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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. Shiva likes to capture Saphy and kill Lifis. I'm actually having trouble believing there's non-attacking pairs like this in the game - I can almost surely recall Othin or Halvan killing Marty, and if I recall correctly Mareeta and Eyvel do attack each other, but would-be fatal hits are rigged to miss. But I can't be certain and I can't be bothered to test.
  2. I don't think Marcus can get D axes for Ch4 in an efficient run but I guess you can do a Lottery.
  3. Even assuming we have one vacant spot in our Fire Emblem Employment Squad that says "Meat Shield" and hiring two of those isn't possible, Oswin needs to be between an enemy and a frail PC to meat shield. That's hardly feasible when everyone outruns him.
  4. I'm at Ch4 now in a slightly outdated patch. Some Iron weapons not being buyable in Ch2 Armory is :( I hope this changed in a newer version.
  5. What the above users said. Essentially making a new game with a new story is great, but the language is so poor, you should really get someone to proofread and fix your stuff. It will make it look much more professional.
  6. Isn't it obvious IS doesn't want you to use Fiona?
  7. And he has a drinking problem, and he runs away from his debts rather than trying to resolve them. Now, that still isn't completely unnatural, and of course Astrid is better off with the good guy rather than the bad guy. But she also seems in complete denial of Makalov's problems, so even with her at his side it's likely he'll remain like that for most if not all of his life, and Astrid will have to clean up behind him all that time.
  8. I assumed 5 Mt from Fire (since it says it casts Fire at range), and 5 more from the +5 Mag boost it gives. I'm assuming we're not talking about low turning as much as possible, since then we're in the territory of skipping chapters with Warp, which would make it a rather boring and pointless comparison.
  9. Amalda is an irrelevant character for combat comparisons to Fergus (and indirectly, Othin). She joins extremely late, meaning Fergus could make use of those swords pretty much all game long, rather than Amalda doing so for the tail end. And in addition, while her Mag beats his by around 10 points, Fergus has the capped 20 Spd to her 15, as well as a monstrous Strength lead that could be anywhere between 6 and 12 at this point. So Amalda will do more to people that attack her at range, but Fergus does far and far more to those that go up close. So Fergus wins versus 1-range and 1-2 rangers that have the choice to attack up close, while Amalda wins against...archers and 1-2 rangers that attack from afar. If she doubles, that is. Amalda should be spending most of her time healing rather than fighting. Finding other people with the sword rank and enough magic to compete versus Fergus is difficult. Most physically oriented sword users aren't any better. Nanna has a personal sword she's much better off with. Misha uses lances while mounted, and shouldn't be used indoors. Maybe not even at all. Karin's Mag and Str are about equal at 20/1 or any equivalent level, but again, she uses lances half the time. And her sword rank isn't going to reach B. So that leaves people who have about equal magic as competition for the magic swords. And luck has it that we also have many of those. Eyvel's Fire Sword should have at least 20-30 uses left after earlygame, you get another one from an Armor Knight in Ch10, Fred comes with a Thunder Sword, and you get a Wind Sword from Misha or from a random enemy around midgame. And concerning Fergus's attacking power with these...keep in mind he will pretty much always crit on his second attack, versus enemies with usually virtually no Mag. And that Fire Sword has essentially 10 Mt at range. So a crit and a hit from Fergus is often around 30 damage. Haven't seen enemies survive that often.
  10. Hey, your Bartre proc'd Spd twice now!
  11. He can't use ranged swords unless he spends a LOT of time indoors. I have plenty of other sword using candidates to use indoors over Fin. Ones that can use ranged swords, and/or kill Armor Knights without using Rapier. Shiva, Fergus, Mareeta, Leaf, etc. Fin adds nothing to indoors except that authority star.
  12. You see, when I think about the shower while playing Fire Emblem, I know I should take a shower. Therefore, Fire Emblem is often on my mind when I'm in the shower.
