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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Forgot to actually try last week. so for a finish to the first set of these, Ursula. Infantry Emblem: Took the Brotel strat. Armour Emblem: 5* Hunktor (Drag Back, Armoured Boots Seal), Hector, (Vantage 3, Swap, SAA1 1 Seal), Arden (Earth Boost 3, Ward Armour, Pivot, Ignis, Panic Ploy Seal), 4* Draug (HP +5, Reciprocal Aid) First try. Both Hectors take the lead, with Draug acting as Reciprocal aid bot. The Hectors stand in range, take what's coming (including regular Hector finishing Ursula) and only leave the armour for Arden to finish. Horse Emblem: Phoenixmaster's strat only with Clarine instead. Flier Emblem: 5* Witch!Nowi (Escape Route 3, Draconic Aura, Iote's Shield Seal), Newmilla (Haigota +Def, Desperation 3, Reposition, ), Newzura (Haigota +Def), Hinoka (Hinoka's Spear +Eff, Death Blow 2, Lancebreaker 3, Swap) Witch!Nowi OP, no plox nerf. First try with this lot. So I start by having witch!Nowi tank the thief, then I essentially have to panic as Ursula will attack Newmilla next turn. Thankfully, Newzura can hit her out and the map is mostly tanking the ranged units and hitting them up close. Hinoka finished the map with the sword cavalry,
  2. Well that's unsurprising. More like he can see other timelines. Like Shulk and his visions. Or Raven, if you know who I'm on about. I kind of get it. Could Tomas rock the dong armour though? How do I delete this? http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/216/380/023.jpg Huh. Fine, you're forgiven. Even if there's nothing to forgive. He's an incompetent. You need a villain more like the guy from Aristocats. Alright, didn't know. Because he and Allan are generic as all get out to me. It's that White Gem, man! Boy is rich, I'd use Igrene over him if we're on about stats. Had a snigger at this. Never seen Casper I take it? SO DO I. BUT HE. JUST. WON'T. Once again, Thracia is your friend. I at first thought this made no sense. Like Orlo was preaching at them and boring them to sleep. Those are pretty concerning stats. Thankfully light magic sucks here. And because I have to keep it alive (because apparently he is quite willing to burn everything down): I get it, though you'd be better off with fliers. I usually don't because I raise quite a few mounts so they can actually get around pretty quick. Eh, him saying it like that isn't implausible, but reading it makes it feels more forced than it might sound in conversation. They think they're isolated? Think it's somewhere they can talk? I don't know, I live in a valley and it's not like I climb up a hill any time I want a serious talk. Again, Zephiel is a bad ruler imo. Which when you consider he wants dragons ruling over dead humans...... This sprite seems so low quality to me. Is that just me or my bias for Gonzy talking? He also has 14% more chance to hit. Kind of inevitable. Pfft of course Mega Bloks man couldn't hold. Orlo: Best throwaway boss in BB? I think you're right. *Sigh. I knew this would happen the moment Clarine died. No wonder you've never seen Wendy actually being good. Course, her art's still the worst. THAT sounds weird. I can't think of that happening before. Which screws you over more. "Charge! Right past Orlo!" Their dominant philosophy. It kind of socks to be her. Lest she has good enough speed that it can be eaten into somewhat. Just imagine this playing as her entrance theme as she leaves. Maybe she'd be even better. Or bring more than a steel axe. We'll see. She has some percentage for strength. She might be a frontliner just yet. Let's be fair, getting that as a single stat level up is better than anything else for her. Those are buns in her hair. Like she tried to get hair like Leia's. Orlo: Actual monster. I wish he gets unique art in a remake. Klein might be considered and initial attache? Meanwhile, I get this when I actually bother using Marcus in BS (HHM): Your eyes do not deceive you: your actual Jeigan is looking to outdo a supposed Oifey, his younger self at that. The defences are actually above average, but he got speed once in 12 levels. I couldn't use him in endgame. The Sain I raised had double his speed, and was at 20 by level 20. Marcus looked even more pathetic in comparison. I've never seen Marcus so happy. So stealing this. Next time, we get to see Orlo die maybe?
