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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. What I'd do is make all player units female, since male and female versions of each class are seperate. Then I'd increase the Class Power of all males and/or decrease it on females. Some classes don't have both male and female versions, like Knight/General, so I'd have to do something different for those (like grab a NPC only class and change all their sprites etc), and for some others there's different workarounds (like Pirate/Corsair being different classes).
  2. hi im bored... Even if you want the Pursuit Ring on someone else before he promotes, there's no excuse not to give it to him after he promotes. Patty and Leaf, the only other reasonable candidates, get it after they promote. Well, I suppose there's Tinny, but I generally don't use Tinny since she's underleveled, frail, and doesn't excel enough at combat to make up for it. The pairing being hard to make...iono, you just have to know how to do it. It takes longer, but for anyone who has access to the resources of Serenes Forest, it's not hard, just more time consuming. How does using Leg/Knight Rings on Sety compensate for having no horse whereas Arthur apparently can't use the Pursuit Ring to compensate for not having Pursuit? It's not like we don't have any better candidates for the insta-pony rings. Both of Ayra's kids, Shannan, Faval, and perhaps even more silly people like Tinny and Patty. Sety's higher caps don't matter other than against one or two bosses, perhaps. They are Gods, no less than the God the tome they use is named after. Nothing can hit them, they 2HKO or OHKO anything, they double anything with Pursuit, and even if that doesn't suffice they have two overkill damage increasing skills with insane proc rates. It doesn't matter much who you pair with Brigid: Patty is going to suck unless you abuse her (boss abuse, Sleep Sword in the arena abuse, etc) and Faval is going to be a foot unit that kills anything. I think you could go through the game without repairing Ichival once as long as you only use it when it makes a difference, because generally he can make do with Killer/Silver (or even weaker against Thracia). The only pairing that really makes a difference here is Lex, since it allows Patty to use Ambush + Sleep Sword, and grow twice as fast with Elite. For what it's worth I agree Holyn/Ayra is overkill. On Alec/Fury, generally there's not enough bow users to worry about for Fee, and whenever there are she can always be doing something else. Not worth giving up superior growths for, but it doesn't matter much since Fee (and Sety) are almost impossible to ruin. Levin/Sylvia is a bad pairing, and sadly it makes Corple the best. I don't see how that makes it underrated. On Lachesis/Azel, if anything this pairing is extremely overrated. I wrote a long piece of text on it some time but I didn't save it. But basically, Delmud and Nanna can always do more damage with melee swords than magic ones even with Azel as their father, never mind what they could've had if you gave them Beowulf or Fin as their dad. Nanna heals like a few more HPs that will never matter. She doesn't even reach her crappy 20 mag cap.
  3. EXP from doing damage = [31 + (enemy's Level + enemy's Class bonus A) - (Level + Class bonus A)] / Class power EXP from defeating (base) = [(enemy's Level x enemy's Class power) + enemy's Class bonus B] - { [(Level x Class power) + Class bonus B] / Mode coefficient } @Cametech Decreasing Class Power will result in an increase in EXP when doing damage, but won't do much for damage when defeating, since it both positively and negatively contributes. @both Thanks for trying to help anyway.
  4. Even without the Pursuit Ring, Levin and Arthur are great. If you're too stingy to give them the Pursuit Ring so that your 6 mov Holyn!Patty can do double 6 instead of double 3, then you can still give him the Magic Ring to OHKO the enemies in Ch6 he starts near. Or even without an OHKO, he has enormous Continue and Critical rates, so if you send him at a group of enemies, he'll kill around 70-80% of them depending on how Anna is feeling that day. It is impossible for Delmud to suck, especially with Beowulf. Don't expect him to do any miracles like Shannan or your Holsety user and he's fine. Charisma/Pursuit horse with access to any Gen 1 sword you're willing to spare...that means you can give him a Silver Blade and watch him ORKO anything slower off the bat.
  5. See topic title, pretty much. Is there a Nightmare module in existence for this? The only way of doing it I can think of is make a lot of classes enemy exclusive and increasing their class power, but this is a lot of grunt work I would rather avoid if possible.
  6. Dorcas and Erk can both be very helpful in HHM if they are trained in LHM. They're not necessary, but they help. Legault's stats really aren't any better than Matthew's if you use Matthew enough, because the HHM bonuses for thieves suck (he gets like .25 extra Strength and overkills Speed some more, woohoo). Use Matthew to kill things if Matthew needs to kill things, otherwise let others do the killing. I like to use him a lot for combat earlygame HHM, but that's because I give him both LHM stat boosters.
  7. Use the LEA!!!! Tormod LRT'ing doors, Vika shoving and ferrying, Muarim using skillz.
  8. I liked this hack a lot, I hope to be able to play the full thing somewhere in the near future!
  9. Killer Bow is C in FE4. Which must have been a mistake of some kind, since it's equal or superior to Steel (which is B rank) in every way (same 14 Mt, 5 less Wt, and gives Critical).
  10. If this is about lowest turn counts possible or near it, Seth needs to go to his own tier. No one even compares. He trivializes about 3/4 of the game by himself. In addition, the implication that Seth can be used makes growth units such as Lute drop like a brick because there is hardly any time or space to make them grow. Lute is the perfect example because she starts out extremely frail and doesn't have exceptional move until promotion, which is a problem when you need 900 EXP to get there! Even if Seth wasn't used, she shouldn't still be any higher than Lower Mid. To understand why, just watch dondon's 0%, or even my 100% crt run, or read any efficient playthrough log such as Aquilae's. This also makes all prepromotes and other units that are useful at their base level (Joshua with his high Spd, Gerik with his good everything, Knoll with his summons) go up. If this list has different standards, then they should probably be outlined. The list that was made by FEG members: "Sethskip" (lowest turn count possible, Seth use is allowed): It seems we never got to making an Ephraim route list, or one where Seth use is banned. People probably got bored of FE8 before they could finish their efficient Sethless runs!
  11. Paladins were at their peak in FE9 but they haven't ever really been properly nerfed other than in dismounting games and FE10. You will find Lyn and Eliwood aren't all that great in HHM, the former for having wet paper durability, and the latter for being mediocre all around until he's received so much favouritism that he's become good all around. This is possible, but not desirable for efficiency. Doesn't mean you shouldn't do it though, especially not if you want Geitz (and you do). Lowen, Hector and Guy are all solid units. Canas, you might find, profits a lot from that first Guiding Ring. I wouldn't say to give it to him as soon as possible (as it murders his EXP gain), but somewhere between 13/0 and 20/0, when his EXP bar is low at the start of a level. He'll gain 4 AS, which means he'll start doubling a whole lot more, and he'll also be able to Heal. He won't get more than Mend unless you actively try to get his rank up throughout the game, which isn't too great of an idea because Priscilla also needs leveling. Pent is a great low resource unit. Louise is a niche unit, useful for situations which require Pent to take on a lot of enemies on his own. Carefully place her just out of enemy range, like in their joining chapter, while Pent is in range and using that +3 def to its fullest. She's also good for using high level bows, but you also have Geitz for that (he just can't use Silver), and Geitz is better in like every way. But if you don't manage to get Geitz, she can do things like using Longbow on Luna Druids. Geitz is another low maintenance man that can do almost anything to you as long as it's not magical. Axes and bows have insane versatility and he's the fastest guy who can use both. Rath is rather bad, and will be a pain to train, especially since around the time he rejoins you will be feeding EXP to Eliwood and Lyn to try and get Geitz before FFO hits. But, like almost any unit, he's usable. It's just that he's your third high-level bow user, so he's not going to add much. Good rescue/drop bot, though. Priscilla is great. Hard to level up if you don't let her heal every single point and you finish maps as quickly as you can, though. Heath is the easiest flier to raise barring Farina, surprisingly, since you can concentrate EXP into him for a short time and then he becomes awesome and durable. Still, it requires favouritism, once again taking off EXP you'd want to give to Rath or your lords. Matthew is of course stellar. Give him some Lyn Mode EXP and consider giving both the Robe and the Ring to him, it makes earlygame a lot easier if he's in good condition. What I'd recommend doing is dropping Rath, it'll save you a lot of trouble, and you won't have enough unit slots for all these units anyway. The other units are all fine.
  12. It might have appeared on the list just because it is often used in conjunction with the other banned words. I'm willing to mercifully put the words "meat" and "meaty" on probation for the time being to see if they are really worthy of being banned on their own. S