  13. The other day I was in the shower and I realized this truth. Usually, Othin is hailed as the second coming of Jesus, whereas Fergus, while generally regarded as a Top tier unit, sometimes does not even reach 2nd place. How is this possible? Let's consider the following factors. 1. Availability Othin is available in the chapters 1, 2, 2x, and 3. Fergus is available in the chapters 4, 4x, 5, 6, 7. After this, both are available. Although Fergus will likely be unavailable for Ch8 due to fatigue, Othin spends Ch1 getting his Pugi, so Fergus is already edging out here. However, Othin's chapters reek of self-improvement, where most of the work in efficiency play throughs is done by high movement units such as Fin and Eyvel. He can kill enemies on his own quite fine, sure, but he won't have much of an impact on turn count here. Meanwhile Fergus is extremely clutch in the vast majority of these other maps. The next-best person on the team is Brighton, and that's thanks to Wrath. Brighton does not double as much, occasionally misses his Wrath hit, and cannot attack from range like Fergus can with Eyvel's Fire Sword, nor can he guarantee a kill on a dangerous enemy like Fergus can with the Brave Sword. At the risk of sounding like someone who needs to be told that PEMN, Fergus is always my MVP in manster with the next best guy being obviously worse. Othin, while good, is overshadowed during his earlygame period. 2. The numbers It isn't a very farfetched thought that Fergus and Othin will only fail to kill an enemy if it's a boss or if they are unlucky, especially once they are directly competing against each other. Fergus has 35% crit on his second attack at base, which grows by 5% every time he gets Skl (and he has a 45% growth there, plus there's a 30% scroll). Othin has Wrath and an impressive 3 PCC himself, so on enemy phase at the very least, he matches Fergus. For the time their PCC alone cannot guarantee a critical hit, though, Fergus has much more options. His Karin support is more practical than the Tanya support for various reasons: - If Karin is attacked on enemy phase, she counters for some damage, while Tanya does not - Outdoors, Karin can be placed anywhere you want, generally out of range, whereas Tanya often needs chokepoints to accomplish this - Karin has reasons to be fielded after her forced period, whereas Tanya really does not Of course, Karin often has tasks to do that might cause her to be away, though most of that is after Fergus has reached killer status. Othin can use the Pugi to guarantee his kills, of course. But to counter that, there's two Killing Edges and a large supply of Rapiers that Fergus can use to do the same. I will freely admit Fergus has some competition for special weapons whereas Pugi is personal, and in addition Pugi has 1-2 range where Fergus would need the special magic swords. Overall, I do not think this is a great deal. If you really need an 1-2 range killer at a point of the map, the goods are there for both of them. 3. The mount FE5 might be one of the few games where having a horse does not automatically give you the win in a comparison, along with the other dismounting games and FE10. I'm pretty sure having a horse is still better than not having one, though. For someone like Brighton or Fin, it's really annoying since they lose their primary weapon and can't use great swords indoors. Fergus doesn't have this problem, however. His movement is only 1 less than Othin's while indoors, but while outdoors he gets to make use of 2 more movement as well as moving after everything, even attacking. His capturing edge is also greater outdoors than Othin's build lead indoors. And there's the rare move again music note that Fergus gets 5% of the time, compared to Othin's 0%. Overall, I am mostly seeing minor advantages for Othin, compensated by major advantages for Fergus. Whew.
