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Everything posted by Randa

  1. Ragnarok DS. Based off of the MMORPG. It isn't very hard but it is a lot of fun to play. Video of the ast floor for the mirage tower. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yMVJw4fsmW0
  2. Gameplay: FE8 I just enjoyed how the game played. Difficulty sucked but the split branch promotions and just the overall way it worked was a lot of fun to play. Story: FE9 Nothing else to add was the best paced and most well done. Music: FE13 I just love the music for this game. It has songs that suit every emotion and work with every major event. Characters: FE7 IMO it had the most in depth and fun to play with cast. Difficulty: FE11 and FE12 I find that the higher difficulties add enough of a challenge that you are never bored, but they aren't like lunatic+ which is just cheap.
  3. Checked with a doctor it's not going to go away. Granted my grandparents are for the most part deaf at this point. And my mom is almost completely deaf in her left ear.
  4. Take it from me, I have had ringing in my ears since I was 8, ignored it, and I am now partially deaf in my right ear. Get it checked out it will get worse.
  5. Nothing offensive was meant by any of mine or zm's comments I just got fed up with people complaining about something that a) they decided on and b) was meant to be fun. PKL if you don't want to do the DLC I will be willing to take it back and finish this.
  6. A good rescue user if you don't have one. Relatively useful. Just like every other bonus character, the overall usefulness is pretty low because of shot for availability but of them all I personally find her to be the least useful of them all. 1/10
  7. I have no problem with the way PKL is running it. I've just been trying to explain why it's difficult to run this.
  8. Lets not go that far. I hope the reasons weren't the same. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=YWtxwYcEohw&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DYWtxwYcEohw
  9. Just remember I did not force the choice on you. You guys voted and democracy did its job. If you don't like the result leave. You don't have to do these.
  10. It is extremely hard to ignore subconscious bias. Look at what happened with Miriel and the people who completly ignored her and didn't score. The trick is to be able to indentify wether someone is legitimately trolling or if they just have way to much bias attached to them. The person who gave sumia a 1 for example was loaded with bias from head to toe. I still accepted it because it wasn't just trolling. A lot of people thought it should of been thrown out, which would of put sumia above Cordelia, yet it still stayed. You have to set aside any bias when running this.
  11. One of the easier bonus characters to recruit. Good bases. Solid class set. Good growths. All in all a great filler just like his arc. 3/10
  12. There were rules. And I did follow them, however I was less concerned with how the units came out and more so in how people treated each other about the opinions. These need to be run by an impartial party. And there was plenty of yelling the second to last day that I did these. Mostly from me.
  13. An akward unit. He is so so in terms of ability. Has no efing support. But he does have his uses. 3/10
  14. 10&9 It's a tie between the two sleeping giants. 8 Muscle bound and brutal. 7 A gorilla that will rip you apart. 6 5 4 3 Within the top three and we get my favorite non starter a kickass beast. 2 Second favorite starter. Probably better, but no matter how much I love it, and its ability to solo the elite four/champion it just doesn't match the top. 1 Nuff said. Last favorite. She just creeps me out.
  15. Renning. And giffca if the last round isn't reversed.
  16. Yeah. I don't know. It's up to everybody playoing 10. If they aren't opposed then sure.
  17. It is not my pick. Also lyre. Ahhhhhhh. Anyways yeah not my turn.
  18. I agree with regular Spotpass. The only way I ever even considered it was to do the games grouped together. Not team by team. 110 days ha no one is that crazy. But if you don't want to do the DLC characters I'll have eclipse unlock the original thread and I can run it.
  19. Wait. Who said this was the last day? I have every intent of doing the DLC and Spotpass paralouge characters. Whatever morgs. Lord what a monster she can become. Take the best of MU and the best of the children mix them together and you got Morgan. Second or third gen they will kick ass. Starts out pretty shaky given that you can immeadetly do their map. Great growths best caps. 9/10
  20. Obviously Bearclaw. It need apto be a talking animal.
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