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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Yeah, I figured he'd still be fine enough, but good to know the reclass had it's uses I'm picking Sky Knight again because of the Luck growth 😛 As for the growths, I doubt 5 levels will happen, but I kinda want to see how reclassing him there would work out, the closest without Corrin sadly would be Kinshi Knight from Setsuna but the growths from SK sync up well imo. I get it, I just focus on the west villages myself
  2. Soon. Fair enough, I was on about within a main storyline and depression doesn't seem like a topic that comes up much in those support chains either. Hell, Hardin's there and it doesn't get to acknowledge the depression because lolGharnef. I was on about from the player perspective, especially my ungraceful ass. A fair point nonetheless. though Samus has a record at this point. This sounds like a game where you play a hivemind taking over a kingdom. Fantasy insectoid body horror for the next FE? Why not? Extend it to enemy capture and you have a new objective in escorting an enemy boss Apparently the penalty was perfidious Shrimpy in Spain - S and England -land +st (where E = A)
  3. Considering Silas just kinda existed, let's go with a project unit. Give Arthur Sky Knight and Aptitude. Sick.
  4. "Maru-, -su" Wall chunk hits Frey, 1-shots (By sickos I mean Doom enthusiasts who want it on everything) Honestly for balance reasons I feel it should be non-mage infantry if anyone for moving them, or getting them prepped to be carried by cavs if you still want cavs to be allowed to Comp supremacy Okay, so they are more accessible than I thought, alright.
  5. Farage showed up five hours late to the Commons? Pretty sure most of us wouldn't have a job after that. If he's starting like that, I can only assume it's going to be a shitshow. On top of everything else sure, but it's a possible salve to see him just be so shit at it that him getting in might backfire. Description (Mainly because 1000 years? I got curious). I'm not much of an ebook guy, couldn't have looked for it that fast physically. Miss Marple parody but Merkel? Reality is stranger than fiction sometimes, but here I think fiction wins the day. I could buy that on paper (though probably as an optional thing for the playthrough, I'd probably go for it), but also that unit being in the square they fell in has it's own balance to consider, such as if they fell to a boss you have to fight and that space is kinda taken up by your squishy trainee now. (Maybe one square of move to turn to allow for manouvring around them and if opponents hit them on the ground they lose a count to discourage throwing a unit into dozens of enemies) See, you considered more than I did. Ignoring the enemy for a second, another point with FFT map design is that it's more vertical, which of course plays a lot into access to combat with those added ranges and player units having to account for that. As well as that, FFT doesn't do untraversable terrain so much, giving another problem to consider with FE's balance and how often those result in the chokepoints you mentioned.e
  6. Messi chose his successor all those years ago /s I like the idea sheisbeuw9 is some newfangled swear. Like "I can't stand walking through the mud, it's sheisbeuw9 to me" My tastebuds ain't that fond of layers. Feel like that's the case (though I'll admit the fact I'm not recalling is unfortunate), but the main issue for most games is that if you're not the protagonist in most genres you're unlikely to get much time dedicated to your issues and thus don't get the perspective to see someone in this state and explore that. I see my own ideas on this are pretty dissimilar, at least on aggression. That's probably due to the game setting itself as a hostile world, with the fauna, at times flora and liquids in some holes causing damage and it's that hostility that is set for the player early. I tend to get myself damaged as I go, so the bit of "I should probably try and get healed" is there too. Also, I cut my sentence short there. "but she has a good capability of fighting opponents either up close or by blasting them." Okay this resulted in me checking what you were talking about, so that this made sense.
  7. Shrek 5 is real. It's all ogre in 2026, assuming no delays So they don't do a Neymar Jr. in terms of hyping him up right? Sure doesn't feel that way tearing through the space pirates after getting the Gravity Suit. I am not doubting her stealth (you'd assume it'd be useful for some bounties), but Great, I screwed it up. Oh, you could have an RPG on the travails of the game, from the music likely being the way it is due to technical difficulties, the cliffhanger ending and sequel getting canned and of course, Ken Penders. Just, Penders. He's not even on the development and is Sonic's Space Flea from out of Nowhere Fricking internet is depressing fictional characters now /s Damm kids finding the Azure Flute to go bother it.
