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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. "Your face is proof" would so be in my next debate post if I still practiced that hobby.
  2. I would like to add that this hack was made for Hard Mode. Play that for the optimal troll experience!
  3. Why? You don't need an extra program to apply an IPS patch. Just name the ROM and the patch the same, put them in the same folder, and you're done. I told you why I'm not telling you anything except what I have told you in the OP! I Eat Tables knows how it's done :)
  4. (image made by user jumpluff) Download Link http://www.speedyshare.com/bHxtE/FE8-Troll-NUPS-patch.ups Progress: - Gameplay done, with the exception of some details - Text edit done up until Chapter 7 Concept: This project started like a lot of other hacks: I am bored, I have Nightmare and FE, let's see what I can do with them. It did so somewhere during 2010, maybe even earlier. Along the way, I decided it'd be fun to make other people play it and watch their frustration. I took it more and more seriously and I even started editing the story. Unfortunately, it's never become what it could've been, but maybe one day I'll finish it. The important part is that it's playable all the way until the end. It's still mostly FE8, it's just rather weird. It's not meant to be "OMG so Random Lulz xd", but it is meant to weird you out. Sometimes there's intentional poor design, sometimes I actually do try to properly challenge the player. But you are given the means to get through most challenges without heavy RNG abuse. This is more fun to play if you know very little about it, which is why I'm giving very little information to work with. However, I do know that a lot of people struggle with Ch1 and that it can appear unbeatable/luckbased at times. All I can say is to take advantage of what you are being given, particularly character inventories and terrain. It also helps to be aware of what exactly triggers the reinforcements to come, and to play around that.
  5. bench wil and rath robe and ring florina or matthew support wil and rath
  6. Broken walls, snags, lava trap tiles, and apparently one corner of each map are known as PWASE in the FE8 "Mine Glitch" guide, which is that glitch used to control enemies, repair weapons, obtain monster weapons and all that. Apparently in this game, their side effect is that mounted units can Canto off them, perhaps because the game thinks they did something other than attacking. I could buy it being intentional if it was only on lava trap tiles (since there's actually a reason not to stay in those), but the similarity in the tile sorts and the fact there's no reason they'd allow you to do this on the other type of PWASE leads me to believe it's not intentional at all. And it's not like this is the only glitch that got through beta testing either. The several glitches with Ninian's Rings, the Mine glitch, the "Mage trying to attack from inside the Magic Seal turns into Eliwood" glitch...
  7. Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game). Lloyd, Linus, Gale, Ursula, Ephidel Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran. Oscar and Kieran Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head. Boah, Lawrence, Hardin, Dorias, Ninian, Canas, Trabant, Levin, Brigid, Cuan, Ethlin Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable? Any with a copied face...Harold (FE4) is pretty forgettable. All the Lyn Mode bosses other than Batta, Glass and Lundgren. Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative. They get into some post life queue and draw a number. Every time someone uses the Valkyrie Staff or some other means of revival the corresponding number lights up and they're called to the front and sent back. Levin likes to skip. Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name. Dorcas, Glade's knights, Abel, Kein, Bord, Gordin, Wolf, Sedgar, Vyland, Roshea, Matthis, Maria...if I had to pick one it'd be Gordin.
  8. Actually, Oscar doesn't have an eternal +2 mov over Ike: indoor chapters and terrain gets in his way.
  9. 1. Have a guy guard the castle 2. Have a person inside the castle use the Rescue staff (with the option that looks like a star) 3. ??? 4. Profit! That's how it works. There's nothing else to it.
  10. these usually don't finish but knowing Paperblade he does it in 3 days...
  11. Can't be fixed other than by lowering their personal bases, and it's very hard to get their bases to be the exact same as their normal HHM stats. They're enemies like everyone else. Personally I like that part of the hack. But just talk to me about on MSN sometime.
  12. They are technically correct: it's impossible to erase anything from your memory completely. But they're still wrong.