  14. Like many FEs, this game can be hard for first-timers. Then later you look back and you wonder how you ever had trouble. In Ch3, you have the trouble of 3 different "armies" coming at you. If you want to, you can ignore the Lance Knights to the left and the Armor Knights to the right, and go for a fast seize on Madino Castle. This will also kill those small armies. First thing that's important is to make sure everyone is well equipped, especially your mounted units. I recommend Relive and Return (both Ring and Staff) on Ethlin, Silver Sword on Sigurd, Silver Lance on Cuan, Hero Lance on Fin if you trained him, and of course Hero Axe on Lex (you might've missed this one). These alone are enough to give the army there trouble. If your mounts alone cannot handle it, then bring along Holyn, Ayra and Jamka, and don't forget to make turn 1 and 2 diamonds around Sylvia to make the most of her, too! Aideen can come out of the castle using Libro as well (the last boss of Ch2 dropped it). A great trick in FE4 is that if you lure one enemy of a pack, the rest will come to you too. This can be abused with the Bow Knights there, for example. There isn't much to say about the actual fighting. Keep squishy units out of the attacking lines, surrounding them might not always work given the ranged enemies around there. Try to maximize your amount of kills during a turn. Leaving enemies at low HP just gets them healed on enemy phase. Send up someone to deal with the ballistae up there. After you manage to seize Madino, use Ethlin's Return staff to warp back Sigurd and most others, leaving only a few guys behind (you'll see why later). Ethlin should go with Sigurd after you Returned enough guys. Make sure Aideen goes north to Madino. Put someone who can double the Javelin Cavaliers with his own ranged weapon (Javelin Sigurd or Fin usually works), preferably ORKOing, but keep them out of range of their leader for what will be obvious reasons. Talk to the leader with Lachesis. Then storm Shagaal's castle. Return people to the home castle when he's almost or completely down and go upwards to intercept the pirates. The crew that was already there should handle the Dragon Knight assault and the pirate squad that comes in quickly (mind the Leg Ring Warrior). I usually have my nonmounted juggernauts like Holyn stationed there.
  15. Talk dramatically about the poor enemies getting lambasted into oblivion!
  16. Doga is pretty awful. He has like 1 movement through forest patches, can't cross mountains, and can't keep up with anyone even on straight plains or castle floors. From the first chapter, only Marth and maybe one of the Cavaliers is worth raising, and that's a big maybe. Sirius, Linda, Ogma, Navarre, Paola, Castor, Merric, Catria, maybe Sheeda, those are the characters you want. While statistics don't matter as much as in other games because of the shards, having to rely on them to get good is still annoying, since they can only be on one guy at a time, and you don't have infinite. You can hardly go wrong in this game though, the enemies aren't very threatening, staying at level 1 for long, long times, and the EXP gain is extreme.
  17. Ugh, Merlinus promotes in the prep screen by default, causing the game to reset. I "fixed" it by going back to a savestate before ending PFoD (the chapter where he was 19/0), and lured a Hero with a disarmed Vaida from the right side of the map to Merlinus and let him get killed. Now I have to get him offed or not field him for every map to come. Which will be fun when I have to do some heavy shopping.
  18. I might've done something wrong myself, who knows. It was really weird. I'm at PFoD in FE7 right now. Heath and Rath both disappoint, needing a boatload of EXP but the former whiffs on doubling too often, while the latter's sniping wasn't really that great. Vaida and Ninian are obviously broken. I also overestimated Nino - her Mag is actually average at best (which is really surprising when you think about it) and this has her fail on 2HKOing for a long, long time. Add in that her AS has a hard time getting up to par due to low Con, and the huge amount of EXP that has to go into her to make her viable...really, Pent is much better. And that's just really, really sad. Other random stuff: - Erk died as a NPC. He can die turn 1 enemy phase if things don't go your way due to ballista + Steel Lance Knight. It's hilarious. - 68 HP/20 Def Lowen standing on a peak as an enemy in Unfulfilled Heart, heh. - There needs to be some earlygame vendor with Fire. :( Unfortunately none of us seem to have an FE7 shop editor. - Needs more Elysian Whips. - Raven is kind of hax, sort of like a compromise between himself and Harken. Unfortunately deployment slots are just so tight. - All the Knight Crest units suck. Or at least, they don't seem worth it.
  19. Hence why she's not really Haar. :P Random observations and errors: - Farina has no animation for fighting or promoting - Florina's inventory and probably her stats are unedited, it seems (30 uses of Nini's Grace ftw) - Kent cannot use the Axereaver he comes with
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