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Silver Lightning

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Status Updates posted by Silver Lightning

  1. Happy New Year SF!

    My resolution this year is to actually kick myself in the rear to spend more time around here!

    Hey, that rhymed~

  2. I happened to see your message on the ColossalCon page, and I'm just letting you know that I'm here at colossal again this year and I'll be Lucina on Saturday; if you have time, please come to the Fire Emblem photoshoot at 3pm at the bridge outside. Hope to see you and maybe even Ace! :D

    1. Kaze


      Alright. Hopefully I'll be able to make it to the photoshoot tomorrow. I'm usually the one who runs Fire Emblem stuff at Colossal, but since I WASN'T planning on attending this year, that didn't happen. XD I'll probably get there around noon-ish, so barring any issues with the registration lines, I should make it to the photoshoot as Stefan.

  3. Hey Ace! Are you gonna be at colossal con this year??? We're on our way there now! :D

    1. Ace Tactician

      Ace Tactician

      Oh crap. I didn't go this year, I'm sorry ;_;

      If I had read this sooner, I would have come out Saturday. Dammit!

  4. Happy Birthday Luuux~! Older than me again I see... XD

    1. LuxSpes


      Thank you. I apparently am haha. You'll need to catch up again then >v>

  5. Thx for the friend add! :D

  6. Happy Birthday!

    1. Jedi


      Thanks so much ^_ you playing Radiata again anytime soon?

    2. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      Maybe in a while; I have so many games left to finish playing before that, especially with the games coming out the rest of this year. But I'll always find time for Radiata again eventually; such a wonderful game it is. =3

  7. Happy Birthday!

    1. Comet


      Thank you~!

  8. Happy Birthday! :D (Omigosh, I never knew I was older than you by almost 2 months!) :0

    1. Freohr Datia

      Freohr Datia

      Thank you! =D Ooh, yeah not that far apart, huh? ^o^

  9. Happy Birthday!

    1. BANRYU


      /latesorry! Thanks a lot! ; 3

  10. Happy Birthday! :D

  11. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful year.We both just hit milestone years (I turned 21 not too long ago); yay for us! XD

    1. Fruity Insanity

      Fruity Insanity

      Yaaaaaaay! \o/

      I hope I have a wonderful year, too! Especially with college and everything. x3

  12. Oh, hey, you're like exactly 2 years and one day younger than me. Happy belated birthday!

    1. Maiden of Ghosts

      Maiden of Ghosts

      Well huh! That's cool! And happy belated birthday to you too, in that case! :D

    2. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      Thanks! And don't worry about shipping strange pairings; I highly doubt it could get much stranger than my preference for Sephiran x Sanaki. XD

  13. Yay! You're back! :D

    1. DodgeDusk


      It would seem so!

      I'd update the Mystery Dungeon playlog (have the photos ready) but SOMEONE requests that I wait for him to catch up >_<'

      But yes, I suppose it's good to be back. Thanks for the warm welcome

    2. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      Haha, that's fine; I look forward to reading both of your updates!

      And your welcome! It makes me sad to lose any member of our community, so I'm glad to have you back with us. ^_^

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