  13. Best: Miledy. She stands out in the FE6 cast as a stellar character. Maybe I'd vote for someone like Ayra if this was about battle parameters alone, but unfortunately 6 mov characters like her will just be left in the dust by horses in FE4. It's reasonable argue someone like Midir or Alec is more useful than Ayra in efficient play, that's how important a horse is. Worst: Oliver.
  14. Haven't seen the mode coefficient anywhere. When editing FE8 I found that increasing enemy levels doesn't actually increase their stats (iirc), but I forgot if it changed their EXP gain. Either way, that's about as much work as just changing their class. If not more, since enemy levels are in an annoying dropdown menu.
  15. Support chains involving a +1 might as well not exist in any GBA game being played efficiently. Clarine's only support is Rutger, Lance and Alan are each other's only support.
  16. Oh right, it was Dart instead of Hector, but then Oswin has only one guy I think.
  17. There was some way with the best team (Karel/Geitz/Oswin/Hector/Dorcas) but I'll be damned if I remember it or figure it out at this time.
  18. Yeah, I am really tired of people who go Hey guys! Check out my new hack! - Seth is now a Cavalier! - Some people are switched around! - Enemies are harder!! - PCs are weaker!! I generally make rather basic hacks only, but I advertise them as such, and they still tend to be more creative than many of the hacks like above...
  19. I can just boost the Class Power of Pirates, make Dart a Corsair, and change all enemies into Corsair, so those are no problem. There are no playable Brigands (just like there's no Soldiers), so just boosting their Class Power is all that's needed. Leaves Berserkers, but the only place these are common enemies in are one of the last chapters in the game, so just like Valkyries their Class Power not being boosted is not a problem. The Fighter/Warrior stage is an issue. I could turn Bartre and Dorcas, or all enemy Fighters, into other classes. Or I could just not have boosted EXP for killing those.
  20. I said the army consists of only good people, not that it has all the good people. @Aquilae: if it's too dangerous to face all the enemies at once, he can take on a couple at a time, with Lana Libro' ing off that one hit he takes. The Thunder Mages he should be able to survive two hits from.
  21. Ah yes, they're there. Don't know why I thought there wouldn't be any (other than that they're unused), since I thought I checked on this before. That leaves Troubadour/Valkyrie (F only) and Peg Knight/Falcoknight (F only) as the only "trouble" cases, and the former isn't much of an issue because until lategame they are incredibly rare, so the purpose of higher EXP gain has already been fulfilled.
  22. Depending on your team size and how good you are at EXP distribution, Arthur's promotion happens somewhere between Ch8 base, and Ch9 base, unless you use literally everyone and don't pass gold and the Elite Ring around in an efficient way. If you limit your team to only good people, for example you only "train" Celice/Lakche/Arthur/Oifaye/Delmud/Nanna/Aless/Shannan/Julia, while people like Altenna, Faval and Sety are useable as they come so they don't need training, and you use Lana as a healbot, then you can reasonably promote Arthur somewhere during Ch8. Remember, Arthur isn't just another combat guy with 5 movement. He has 1-2 range, he kills over half the things he blinks at (all of them with Pursuit Ring), and nothing short of a homing missile is going to hit him. In Ch6, he can take out all of Johalva's group. In Ch7, he can take out one or two Dark Mages (everyone else except Julia is 1-2HKO'd, and very few people ORKO them, let alone having a shot at not taking a counter), and then he has plenty of time to walk towards Melgen while Celice is going through the desert. Then he is like the only guy other than Shannan (who is at the Yied Shrine) who dares to walk into the range of all the enemies there, including two ballistae and two bosses with powerful Thunder tomes. He can solo that army if you want him to, and he's definitely the best guy for killing Ishtor. Two seconds later, you get Blume's Mage army. More easy kills for Arthur, he needs to be there to get Tinny recruited anyway (but even if not he's the best candidate). In Ch8, you have to deal with a Hero Lance/Hero Bow General in a forest, along with a bunch of other enemies. And so on. Let him do what he's best at without dragging your army down, and he'll have the horse in no time. And remember, his competition here is Levin!Sety. That guy isn't joining before Arthur gets his horse.
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