  3. I had that once. Currently regular Hector's supporting LEliwood and Hunktor and LALyn are also together, because of course I did. As for some myself...... Ursula/Titania (Titania literally saved her during the genealogy TT and they got to S rank right after, you can't tell me no) Arvis/Fjorm (Well, there's the ice/fire shtick (My Arvis has Iceberg, this is nothing new from me), their both trying to protect their nations, getting Arvis right away from Deirdre, I don't see much wrong with it) Camus/Xander (Obligatory) Nino/Eirika (I like the idea of Nino being taken in by Eirika and getting an education in Renais.) B!Ike/Azura (Two blue-haired people who are highly involved in their respective plots and who are inheritors of their father's legacies. About all my reasoning there.) Arden/Wendy (Worst units in two games? Slow armours? Ridiculous art in opposite direction? Of course I did! I do like the idea of Arden finding someone in Askr, he's unlikely to when I'm playing GotHW)
  4. Well, this is a neat banner. I won't pull much from it today though, I might try for Bowy again. First, that fell banner: 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 4* Hana (L&D. Neat. +Res/-Atk), 3* Bartre (BA is eh to be fair), 3* Est (Merge fodder) And now the hunt for Bowy begins. 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 4* Sothe (I needed to wash my mouth out. Neutral, could be worse) 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 3* Lissa (Well that's not much good) 4 Blue, 1 Red 3* Laslow (Well, it's Axebreaker) 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless 4* Lachesis (Blanked for a sec. +Atk/-HP) 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green 4* Chrom (Well, I could have pity broken here. Crap. Is +Spd/-HP any good?) 3.25%. 4 Colourless, 1 Blue (Jackpot?) 4* Maria (That would have been a frustrating 5*. +HP/-Spd), 3* Felicia (Is she worth anything?), 3* Niles (Bleh.), 4* Virion (Merge fodder. +Res/-HP) 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 3* Gordin (That's crap.) 3.5%. 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red 3* Clarine (Bleh), 4* Azama (Asshat returns. +Spd/-HP, so close.) 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless 3* Lissa (Once again, uh.) 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green (Crap...) 3* Tiki (Well, it's Lightning breath) 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue 3* Gordin (Again, crap.), 4* Klein (GOOD FODDER. For bloody once. +Def/-Atk) 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 5* Bowy (Well that's good, I got Bow Valour 3. +Res/-HP, could be better), 4* Merric (*Sigh. +Def/-Spd), 4* Donnel (Pothead's not the worst fodder. +Def/-HP), 4* M!Corrin (Bad fodder. +HP/-Atk), 3* Draug (I've been looking for one for Hunktor, so nice) Spent over 100 orbs today, but I got Bowy, I'm done with the banner. Also some fodder's no bad thing.
  5. It speaks volumes that as someone on the other side of the border I don't have to worry that I can't currently get KFC if I wanted to. Course, that was if I wanted to, I can literally think of only one place I could find it in this part of the country. KFC is also not much of a good argument for a UI, but that's beside the point. It's like McDonalds pointing to using Irish beef in their burgers here. The fast food chains tend to get their supply close to the market, so different standards apply depending on where they are selling.
  6. Well this came out of nowhere! First off, GRIMA CONFIRMED! And he's an armoured dragon! And has Vengeful Fighter! And LB+? EVIL HARDIN? HOLY SHIT, THAT'S RIGHT THE FUCK OUT OF NOWHERE! AND HE HAS BOLD FIGHTER 3! And Celica's a sword infantry. :P Ruin the hype why don't you. Though she has Beloved Zofia. Hmmm. WITH AN EVEN MORE BROKEN RAGNAROK EFFECT. AND CHILL SPEED IS FUCKING AMAZING. Also Chapter 5. Neat. I actually might want Hardin the most, though I am okay with getting any of the three, there's no one must get for me. Also another Muspell character's confirmed, neat. On a side note, Betrayal's a GHB. Cool.
  7. I'll watch stuff on the traditional channels if it interests me. Matter of fact, live government talks are on as I type this.
  8. Oh look, this banner doesn't look too bad, maybe I get lucky on it. 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless (Eh, maybe Hinoka will be in the blue orb. Everyone says she only shows up as a non-focus, but I got her as a focus unit once) 3* Subaki (QR. Neat.) Well, I'm done here.
