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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. At the moment I have 4 5 star units. 1. Hawkeye 2. Camilla 3. Sheena 4. Roy I've been cursed with only pulling green 5 star units. Roy is only a 5 star because I made him into one.
  2. Wasn't Stahl being ungimmicky its own gimmick? I remember him being super avarage as the point of some of his supports. But back to the topic. A gimmick here and there is fine and many past characters where somewhat archtypical too with the dumb brute, the womaniser, etc. I start having a problem when every piece of dialogue is the exact same. Setsuna for example shows something other then being spacy and falling into traps on maybe one or two ocassions. Her gimmick doesn't make her interesting and repeating the same joke over and over makes her boring and predictable. The same can be said for characters like Kellam. Meanwhile a character like Virion is nothing new with his womanizing dandy personality, but he makes it work. Both by having something aside from the womanizing and because the character gets to show his standard personality types in more ways then one.
  3. To me it depends. I did't like the way shadow dragon did reclassing. I thought it made the characters as a whole less unique. I thought the Awakening first gens had the right idea with reclassing. It was limited to only two other classes and they mostly designed those with personality in mind. Chrom fanboy Ricken gets the same options as Chrom, Henry gets the morally ambigous classes and Cherche's healing classes get explained in her backstory.
  4. I believe your only able to upgrade an additional time when you found a new spring. There's one in the Gerudo dessert. Its by the dragon skull on the map. Just make sure to bring a sand seal with you. The horse spring is indeed near lake Hylia. Its in the south and I believe one of the lakes is named something like horse goddess lake. If you got the tower their you should be fine. But a question from me now. Does anyone know if you get some extra stuff from doing all/most sidequests in the Rito, Zora and Goron villages? I got a nice reward from the Gerudo quests, but I haven't heard if other towns give out rewards as well.
  5. I did't really think the Yiga's where too though, but they are pretty annoying. I usually just don't want to bother with them when i'm exploring. Moblins are pretty though, but for some reason they aren't very acurate. Maybe their size makes it hard for them to aim.
  6. If you've become attached to your horse you could always search for the spring of the horse goddess. She'll revive your horses in exchance for some rupies. I don't know how much though since my horses seem to be champs at tanking guardian blasts to the face. I don't recall seeing giant Yiga's that much though. Its mostly smaller archer ones that suddenly appear out of nowhere. Upgrading armour at the fairy fountains would be my advice.
  7. Fairies are always flying around near great fairy fountains. There is one in the woods near Kakariko village. You can see a large plant near the shrine there. Fly over there and you'll find the fountain. Its been very long since I did the hideout, but I believe you could open a hidden door with Magnesis in the last room.
  8. Its not really a fight. When they're busy munching on those banana's and your behind them you can one shot them if your stealthy enough. The boss in the Gerudo dungeon makes the water boss looks like a total pushover. I did't go to the final boss yet, but the Gerudo boss is the hardest boss in the game by far right now. Quick, deadly and annoying. I suggest you pack fairies.
  9. My advice would be to use the dpad to toss the banana's as far as possible. When your at a safe distance use your horse whistle so the patroling guards go towards the Banana. After that crouch up behind them and one shot them with a sneakstrike. Also it doesn't matter where you are in the game. The assasins are designed to kill you regardless of armour, fairies or other stuff. I believe every hit is a one shot. I wish both you and Vai luck with Val Noboris. That place is awful
  10. I thought the guy showed up naturally. Anyway one of the merchants outside gerudo village mentions someone getting into the village. Speaking with the gerudo guard in the Bazaar or the inkeeper might work too. They both mention the person your looking for. As for the place. Just take the stairs above the inn above the bazaar. Also did anyone else do the sidequest in Eventhide island? I must say i'm a bit dissapointed. One of the most original trials in the game and you just get 300 rupies and a spirit orb for it.
  11. I recently went through my second dungeon. I went from Gerudo desert to the mountains with the Rito's and I have to ask did anyone else find the Rito related quest to be somewhat lackluster? Unlike the Gerudo dungeon you don't really need to do much before you are allowed to enter the Rito dungeon and the dungeon itself was extremely short. It took like 15 minutes for me to complete that one. On the other hand the boss was less cheap and a lot more fun then the Gerudo dungeon boss though.
  12. Now that i've upgraded my phone I am finally able to play this game. My first draw consisted of a level 3 Oboro, a level 4 Hawkeye and a level 3 Henry. My draw after that was a 4 star Raigh. I don't know whether or not the units I pulled are good or not in the grand scheme of things, but so far they do their job pretty well. Oboro is a tank, Hawkeye hits like a truck and Raigh brings utility with his cavalier slaying weapon and his rally when he can't reach an enemy.