  8. Hearing there's an investigation into Le Pen's election funding that's been worked on the last few years..... I mean, maybe consequences can be real? Good if it gets brought to light something is there and it gets proven. On less serious stuff, I guess Fusion next? Surprised I only realised today 3 of the 2D Metroids have stealth elements. Wonder if MP4 (probably not) or the next 2D Metroid will lean more on it. Not even one proofreader. The fact they share multiple and Maryland doesn't have one with New Jersey sounds like the start of a joke Honestly, I find the line funny (That's a flair if I've ever seen one), but it's still sad how bad that is and what that says for the quality of work done by those involved in that Wiki's upkeep. Doesn't help the Wikia Wiki was already solid on unit analysis for Fates
  9. https://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/Hayato#Analysis Looking at the text, is this AI generated? So option 3 it is! Well it's a pile of scrap now, that's for sure. I don't even get why they put all the work into a metal bird that looks like it'd be chumped in 3D. But I have to admit I'd be fucked trying to zero damage it let me tell you, got beaten several times because I wasn't getting my shots through and just kept letting that arm wail on me. @Armagon Two of the black pirates at the end was shockingly mean when they just block missiles from the front. Well, for some reason they're also pushovers in Super, so what can I say? And it shifts? It technically is the Quad State area? Nope, that's it, I demand Tristate be limited to fiction only. Can't be trusted to keep the number accurate.
  10. What is Meta Ridley? It looks like he's been made into a full robot, but that contradicts with Super, never mind Samus Returns and I'm not even taking about Prime/Other M as I haven't a notion. Is it a big metal cast of sorts to allow him to recover? Awkward that he's still kicking my ass then, sounds like when he loses that's a bitch to take off. Could it be just a robot being controlled remotely? Maybe? Got through it to Pirate Ship, gotta say some of these item puzzles are the real final bosses of Metroid games. Can believe that, places can end up bypassed by larger areas diverting attention all over. Still not over the Tristate area being an actual area (NY-NJ-CN if I'm recalling right), I just imagined it was some vague term in kids shows for some reason. I heard about this. The fact it was opened to begin with at least, it had issues in being built and of course it would be destroyed by the hurricane. He's planning Gen 3 next apparently In case of emergency, break Stamina Flask
  11. Biblically accurate legendary Maybe after, for a quieter time? Think I've passed the stadium the final would be in, some scale to the whole thing. Fair enough that it has to acknowledge it. Hold on, you should have. That would have been great. Hello again by the way Benice! Good to hear you're making things happen. Being principal Oboist by default still means you're in there performing, so that's good. Unfortunate with the prerequisites, but at least it's not been all consequences from that. As for the neighbours, you could do payback but I assume not everyone is at it, so maybe avoid that for the sake of dealing with everyone else. Not going to recommend much on the biking, I mean, from there to Arabia (which I mistakenly though was Asia Minor, but that's just Anatolia) as a whole is in an interesting position as a connecting point to Africa and the rest of Asia and Europe. One could argue outside of the continental shelves it's own distinct geographic formation that makes it a point all it's own and history would certainly paint it as such. Hmm, bit long there. It's all the continents, Earth is something in the right direction but we could go with something invoking that. How about Pangea? ....Wait. Pantera? ..... Someone took that one. Omnirhea? I suspect that's a bad call, too much discourse over the Latin-Greek messing. *sigh, add it to the pile for returns. The last time I was there was before the millennium and I definitely don't recall a St. Augustine. 🤨
  12. The game loads the map into her pistol. Amazing. Love it. Also, turns out the game heals you at each checkpoint, guess they thought it was too much to do on the amount of health most players would have. And certainly not me with how much I've been stumbling into trouble. And to the pirate who stole the power bomb off the statue clearly meant to represent a virility deity, I hate you. That sequence for getting the Gravity Suit's great actually, with the cutscene beforehand, the (admittedly easy enough fight) and the sheer power trip of running around with Plasma, Gravity Suit and Screw Attack all at once through these pirates as the Brinstar theme gets turned up a notch. Love me some overcoming trauma and demolishing your causes of that through sheer power. Is there more going on than being the historical estate I assume it is? .....I am going to have to hope the US doesn't implode before I get there again huh? Okay, I remember spending about $100 per ticket to get from from a small town in Maryland to.... I think we met up with the next set in Trenton. Would that be regular? Asking for future reference.
