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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Can I confirm what platform you're on? I'm used to using Higan and it worked fine with Gaiden, but in terms of pure NES emulation I've heard about Nestopia but I'm less familiar with mobile emulators.
  2. He and Hisame will be pickle pals. This is terrifying. I forgot this happened though. Yep, though I think they may be able to rob from allies as well. I'll confess I like that you can fill your engage metre more with it. (So I forged to +3 at some point.) Yes, that is exactly what happens. Jean is very British. His dad is also British. While being named Sean. You have Midori as an apothecary by trade (Learning to make concoctions and her work in that comes up in supports), but out of all the games (Looking around at scripts) there's little mention outside of Fodlan and of the other games it's mostly Fates and Tellius, with none of them mentioning playable characters as doctors. We have others working of helping others recover, but many of those don't mention medicine at all. Jean is still in training, but Sean counts I suppose? This being an ironman, indeed. I'm taking those chances because I can be so lucky to not be ironmanning. Do you want clariification on how it works in Engage? Unless you've a build in mind, it's a decent low cost skill. I have it on Alfred as well, it's cropped up at times because he's slow As someone still using Boucheron, I might have been lucky with his growths, man's stupid strong. Considering they got as far as Lythos, either or could happen. They could be rising from the dead that were buried in those lands, just what I'm getting from them.
  3. Chapter 20.


    So, you know how Griss says he'll fuck off and teleport in random places?

    I wasn't expecting him to teleport into the bottom right corner and charge right at my army. He hear one-shots Zelkov.

    Then fucks right off.

    This didn't happen last time.

    Yo what the fuck, that's hilarious.

