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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Took too many stamina potions, but I beat Infernal with Newzura, Newmilla, Valter and With!Nowi. Took too much planning, time and I can't explain right now.
  2. Well, the refinery update is interesting. Basilisikos is in now, Felicia gets a plate, Caeda doesn't need an alt to possibly be broken again and I can spend some of that pool of SP I got for Hinoka from the TT. No Seiglinde yet sadly, but Chrom, M!Marth and Alm might have effects worth using them more and make me consider promoting Marth. Zephiel will have to be amazing in order to convince me when BK and Arden exist though.
  3. So, Humphrey can teleport. This can only lead to good things. Eh, it's not like that in the movie, bit of a stylistic choice to have it pretty much play the footage of the fight with his thoughts, rewind and do the fight with the same moves. Well, this Marcus is faster than the Marcus I'm on about. With a lower level and growths too. I couldn't bring that Marcus to endgame as a result. That bad. Also sorry, but no I don't. I should have just said it was only a second from that video I needed. Need to deal with that the next time I link something. Or it's the long con. I did say any minute. Just wait until I can use that one image of Garon. I had a giggle with this. But Lalum isn't just Irrelevancia. She's also this game's Corple/Sharlow. *Sigh Every time. Of course it was this clip, I even guessed it might be. Yeah, that's actually something I didn't see coming. Don't think it happens on the A route either. Yes, yes, she does look like Minerva. Skilled with luck and lucky with nothing else my hole, he took 2 hits with less than 15%. Luck and skill really don't mean squat. Dammit, little shit. Pfft, that seems fitting. The fact that everyone uses axes, the weapon earned by might as I established with Durban (who I called Kaim, good catch), the idea that a hard life makes the people hard and willing to beat each other up over little things (HOW many bandits are there in this arc alone?) Of course, the reaction of utter bafflement at the stupidest thing said in the last half hour. Saul really must think he has a way with women huh? Saul is also clearly unable to get what he wants. Though that might be because he gets pulled out of it. Or revealing just how ballsy he is. Taking that kind of risk, you either know you're safe or don't know and just think you are. I think it's fitting, though I don't unlock this support much. (Obligatory actually got Clarine/Dorothy to A first here) You know, that might be the case after all. Maybe they coded this version first, then stuck him in the A route with those bases. I mean, you can make all those dank Ugandan Knuckles jokes with her, though they'll likely be stale by the time you get her. See, this is why you don't let your troubadours die horribly! Sing the bells, bells, bells, bells True, Scollan's not alone in that. Gonzales doesn't even fit the don't be unattractive clause either. That light brand is too heavy for Boi. For being a swordomancer, he really can't lift. Again, boi has set everything back.
  4. Got Lunatic with 5* Fjorm, Julia, 4* Olivia and Clarisse, after too much trial and error by 1-shotting the blue manakete and having Fjorm 1-round Lyon, dealing with everything else from there easily. Infernal is surprisingly annoying to get set up with specific units, as there are some strats I can pull, but awkwardly.
  5. Marty Ain't no party like a Marty party cos the Marty party don't stop Honestly, Izana. He knows his shit to be fair and I could see drunk him still outdoing everyone. I could think of someone else, but might as well go with someone from Fates for once. Which character would you ask to help you move out?
  6. It's nice to see Alfonse being good at something. There's a reason he's not on the bench people. Also Veronica already trying to push an immovable object. This cannot end well. Also, recent banners have been quite disappointing: I got way too lucky with the NY banner, because I've got nothing off the SS banner so far and the RD banner led to 5* Jakob and Rebecca. Bit of a joke since then, but the worst part is that Sothe got dropped to 4*, he was half the reason I was pulling that banner and I got those two instead. Gacha is a mistake.
  7. While Heirika is probably a bad idea to encourage, it's still a new banner and she's a red horse. 2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless (No Heirika then. :P) 3* Barst (This is more like it.), 3* Arthur (This too), 3* M!Robin (Unnecessary feather spending all up in this house), 4* Jagen (Well it's Fortify Cav. If only I had more cavs to use it on. HINT. HINT), 4* Jeorge (Well, this sucks too to be fair, but he has Spur Spd) 3.25% now. 3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless (Again, pretty sure I'm being told something) 4* Arthur (He's fodder), 4* Lukas (Oh look, it's pretty much an armour. +Def/-Spd. Think I have this already), 3* Donnel (It's Ol' Donny! Haven't seen him in a bit), 4* Oboro (Is her nature good? +HP/-Def, sadly.), 3* Clarine (Most useless type of inheritance!) 3.5%. What a waste. Least the Lukas has a better nature than my current one. 3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless (WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?) 3* Eliwood (Well, Ward Cav), 3* Raigh (Feck! I avoided him for so long!), 4* Hinata (Kind of threw me off when he took so long. Fury is Fury), 4* Gunter (I have plenty of cavalry boosters, give new cavalry please), 4* Maria (Blanked for a second). Well, 3.75%.
  8. I actually did it, but sadly she got the +1 to attack instead, the two were even before the merge. Likely use my next refine on her instead of MechaWendy after all, I still don't know what to give Wendy but +Spd makes sense for Rebecca.
  9. Knew I forgot something. The 4* is +Spd/-HP and the 5* is +Atk/-Def. On your question, I'd lean towards Amelia, Sheena or Titania if you have plans for them already. Sigurd could also be a good choice, but Close Def isn't exactly a still that'd be easy to replace.
