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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. Even if there is no way to actually prevent stats from going up on an edited ISO, you could always go back and consider the goal. I believe the point was to show the game can be beaten efficiently even if you get the worst luck possible on level-ups. The worst luck possible on a normal level-up is now not 0 but 1 stat. HP is easily among the worse stats, though it might matter at times. You could probably leave another stat's growth intact if you believe that one is worse (you can argue only growing luk is worse than only growing HP). For BEXP, the best you could do is do level-ups and reset until you get really bad stuff, like hp/luk/res. Or only BEXP people to 99.
  2. Assuming you aren't avoiding some key #RKO at some point and you don't have any need for money whatsoever, you can use the Talisman for someone like Oswin or Dorcas taking 4 less damage per round from a Valkyrie. It's only good if they already have Barrier up, of course. That's about it.
  3. Energy Ring on Lucius is a far cry from on Erk, as far as I'm concerned. Erk is in quite a handful of maps where your offense is still rather limited. Considering Lucius' exact joining time, and their chances of going into Port of Badon, it's effectively Ch13 vs Ch18. Don't forget to mention how much more often Kent makes use of +2 str on account of better durability, and how much less AS he loses from Javelin. 9/0 Kent has at least 26 hp and 7 def. 10-11 Spd, and 8-9 with Javelin. 8/0 Florina has 21 hp and 5 def. 13 Spd, but only 6 with Javelin. Barring the rare Bolting shot or perhaps that single attack, a ferrying Florina shouldn't be taking hits. Of course, she's still good for the Robe considering there's also times when she should be able to fend off on her own, but doing it while having her only outstanding stat halved is not the plan here.
  4. You have THREE potential users of Eclipse (takes down a wall to 1hp). There's 99 reasons to quit now but breaking walls ain't one.
  5. No bro, he doesn't. He has 11 base atk and 10 base AS. He fails to double Mercs/Myrms unless he gets like 2-3 spd procs. Brigands have anywhere between 20-22 hp and 0-1 res, so he'll only ORKO like half of that. He'll usually get archers and soldiers, though. Cavaliers he might need a level up. But regardless of all that, this isn't worth of a high number relative to other units, since it really isn't hard to beat this levle of offense. But how do you train a guy like this efficiently when Kent/Sain will absorb 90% of the kills on their way to the throne while Lucius is getting 2HKOed? And even if you do, what difference does it make for him? In Ch18 (the first chapter he reasonably gets any action), I don't see Lucius any higher than 8/0. 8/0 Lucius: 20.8 hp, 10 mag, 12 spd, 1.5 def, 9 res, 3 luk Lightning: 14 atk, 12 AS, 27 avo Steel Sword: Mercs: 28 hp, 17 atk, 2 res, 12 AS Lucius 3RKOs Merc 2RKOs (with 3% crt) Steel Bow Archers: 24 hp, 16 atk, 2 res, lol AS Lucius (barely) ORKOs Archer 2RKOs Nosferatu Shaman: 21 hp, 17 atk, 8 res, lol AS Lucius does 2x7, so a 3HKO (2RKO) not even taking into account healing Shaman (barely) 3HKOs Steel Lance Peg: 21 hp, 17 atk, 6 res, lol AS Lucius 2RKOs Peg 2RKOs (with 1% crt) Take HHM Sain now for example. Without even looking at the stats, I can tell you right now he ORKOs every single one of these enemies other than the Merc which he 2HKOs. He'll likely get 2HKO'd by the Shaman unless he uses a Pure Water, but with somthing like 25 hp/7 def he can take an extra hit from all of these, and with 26 hp/8 def (more likely...this is 10/0 Sain) he'll take two extra on some of these occasions. And yes, you have Sain lower than Lucius on HHM. Raven support takes forever on an efficient playthrough, and restricting Raven to Lucius' whereabouts isn't beneficial to begin with. Raven is the kind of guy you sometimes want to ferry to the other side of the map to saw into enemy faces. As for Goddess Icons, you do get two of those, but I'd rather sell them, never mind the fact there's some other 1% crit chances I might want to eliminate as well. Crit chances suck because it's instant end of the game if they do trigger.
  6. Lucius doesn't even start out ORKOing. AFAIK he doesn't ORKO anything in LHM at base...maybe Soldiers. In HHM he faces critkill chances from everything and he's still not a reliable ORKOer until I guess an early promotion. Okay offense + shitty defense + ??? = profit?
  7. Jagen remains extremely useful even past Ch10 btw. Highly mobile dude with Ridersbane access never gets old, since the game keeps on sending small groups of cavaliers at you. Even if he ever stops OHKOing (only really occurs outside of WS and you didn't forge enough mt, but ok), he can be part of a trade chain and throw in a Javelin if needed.
  8. Why's Skrimir above Elincia? Before you get to the money, Elincia has him beat for turncutting: she makes a very low-turn clear of 2-E possible, or if we're doing it the long way for all the ping ping, then she is a free kill or two every turn, essentially the MVP along with Haar. Then on Tibarn route she has her work cut out for her: the most impressive and mobile units will probably be with Ike (for 4-4) or Micaiah (for desert), so her 4-2 contributions will be appreciated. I guess for her to be great she needs to burn money on staves, but Skrimir will have to do with laguz stones...both use free weapons. And Elincia is infinitely better in endgame.
  9. Then wouldn't you just deny them 99% of their resources unless it's really cheap (including Olivi Grass etc), making everyone nearly equal?
  10. How much gold they use to do what? Save the most turns / be the most efficient?
  11. Well, talk about timing. Congratulations.
  12. Yes, high mov (and flying) allows you to reach enemies earlier, or at a most convenient point. FEDS allows you to forge effective weapons, which allows the player units to OHKO things. The most efficient way to utilize this is to do it before the enemy reaches you. And high mov units can do this better than any others, especially since they can clear ahead far enough that Marth is hardly ever in any danger (in H5, the most Marth can be expected to survive is one hit). The same advantage also allows you to kill archers without any counterdamage whatsoever. Not a problem in a player phase dominated game. Enemy density is very low, so it's very easy to gang upon these enemies before they can attack the Sniper. Hence "in a pinch" - generally Snipers are disposed of before they have a chance to attack. Situational use only. Read: ORKOing or even OHKOing lategame Mamkutes with a forged Wyrmslayer. You need that insane Spd cap to do it. Class B is a lot more useful for people who take their time beating the game - baiting things with Sedgar/Wolf as Generals, generally utilizing Barst's statistical prowess rather than the swift forge disposal techniques of the likes of Caeda, Hardin and Abel. It's different styles of play, but class A cuts down on more turns overall.
  13. I was wondering why we never see you on IRC unlike all the other clever gentlemen + Colonel M.

  14. FE3 B2 tier lists will prolly get a major overhaul when IOS and me finish our efficient B2 runs.
  15. Slower than a script, but faster than a snail.
  16. Sounds like Bors alright...in Normal Mode. HM Bors is borderline doubled by axe users as early as Ch1.
  17. Man, so few of these appear in both books (let alone being available for a long period of time). Cain's easily the best one if we're talking overall, though he's outperformed by Sirius in book 2.
  18. Or they'll change the terrain layout a little. Or allow Gordin, healerchick and Ryan to cross mountains. I never really used any of the 3 cavs past that mountain anyway: all the enemies come to you and it's extremely cramped, so Marth and Alan are usually all I need.
  19. All these enemies that survive a critical hit.
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