  9. That explains why Morgan sucks then. YOU FOOLS! Nord: a horrible person, but still put more thought into his terrible plans. Well, you had me concerned for a second when I thought Geese wouldn't be safe. Edit: Also, this was the perfect time to put a "See what I did wrong" in. I wanted to see where things went from here. Course, that is not the case when the merc still gets to someone. So the knight Wryllan rode into the battlefield on a great and powerful- Wait, I'm not writing a fanfic, how did Wrys get there so quick? "Barth, you can't even do this simple task? Fine, I guess I'll have to." Also, Barth finally got the bench. It's a shame he's not much good. It's not that surprising, especially with your lack of swords at this point. Treck saw a glimpse of the B route and went "Nope" Well, if you're going to have to use one OP unit, might as well use both as supportbots for best cav. Geese, even with that next HP level up, would have died. That's dumb. Almerians? The people of Alm? Well, it's not like he wouldn't have a cultish following, Walhart exists. Hey look, Geese isn't doing bad so far! Fate's a bit of a prick sometimes, isn't it? Treck the tank engine? I'll get out. IDOLTARY? Yodel might want to get on smiting this sinner before it's too late. Or spell an abbreviation of it apparently. :P That's not appropriate, Merlinus is just a dumb incompetent servant. Don't try to make him a monster! I'm going to go with the idea of an offscreen satchel. Mainly to preserve my mind, please do as Eclipse says. Well, he might have? It's not impossible that he heard something there. I'm not sure Eliwood wouldn't mention Pent. Well, at least the alternate timeline stuff is proving useful. Don't tell me Pent's been possessed, Lycia will be doomed! Either way, 11A is coming and Klein has to be recruited by Roy. This can only end well.
  10. I actually have an idea for rebalancing the horses. Make use of them have a cost. Kaga had originally intended for everyone to be able to dismount in the game, but they ran out of space so only Seliph can in the final product. However, something similar, where horses have a not insignificant cost means that those who use horses want to be as precise as they can when galloping off that they don't have too little resources lest they get thrown off or far off from the battle with no way to get there fast enough. Now I'm not sure what cost should be there, but I just wanted to get the initial thought out there.
  11. Leif certainly isn't. He's not an amazing unit but his actual potential isn't bad, he's got some pretty useful tools with all the crazy swords in this game (especially the light brand, though the Blaggi Sword is also good). No a great unit, but to say Leif's the worst is underestimating him imo. I'd say something on Michiah if I'd ever played RD.
  12. Yeah, I get having issue with Satan, even as someone who never watched the original. They've been very open to the worship, even if it's as a joke and have just been keeping that up. It's so noticeable with him being around so much in the last few episodes as well. It's a bit sad to hear Buu might never happen, but as is that's an if. And even then they might change their minds in the future. Up to them though.
  13. So I've actually kept on pace to get all the rewards up to this point, surprising myself for once. I also switched out Wendy (as she hit 2.5k HM) for LEliwood, giving him the QR seal. Even with his default kit his offence is great, just wish Hunktor had Ward armour as well. I got the boots today, slapped then on Hunktor and laughed because this is stupidly good. I though the skill only worked on the first turn. Glad I was wrong.
  14. So I tried again with Hunktor and LALyn in tow, with Arden and Hector in tow. Got it first try. Somehow. Hunktor needed +Res to do a lot of the tanking, but Lyn starts off holding off the enemy and as usual retreat. Lyn takes out the sword next turn and both heactors start tanking while Arden waits for Narcian. From there it's a question of how the two Hectors hold off the generics but eventually I'm down to everyone but Arden low on HP and the bows and blue mage still alive.I managed to tank with Arden and Hector after Hunktor took out the closest bow. Hector Vantages the mage and Arden tanks the bow, leaving the last bow vulnerable on PP.
  15. That's a very good speed parameter for a fast horse and Ivaldi and horse buffs would make her a good powerhouse, especially with skills like Desperation, but her res is actually pretty good as is, so losing that is somewhat of a concern. That Cecilia is alright, though I recommend waiting for -Def. I have promoted one with +Spd/-Def and even then she's not hitting great speeds. +Atk would be better for a single attack Gronnlade and Gronnraven builds. 17 defences either way is of course a pretty brutal stat, but with his refine you want his offences anyway. Yeah, you could be doing worse with this Rein. F!Corrin in my experience has always felt lacking with her attack, hence my recommendation for +Atk. With TA, green dragons and mages will just be beating her faster than they would be already and are more likely to 1-shot, while red mages might have more trouble and red swords will have a tougher time taking a crack at her. Fury would push her durability up a bit sure, but the -6 HP isn't something I think works well for tanks you expect to take more than 2-3 rounds of combat and F!Corrin can do that for physical weapons pretty well imo. Yeah the lack of refine somewhat annoys me with them. The devs might choose to change that, but even as is +Atk is the better choice. I use Fortress Def on mine, which might be an interesting build to consider for +Spd Subaki. Yeah, Soren's not really in the place where I'm making him a regular for much of anything. I've got some pretty general skills on my 4*, but he's nowhere near as useful as most of my other mages, even Merric can have some niche use with his defence. Roy doesn't really have much in the way of competition for promotion as is though. Which did you think was the better IV set?