  4. This is an S tier LP intro. You would be correct. Bunch of other little tools and additions used, but not that one. How do you even purchase an emulator? (No, do not answer with NSO thank you) I'm using Lindon, he creeps me the fuck out 10/10 Vander sadly was benched long ago and it'll take a lot for him to catch up, especially because there's no level raising items in Engage (SoV was right all along to have them) And the battalions which were all light skinned. FFS. Do not need any reminders for that. My Boucheron may be blessed, but Saphir can use bows until I bother using a Second Seal. I see you went for the optional boss. This Eirika is frickin' blessed offensively so far, almost like it's this Eirika in the Emblem ring.
  5. Once again, I am open to change with this list. The Keenest Edge: BinB: To be a dissenting voice on this, while it's a good class a fair chunk of that has to come from HM Rutger: the guy has such growths as to add to his stupid good bases and on promotion gets a boost to his output that makes him one of the game's best units be default, even with early promotion. That aside +30 Crit on the physical type with the most utility and best accuracy is a hard combo to match that even Fir works well with it as well and the class is one of BinB's better options. Good Class option: SoV/Gaiden: What's been said about DF, I covered here. It's still good here too, just feels more Swordmastery as a class imo. NMotE: NMotE does have some interest in units hitting their stat caps on the highest difficulties and of course Swordmaster gets the highest Spd cap, which is useful with the strength of later game enemies. Combined with 1-2 spam not being as useful Swordmaster doesn't feel like it's made redundant and you can even have stupid fun with magic focused swordmasters as well. Thracia: Being swordlocked in Thracia is far from the biggest crime, considering this game has the least extant weapon triangle in the series, good weapons to make up for nonmagic 1-2 range and those magic swords tend to be at least alright. There's also the availability of PCC in this game, which helps Mareeta and Shiva in their combat, but doesn't add much for Eyvel (who it doesn't matter for) or Trewd and Shanam is one of the units with 0 PCC, which just adds to the hilarity. MotE: Another one I covered in Hero I feel fits here more. Weapon options are good enough to be worth using and movement isn't an issue for it either. It's decent enough: SD: From what I've seen of high level play, they seem less essential to endgame compared to NMotE. Not much to add here imo, I could see this getting changed in position. Engage: A class I feel I can judge even less so than Hero so far, but I can't argue with high Spd units in Engage. No Weapon Triangle options is unfortunate, Run Through feels kinda niche but can have utility, Kagetsu gives a good impression. Another one I'd consider changing. RD: So, this game is not like PoR. You actually have reasons to use Swordmasters for high speed opponents, 1-2 range available and it's a game where evade is no bad thing where you can get it. It's worth considering them for endgame in Hard which is better than for some others, has +20% crit compared to the last three games' 15% and plenty of units who can be used in it. I think Decent is a fair cateegory. Fates: Swordmaster is a class with high speed, which does provide it some use imo. There's a decent set of swords available for it too. There's also the fact it gives a big pairup Spd boost, as well as Astra being stupid good for lead units when it activates as it'll fill up shield gauges pretty much every time. Is it a top tier class? I wouldn't think so. Ryoma does give it a big bonus though. Limited Utility: Genealogy: 30 Spd. Bunch of multi-hit skills on units in this class. I think the main issue really is just that the maps are centred on cavalry, because Swords are a good weapon type in this game. There are cases where the stupid high Spd can give purpose to units in lategame and of course the ones you get all have Astra (And an Astra that's Skl proc and full damage at that) for sure, combined with Pursuit and Adept at a minimum gives a good baseline for multihit damage. But still, this is Cav Emblem. Awakening: There's probably some use in support units giving stupid speed to better classes/units, but I would say it hasn't the most usage of the infantry classes in Awakening. Having Swordfaire and Astra are at least alright skills, though there are better options for skills. Fates does more imo. SS: Being swordlocked in a game where that's going to be suboptimal I can't argue this ranks highly. SS however still feels like I can find more use for it than in the titles below for postgame purposes, but Assassin does have potential over it as mentioned in the thread. I would not recommend it for Marisa in most any context and Joshua could still find use for Assassin over it. Swordmaster does have innate +15 crit as well, which does hurt being a high crit class imo. What are you doing here?: 3H: Astra does less damage (5*.3 leaves you with 1.5 times damage assuming no crits), but at least it's a combat art here. But more than that pure swordies don't make much of any sense here (and don't exist in practice for the player) and next to any of the useful classes want Swords either to unlock them or as part of their builds. Overall, I just don't rate them here. PoR: I kinda feel like games with sword lords tend to give me less less reason to use swordlocked units and here's a hard example. Astra is Skl/2 and half damage here, swords in PoR aren't a great weapon and I can't think of a case where the class does anything much better than most of the other classes. BlaB: The passage of time rose this class from the bottom to the top. Now why is that? Well, for one thing the game's infamous for how much you can use 1-2 range spam that leaves swords on the outs. Second halving the class crit is a bad time for them. Finally, the unit quality in this game doesn't have anything on the level of Rutger, Guy may get boosts but he gets very little and Karel in this game is not all that worthwhile to pick up over Harken. Least in PoR there are worthwhile units to consider and an S rank weapon that shows up before the finale.
