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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. Hmm... Celica was waifu'd in the end of the story. Lyn's existence is pointless Eirika is actually a main character (as you explained) Micaiah is actually the most important of the main characters despite the narrative ended up favoring Ike (also nobody had noticed yet that "Ike"'s sword belongs to the Empress' family). Azura it's a exposition box. Edelgard's destiny it's a mystery... but if something bad happens, the crests are to blame. ___________________________________________ Let me remember which are the brothers of the original sister's banner... Ike, Raven, Klein, Eldigan, Chrom, Ryoma, Xander, Michalis (they can use rotation GHB anyway). Well... That would be fun (in fact, some people actually would offer nice stuff in their banners; like Chrom's Aether).
  2. If we have a big brothers gaunlet it would feel more like an arm wrestling competition instead of actual EPIC BATTLE FOR THE FATE OF THE UNIVERSE.
  3. Well; in that case it make sense; that was literally a battle of little sisters; it was suppose to be adorable xD.
  4. I invite you to read my Micaiah Moveset Idea for Smash Bros :D


  5. I arrived too late to the FE Fandom (2010?) to know about a Pre-Awakening fandom outside of... people always liking the Hector's kind (which still happens hahaha). And considering I have always (in my times as a more casual FE Player) have prefered Females even before the "Waifu Culture" invaded FE... Well... The change of fandom didn't really affect me (at least not in a meanigful way) xDU.
  6. Let's give Creiddylad to Legendary Micaiah because spoilers... Please... It's animation is beautiful.
  7. I'm a starting to get sick of Hector (I think people love him for pretty much the worst reasons to like a character). But... I can't skip this banner; it's has so many great things I would need; a Fire Legendary (Hector/Ephraim), more powerful fodder (Ike and Tharja) and many units I don't have (The rest). So yeah Hector; I'll receive with a bittersweet feeling; because I don't want you but I need you... fuck xDU.
  8. It makes sense that Edelgard works like the exposition box like Azura xD. And yeah; I hope Edelgard it's more important to the story than Azura (she is technically a very important char, but outside of using her Plot-Driver powers she doesn't exist in the normal narrative... Poor Aqua).
  9. Well... I can only see Byleth (aka: the beign that seems to be the main protagonist) being more important in the story that Edel... Because well... the other important characters doesn't seem to have that close connection with MC-sensei and the first trailer decided to focus almost exclusively in these two character story-wise (and the goddess; but she is a NPC).
  10. At least he looked like an armor unit; and Zephiel don't having armor weakness was mostly something to make him more threating... I guess.
  11. Yeah; people can still saw a character in that kind of way despite don't having clearly open spots to the most appealing parts (Micaiah base only really exposes armpits unless you're into leggins and Lucina looks like a prince with that outfit).
  12. Ehmm... I'm not sure who I chose for Worst xDU. I really love the idea of using Micaiah because of how weird she is between the main characters; she can actually be useful regardless you train her or not. But technically speaking; Robin and Corrin are a lot more powerful units to use; and it's quite funny to see Ike defeating non-magical enemies just using his Ragnell... But that is actually fun?
  13. Well; there is a reasons why Swift Sparrow it's a premium skill and pretty much the skill associated with premium units, even if their kit don't have 3 ABC skills (like Katarina).
  14. Only in Part 4, just a bit before the Ashera's Tower, in pretty much the last place where someone would care about the fact one of the heros of your army it's a Branded (and she is still using something similar to gloves... just... that don't cover that much the hand compared with Light Sage and Light Mage's gloves).
  15. Well; unlike Soren; Micaiah actually had some one (maybe another Branded) to teach her about the dangers of the world for a person like her; and is easier to Micaiah to protect the brand unlike Soren (specially knowing Daein is a North Country, she can justify the usage of gloves); and well; Micaiah's heron-like abilities can help her to avoid problems, despite being far of perfect. Zelgius mostly suffers for existencial problems because he wants to be a great warrior and respected member of the Daein's Army like his beloved master; but the brand makes him age slowly; and people will eventually notice that (2X? Zelgius looks pretty much the same compared with 4X? Zelgius)... and that very problematic for a public figure, specially in Daein. Micaiah didn't have that problem (at least until she get attached with Daein after the Mad King War), because she would always just dissapeared and move to another place... before the Dawn Brigade's creation she was pretty much a nobody; and if she had never attempted to do something about Daein; at most, Micaiah would have been remembered as a rumour. Micaiah would have lived a pacific and lonely life.
  16. I would also like to have Nolan in the game; he isn't my priority, but would be nice :D
  17. I think it's weird, but I'm used to stuff even worse that this (at least Noire's is technically possible, specially because Noire body structure make it easier to do it; and well, she isn't exactly a sane person). Also, I kind of like the pose because the game rarely has good reasons to portrait butts (I love them); the only exceptions I remember are Catria's normal art and Tiki's damage art
  18. Oh yeah, I was having Jill and Haar in mind when I was talking about the Dragon Lords. Personally of all of them... Rinkah and Ekhidna would appealing for the fact they're women... But then... you move to more niche fanbases (at least Gerik and Boyd are decently popular around their worlds).
  19. And we needed to stretch things using Amelia... The Axe users aren't exactly popular if you don't count Dragon Lords.
  20. I personally think Noire's pose is possible for her specifically; because of how her body (slimmy, but actually decently strong and quite cursed as far as I know) it's, and also, it adds some extra silly flavor to the seasonal art, which is fun xD
  21. I wonder if Sakurai will have in mind create echo-fighter from characters that aren't from the same franchises.
  22. Micaiah would have some physical traits associated with the figure of the Mary Sue; her powers and the silver hair are definitely special, and something that makes her stand-out, specially during Part 1; but there is something important to know. The Mary Sue/Gary Stu is more than a character trope, it's a story trope; the way a Mary Sue works basically is creating a central character that isn't just the most important piece of a media it's the essencially the only important thing about the story; the overall narrative would have something interesting between all the bad stuff; but it's hard to notice that because the story it's too busy trying to make the Mary Sue stand out even more (sounds familiar? Corrin it's something closer to the idea of a Mary Sue, specially because the original Mary Sues were essencially self-insersion, that wanted to always be perceived in a positive light and always be relevant to the narrative). There's a video I found talking about the subject. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2-GIY9RTqU Micaiah controls the plot? Only as far as her actual actions and her blood can. Micaiah it's the center of the narrative? Technically she's the most important character in the story, but there's also a lot of other characters with very important roles (like the other commanders and Sephiran), and she isn't a exposition void, in fact, the game trys to hide stuff about her all the time. Micaiah in fact, she can feel directly the negative effects of some of her actions; and nobody it's try to hiding the fact she would be doing gray stuff (not even herself). TL;DR: Definitely not a Mary Sue; she just looks like one because she's a special snowflake, but in fantasy pretty much every main character it's a special snowflake at some level.
  23. At least Micaiah was relevant for the overall narrative, and does some important stuff... that the writing wanted to focus more in Ike in the Late Game is its own problem (I don't have a big problem with that, at least Ike doesn't feel completely as a Gary Stu... a spotlight stealer mostly xDU... But Micaiah would have been better used, there is a lot of wasted potential) Lyn is such an after-thought.. sometimes it makes me laugh for how irrelevant she is for the world, sometimes it makes me feel sad.
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