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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. For once i'll be a member of team Corrin. He's absolutely awful in Fates, but I like new year Corrin. He has some good art and he served me well as the ultimate defensive cheerleader.
  2. Matthew yes, but i'm not entirely sure about Virion (or Takumi nowadays) since they where summoned by Anna if I recall correctly. So Wrys took their place thanks to one of those manga chapters. I do occasionally dust those units of for really though challenges like Abyssal, but yeah I tend to just use who I like or whichever unit crosses my mind at the time. Its probably because my Matthew is mostly base Matthew with Ignis and a seal here and there. He has been build on a budget
  3. This banner would be pretty good for me gameplay-wise. I have a lot of good flying units, but pretty much all of them are blue. So Fjorm, Hdrid and Guntrha would be welcome additions to my team. On the other hand I don't really care about any of them as characters. I will maybe do a handful of red summons, but other then that I don't see myself pulling a lot on this banner.
  4. I can kinda see why Fates is the go to for alts. Aside from the favouritism argument the game also has a lot more 'important' characters then other games. It has two Corrins, a important plot device character in Azura and not one, not two, but a grand total of 8 other siblings. That are already 11 characters that are under bigger consideration then your average character. Then you have fanservice. If any character gets a playboy bunny alt its probably going to be a fates character. They already employ a lot of fanservice to putting them in other fanservice outfits would't be as jarring as some of the more serious character. That being said even with all those reasons Fates still has a lot of Alts. Its easy to see why people get annoyed with yet another Azura alt when very popular characters have to wait almost an entire year for a new alt or still don't have alts at all. Fates getting alts is a given and thats fine. Give Leo or Sakura another alt, bring in some of the less popular characters like Orochi. Just don't bring them out as often as they do now.
  5. I would't mind seeing the princess units either. Its nice to see little themed runs. Now that you mention it none of the units have that good of a reputation aside from maybe Sharena. But yeah building up underdog units can be fun in its own right. Its why I started building up a Merric and a Seliph. Thanks. I took some work to help him take on the red mage. I was pretty surprised to see him take down Hector though. Did't plan that one out. Its one of the few times Matthew took a active role. He usually is there for a hone or a drive, debuffing or to be a punching bag when I need to block a point. Its nice seeing him kill a important target for a change. I do like Raigh and how much of a little jerk he is. Not my favourite Fire Emblem unit, but he probably ranks pretty high in my fe6 list. Raigh is also one of the units Sharena refers to when she is talking about her hero friends so he makes a perfect addition to my Sharena and friends team. And Raigh works out surprisingly well in battle too despite being more then a little bit outclassed these days.
  6. Can you tag me as well? I have 3 Takumi's (OG, Fallen and summer) that I still plan on using one day and a Takumi team will help with some inspiration. This bound hero battle was only a little bit tricky for my Sharena. I had to use some speed buff stuff to survive the encounter with that deceptively fast red mage, but other then that it wasn't too much of a problem. The flier and Matthew where chumps and my Raigh somehow tanked a hector bonfire with his face.
  7. Well Tome Roy (with normal clothes) is on my wishlist. Roy wanted to be a mage in the past and I think that could make for a interesting alt. A mage who is all passion and no skill Though I want that as a seasonal and not at the expense of Lugh or Niime.
  8. There where two GHB's I did't think my Sharena team could beat. The first was Ursula and the second was female Robin. There are so many mages in this chapter and you need to expose yourself to a lot of them. I did't think my team could pull it off, but Wrys with a lot of buffs and a teleport ability ensured I could pull this one off.
  9. This Abyssal run was pretty though. Navarre is so beefed up that even swordbreaker Reinhard can only barely one round him and thats with a attack tactic buff. The other enemies where no joke either with a fast dragon and two daggers users that where pretty annoying. On the other hand my Sharena team breezed through the infernal version. Those dagger units are so weak there that even Matthew can take them on.
  10. I don't think Azura is techincally a bad candidate for a legendary hero. She has an important role in the story of fates and she is relatively unique. The main problem is that they've chosen to include her now not even two months after her loli form. We had the not so interesting adrift banner, the boring Original characters and we are back at fates again with only a short break during the christmas banner. I haven't really felt like there where much characters that I wanted to pull for ever since the adrift banner and right now this Azura just bores me.
