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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. I wasn't planning on promoting any of the 4* ones to 5* if they didn't have a 5* already. Shame they weren't +Spd, I can wait on both arguably. So I'll be merging onto the unlevelled ones for the 4* ones at least then. I'm definitely not promoting Wendy, she'll be at 4* +10 with this merge. She would have been first if Gaius hadn't stolen her thunder.
  2. Alfonse: So, the prince of Askr. Can't do much with his setup, mostly because his bases are kind of bad and he's in a large pool in swords with plenty of betters. His sword is begging for a refine, he does a lot of damage when he has low HP but it requires taking enough damage to be risking BA builds. The default kit does contain the always useful DeB at least. Can't take blue or red mages well and some greens can also break him (e.g. Nino.). Me, I mainly use Swordbreaker on him (for countering other swords of course) and don't mess too much with his defaults. He's useable, but there's better by now. He's good at attacking greens and there are quite a few of these in arena, but he's not that good at it to stand out and Folkvanger's niche is poor overall. Going for a refined weapon or Brave sword can be options, but at that point you might as well use someone else. Oddly, I promoted the Askrtrio first as I wasn't sure who else I could use in my group of units back then and I thought they'd do more with them. I'm regretting it in hindsight, but not too much. 3 4/10, not awful, but he doesn't have much going for him. Maybe in Book 3. Edit: Turns out there's another boost for Alfonse: with the stat boosts for bonus units from next week as of this post and any of the Askrtrio getting these boosts in any arena season, Alfonse has another (shared) advantage over many other units. About a third of the time, but he is a guaranteed bonus unit at least some times. I think that might be enough to push him to 4/10. Marth: Sadly have to theorise here as I don't have him at 5* with the refine as of yet. So Marth has got an alright spread of stats, much as I wish he had better res for what he wants to do. As one of the falchion wielders, he's an option for dragonslaying and with the increase in green dragons this year he's got more that he can chew. While he can also do damage to red, blue and colourless dragons, they're all capable of wielding Swordbreaker and his attack isn't high enough to recommend him attacking them all the time. He's also got decent defence to allow him to tank greens to at least some extent, though I doubt he'll be all that useful against units like Hunktor. His refine is also good however, allowing him to give allies +2 to all stats on top of all the drive he can hold. While +5 to any 2 of these stats or +8 to one might not be amazing, he's still a good support option on a team and it's a stand out niche he carves for himself. Plus he can be a Reciprocal Aid bot, which is nice. Tenative 6/10, not too exceptional himself but dragonslaying and the drive all is something that helps his relevance.
  3. Another line that's a bit odd. I know it's referring to him apparently being a wise man, but still. Though to be fair he can use magic as a Master Knight. @Javi Blizz I've had a 5* Eliwood for a long while, he is fun to use, though I use DB3 and Iceberg on him instead as he's mainly player phase for me.
  4. See, my issue is more not recalling the context from Thracia. It does make more sense in the conversation, but we'll see if that's what it comes out as if it ever gets localised. Like I said, that line is cliche to me at this point, that's not the translation's fault.
  5. I have to disagree. I actually prefer this, though to be fair the line of heroes not being born but made is pretty common, which does dent its impact a bit.
  6. I pulled a lot of units today and some of them happen to have pretty good IVs. Thing is, I'm wondering if it's worth merging all these units (I have plenty of feathers for promoting to 5* for those who I have at 5* already). I'll put the list here, with new units to the left and the units I already had to the right. 4* M!Morgan +Atk/-Res : 5* M!Morgan +Res/-Atk 4* L'Arachel +Atk/-Def : 5* L'Arachel +Res/-HP 4* Boey +Atk/-Spd : 4* Boey +Def/-Spd 4* Lukas +Atk/-Spd : 4* +2 Lukas +Def/-Spd 3* Wendy +Atk/-Spd : 4* +9 Wendy +Def/-Spd I'm also going to ask what units besides dancers use WoM to their best.