  13. Brained Mother, proceed to have to play without the chozo armour. Fucking pirates man. Also, the devs wanted to play with stealth a bunch at the time considering this and Fusion were both GBA. There's a fair few who have been lost to time, I suppose they saw the merit of it in the latter half of his life. With a good chunk of the plays of the time being pirated by audience members taking down the play/remembering it to tell afterwards, maybe there was a pragmatic element to it as well that there might as well be this avenue too, especially when enforcing the performance copyright would probably be a bit harder at the time. And sure, people listening in and taking down notes may have been the camera in the cinema method but with what tools they had, but there are limits to such answers. Man, there's a good chunk there. I knew nothing of it. (Should do that next time instead of what happened when I went over this year) It still doesn't feel like it's delivering much at all on it's other elements, I feel like Pop Team Epic probably did a little better there from what I'd know of the two.
  14. Why did I have no trouble with Ridley? Literally just wailed on him to win, no need for Super Missiles, that felt wrong. Maybe I should have tried to face him on 4 bars and with just few enough missiles that I may have ran out as I tried out or curiosity earlier. >Me, getting swamped by just under half a dozen metroids: Took a look, it's shitpost elements (intentionally using CG deer, for instance) are all that stand out imo. Thanks for the future tip, just in Tourian.
  15. They're further than they were, so that's nice. 🙂 Just to not have to worry about not fully turning the system off would be good. Need to figure out that one. But first Zero Mission. (Shame 6th gen is out of reach for this little thing, lots of potential games here, especially with my lack of experience with Xbox at all) Okay, 1,000 is actually pretty significant that's a town. When I say that, I mainly go on about the political ramifications don't go into it in depth, or how she's treated by those outside the supports, which are going to colour the perspective by being with people she can get along with. Deserving better does at least imply there was something there to wish better for, so that's something Little surprised by that. Is it just that one? Yeah, I feel even if you promoted Seliph by then she's not the same level of threat that would require you to skip anyway and there's enough set up behind her to encourage just fighting her besides. Also you have Ares and Faval (inheritance depending) who can both be capable with not much effort even ignoring Seliph. There's more potential options for Arione, but also more risk if you get him too low. Let me drown in the gravy In before BlaB remake with romancable Karel
  16. Dental appointments: that most serious of adult things. That and panicing because you nearly screwed yourself over because you wanted to clarify some things and the staff involved wouldn't get to it for 3 months. Also, been playing Zero Mission from the start again, Kraid was fine when I realised what I should be doing (died once), not looking forward to Ridley. Or apparently the emulation device deleting saves between system restarts, have to figure that one out. @Saint Rubenio Especially as Covenant of the Plume runs, so I'd like my saves to keep. -I mean, if it's Law (as the ending does pretty much state if I recall correctly), he's more likely to have the situation to mind than anyone else still alive that's for sure. I'd clearly forgotten the Salian part of it. -People being wrong on their god when they've been fed the idea that it's that or get hunted down by the oppressive state is probably not the first priority if you were actually to face that