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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. Perhaps I missed it on one of the previous pages, but could someone tell me if they mentioned the European release of fire emblem?
  2. Like Beedrill, Arbok is another one of those pokemon who was meh to me for a long time, but in my last heartgold game I got the urge to use him and realised that it actually looks really cool. In heartgold Arbok managed to be a decent at worst pokemon, but this isn't heartgold. Intimidate and shed skin are awesome abilities, but other then that Arbok has nothing going for it. Bad movepool and stats that aren't very good. 2+1 bias point since I start to like the poor snake more and more.
  3. Beedrill is terrible, absolutely terrible, but well...I have a soft spot for it even though I don't really know why. 2 points for being a crutch for a little while and one point because I like him. 3/10
  4. I think that Alvis is a tragic character, but he's not entirely symphetetic. He was being manipulated and he did do a lot of stuff for his ideal world, but he was far to willing to get his hands dirty. Showing Sigurd his wife to taunt him was also unnecesary cruel.
  5. I never played gaiden, but are Cecila and Alm really that young or do they just look younger then they are?
  6. 1 point for the weapon levels and 1 bias point for looking cool. 2/10
  7. Uh am I the only one who can't open the Mark/Degel support? I can open the rest, but that one did't work.
  8. Rolf has some good bases for a level 1, but compared to the rest of the team he's lagging behind a bit. He isn't extremely difficult to train, but well Shinon is there and he'll be better for a looooong time. Still his chip damage isn't the worst and with that massive strenght growth he will be good after some chapters. 5/10
  9. Uh this might be a stupid question, but can the spotpass characters actually gain levels or are they just glorified trial map characters?
  10. I thought I would hate Donny, but its impossibe, he's just too adorable.
  11. Sasori


    Still showing two 2d mario's with a similair style might not have been the best idea.
  12. Sasori


    I saw the nintendo e3 just now......I need a drink....a strong one.
  13. For the first time in years i've watched the eurovision song contest (i've sunken pretty low haven't I ) and i've become quite a fan of this song.....though I have no idea what she's singing about since I don't speak the Macedonian language. Still she has an amazing voice.
  14. Hmm I don't really know what fire emblem has to do with final fantasy, but final fantasy is still a good series. I'm still a newcomer to the series, so I might not be the best person to answer your question, but I would start with 6. Its the one I started with and so far my favorite. A lot of people would say 7 is the best, but I never owned a playstation console, so I don't know about that. I played 5 and 6 on the advance, 4 on the ds and 13 on the 360. Btw Celice, whats wrong with the tales games?
  15. I had hoped to see Lex and Azel again, but other then that I think they could have done a worse job.
  16. I would feel terrible if I suddenly transformed into a very, very, very old cranky woman.
  17. I'm a bit suprised that Dinman is higher then Faval. I mean Dinma has a horse, but he's still kinda crappy. While Faval isn't that great, he's still a player phase killer machine.
  18. Tauroneo is probably my favorite unit in this game....but he's kinda sucky. His class is his biggest enemy. His high defence makes it hard for him to go into resolve mode and unlike other generals his resistance is actually quite high. Normally defence is good on a unit, but Taur isn't that great offensively when resolve hasn't kicked in yet. His move is pretty bad as well. 3.5 and i'm giving him one bias point for being awesome. 4.5/10
  19. Calill isn't the mage with the best stats, but that doesn't matter. Her speed is good and she still targets resistence. Of course her stats aren't her main selling point. A B in all weapon ranks can let her use all siege tome and I guess she can make use of the higher leveled spells if you don't feel like giving her a forge. Calill is also the only mage with good bases and she'll never become bad. 7.5 and 0.5 bias point for liking her personality. 8/10
  20. I don't play for turns so I don't care that getting Faval or getting the Ichival cost turns. Ahem anyway Faval is great on the player phase. He can kill 99% of the enemies in one round. His main problem is his lack of enemy fase and his movement. 7.5/10
  21. Vika is the worst of the laguz group you get in part 1. She's still pretty good, she's fast, she flies and her damage output isn't bad. The problem is that Tormod is great in his db chapters, Muarim is awesome in his and Vike is just ok. Her offense is nothing special, she has gauge issues and when she returns in part 4 she's even more hopeless then Tormod. 2.5 + 0.5 bias point for looking good= 3/10
  22. Normally I have a mixed opinion of refreshers. They're good and all, but most have only 5 move and can only refresh one unit. Reyson quickly trows those complains out of the window when he's transformed. Refreshing 4 units is awesome. The healing he gives to units next to him is by no means neccesary, buts its nice. 10/10
  23. I expected a Manith joke. Ahem anyway Tanith is awesome. Great bases, flies, high weapon ranks, can use the sonic sword pretty well and if you want to give her overkill durability you can always support her with Oscar. She might be a little outclassed by Marcia, but tanith has enough things to set herself apart from her. 9/10+1 bias point for liking her personallity= 10/10 wow did't expect me to give a perfect score.
  24. Stefan's base stats are awesomely overkill. 19 base strenght, 27 skill, 25 speed, his growths in those area's is nice too. His durability isn't bad at all when he joins, but later in the game is low luck and meh defense will be a bit troublesome. I'm still wondering how he manages to beat Lucia in every stat except luck and magic while coming 9 chapters earlier, but that might be just me. 8/10, but he gets a -o.5 bias point for being annoying to recruit. 7.5/10
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