  6. That'd mean Volcens gave Reese something, which feels out of character. This is a mundane map. He already lost his daughter, I feel like it's hard for him not to. Did she get luckier every time? Is that 2 times Garm's broken like this? Clifford taking a blast like this. These are truly unexceptional foes. These are foes with standard capabilities. That or the wind shear from the ballista bolt knocked the pelt out of the guy's pocket and into the air, where wind currents then went downhill so it ended up beside Burroughs. Burroughs would fit right in Advance Wars with this tile movement. Some not so standard boosts to stats at least. Ward's other brother has a lot going for him as well. How did I not bring this up in the LP?
  7. Hmm, this is a neat concept for a thread series. Hadn't seen it before, so why not? I do think much of this can and should be open to alteration, especially as I'm writing this late. The Pinnacle of Heroism: Engage: I'm speaking from the perspective of not finishing it yet, but Hero has some bone fides: Backup is a good unit type to have multiple of but it's not like other classes don't exist with it. This does get the great class skill Brave Assist, doubling it's number of assists is a positive it has over others that's unique to it. On top of that Lances and Axes are an option for the class for the first time ever so it has more flexibility. It even has units with good statlines as well. Would it be worth ranking it the pinnacle of Heroes? I think so, but that's kinda because there hasn't been a Hero class from Thracia onwards that quite stands above all others in the series as much before. Good Class option: Thracia: In another game with universal caps, it's a question of what Hero does and what the units in it do. Ignoring the stuff that swordmasters also have in this game, there's not too much to say on heroes barring axe access. Because dismounting prevents axe cavs from using them indoors, Mercenaries have that over them on top of the In terms of the units who have access to the class, . You also have a good few units who can get into it/are in it: Halvan is alright with Vantage and Osion has Vouge and Wrath so is busted, Machuya is a bit mixed but like Halvan has Vantage and gives Brighton a support boost., Ralph is solid utility who can work for any party either as filler for stamina or fallen units and Galzus is..... just, one of the most endgame ready Gotohs there is. I think the first game with Heroes with Swords and Axes sets a pretty good standard, even if it's called Mercenary. SoV/Gaiden: Feel a little weird considering Dread Fighters here, but Oh well. And as a Hero-type unit they match SDatBoL/MotE in being sword locked. Unlike those Dread Fighter has the Res boost and Apotrope in SoV to make it a natural mage counter, 7 move is pretty good especially on maps with harsher terrain for cavs and the bases tend to make even Atlas viable (And his Strength makes him damm fine when he gets time). Pretty much more of a swordmaster imo, but if you want to count it here I suppose here's where it goes. It does lose ignoring backfires from the Shadow Sword in SoV, but that's probably the biggest drawback there. I'll admit on Hard I tend to feel like I don't get DFs so fast as to double enemy DFs, but that's rarely been a ruining moment for me. MotE: Let's be honest, I don't think I'm the most reliable to discuss this game, but Swords are good in these two books, you get some interesting weapon options throughout and the units who can get to this class are at least useable, even scrubs like Samto. Universal caps don't exactly hurt but with growth boosters it's more likely your heroes will get more mileage. It's decent enough: BlaB/SS/BinB: These classes share the same statline, I think it's fair enough to lump them together. However, how useful a hero is varies from game to game and unit to unit here. For BinB, Dieck is a solid enough unit for early promotion who'll then drop off in the long run, Echidna wishes she had a few points more in Con and not such a bad map start and the less said about Ogier the better, while the class is more likely to deal with tougher opponents generally. Probably the most decent of the three here. As for BlaB, Raven (More HM shenanigans) and Harken are of course among the better units you have there and with the enemy quality combined with peak 1-2 physical muscling it's to the point Hero probably should be considered a good class there. And in SS, Gerik is a good choice for Hero, Garcia could maybe consider it unless you want him using bows and Ross would probably rather Berserker in most cases anyways, but the class has similar ranking to BlaB overall. SD/MotE: All rounder that can serve fine outside of the harsher difficulties. This is a position I feel mixed about