scenario in practice I'd argue. As for the Gerxel bit, how many would actually get the bit of info that would recontextualise everything? Just a thought I'm having on that. How would this be passed on by the Kalb Killer Krew afterwards? -I feel like it'd be something to consider based on what the game actually ends up as, but in terms of interactions, you already are in range of Ishtar to fight her (I mean, you also usually are with Arione buuuuuut you can just skip him) so distance is less of a factor if they're fine with the dissonance that would likely come from how par they might actually be (and chances are IS would be fine with that) Petra being a hostage of Adrestisa is certainly barely acknowledged. You could go into the dynamic of someone who has been raised for a significant chunk of time outside of their homeland (that they associate with) and how their relationships with leadership figures in that captive nation would shape how she perceived matters and supposedly accepts Edelgard as a person despite her being heir to the nation that invaded and how that shapes her relationship to both. Waiting on coalition formation before I get excited. Wait, the game is itself an ad. That's the thing with Petra to me anyway, she does speak about seeing a freer Brigid, but in the context of the conflict she's in she seems to frame her involvement in the Fodlan war as a step towards that. It feels off to me, but it doesn't help I'm comparing it to a much worse example (as in, the person seeking independence through using that other war by having those people of his country fight for them as he doesn't fight in it) As for discussing independence movements and the influence of more powerful nations upon even independent countries, I'm not touching the powder keg today. Bit more chaotic that with the bringing out dishes as the host pleased I suppose. Certainly not experienced with that. And yet no second breakfast, Pippin would be sad. c'est une joie en vie, n'est pas? Just, felt like saying it in French I guess. Plenty of stuff that only adults do that's pretty bullshit as well. Plenty of those out there who left the wrong stuff behind in their childhoods and wouldn't bring it with them beyond. Pretty sure it applies to me too, likely not all for the better. I was originally going to quote CS Lewis on it, but I realised I'd misremembered it and it was much longer. We talking 3 figures?
  17. If I'd heard that live I might have broken down. Apparently the memers have taken over many sound stages. Excuse me, I'm going to take this info and fall down because oh my word there's a lot I clearly didn't take in. I don't explicitly remember the Mairan sect being so wrongfooted, more fool me. And considering their founder was deep in it, the idea that he'd fall short of "this god that asks of us so much bloodshed is unacceptable" and settle for the idea that it's the priests that are wrong and thought he'd succeed on the inside is at least something I can believe a person who was sheltered in the inner circle and just happened to have a different disposition to his brother. The Gerxel cult was wrong in practice about their worship, considering that the history was lost as to the target of their worship, who'd shifted.... a bit more into maiden sacrifice. Julius still shows up three times before the finale, especially with the last time where he goes a-hunting. Julia not even hinting at remembering the truth before this point is a missed opportunity imo, she doesn't have to remember everything (especially not the last time they were in the same country) but something about realising who that warping twit is before she gets taken would be nice. I suspect they'll go ahead. It's not hard for them to frame it as messed up with what's already in the text.
