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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. Reyson simply doesn't have the availability to be a tier over Sothe and Volug. If they move down to High, so should Reyson.
  2. I'm mostly looking forward to late part 3 and early part 4. This game's shift to other armies makes 0% growth runs so laughably clause to the normal game. Then again, it is impossible to get screwed this much in FE10 growth-wise due to WEXP, so I suppose it cancels out, kinda.
  3. If you assume Warp skip, then this is way off. The best fighting units for the lowest turn counts are Caeda, Hardin, Abel and Frey, pretty much in that order. They have a combination of movement, availability and lance rank to clear the fastest ways for Marth to the throne. As early as Ch10, Lena and Wendell/Wrys take over a large portion of the required combat with Warp, and at that point pretty much only Caeda matters. The notion of there being three different tiers above a God tier could not be more wrong, let alone Sedgar and Wolf (who have pretty much no time to grow) being at that point. Tier gaps are supposed to indicate significant differences in performance. If anything Sedgar and Wolf are three tiers BELOW the likes of Lena and Caeda. If you take Warp out of the comparison and assume we're playing the whole game, units that join later become a tad more useful, but not much. You still only need the above Class A juggernauts to clear a path. Staff users become less important, and early joining growth units like Cord, Draug, Cain, and indeed Sedgar and Wolf have a chance to shine. But not much. In fact, I daresay a NM and a HM tier list wouldn't be very different at all, whether it's Warpskip or not.
  4. What's so imbalanced about MU, keeping in mind every character in the game can Reclass?
  5. This would make more sense if she was a Shaman and the question was "would you use her if she was a Mage?".
  6. Yeah, those are ones I'm familiar with, but sometimes I bothered to include multiple spellings.
  7. Huge ones. FE1-FE5: http://www.sporcle.com/games/Mekkah/fe_pcs_1 Notes: - Every FE3 character that also appears in FE1, is under FE1. FE6-FE10: http://www.sporcle.com/games/Mekkah/fe_pcs_2 Notes: - Because of the 200 character limit, FE10 Endgame characters are missing. So don't bother with Caineghis, Giffca, Ena, Kurthnaga, Renning, Gareth, Nasir, Lehran. - Since almost every FE9 character is in FE10, I only put them in FE10, other than two exceptions...
  8. Just posting to say I appreciate this!
  9. Multiple tier lists. Also, since the rank seems to be almost impossible not to fulfill, maybe it's better to only have a split for Reverse. IMO the only requirements needed are all characters recruited and low turn. Or maybe another split for not recruiting all characters, so people like Wolf and Sedgar are skipped.
  10. Tomas takes like a turn at most, but certainly ain't worth it. Cord. If you're not using someone, they're not worth visiting no matter what (so even Castor or :gasp: Minerva, assuming you don't care about Maria either) Roshea. Michalis.
  11. Jill is the least loyal person in the entire series, going from Daein to Crimea in FE9, possibly back to Daein in FE10, or if not that, at the end of the game. Then in FE10 she can betray Daein again. She's got a very broad and convenient definition of "beliefs" and "family".
  12. And then there's the whole house problem.
  13. Finally, a playlog I can read with my kids before bedtime!
  14. Selphina > Robert was agreed upon on FEG, so if nobody minds we're going off that, then that should be changed.
  15. Janaff is a level removed from Tear. Ulki has two to go. And "terrain-fucky" is not a valid expression on this side of the internet. But yeah, flying laguz that double everything and are only a little bit of favouritism (Energy Drop, BEXP, Adept, Wrath, Resolve, etc) removed from ORKOing reliably.
  16. Posting to say I approve vehemently and I'm looking forward to vids. I already told you what I know on IRC... I presume you'll end up with tier 3 Titania, Haar, Mia and Shinon on the GMs at the very least.
  17. Exact same here, lol. Ayanami does a great job of repeating debunked "facts" (rumors) over and over again, but it's really only worth responding to if she's being 100% false.
  18. I did this in NM once. Definitely a very satisfying kind of playthrough.
  19. Most hacks set insane goals and then the guy working on it quits halfway through, it the progress goes so slowly it might as well have stopped. The goal of this hack is very simple, and because of that, it works out great. This was epic from beginning to end. Great trailer, too!
  20. Nah, in POR you have the BEXP to make a relatively large team viable. And Ike/Mia make for a bad small team core anyway compared to all the other options you have. They will have to solo large parts of the game by themselves without 2-range, they have less move and no Canto.
  21. It's not really a big deal to be not mounted in FE5 because of the forced dismount in indoor chapters. For the majority of the game, that's +5 or +10 crt from Clarine. Efficient play shows there's no time for anything else.
  22. We don't include CC/Trial Maps because they're not on our route from the beginning to the end of the game, simple as that. You can include them on your tier list if you want, especially since you seem to be looking for ways to put Titania lower and endgame characters higher...
  23. Vids or it didn't happen. From the enemy sample thread: Special notes: Veyona's biorhythm never goes Worst, but it can go Best. Hax.
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