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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. TELL GNOGGIN RIGHT NOW IT HAS TO BE AZOTH Aside from all that, the silence for this game is a bit deafening after 90 or so days. We can guess how combat works but we don't have much of a solid idea of the gameplay or how story is at all. It's strange on the FE frontier. I'm going to be conservative and say we'll hear nothing until November.
  2. Well, no paralogue is about what I expected. This one's kind of been picked at and nothing new showed up in the trailer. I'm a little disappointed.
  3. Seriously though, how good is the first one? Asking as I have never played.
  4. This has been a meme for so long, I can't even believe this. Looks like the LeBron rumours were true though. His name's been attached for years at this point.
  5. Me, it was moire about getting the units planned before their weapons, mainly because the items were the most variable factor in G2 and I could move items at the end of the gen if they could inherit, while Skills are entirely parent based barring Pursuit. The fact that items for their promotions couldn't be passed had an impact too. As an aside, a lot of them got rings from their parents, there wasn't a massive amount of planning. What with everyone having good pairings in that playthrough, everyone could do combat unless they were Silvia's kids (or unpromoted Patty) anyway. It's just that some wouldn't do it much like Lana (though she was a surprisingly effective castle guard. The mistake of overlevelleing her so she could get Chapter 7 arena). I didn't really rely on critical much, mainly because so few units had it and I hadn't optimised critical weapons.
  6. Pretty much entirely for regular infantry, I tend to stick with emblem teams. Even still, drives are more my cup of tea when I can get them on units. Higher arena score and further range are enough for me that -1 is no big deal.
  7. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they just went "You can get the orbs from the Book II quests ktnxbi", there's no hint of a new paralogue. There wasn't any hint the PA rerun was today either though..... Aside from that, Swift Sparrow's next week and I'd like to predict who's next on it. Also some thoughts on the ploy banner. Out of the list of Ayra, Mageirika, Ishtar, Katarina, Lewyn, Brave Lyn, Peganino and Gronnnwen, I think it's safe to saw Lewyn (Currently on new unit banner), B!Lyn (Recent VG Banner), Gronnwen (Recent Renewal) and Ishtar (upcoming BHB) are almost certainly out and Katarina and Mageirika are debatable because they had banners in the last 3 months as well.So the only two who I think are likely are Ayra and Peganino, with the third being one of the other two, with Katarina possibly on the ploy banner making me think it's Mageirika (Also Magerika's last banner was the early August legendary banner, making it very unlikely she could be there either). I'm a bit less confident on guessing the ploy banner, but why not?
  8. Dancer banner got a rerun now of all times. Surprise. 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless (It's always like this) 4* Matthew (About right. +Atk/-Res, huh.)
  9. Usually I would have used my rings to help patch up units who are quite good with that stat as is, but could use the boosts to push them further like Dermott/Faval and the Power Ring, Sety/Arthur and the Magic Rings, Lester and the Skill Ring and Larcei/Ulster and the Shield Rings. This isn't universal, like giving Lene (I have to question myself for that one) and Finn (mostly because his speed is really good with this pushing his double potential higher again) the Speed Ring, Johan getting a skill ring (For Brave Axe usage) or the Barrier Ring being given to Dermott and Altena (Mistakes were made) Then there's the others like Renewal on Lester and Finn (I don't think there's a particular reason here), Bargain on Ares (Mystletainn drinks alright), Pursuit on Johan (Nearly everyone in that playthrough has it already), Thief on Nanna (Because of her staff usage), Leg on Seliph (12 move is balanced), Knight on Lene (For retreating if she can. Probably should have passed the leg ring in fairness) and Return on Oifey and Hannibal (To cover a castle if really needed and because those who had needed them sold them already). So I'm just all over the place. Balanced and Personal is probably where I'd fit. It's not like I couldn't kill Julius without a 6-ring Seliph.
  10. Honedge is one of the better lines in X/Y, so I'm not so surprised you'd say that. I mean, I didn't solo with it but it's still a good option regardless. X/Y is mostly an easy title though, so that doesn't help matters.