  10. I recently pulled a 5* Rebecca. Yes, that kind of horror. Thing is, her nature's really good, and I have a 4* one sitting there with a bunch of skills learned. Should I promote the 4* one to get a merge level or will simply merging for the skills be fine? (5* is +Atk/-Def, 4* is +Spd/-HP) I also have a +Atk/-Spd and a +Spd/-HP Klein that I'm mulling on. Who's more worth keeping, and is it always better to get +Atk Klein?
  11. I think I'll be slow to pull on this banner. RD hurt me. But Myrrh's a flying dragon with Hone, Eirika has Gleipnir and a horse and is likely fast and L'Arachel might be the weakest of the three but she has Ivaldi. I am certainly tempted.
  12. Atlas, a simple man who knows his way with an axe and seems like he's got the patience for it too. Which character would you have in a dogfight?
  13. >TIL you can't turn off your phone in the middle of a map/series of maps as it doesn't actually save that progress online at all. THAT'S WHY I LOST 2 BONUS RUNS AT TT THIS TIME ROUND FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-
  14. >When someone tries to break your heart but it wasn't there to begin with. >Getting hit for 0 damage in heroes is like: There's my captions for now.
  15. Lex won't be able to buy it. I'm pretty sure it will count any weapons stored (though again, not certain about axes), but there's no real point to Lex passing down axes, it'll be about as useful if you sell his weapons near the end and pass the money down.
  16. Man, that crappy beard? Joy. This game has a hard support point limit. Their high base is the main reason I prefer them. Maybe. I need to open up GIMP for all that. NEVER! Xavier takes the freaking cake. I don't know if I could recruit him legit. If you're on about the Robert Downey Holmes, well that's not magical so much as him thinking the whole scenario out in advance in his head. That scene's one of the reasons I actually think that movie's alright. The sequel, now that sucked. Treck the tank. I'm okay with this. I thought we were clear he wasn't her brother. As it always is. Well, that's the 1/20 bet taken. You also had to remind me that she might have the worst dimensions in Heroes. I'm pretty sure you didn't. Also, Wendy died, so what happens to the triangle? What's wrong with Route A Gonzales? I know it's an edit, but still: https://i.imgur.com/IsScO7A.png My guess is that it's a whip-sword. Once again, some enemies are quite rude. I mean, no respect, finger in the air and all. That's where my Marcus's speed went when I first played HHM! Obligatory. I'm pretty sure whatever equivalent there is in wherever you're from will be in your door any minute. Next time, we get more isleventures! (*Groans in the distance)
  17. I'd comment on the inclusion of Alfonse, but I just can't be bothered doing the usual arguing. Maybe one of these could have daggers.
  18. VBA is a pretty simple option to mention, easy to get and run. VBA-M is a continuation that's still being updated and has more options (like throttling). Both will work on any of the OS's out there (least I'm pretty certain, limited exposure to Apple hardware might prove me wrong) If you're working with android/iPhones, I'm not a expert there.
  19. You'll likely hit over 20 anyway (I was closer to 25), and even then you might have to put unused units in because of fatigue. Thankfully enough units exist with decent to good bases and you do have quite a few staff units (because those get to be quite the drain on stamina), as well as the scrolls to improve pretty much anyone's growths.
  20. The RD banner has made me sad. 3.5% for 5* Jakob, 4.25% for 5* Rebecca. Naturally, I've said screw it, it's not like I ever got a Tellius character as a focus unit ever (barring that -Atk Ike). TL:DR The RD banner sucked personally.
  21. Banner of misery, turn turn, tell us what fodder to burn! 3 Red, 2 Green (Good thing I forgot to get the present orbs beforehand! Have to grind though....) 4* Gunter (He won't hesitate! He also won't be around long, though he is +Spd/-Res) 3 Colourless, 2 Green (No Michiah Mouse then...) 5* Rebecca (Gacha was a mistake. +Atk/-Def, actually a good nature), 4* Klein (Good Fodder. +Spd/-HP, is that much good or is +Atk the best choice?), 3* Niles (Well, this crapbasket shows up for once. But he has +Atk/-Def, so he can stay once and for all), 4* Titania (Another unit who could be a better pull. +Spd/-Atk), 3* Barst (Good fodder. ) This crummy banner, I wash my hands of it, nothing but pity breakers and shame. This banner caused me to break and I don't even get good pity breakers. Must be because I haven't played Tellius, only I've gotten all of the other ones by now. This banner is disheartening.
  22. I broke my FTP status for some orbs. Is it over? 3 Red, 2 Colourless 4* Jakob (If that had been 5*.... +Def/-HP, could be better), 3* Azama (Asshat with a bad nature here. Not worth the promotion.) 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless 4* Odin (Well, not the mage I want. +Atk/-Spd), 4* Gaius (Well that's not very tasty. +Def/-Res) NO IT ISN'T. 4.25%
  23. Better to rule whale hell than serve under Naga? Nah, I don't have that much money.
  24. The other 6 will be in the presents with Feh. Also, I cracked. I am no longer FTP, after at least 5 failed attempts to purchase as I got errors.
  25. Okay, completely missed that. That's an oddity. I am. A BK merge is nice, while the orbs are cheaper than any other pack on their own.
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