And reaching tier 14 let's me start next week with a 400 lift advantage over everyone only getting to 13.


    But despite having profited from both mechanics, I don't like them. Having some people attacked more than others or in certain more convenient ways is not a good thing if it is such a huge factor. And setting people who barely made tier 14 and those who barely missed it 400 lift apart for next season is just bad, especially because it could have been the result of defense matchmaking. Setting people back to the floor of tier 21 is important so nobody could become uncatchable but on the lower tiers it seems unnecessary.

  18. @Alexmender


    This map turned out to be harder, than I first thought. After the 4 reinforcements turn I realized I had to stop fooling around and bring my stronger fliers, so I feel for those poor Takumis.

    But you still got it done with Takumi and Eirika, well done to both of you. The dedication is admirable as always.

    Also I liked the Starfish to Gharnef's face.

  19. 7 minutes ago, colossus86 said:

    Had a perfect 3 for 3 today on offense

    Good job.


    7 minutes ago, colossus86 said:

    let me say how happy I am to still have a Loki. Makes alot of common set ups much less threatening.

    This is so true. I'm glad I got a single copy of her, she is even -hp, but was still really helpful. I am definitely going to invest in her more when she returns.


    9 minutes ago, colossus86 said:

    Does this map at least look functional?

    One problem I see is that the other units aren't covering Azura's attack range completely. So by taking out the lamp post or the panic manner, she can be baited alone. A range unit taking out the panic manor from below the feh statue, would cause her to run to her death for example. Having Veronica cover all of Azurs's attack range as well would make her go first because she can't be countered and if an enemy Loki or tactics room tries to keep Veronica away your Loki can remove it with Restore+.

    You can always try beating your map a few times, baiting from different locations to see how your units react.

    I hope that helped a little bit until the more elite players come back for more detailed help.

  20. 4 hours ago, Hilda said:

    some people asked for my defensiv setup

    Thank you, even if I wasn't the one asking for it, I really appreciate the insight of experienced players. It's also nice of you to give additional notes about our thoughts.

    But aren't you worried about the right side? You said it takes time, but I still rather start taking out your units turn 3, than taking all the hits turn 1.


    On a site note, the german translation is strange in some places. It's probably not that easy to make sure it fits into the ui, but I didn't even recognize some skills at first.


    4 hours ago, mcsilas said:

    Kinda wish there was a matching system based on merges since I don't merge and it's annoying seeing fully merged teams.

    Yes, that would be good for me as well. My only really high merged units are for scoring and wouldn't do well in Aether Raids. My offense can still get the job done for now, but my defense gets completely overrun.

    But it would most likely lead to balance problems sadly.

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