  11. Glad you enjoyed it. You will probably see the two again in the future since I already recorded this team beating Navarre, Legion and Robin too. Just need to find a little time to upload them.
  12. My last video of the day will be Camus vs my Sharena team. I completely forgot I never bothered with the infernal difficulty on this BHB before this. Half of my team was immune to buffs so that takes a lot of the sting out of this chapter. I had to give Wrys the distant defense seal so he did not get butchered by mages, but other then that it was not a hard run.
  13. I was wondering if Sharena and friends could beat more GHB's after they beated Xander. I did't have get very far with Zephiel and Linus, but Narcian and Camus did fall to my new team. The enemy really suffers that you can easily choke the narrow road towards your party.
  14. No Abyssal clear on this one yet. I still need to find out the right strategy for it. In the meantime I did do a little infernal run with a 'Sharena and friends' theme. The video did lose some quality when uploading it to youtube, but it'll have to do. So here is Sharena, Raigh, Matthew and Wrys vs Infernal Xander
  15. It worked out pretty nicely since Boey did need to retreat to get healed up. I also found it in character for a skilled survivor to always have a escape plan ready. I thought i'd use Boey a lot more since I gave him close counter and all. That did't really happen, but I was glad I could dust him off again for a themed run.
  16. Oh wow. Never thought i'd see anyone actually use the lunge skill. I kept thinking 'huh, why does Lyn move after fighting?' I also did't expect her to tank a hit from Luna Linus. I did another clear of my own and this time without Veronica. No Boey tanking red dragons anymore, but it was still relatively easy to clear.
  17. I had a small idea about trying a Boey centered buff team for this GHB. Bringing Veronica along kind of feels like cheating, but it was still funny to see Boey tank a red dragon before killing it. So here is Boey, the power of friendship and Veronica.
  18. Oof this one was a headache. Free thunder special in a cramped space is not cool and neither is that armour jerk. I had to try many teams and I usually got starting dagger unit and tome cavs. After that there was always too little room to deal with the other units though. Still finished with a overpowered armour skill, a brave bow and some support.
  19. The list of Awakening characters I don't care for is pretty big. Severa, Noire, Yarne and Gerome are all characters I did't really enjoy. Kjelle is probably my least favourite of the bunch since she comes across as a big jerk. Shame since I kinda liked her mom. Fates naturally has the 3 repeats. Asugi and Tharja are still characters I dislike, but I think they do just enough. Asugi has a lot less chill then Gaius and the ninja heir stuff does add something the original doesn't have. Rhajet's hero design looks pretty destinct and she's not as Tharja-ish as I originally thought. I haven't put too much time in Caeldori, but I don't think I saw much that put her apart from Cordelia. So she's probably my least favourite fates kid.
  20. After Michalis its time for the thoughest one ghb yet in my opinion. Robin's GHB has so little space and so many different mages that its hard to get much done. The non mages can also take a lot of damage Broy ensured everyone started moving, Sanaki tanked greens and Levin's special spiral really proved useful in taking out all the other units. The final red mage was the biggest problem, but he was easily dealt with by just beginning a turn later. That way Roy got the +attack wave boost when facing off against the red mage.
  21. They killed of Izana and Scarlet in Revelation because they where safe to kill off. People needed to die to keep the stakes up, but Revelations is supposed to be the golden happy route. So they just kill off two corrinsexuals since few people care about them.
  22. Roy: Litleo. A lion cub Pokemon is a good fit for a young lion. Henry: Murkrow is the obvious choice Forest: Leavany isn't the most manly Pokemon and its Pokedex entry mentions that it likes to make clothes for small pokemon. I think its the only tailor Pokemon so he fits well with Forest by default. Shigure: Alteria sings, is blue and it flies.
  23. Yesterday it was Lloyd and now its time for Michalis on Abyssal. Its a bit harder then the previous one, but I finally got something that worked. Gordin, Siegbert, Sanaki and Michalis vs Michalis
  24. Spring Alfonse got to fill in for Titiania who sadly did not impress my very much. This is probably one of the easier Abyssal maps so I did not have too much problems. Only difficult part was figuring out how to kill Lloyd and that surprisingly fast axe guy at the starts. Roys really are always appreciated. My Normal Roy became quite the tank, Legendary Roy has the galeforce strats and my -hp/+Speed Valentine Roy.....is kinda underwhelming normally, but here he managed to pull his weight.
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