  13. Sort of like how you spare the shy sheepy guy in a group of youngsters causing trouble because if his friends weren't having a bad influence on him, he might actually walk by and politely greet you instead of throwing a brick through your window.

  14. from now on Grandjackal is banned from using the following words: - meat(y) - fuck - mainland - chip - slowplay
  15. This is probably to accommodate for the two potential Dawn Brigade Trueblades, who might not have the time to get from S to SS in third tier considering they'll promote later than Mia...not like this is actually a problem in the game due to the large amount of Arm Scrolls and WEXP weapons give in general, but hey.
  16. I don't know, do the math. I don't know, do the math. Yes, they're available.
  17. I used to have a video of this. If you do everything in a certain order you get a very nice level up for Eirika that includes Str and Spd.
  18. in before many "where am I on this list" posts I have to say this religion (pope) vs pragmatism (int) debate is pretty interesting to rate even though it doesn't seem to be clear what exactly the point is? Something about Hammer uses and something about a Mist support...
  19. Gotoh gives you the Lightsphere no matter what happens, and there's no way to get rid of it since you can't discard it and a dead unit's inventory ends up in the convoy.
  20. H1 is Normal Mode without the Prologue. Of course it's easy.
  21. Most of my runs are challenge runs of some kind. Lowturn, solo, efficiency, etc. Because of that, there are a few units that nearly always reappear as necessary. Even in solo runs, it's often not possible to achieve certain goals without these units. - Shiida: Does flying tasks such as the Ch9 Wyrmslayer, kills 80% of the bosses in this game, catches thieves, stops hordes of cavaliers, etc. - Lena: Warp is key for everything where turn count matters. Even on my low turn run without Warp and on solo runs, I keep Lena alive for Physic utility, as she's the only one who can use that staff until Boah. Yeah, I realize that's not a 100% solo, but Vulneraries just suck too much in this game. Boah and Elice have similar roles, except later on. - Jeigan: Best combat unit early on, has some of Shiida's versatility thanks to flying. Great for runs with low turn counts because he stays useful forever with a forged Ridersbane. - Tiki/Nagi: I rarely if ever train up Marth, or a Starlight user, so at least one of these is often very clutch for Medeus.
  22. leaving without a word, no msn, closing youtube...

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