personally, as these are the games I've the most distance from and the units who have access to it have options to use one of the weapon types elsewhere in classes that might suit more. But I think it's worth asking questions about it here. SDatBoL: So, like MotE in that the class is useable and gets most useful swords. But Mercurius is Marth locked, who is effectively just better than them here, Levin Swords are weaker and better crit options only exist in MotE. Devil Sword is 5 weight though. Limited Utility: Fates: Hero as a class is alright, but Sol and Axebreaker aren't skills all the units are clamoring for. In the context of Fates a pretty all round class including in the stats it gives allies in pairup, so I would argue kinda decent, but not stellar: it's not going to wall as effectively as something like General or outspeed as much as something like Swordmaster or even Bow Knight (Something that's true of DSFE as well), but with weapon ranks always starting on E that can be an issue as well. Awakening: Why am I ranking it here? Well, Awakening isn't a game where all-rounders are the best choice. It does have decent skill access, in Sol and Axebreaker, but the point about how the end goal is to go for the most busted options the game has does leave it as kind of extraneous. Like, it will work fine outside Lunatic, but if we consider that there's better ways to go. It kinda just sits as worse off than Fates Heroes. 3H: Only outside of the bottom by virtue of potential builds with innate Vantage and being not all that inaccessible a class. Admittedly most of the time I don't really consider this an end class which Hero tends to be in the series, but even considering that plenty of units don't want it as an in between or for class mastery skills. Defiant Str could be useful.... if they hadn't locked it to below 25% HP, which does not sync up with the 50% of Vantage. The fact so few actually use the class (Can't think of a single boss in 3H that uses it) as enemies is telling, but I think there's lower the class has gone. What are you doing here?: Genealogy: Let's be honest with ourselves, in the context of Genealogy, it's bad enough infantry in this game gets enough flack, but on top of that it's just an inferior Swordmaster in this game. No axe access, worse Spd and Skl caps in exchange for +3 Mag where next to no options will get you near that cap for the units who can get this class and the Spd matters more here. Innate Pursuit is something both have and Adept is something Swordmaster gets on top of that. This class is bad and it being called Forrest in this game changes nothing about that. Ike kinda steals the title in PoR and there's nothing quite like it there, so I don't want to put it in here. PoR would be limited as an infantry class with a busted but low chance mastery skill but it does get Axes and Ragnell for range in a EP-heavy game, so probably should sit in at least the lower end of decent while in RD it is a little worse off on paper but at least Wind sword exists before Ragnell comes back and the maps don't tend to make it rough for it before promotion. Alm, in comparison, I'd argue sits in the Good tier because the weapon he takes is Bow, in Gaiden/SoV. I shouldn't have to debate why Killer Bows are broken in SoV, but bow utility is useful outside that and he tends to be a strong and stocky enough unit that works fine in game. You can get Spd screwed and run into trouble there, but otherwise good unit with unique weapons and combat arts in SoV, with a great promotion base.
  8. You're here to stop Anankos's Swatting of Mitama's house, which she just wants to stop so she can sleep. He's always ready. Well, least he got Spd there. Basara Odin when Unfortunate. I'm worried you'll get her killed and risk me losing Silque
  9. How generous! 😛 imo the berserkers here are kinda mid? They're not Tarba level of what the eff, but I'm not exactly impressed by them. Doesn't help that Gazak's just that good. Then again, Conquest generics are a hell of a drug. Best defence is a good offence. And we've seen how offensive he can be /s Lighting and brave weapons seem like they'll be good for him at least. Seems alright so far, have no comment.
  10. For what it's worth, I think Qi Adept's Ice blocks are kinda handy in the right circumstances. Even for cheesier applications like holding off Emblem Leif for a good few turns while getting the guys who headed to the northeast to finish up there, or right before that to hold off a mage or two beside him. That being said if I were to use that more I'd want someone with higher defences to be using that and holding the line alongside another wall or two for a larger scale force. That aside the one for backups sounds like it could be useful for solid mixed defence allies in the right situation, but I don't know how much it increases those, I've of course heard plenty on Flame and Fog veins (Haven't used it on Zelkov yet) and Succor can be alright, but it's not something I'd be crying out for. I'd make Camilla Corrin comparisons but I can't find the image of the AoEs again. Not to mention I feel like I rarely get breaks from them that matter? Could be they're laser focused on Maddening but I don't see it from Hard.
  11. Oh hey, another update. I always felt weird that it never affected the player, just makes it kinda easy to deal with.