  7. Alright, one last try today? 3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless 5* L!Lyn (5 for 5 on Lyns now. +Res/-Atk. More's the pity.), 4* Cordelia (What's her nature? +Atk/-Def, I'm looking for a different nature sadly.), 3 Wendy (OMG I CAN +10 WENDY! +Atk/-HP, might merge the +9 onto her.), 4* Oscar (Lancebreaker boy again. +Res/-Atk, why do I keep getting this nature?), 3* Felicia (Well, could be worse. +Def/-HP. Well, it is worse.) That will do I think. Though my legendary hero luck is far better than usual, from getting none for 5 months to two in the one month. I think I'm good.
  8. Well, I decided to go again, what with the orbmine this week is. 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 3* Gunter (ALL THE HONE CAV! +Spd/-Atk), 4* M!Robin (It's Bonfire. +Spd/-Def), 4* Catria (This banner's the Catria show, I swear. +HP/-Atk), 3* Selena (+Res/-De- REPOSITION! REPOSITION! (hey, hey hey) REPOSITION!), 4* Maria (Well, it is a unit. I guess. +Res/-Def ain't bad.) 8.5% 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue 3* Raven (Well, considering how rare he is for me... +Res/-Atk, literally the worst), 4* Boey (Not my boi- Wait, wrong guy. Is +Atk/-Spd good?), 4* Peri (Ugh the unit. +Res/-Atk = fodder.) 3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless 4* Nino (Nino keeps happening. +Spd/-Def SHE IS HERE MAKE WAY I AM PROMOTING HER.), 3* M!Corrin (Dragon Fang's not really worth 2000 feathers. +Def/-Spd), 3* Athena (Well, Moonbow. +HP/-Atk), 4* Raigh (Well, he's merge at least. ) 9%. I'll be back.
  9. Another legendary banner, wherein I get to see all my bad luck rise after regular banners actually work out. I've not had as many orbs as I have now since July, where I didn't summon for 6 weeks beforehand (220 now, 272 then) Let's see if I'm right on my luck. 3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless 3* Oboro (Merge fodder it is. +Spd/-Atk), 4* Catria (Luna I guess. +Atk/-Spd), 4* Tailtiu (I've been looking for Spur Spd for a bit. +Def/-Atk), 4* Bartre (Well, it's BA I guess. Or Smite. +Def/-Spd.), 5* Genny (Everything went better than expected. It isn't FrankenJakob at least. +Atk/-Res, totally using anyway.) Though that did break a pity rate. 3 Red, 2 Colourless 4* Sophia (I haven't pulled one in ages. +Def/-Spd, I have better.), 4* Roy (TA3? Neutral. TA3.), 4* Marth (Well, he's a unit I guess. +Atk/-Def, I have better.), 4* Gauis (Again, have +10. STOP. IT. +Res/-Def), 4* Lucius (Bad fodder. +HP/-Def) 2 Red, 1 each Green, Blue, Colourless. 8.5% 3* Seth (Fort Def 3 I see. +Spd/-HP), 4* Caeda (Well, she is good fodder. +HP/-Atk), 5* L'Ephraim (He sparkles! KILL HIM! Wait, I actually got him! +Def/-Res, could be a lot worse.), 4* Merric (Well, he got Spur Res 3 I guess? +Atk/-Res, already have.), 4* Priscilla (Least she has skills I'd like to pass. +Atk/-Spd. Bleh.) 3 Colourless, 2 Blue (Nope) 4* L'Arachel (Renewal! She's +Atk/-Def though. Ooof, Could be a good merge.), 4* Shanna (Depseration. Neat. +Hp/-Atk, fodder she is.) 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green (Go away Colourless!) 4* Raigh (It has been a while. Merge fodder. +Def/-HP), 3* Merric (Disappointing. +HP/-Spd), 4* Roderick (Really has been a while. +Spd/-Def, might as well sacrifice.) 