  11. I'll agree with this. I'm not going to say what skills should be seals as is, I'm not sure currently. Of the seals that could be skills, Phantom Speed requires a B skill as is to be relevant, so I'd wait until the sweep skills are made into seals first. Hardy Bearing should be a B skill imo, QP really isn't all that broken any more so I'd be fine with it and maybe the Deflect seals though I'm on the fence on those, Deflect Magic is pretty busted imo. I think Armoured boots could be considered as well, much as it likely wouldn't matter much at all.
  12. Literally nobody thought to link the actual video for context. I hope it's stuck in your head now.
  13. Double shields might not be common as a weapon, but try to fight me. You'll see how it feels.
  14. Waluigi had prepared the party for everyone who didn't get into smash so they could have some fun without those dastardly Marios cramping his style. However, hours pass while nobody shows up, what with everyone being "there". Waluigi sits alone at the bar, sobbing because Sauraki forgot him yet again. Before he turns the lights off, he hears a bell. The door opens. It's Lyn. Waluigi instantly perks up, screams a WAAAAA and welcomes Lyn to all the activities, which turn out to be similar to Mario Party minigames. They also have some of the hardest juices he could find behind the bar. They end up having a blast, but Waluigi never sees Lyn after that, mainly because the competitive types never bothered using the assist trophies and so they'd never duke it out. (Jeez, that was a bad effort) So, Kempf and Narcian meet in a mirror shop while being served hor d'oeuvres anyone?
  15. Oh look, another chance to not get Celica. 4 Green, 1 Colourless (SEE?) 5* Cherche (FREE SUMMON GO! I already have her at 5*, so that means this one's getting merged! Nice. +HP/-Atk, definite merge.) I've have preferred a pitybreaker honestly, but I don't mind one bit.
  16. You'd be amazed how shameless some people are. I mean, no I haven't but I don't look at the active members list enough to know there's a Pomhub. rn is pretty close together on this site, I could see the confusion.
  17. I'll say that Hoenn wasn't the hardest region to begin with. Sure, It wasn't one of the first I played, but I always felt that barring Norman (Or Flannery/Winona if you're crazy enough to fight her with only grass types) there's not much of a potential to stumble. In my opinion I never felt like the game was tricky at points outside of those gyms. I'd argue FRLG was easier than RBGY but that's because it also wasn't half as buggy (seriously, if RG were released now I wouldn't be surprised if they were called Early Access games) ORAS has a bunch of QoL changes that did help in several ways to make the game easier and more accessible. It also has to be said that move variety is much improved by Gen 6 and pokemon can be a bit more varied in their offensive moveset which is more relevant in the main game. Then again, Gen 6 might be my least favourite gen of the series for a bunch of reasons. If the Sinnoh remakes are far easier, then there might be a problem. Oh look, all of my Top 3. Those are the titles I wish they'd take more cues from.
  18. Great fanfic, unusual pair. WYR see the world end by ice or fire? (Hush, this isn't referring to GoT)
  19. You know what, you get a 6/10 even if I didn't laugh because I got it. Got a smile from it. Give that Scorpeon a stinger for that tail. Now, I just had to show this somehow:
  20. No, this is not a neck brace. No, I did not get whiplash. Stop asking.
  21. So, we finally made it after.... how long was Season 3? It's a strong finale overall (Seriously, 1v1 spin the bottle is so funnily dumb.), most of their callbacks throughout the finale hit for me and I could have seen this as the end of their time with DBZA full stop, not that I'm complaining that it's not. Also yeah, while they clearly had fun writing the joke at the end it's..... how should I put it, awkward imo? As for wen S4, I'll guess 2022. It just seems like the right amount of time.
  22. Back to Judgral for another session. 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green (Alright) 3* M!Robin (Bonfire. +HP/-Atk), 4* Clair (Dammit Clair. +Res/-HP), 5* Myrrh (That, that's a pitybreaker. Never got her before. +Def/-HP, My Fae just got shafted.), 3* Maria (Oh look, a useless character. +Atk/-Def, actually halfway decent nature), 4* Kagero (Never what I want from colourless. +Res/-Atk) On the one hand, no focus unit. On the other hand, I finally got Myrrh. I think I'll see if I can get enough orbs for this again.
  23. I was talking about console releases, PC and mobile are separate when talking about consoles imo.
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