  12. >None of the old units or Jean in the spread with all the units All that aside I find the panel where Alear's eye shoot open funny for some reason. Like he realised he forgot something. Which is technically true. That aside, if it's not a spoiler from Chapter 20 onwards (Where I'm at), can anyone tell me what's going on in the first panel of this page? About all I can do is talk about it visually at the moment, we'll see if this gets a fast translation.
  13. I don't feel like I have enough 3D experience to give a clear answer, but of 2D Zelda I'd personally pick A Link Between Worlds, mainly on the gameplay and world traversal but the story is actually pretty solid, Yuga doesn't get enough credit. Of the 3D I have played, I've played BotW in part, barely MM and not even that for SS. And the only ones I've finished are OoT and TP. OoT didn't cause me to be stuck on one stupid jump for months and I kinda have have to pick it by default then.
  14. To be fair, I did figure some of your previous name changes without it. (But not this time)
  15. Can confirm it still exists in the Display Name history on a user's profile. There's an arrow beside the name there and that shows it.
  16. Makes sense. That does have a CG for it in the credits, I tend to forget about those. There's also one for Roy and Zephiel, but I wonder how close they'd come to that in game. Okay, this is an acceptable answer. That too, would they have it after the map?
  17. I don't think it has actually. I'm going to go over Genealogy through to BlaB, three examples each. Sigurd meeting Deirdre is such an obvious cutscene, no matter how Genealogy handles itself it should be able to be fit into the game even mid-map. Eldigan's return to Syvale or death in Chapter 3 also makes sense, while I'll also mention Ishtar's arrival in Chapter 8 as a possible one. From Thracia, I'd have to bring up Chapter 5. You know what event. I'd also probably bring up Chapter 13, for a wide view of Tarrah (As it's spelt now? And I thought Leonster was the most egregious changing of the names from just Irish province. When this start happening?) Also probably the end of Chapter 20, considering what happens there. For BinB, the fall of Hector I think could be an easy pick, because if you're going to make it matter show him in some form going down fighting. Probably the first reveal of a Fire Dragon would also make sense, while as for lategame Zephiel after you open the door in 22 seems about right. BlaB has a couple of CGs that would likely get expanded into cutscenes, like at the end of Cog of Destiny but imo there are others to consider: There's at the end of the trials for Durandel/Armads, I'd argue Lyn finding Hausen alive when they take back Caelin in Chapter 16/17 and I'll also mention the reveal of the Black Fang Morphs. Not that these all would or necessarily should be used, but I wanted to avoid ones with CGs already. (Also, TIL there's prototype CGs for BlaB and while the difference is likely due to the backlightless screen of the GBA and wanting to make it easier to see they look better, no question.) Edit: let's add SS. Not Monica, the unknown is kinda the point of that scene. I'll mention the end of Chapter 15 with Eirika and Ephriam meeting again, the first time they face monsters in Chapter 4 and the reveal of Morva in Chapter 20. As for one for the route split, Vigarde at the end of 14 maybe on Ephraim's? There's a CG for Ismaire already at the end of 14 so that can't be counted for mine, but I can't think of a better answer on Eirika's route.
  18. GBA FFIV is cool like that for endgame, though you have to go back to switch him in after Babil. I've heard the PSP version is more solid in challenge and also has that content and the ability to cycle party members, so maybe that should be the consideration for emulation?
  19. For a non FFXV pick, I'm going to bring up Vivi. To be vague, there's the arc he goes through, how he fits in the world of FFIX, his being a good little black mage with solid offence and interplay with another party member and look at him:
  20. Teehee seeing dead people. This isn't endgame and certainly not BR, stop that. Keaton would consider it a point of pride. Though I think asking if it's getting out of hand would be understandable. I think they're turn based, or after you cross a certain point. Either way, least you never had to see them. They really don't help when trying to clear this map. Oh jeez that's a bad sign. And then it kept happening. Considering I never do well on this map, I think I'd have been dead several times over. She can certainly use those in another class. That being said, her options could be better: Strategist makes no sense for her, I don't know if you want a Maid to begin with and Hero.... could be fine but I don't know if you want that for your final class or even to get Axebreaker. Does Beruka have D Lances for the next map? Least all's well that ends well.
  21. Thracia Ballista were imported into Elyos, that explains this paralogue.

    1. Dayni


      The only way to outcheese Thracia: Fates Cheese.

      (Specifically Qi Adept's Ice Wall to block Leif from pretty much anyone at risk of getting Quad hit while I cleared the NE part of the map with three units, which was everyone not named Goldmary or Diamant I guess)

  22. So, what did we get? TL:DR: Almost got excited there on an anime, POKEMON SLEEP IS HAPPENING and the SV update was pretty much like Sh/Sw's similar reveal, but admittedly I think there's more detail in this one. But yeah, no hint as Gen 1 on NSO? Wow, that just puts the first video in a worse light imo. I'm off to get my ass kicked by Leif's paralogue.
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