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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. No, it doesn't. Lyn Mode has a seperate ranking screen. Stop spreading misinformation.
  2. I'm sure it's possible to S rank both with and without, but for people doing a ranked run for the first time I think with LM is a greater idea. Some things that come to mind are allowing Kent to double pretty quickly, making Florina usable in combat, having some unit with LM stat boosters (Matthew is my favourite), and I want to say raising Lyn so you can get Geitz (sure, Lloyd's map is faster, but you get 11 more turns to complete the Linus map).
  3. She's not really Haar (she doesn't double anything but Soldiers until she's had a lot of levels) but the "ex-prepromo" buff made her so good. Like, before the buff Archers would 2RKO her, and someone like Sealen would ORKO. After the buff, Sealen couldn't double her even if he didn't weigh himself down. That said I don't really care for the balance, just have fun with this.
  4. Lol, all my special items and weapons turned into Dummy after Ch2 :(
  5. nigga sds this shit ain't workin patch doesn't match file that means clean ROM
  6. Waiting with staff users in FE5, it's the worst. Rescue chains can get screwed up too. "Oops I just picked up the healer that hadn't moved yet with a fighting unit." One of my best moves was on my FE11 low turn warpless run. I forged an amazing and costly Dragonpike for my Paladins in the final chapter so they could ORKO Medeus. Only to notice that they did not, in fact, ORKO Medeus...I had forgotten to take the throne bonus into account.
  7. fe7RR note: classes of the lyndis league aren't correctly altered yet (Ninian the Peg Knight, etc)
  8. Othin has horrible resistance, and less avoid. He gets 2HKO'd by all the Dark Mages, and statused ten times over. Absolutely nothing compares to FE5 Sety, I could go on for days about how ridiculous he is. You could compare him to FE10 Lehran but with more relative availability and movement. He can do every single thing you want him to. edit: Mareeta is even worse than Othin because she can't counter at range without a magic sword, and she has all of his issues. Maybe slightly more avoid, if both haven't capped it yet. Galzus is basically Sety but with slightly more accuracy issues, and without the whole magical part (having resistance, being able to use Magic tiles and Holy Water, staves) that makes Sety a god among men.
  9. Wil can survive two Javelins at base iirc, but I don't think Steel Bow OHKOs. It's pretty close though.
  10. My guess is he will promote into Master Lord. I didn't get that far but Paperblade did.
  11. A different approach could be: Don't deploy Serra. Have Hector rescue NPC Erk and get into a forest or in a corner. Marcus takes on the majority of the map, his priority being to keep Priscilla's village safe from pirates and bandits. Killing the boss stops reinforcements. I'm not sure if you have to talk to Erk with Priscilla to make them both join, or if just leaving the village intact while keeping Erk alive is enough, but either way Priscilla can talk to him to recruit him.
  12. I see what you mean. Come on, look at them: 7/0 Lyn - 8.4 atk, 12.6 AS -- 33.5 avo, 27.2 hp, 3.2 def 5/0 Raven - 8.0 atk, 13.0 AS -- 28.0 avo, 25.0 hp, 5.0 def Lyn is totally better, considering Mani Katti and that avo lead and, and, and- Wait, that's NM Raven. 5/0 Raven - 10.0 atk, 15.0 AS -- 32.0 avo, 29.0 hp, 6.0 def Don't forget 3 more con.
  13. Growths are always kept the same. Early joining people's bases are calculated as if they were leveled backwards (and "grow" average stats). So yes, Karel becomes absolutely insane if you put in the effort.
  14. Bartre comes with a Steel Axe in some modes (either Eliwood ones, or Normal ones, iono), but not in HHM.
  15. Worry about everything else, and then supports. Grab Eliwood and Hector's C, and Lyn and Florina's C when it comes to you, but don't sacrifice anything for getting it. I do remember S-ranking HHM with Sain and Kent with an A support at the end, but I had to actively try to get it, and sometimes that means having to throw a Javelin instead of using a weapon with more might and accuracy, or not attacking the enemy you want to attack, or not attacking with one of them at all.
  16. good luck with everything PB and i hope you update soon
  17. Rath's got more than 2 chapters where he's usable. Mounted Brave Bow with a possible promotion makes him viable for lots of maps. Just not crucial enough to always get a deployment slot.
  18. Pretty sure people were doing it on GFAQs already before it started on other sites.
  19. the best part is that all reinforcements are classified as pirates iirc update plox
  20. Probably because their actual weapon is still the low level strike.
  21. I kind of didn't count Adept since it wasn't a permanent assignment but fair enough. Support isn't exactly a resource.
  22. What impresses me the most is how Ulki and Janaff devastate such large amounts of enemies in one or two rounds with nothing but an Energy Drop on Ulki and a Satori Sign on both.
  23. Well, Sain also has worse weapon levels, for all that matters.
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