  18. Saw Gar(r)on last night, not as many jokes about salting the earth as anticipated, fair bit of singing as well. Anyway here's Wondervalla Leomon's final level is just a furry Jojo, Sigurd in Chapter 10 was a stand Also happy belated birthday. Honestly, might be a little worse than that. The Zoans aren't even leading said cult, with a couple of hooded men of unspecified origin and Carla and the other bosses. All indications we get are that Zoans that are out in public are having to lie about it, or sent to Ii or prison camps before Caanan forms the empire. I'm of the mind that the Zoans (certainly pure Zoan) are that much of a minority that they barely even could be a major part of the Gerxel cult, they have been that directly oppressed in the setting. And it's not like the actual villain is doing this because he care for them either..... Or I'm underestimating the amount of Zoans, which is probably more accurate but it just didn't seem that way playing. Then again, considering Berwick's backstory, Kaga may have just made them overall evil...... (As for Genealogy, the battle lines are drawn as effectively an Archanean proxy war after the others intervene and the people who had followed Gair (well that's a new name to get used to) were all treated as complicit to the extent of full on persecution being treated as acceptable.... despite Maera being someone who contradicts that image and likely similarly true for many others lost to history. Because having an outgroup is helpful for an increasingly uncaring noble class. Point is, with the info that's been left we can make a more fascinating Jugdral) Maybe he left himself in the corner with the ending because he set the pace to have the avenging happen too soon, after all the lack of stakes between Seliph and his half-siblings is something that needed more buildup, never mind how the Loptous Sect hasn't been given the space to develop into a more substantive group (still better than the Sith cult in tRoS, heyoo!). I think of all the games in the series, it's Genealogy whose notes I take the most seriously. Because you know there needed to be more that wasn't used and would have been limited in telling with how game does stuff. Just how I feel in the matter. (Look, we know the story won't be 1:1 for a hypothetical remake) Also Temujin, don't forget him. I mean, there is dragon blood, just contained in the vessel of their worship. Julius is an avatar of Loptous So that wasn't a deepfake?
  19. So, just noticed this, gonna suggest Sky Knight Silas. Give him Strong Riposte.
  20. Off to Gar(r)on today too. I'm still so confused where those two yellow cards came from, I'm assuming related. Oh, guess I missed that. Reality is the gif was for the horny jail jokes, I realise the execution of this will likely have issues for security and as you said it only being tied to sites in Spain with this being the internet will hamper it and that's just those areas. That point on Vox likely getting votes from terminally online masturabtors would work if they left their caverns /s
  21. Linkedin motivational articles for bandits Imagine your descendants had a split and locked you, a superpowerful alchemist and senior of the family away. Would make family reunions awkward. Because it's cool The castle was built on top of it? Actually cool, let's be real. I didn't even look at the UI and thought Bahamut. Ah fandom, able to ignore a couple hates each other for shipping I happened to put it on right after the second goal. Bloody hell Rudiger must have ran himself ragged. And you can't say Germany didn't try. Or that the ref didn't give time at the end And hey, 2026 is still round the corner and France also lost. Oh Canada incoming?
  22. See, the thing about that is that it's used as leitmotif in much of the soundtrack. Like, at least 3/4s of it. It's a bit blessing and curse, bothers me enough to put it down a bit, but a soundtrack with Egdelwonk, A Dark Fall and Alight? Still very good imo. I mean, you make that comparison and I would say it feels like the reverse applies between MotE and NMotE for Holy War.
  23. Not allowing the originals and remakes to be separate's a shame, some people would argue for MotE over the DS remakes. That being said, SoV is the best soundtrack imo, fantastic updating of what was already a solid NES soundtrack and great new additions. It's been a little worrying that the Switch hasn't had a soundtrack better than any of the 3DS titles
  24. I have now confirmed the emulator device is full of roms beans. The boldest part was saying it to someone who never played it Marche really just gets it all, fucking hell he's a dick to Doned. Replacing the Jagen discussion took a minute when the person you describe it to has never played 🙂 I forgot to warn him about Sacae 😞 I think Shrimpy answered that one, but yeah, Ireland. It arguably complicates discussion. The US being "Easy mode" for independence is a statement alright
  25. I have ended up with an emulator machine (that has joysticks) and tickets to Gar(r)on. What a day. Would Theatrics include sending people to horny jail? Asking as someone who's never been in for any extended period Sure look, another independence day to add to July. Already had Haiti in mind too. Totally get being satisfied with that. Oh look, another one. I should get an independence day calendar at this rate Oh look, something to go through. (River mentioned, I get it) Funny aside on masking and gaming, I had my brother going through emulatable consoles (because of the emulation device I mentioned earlier) and if I'd played pretty much everything that'd matter on the GBA (as he saw it) and likely have given away that I knew a little more about FE than that it exists. Also that Marche did everything wrong.
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