8.5% 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 4* Effie (Oh hey. Could use Wary Fighter. +Res/-Def, definite sacrifice), 3* Raigh (This was once a common sight. Times have changed. +Res/-Spd, merge.), 4* M!Morgan (Either Spur Def/Res for his not dad or a good enough nature for a merge. +Atk/-Def. Do I promote for merge?), 4* Gunter (Well, it's Hone Cav for Gronnwen. +Def/-Atk, sorry Gunter) 2 each Blue, Red, 1 Colourless 4* Subaki (QR2 I see. +Atk/-Def), 4* Reinhardt (Does he suck like the others? +Spd/-Res, YOU NEED +ATK BEFORE I EVEN CONSIDER YOU. He also crashed the game. Stop breaking Heroes.), 3* Tharja (Alright fodder I guess. +Atk/-Res, I have better.), 4* Laslow (Axebreaker or merge? +Atk/-Res, I think the one to merge onto already has it.) 9% 2 each Blue, Green, 1 Red 4* Nino (Does this one finally do her best? +Spd/-Res, when will she be -Def?), 4* Lukas (Could he be good enough for the merge? +Atk/Spd. Is that better than +Def/-Spd?), 4* Oboro (Merge? +Def/-HP. Merge.), 3* Henry (Good fodder. +Spd/-HP), 3* Frederick (Luna I guess. +Atk/-Spd.) 9.5% 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless 4* Abel (Swordbreaker? +Res/-Def. Swordbreaker.), 3* Oscar (Lancebreaker? +HP/-Res, Lancebreaker.), 4* Catria (Well, Luna again. +Def/-Atk, you are already fodder), 4* M!Corrin (Dragon Fang I guess. +HP/-Def, fodder he is) Probably 10% I guess. 4* Soleil (Is her nature good? +HP/-Spd, NO, NO definitely not.), 4* Henry (Oh! +Spd/-Def, fodder he be.), 5* Mageirika (Oh look, a 5* for once! +Res/-HP, like my L'Arachel. Oh well, least she doesn't have an awful nature.), 4* Cecilia (Well, it's something I guess? +Def/-HP), 4* Gordin (Not a 5* man. +Spd/-Res, he might be merge fodder.) This will do for now, I'll gather orbs and decide if I pull again later. Might as well keep the 52 I have left. 3 5*s for 170 or so orbs ain't great (Edit: Could definitely be a lot worse. I might focus green if I pull again though).
  10. Objection! He isn't even Americ- Sacaen! Nope. No, not even I could do that. An extra flier unit for flier utility/triangle attack (Why didn't they make one for Sue, Shin and Dayan? Could they not figure out how to do it for bows?) Point being this is about as easy a debate as Thracia's route split. Yet I'm more willing to go with the worse path in Thracia than Sacae. That says something. That wouldn't be the case if Raigh hadn't died. Really? No convincing you. I certainly wasn't thinking it because of their colour schemes. Also, look at the generic here. Are we sure they don't have a generic factory as well? So on the things that are okay:Martel diagram she lands firmly in the former. Not hard to be fair. I can't enjoy someone blinding themselves. Them whipersnappers eh? Niime, smack him now! Is it the person trying to attack Roy with lots of small flecks of snow here? Well, this might be a reason: Ilia is treated as the default. If you got all four killed for instance, it defaults to Ilia. Well, that's what happens when you don't see something coming. Also, that's a nice attack stat. Cue a Falcoknight charging Sue and one-rounding her, leading to Sue only saying "Nani?". That Druid has to be a beast. OF COURSE. Hence why everyone argues for the Angelic Robe. Frankly I'd invest more in her if you can. She's one of your potential dragon counters after all. Oh. He's a beastly joke. It's a disappointment when someone like this can be nearly taken down by 2 arrows. It's also a shame neither of your archers can finish her off. Disappointing is one way to put it. (Speaking of Dorothy, the Orcas artist I mentioned did Dorothy. He also has Niime somewhere.) Existential, isn't she? Considering who she wants, you can see why she might be dead inside. Oh well, next boss is far less interesting. Well, he has to have some seriously diluted blood of hers. Considering his talent for elder magic and all. All that was left was the sass. This is about as iconic as YOU! ARE! A! TOY! now. You tell them Marcus. And is that actually Ruben then? I'm starting to have my doubts. If it turns out Mark's the big bad or something..... We'll see if the Parent Trap is the inspiration... Right after Bulgar falls!