  16. Soren's are a bit disappointing, but yeah I don't really see much with this one at least. My +Spd Roy is having issues with doubling in AA so yeah, promotion would do well to get him into those ranges. If I got +Spd/-Res he could be more balanced, but hopefully his personal will get refine soon to be worth considering. Those refines do sound like good choices, and certainly ones I was considering. I wasn't thinking of +Def and +Def Wendy would be hilarious, hitting 44 Def and exceeding even Arden at 4*. :P Ah, nbd. The +Spd Roy is already raised with some skills inherited, hence why I asked the question as merging would give him a boost and give the skills from the 4* one to him (or visa versa with the 5*'s BB). Most of those would likely kill Soren anyway. :P . My ploy options aren't amazing either for passing, so he'd be waiting for a while. I'd probably not bother raising the 5* one as is, but that's more because Soren's in a weird place in terms of usefulness. So you think there's no real point to promoting either? I'd lean to +Res if I can get DC, though no guarantees of that. Will hope I get a bad natured Effie for WF, though does that stop QR? Asking because I'm using the seal on her right now. For YSF!Robin, that sounds like the best way to do it simply at least, though I'll have to get the fodder first. You've got some pretty good options here! Probably could be more optimal, but I'll try to say my piece. (Doesn't help that Raven and Rein are half the units I've gotten I've never used because their IVs were suboptimal) I wish my L'Arachel had +Spd, but with +Res has the advantage of being better with ploys. Yours is good if you want her to get more doubling potential but I'd ask how many horse mages you have first. Raven's gotten more interesting with Basilikos and he'll be able to double a lot of opponents with LoD skill + Refined Basilikos. It'd be better with -Res though, as he's not exactly someone you want taking mages on in EP. Rein has his best boon here, but what's his best bane is usually speed. It's rare for a situation where he'll need the quadruple to kill something. F!Corrin is probably the weakest choice on her own, but her stat combo's actually pretty good. +Atk/-HP would be better, as you could boost speed on refine on top of a very high attack. she'll be good with a dragon team though. Subaki also benefits more from a boost to attack than speed, no question. Such a low base means he needs it to do decent damage and speed is easier to boost in general thanks to his good base anyway. The other one might be worth considering as well if you want to sacrifice him for QR3 on someone, but that's if you want to be doing that. I'd say it's a bit dependant on what you have to work with besides, but I do think that none of these are bad IVs and that they'll all be useable.
  17. Back to this piece of crap, the only one that eluded me for 2/4 (I just didn't bother doing Ursula's yet). After the last day, I said screw it and found some surprisingly accessible strats (The cav one took Xander, Camus, B!Lyn and Ursula, but there's no non-default skills (Barring Lyn and Hone Cav), Ursula was 4* and it's about getting Xander to tank the right first with Camus supporting, then Ursula blows away Xander) Armour took way too much effort and fine tuning trying to get this strat to work for me as I didn't have Spur Spd 2 or BK +2 so BK can't double the green mage and got overwhelmed, Draug's -Res got him killed by the cleric and the sword's Ignis took out Wendy despite her +9 and +Def if her HP was down.... But I did it. Gave Draug Drive Def 1 Seal (as well as C support with BK and Reciprocal aid which he already had) so BK takes less damage (Xander dinged BK. That was fun) and Eliwood had Atk Ploy 2 (already done for Sonya). On PP BK teleports to the left of a low HP Wendy (After she gave HP) and Draug heals her, leading the healer to attack him on EP, BK gets hit by the lancer and mage (he beats the mage). BK runs to Draug with WoM (for him. :P), Wendy hits the cleric and Eliwood beats the lancer. I'm forgetting the details a bit around this point, but the swords are what's left and after clearing them, the cleric attacks Wendy for 6 damage. Wendy takes out the cleric with a Bonfire and I FINALLY end this. Xander? Fuck you, I'm happy you died in Birthright. Also during my Relevations endgame. Also every time in Heroes. Maybe even what'll happen in story at this rate.
  18. This got ignored twice, so I'll ask again. I have 2 Sorens +Res/-HP (5*) and +Def/-Res (4*) and 2 Roys with +Atk/-HP (5*) and +Spd/-Def (4*) Is is worth promoting and merging either of them, which nature should I keep on each and if not what should I do with them? If 5* Soren isn't being kept who wants Watersweep? I also want to ask about the best refines for my SummeRobin and Wendy. Wendy has +Def/-Spd and SummeRobin has +Atk/-Def, working with their defaults weapons and I don't have DC on either (Sadly in Wendy's case).
