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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. Dracoknights. Forged Ridersbanes and Wing Spears hax up this game so nicely.
  2. Seth, Franz, Gilliam, Kyle, Forde, Duessel, Cormag, Vanessa, Tana...you'll have to use Amelia to make this a challenge at all.
  3. To all the FEDS sidequest haters out there, remember that they weren't meant to be like the gaidens from the previous games - they're more like the previous ones. Instead of: - "You kept all the suicidal NPC soldiers in Ch17 (FE7) alive, good job! Here's the dock gaiden!" - "You finished this map really fast even though there's a dodgy Nomad Trooper on a forest with 3 different lethal weapons (FE7), awesome! Here's the Silver Card!" - "You freed all the prisoners in Ch4 (FE5), here's a sidequest to get you a broken Mage and a Sety scroll!" it's more like "Hot damn, you managed to get this many guys killed? You really need some help here. Alright, here's a Swordswoman with some nice bases and a whole bunch of EXP, garnered from weaker-than-usual enemies." So instead of playing well enough to get to sidequests, instead it's more as if they want you to try your best not to be a special needs kid. Of course, people ended up sacrificing on purpose... That said, I don't think it works out very well. Someone isn't going to recover from accidentally getting half their army killed with just another sidequest: what they need is someone who tells them what to do and what not to do, because that's what gets people killed. Or, more preferably, just go back to the old system.
  4. I am not sure if double healer is optimal in all cases, and Eliwood certainly doesn't strike me as optimal.
  5. I promote early a lot in efficiency/ranked runs. The earlier stat boost to almost everything is so much more beneficial than slightly higher EXP gain. I mean, I don't promote at L10 all the time, but after L15 I get impatient.
  6. Luna does damage the same as his magic. Not worth it if his mag isn't trained. Arena doesn't matter. If you don't understand why, you should not be posting.
  7. Canas needs a significant mag increase from his base to become anything close to a bosskiller, which means he has to be trained. It's not impossible to train a 5 mov unit with 1-2 range, not at all, but there's limited opportunity, and plenty of other candidates.
  8. I read some submitted profiles on the home forum, and sometimes checked the info of characters with the R button, but little to nothing of it was reflected in it in their (limited) dialogue. I suppose this has to be fleshed out with supports (which are a ton of work, I'm aware) but right now the characters just feel a bit bland. It's as if they claim to have a background they don't really have. Yeah, I'm aware of that situation. I don't mind overpowered characters, and I definitely think Nayr is necessary for his first couple of chapters at the very least. I think the biggest balance issue is with classes tbh. Swords just plain suck. By the way, I'm glad you're not taking my criticism the wrong way. I can only imagine the amount of work that's been put into this hack (I do some minor Nightmare editing and one time I did an attempt at changing the dialogue, and it's a pain in the ass). For the script, you'll want to have the beta testers of new releases to proofread your entire dialogue and point out the typo's. It looks much more professional if the whole game is in perfect English.
  9. And we'll keep banning things until Koffing dominates the metagame. Suck it.
  10. Logs or it didn't happen, because I don't remember a thing. Really? I found Shadow Dragon's plot far from super deep. I didn't finish playing FE3 book 1 so I don't know how much they added or changed, but neither struck me as a super thick plot. Book 2's plot, however, was just different enough from other games to keep me hooked. Its map design with the little tricks and traps across the game kept me hooked as well - this one was far ahead of its time, and lots of fun to play, so I look forward to a H5 mode of it. Though they will probably strike everything with the nerf bat - from the earlygame Dragonriders via uber Paola to the orb shards.
  11. Well, I just played all that was available now. The map design and hacking is very impressive, really well done. The story, character balance, and character backgrounds less so...but that is usual for Fire Emblem games, so w/e. Sometimes the music feels like it's put into the wrong place though, not fitting the atmosphere at all.
  12. That chapter only kills you if you play it poorly. You can 1-turn the chapter with Warp, or you can just wait until the guy leaves.
  13. This is why you use numbers instead of rough indications like "really weak" and "very fast"... Marisa has 23 hp/4 def (no Hard Mode bonuses in FE8). So it takes 26 atk to OHKO her with a lance (+1 from WTA). So even with capped str, Slim Lance Ephraim isn't going to OHKO. Iron Lance would...but Ephraim probably doesn't have capped str anyhow. His 20/0 average is 17 (rounded up), and with the 8 mt Iron Lance (again, that +1 from WTA), he will only reach 25.
  14. Thanks for bumping a 5 month old thread to tell us that.
  15. Edward getting top5 isn't very unreasonable since it takes so many part 1 battles and kills to get him going in the first place.
  16. i dunno they're all kind of cool.....fe7 has the best balanced characters though.
  17. my favourite game is super mario bros why
  18. ayanami, inui and soul lower int and the colonel higher i can't find rody (ilyana/fe3 player) but he should be around colonel's level vykan has massive availability issues but we love him anyway
  19. All I see is that it places less weight on join chapters. Dorcas is useful for more than 12. He has 13, 13x, 14 and 15. Well, he's only useful in 15 if you play it properly, rather than putting Hector on the throne and pressing end turn.
  20. Mekkah


    Even if you don't train Oswin, Wallace is inferior to almost all of your units at that point. Oswin himself is having severe trouble outdoing those.
  21. Is it assumed Gen 1 is completed efficiently/with regard to ranks? Because it's like impossible to get Dew to the Wind Sword in Ch3 if you're playing low on turns. Can't comment on much else because ranked (particularly EXP rank) is silly.
  22. Really a great game game-play wise. Very variable difficulty setting, and the best controls/interface of them all. The story is boring even if you didn't know it already and Marth might as well be leading an army of Stormtroopers through the continent.
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