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Everything posted by X-Naut

  1. Maybe it was the name of the scrapped Pokemon x FE crossover concept?
  2. MERGE THE VOTES Seriously the devs eliminated both Ikes and Lucinas from the pool, why are they still splitting to begin with they could even just keep them split but merge the final scores, then "pull" from the game with more votes but enough of this vote-splitting nonsense we're already a 500+ character franchise, we don't need the extra ~150
  3. Grimoire: Adds both the wielder and the foe's bonuses to damage. Special cooldown +1.
  4. You answered your own question. Although there's also her being meek but still strong, which is a huge turn-on for some people.
  5. My own thoughts for "fixing" Con involve normalizing it to classes (no personal Con differences) and having weapon ranks above the weapon's minimum reduce the burden. Lighter and heavier weapons with stat variances is also fine.
  6. That just sounds more convoluted than Constitution because now you're dealing with non-simple fractions.
  7. With all the spacey-wacey stuff Awakening and Fates introduced it's possible that the events happened in a different world with records of the events reaching Archanea/Ylisse through Outrealms. Or, who knows, the world of Fates could've been a story written by someone of Archanea/Ylisse that magically became a world of its own!
  8. Even though it's not comparable to other final maps due to its sheer size, I like FE4's Final for not being a really short chapter that's all about the final boss.
  9. While swords or axes would help with certain matchups, Phantom's is the best solution to making Knights better. At best have their lower movement manifest as increased terrain costs. I also agree with Observer's point about bows seeming silly on armored classes, or at least 1st tier armored classes. As far as making armor have strengths instead of just weaknesses, I propose giving them innate damage reduction from weapons when an enemy attacks them. Cut down the damage they take by 25% and they have a concrete advantage over other classes that isn't tied to the Defense stat.
  10. All of this talk of Empress Julia complications got me thinking: what if the holy bloods changed but the roles stayed the same? Don't ask me how this affects Thracia 776, I can only do one game at a time x_x
  11. It wouldn't be possible. The scale of the combined maps don't cover the full continent, at best you'd get a patchwork quilt that's fuller in some places.
  12. Even FE6 isn't fully original, a lot of the plot and character concepts can be traced back to FE1/3.
  13. I don't think universally effective magic is a good idea, and not just because a game underutilized it. An already 1-2 range weapon type does not need that kind of power. Aside from that I don't think a magic triangle is pointless, but it would require each type of magic to play differently. I've thought of leaving fire as is, making thunder overall better than fire but 2-range only, and wind granting an avoid bonus against ranged attackers instead of flier effectiveness. Another crazy idea I recently thought about is how to handle light and dark magic. Instead of the usual anima/dark/light interactions... Dark is neutral to anima and beats anything not using magic, but it loses to light. Light magic beats all magic types (dark and anima) but is weak against anything not using magic. These interactions attempt to play into dark magic users being better suited to facing physical opponents while light magic users are better suited to fighting mages. Both now have a concrete advantage over their intended targets instead of bishops being awful against mages. And yes, anything not using magic includes unarmed targets.
  14. First off, I think a better topic title would have been "Enemy Promotion Timeline" as opposed to "Enemy Promotion Item Budget". It's more clear on what the discussion is about. Shadow Dragon and New Mystery's always felt weird to me with promoted enemies showing up so early. It may be me being accustomed to the level 10 restriction on player units, but seeing level 1 promoted enemies next to level 1 unpromoted enemies rubs me the wrong way. I feel as though the level curve should be advancing faster than it is, or in the case of New Mystery start at a higher baseline in Chapter 1. Maybe if I played the classic versions it would feel less out of place, as the remakes adopted GBA stat standards without changing the enemies. Thracia's older stat standards make the promoted enemies feel less out of place, and Gaiden/SoV's enemy composition is well-tuned to its different enemy progression. Aside from that most of these are spot-on. I feel Binding Blade had a great showing early on, but then Chapter 12 rolled around and the level curve dropped to a snail's pace. Hard Mode bonuses scaling to difficulty somewhat helps but does not fully fix it. Still better than the other GBA games. Awakening's progression is great aside from the enemy level monotomy.
  15. While most people point to maps in games like Awakening and Echoes for having too little terrain, I think a lot of Archanea maps have the opposite problem: there is too much terrain. Specifically, there are a lot of outdoor maps that spam mountain or water tiles, although a few Book 2 maps (i.e. Chapters 2 and 7) are oversaturated with crossable terrain instead. While some terrain is healthy to make use of fliers' niches, it becomes suffocating for grounded units in such large quantities.
  16. I voted for FE5's Sally. While FE11, 12, and 15 Alm are all good I prefer the quieter yet still uplifting tone for when I'm doing prepwork. BGMs that are too loud dampen my concentration or get old faster. I also really like Pray for Victory, Resolve and Reunion, and another that the OP forgot was Awakening's "Fate Won't Change, After All", but those play in more limited scenarios. Fire Emblem should definitely try expanding its repetoire of preparations themes per game, though, maybe one per arc instead of one generic and one or two climax themes?
  17. Add a Classic+ mode that bans DLC and other extra content (i.e. Hard/Lunatic clear reward bonuses) for true purists and a Casual+ mode that's basically a Debug mode.
  18. Just gonna reiterate what I said on the Reddit version: I think dragons are under-explored and would love to see a game that includes dragons at their prime. No human form, no mental degeneracy, no dragonstones needed; we encounter big scaly fire-breathers with sapience on par with the humans, both as friend and foe.
  19. I have my doubts about these two in tandem with one another. Also pls no to the motion controlled Z-moves
  20. This is the AI prioritizing maximum damage over self-preservation. It's normal in a lot of FE games, but especially the DS ones where it takes priority over avoiding counters.
  21. Pre-Fates, but I wouldn't mind a Heroes triangle either. I just want bows to be kept out of the triangle.
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