  19. The internet. I'd already played BS and SS on emulator by the I was hearing about a new game from online sources. Awakening had piqued my interest, but a couple of months passed before Smash 3DS was announced, which is when I decided to get a 3DS and Awakening online. I never got round to Smash 4.
  20. Actually, this wasn't too bad. Cleared Normal, Hard and Lunatic last night. Hard was cleared with my usual Flier Emblem of Witch!Nowi, Newzura, Valter and Newmilla. Lunatic was cleared with my TT team of Hunktor, LALyn, BK and Wendy. The teams split up quite in my favour, with Corrin, the mage and Azura heading to the left for BK and Lyn while the fliers and archer go for Hunktor and Wendy. Took a few tries but it was fine.
  21. I have all these units, so I think I'll shoot for a chance at Kagero. 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green (Nope.) 3* Subaki (QR fodder's nice) I have no words for this to be honest.
  22. Robin's kid = OP. I realised once I'd initially done the image it was missing something: Wrys in the name. It had to be done. Rubelen. Just getting it out of the way. Ruben. Mind. Gutter. Out. Suspicious Elen: the next running joke? Well, if it hasn't been run through into the ground already. Again, Boi can't take a hit. This isn't even with heavy weapons. Barth actually tanking. It's a miracle! Oujay's rocking the spinning hat. Oh. I apologise. It's at least a way to tell who's who. Not like most of them would. Nord's just wanting to get his raid on. Gonzy. :( Well, assholes gotta asshole. GIVE IT TO ME. THEM BASES. At least someone's doing alright. Oujay: Born to suck. Strength and Def would be better, but perfection is a rarity. Yes, Barth the bear guardian. That duck is pretty neat to be fair to boy. Roy dodging like that makes he think he's half dabbing, like beta Alm. OHNO. Gonzy's in range. Is Geese going to make it? I doubt it! And with even more valuable weaponry! Run Geese run! DANANANANANANANANANANANANA, Ru-ben!
  23. This fight infuriated me originally. It also annoyed me playing Infernal the first time. As my first linchpin was her male version, it speaks volumes how good I actually am at this. Infantry Emblem: https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/7xjhdf/robin_flier_cavalry_armor_infantry_ghb_elite/ It was such a pain figuring out who could tank it in the others. Don't think I can do that with infantry especially as it's late, so said screw it and took Phoenixmaster's strat with a more powerful Nino and watched it burn. Armour Emblem: 5* Hunktor, BK, 4* Draug, Wendy (+9) Incomplete, Hunktor still showed up the original. So BK tanks the mages with DD3 and one WA (Draug), killing F!Robin and the axes, is then repositioned so that Wendy can tank and Hunktor distracts the red mage. Wendy takes out the lance, and is left with two mages not smart enough to tag team her and so the blue mage sits in front of her. Naturally, she kills the blue mage (Bonfire proc) and BK had WoNM to kill the damaged red mage. Reciprocal aid for BK was unnecessary, Hunktor didn't have WF 3 but that wasn't necessary. The only one I had to redo. Horse Emblem: 5* Sigurd, B!Lyn, L'Arachel, Titania (Unchanged from previous uses) Surprise first try clear. Sigurd distracts the northern units, then runs away. I pretty much then have Sigurd taking out the axes on defence, the Red mage is killed by L'Arachel and the lancer is easily taken out by Titania. Titania can tank F!Robin and runs back. B!Lyn attacks the blue mage, is repositioned and Robin moves in. She's beaten on player phase by Titania's Iceberg proc and B!Lyn finishes her. Flier Emblem: 5* Witch!Nowi, Newzura, Newmilla, Valter (Same as Navarre, Xander, Narcian) Every time I use this team, someone dies. Witch!Nowi starts by attacking the nearby fighter, is danced by Newzura and she moves her out of position. They all move in, Nowi takes out the axe fighter and the lance fighter with dance support and Valter is placed to take a magic hit, while F!Robin is 1-shot by Nowi. I move Valter in to fight, but he has to get help to finish blue mage, so the red mage is still alive, but nobody is in danger and Newmilla finishes him. First try too.
  24. Zelgius decided that the lack of red bonus units was so offensive that he had to protest by not fighting. Course, we're merciless assholes. Also LaLyn can hit 54 speed in this TT. Nothing I have can match her speed, I hope that this ends up carrying over. I've had bad runs all day, though that's because LaLyn and Vector don't have much in the way of skills right now, not even their full base kit.
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