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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. Hate to be a buzzkill but the RNG abuse seems to be defeating the point of making the game harder :(
  2. People were too stupid to realize Karla exists?
  3. I agree, Seth + other units equals more than just Seth!!
  4. my hunger for updates has not been satisfied yet
  5. Beo!Delmud has all of 6 more avo than Levin!Delmud, the fastest possible father. The gap widens, of course, but not significantly enough to make him into a dodging machine. And Levin!Delmud isn't a better option, just the fastest one. The other reasonable options (Fin, and according to some, Azel) are barely any faster.
  6. It sounds pretty difficult to make Florina both functional in combat while still using her ferrying whenever necessary. I guess she has more room in her agenda for that than someone like Vanessa or Thany, though.
  7. If they didn't you could at least counterattack them with Kent and Sain without hurting their accuracy too much. Not like the Heavy Spear is a huge boon.
  8. Raven is one of the few guys in this game with great AS, Atk, AND 1-2 range after promotion. He should be getting an 8 or higher. Sure, he's not on a horse, but he has better combat parameters than anyone on a horse barring Marcus.
  9. But dondon, with A Lowen/B Dart, 20/1 Rebecca dodges everything and has huge chances of critting at least once when double attacking with Killer Bow!!
  10. if only you were, in fact, the kind of person that goes out...
  11. I agree, this is fucking annoying.
  12. When do these become available again? Ch14? Ch16? Either way, funds rank completely dies out (Dart up maybe, but mostly Legault and Matt down), and the hoard of stat boosters hurts later units such as Isadora and Harken because of the higher emphasis on availability (a natural cause of differences between combat unit performances fading).
  13. FE10, being a sequel with a large portion of its cast being repeats, doesn't really need to follow suit. It also strays further from other archetypes such as Jeigan, compared to other games.
  14. Barring a General Wolf/Zagaro at the entrance taking double 0s, not much else to add. Might want to know that the General in the chest room doesn't care what you do as long as you don't attack him.
  15. The archetype is nothing but Is putting the christmas cavs in like every game. There is no official definition of which "is" which because there is no true answer. All there really "is" to it is that one of them is red and the other is green. sometimes one is more rash and outgoing while the other is calm, one focuses on strength and the other on speed...and they generally join early. FE5 is weird because there is no duo of cavaliers. Just two Lance Knights that join somewhat early (but much later than any others) and have no personality whatsoever, and I don't recall them being red/green either.
  16. Getting Fin to L20 isn't that hard if you often storm the maps with mounted units, leaving foot soldiers behind. Once trained up he, Cuan, Sigurd, Lex and Ethlin take over Ch2 in no time. Levin x Tiltyu is overall better than any alternative due to the enormous Holsety availability, but Levin x Fury will do and is easier to make in first gen. If you do pair Levin with Tiltyu, pair Fury with Noish, or failing that, Claude.
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