  13. Those shrines where quite challenging for me when I entered them early on in the game. I did't beat the major test of strenght, but after spending all my ice arrows I did end up beating the moderate one. The axe had some very high stats that I got some use of later. After Kakariko village I headed straight to Gerudo desert. The stealth mission there was probably one of my favourite stealth sections and infiltrating Gerudo village was pretty funny. The only thing I did't like about that arc was the divine beast. I hate room spinning puzzles so I was in that dungeon for much longer then I thought I would be. The boss was cool for his first two phases, but I thought he got extremely cheap in phase 3. Now i'm off to the Rito's.
  14. The action in Warriors games are always fast pasted and simple, but there is still strategy to be found in the games. How much depends on the game, but there's almost always the morale mechanic and missions during stages. Morale zones makes enemies stronger and more agressive, while beating missions drains morale from the enemy. Failing missions on the other hand raises the morale. The missions themselves are often very simple such as 'take out character X in 5 minutes' or 'stop guy from reaching your camp', but at least in the 3ds games they start combining them later on so you be asked to protect a guy, while also needing to defeat a certain amount of officers and preventing another officer from charging into your camp. Hyrule Warriors also had the adventure mode mechanics where in each stage you would only get the reward after you got a certain amount of kills in a certain amount of time with extremely little damage taken to your character. The action itself doesn't change, but it does discourage the mindless part.
  15. My first non story shiny was a shiny Drifloon in X. Not a pokemon I considered using before, but I liked the yellow colour scheme so I put it on my team for online battles. Weakness policy + Unburden packed quite a punch when it triggered so it performed good as well. In Omega ruby I found a shiny after I stopped looking for one. I'm no shiny hunter, but I did spend a lot of time doing random wild battles in the hope of finding a shiny. Eventually I realised the chances where very low so I stopped. My shiny Baltoy appeared on my way to the exit of the desert.
  16. I don't have any wishlist for the lords personality in the next Fire Emblem, but there is one thing I want to see. I want them to drop the naive angle Corrin had going. The main character is almost always a lord so you can assume they know about politics and about how to lead an army.
  17. I don't recall having problems getting the game myself, but I did hear it was impossible to find later on. I have no doubt the games sold poorly in Europe, but is it me or is VGchartz missing several years worth of data for the European sales? It only starts counting in 2011 or something like that.
  18. Urgh. I've been trying to play this game for a while now, but the game crashes on me when its on the heroes show screen and downloading. Last time I made it to 89% before being kicked out.
  19. Well Chulainn isn't that bad. Itsn't he named after an Irish myth figure now? The rest are weird, although perhaps they're named after myth stuff as well.
  20. And Azel is now Azelle. It sounds a bit like a girls name to be honest. I haven't seen any other new names aside from those two yet.
  21. I never thought i'd see Fire Emblem Gaiden being remade. I never thought i'd actually be interested in Gaiden either, but what i've seen proved me wrong. Fire Emblem mobile has my interest. I'm especially interested in the new looks and voices of characters. Shame that they barely showed anything about Fire Emblem warriors though. The game did look pretty, but I was expecting new characters.
  22. I've been thinking a little about clones in this game. In Dynasty warriors 7 I hated the fact that everyone was a clone of each other with only one move and a special to tell the difference. Still I think a clone or two might actually benefit this game. Fire Emblem is a series mostly about classes. So why not include a handfull of class movesets? For example the game could add two archer templates. An archer and a sniper which is just a statistically better archer. That template could be used for pretty much every single archer that isn't Takumi and Briggid. So now you can add Gordin tagging along with Marth, Wolt with Roy, Virion with Chrom etc. The same can be done with Paladins, Mages, Generals, Etc. Don't get me wrong I still want and expect fully unique characters like the lords and the bad guys, but I believe some class based fighting styles with different skins could be used to recreate a thing the series is well known for. An army with lots of characters that tag along with their lord.
  23. For me the presentation was pretty cool. Zelda Breath of the wild, Xenoblade 2, new Mario and Fire Emblem worries make me very happy....but the lack of launch titles is a bit of a concern. There are only 3 launch games so far and only one of those actually looks appealing.
  24. I don't hear too much about it anymore, but I remember it was pretty well liked and that the game got several awards when the game came out.
  25. Eh Fates story is awful and ASOIAF/Game of thrones are very well regarded. Game of thrones does have the godawful dorne arc though so maybe Fates and that single arc can compete about which of the two is the worst.
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