  11. So, I'm going to try this, though I'll only be doing the guys this time to keep consistent with Fates itself and excluding Gunter and Fuga (Gunter because NO, Fuga because I have to have a second cutoff because I don't think a playable Anna should be in every game including this one and I do think he'd have kids other than Hayato by now and we get no hints to such so.......). Izana: Treats the partying attitude of his father with contempt. Having been raised by stricter people, he sees Izana as taking a lassiez-faire approach he finds unacceptable. However, he also has to come to terms with the oracle abilities he has, which Izana takes very seriously and they come to understand each other better over the course of these conversations. Yukimara: Very prim and proper like her father, though she is quite a bit more open about her thoughts than her father. She also discusses duty with Yukimara during their supports, which is supposed to have him reflect on his own reasons for that. Shura: Honestly I'm not sure where to go with Shura's kid.
  12. Bartre gets 1-shot on Normal. I know that feeling. From Bartre I mean. Also, can we get a different ending next time.
  13. Well that's what happens when you haven't played those games, you don't know that. Axes are still getting shafted, too many reds I guess.
  14. Like I said, I consider them a weird choice of weapon despite how common it has been the choice by the devs. It's only really been since SD that changed and imo for the better.
  15. What, did Jamke not release your liege? Anyways, Peri. She's actually a halfway decent unit, pipping out plenty of other units in Fates to be honest. Aside from that, she must be some hairdressing innovator, because the two-tone is just so unlikely to be natural.
  16. The pragmatist says axes, familiar as I am with lances being the primary weapon for nearly all of them. Swords actually seem weird as a weapon for them too, so I agree that a separate class could take swords as their primary.
  17. Lynodia..... It's not possible! Nobody's been able to summon her! (Who know, if I get lucky I'll have one. Then again, my luck with legendary units is just atrocious.) Edit: I HAVE OBTAINED LYNODIA! Also, this:
  18. Name: Corbyn Ezylryb and Jago
  19. 32. Umbriel is barred from eating outside of allotted places with pre-selected food. The records were nearly destroyed after the last time. 33. Nino is not to be given the reins on any mounts during battle. She is still not experienced enough to do so in the middle of combat.
  20. 30. Anyone attempting to use Durandal for any size-related jokes is to be given to Merlinus and his convoy prison. 31. Saul is to be tied with Gonzales for a fortnight if he breaks Rule 30.
  21. That or they're like me and want ALL THE MINOR UNITS!
  22. Frankly, I think so. She got an alt in February, I think that doesn't help. She's on 5 already, which doesn't help matters. She also got it before Marth got a single alt. Marth's starting to be come the example for people when it comes to how IS have chosen their alts. I think I might just send feedback on this alongside how they've been handling alts lately in general. I'll still be on this banner, but I'm not going to go out of my way for her.
  23. Pretty sure they can, yes. I think then the question is what would light magic have to make it stand out?
  24. Is there any chance you can replant this grove of trees for me?
  25. Firesweep + Double Poison Strike is pretty niche (Not to mention never getting Faye), especially when this game has quite the emphasis on 1-rounding enemies. Least she doesn't get wards (Imagine if she were a bow armour). Windsweep would take the same niche, only limit the poison damage sadly. You have to work with what you've got. Speaking of, I'm at least part of the way there with Y!Tiki, she's short Lightning Breath, TA/QR3 and is -Atk. I still have that steady Breath lying around too. If I have a good nature for A!Tiki, I could use her too with Steady Breath, I'll have to hope I can get a better one at some point, I can never seem to get one with the better boons alongside best bane (currently have one with +HP/-Spd).
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