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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. Dismounting has been implemented pretty poorly in the past and since it wasn't in Shadow Dragon I don't think it will be in this game.
  2. There's no real point in XFoe gimmicks with Pelleas other than sniping an Izuka-surrounding laguz, because Tibarn can one-turn the map. Even if you assume we take longer for the sake of gaining EXP, people with an enemy phase get much more EXP returns out of the skills. That one snipe on a random dragon you might not even face isn't worth a dime.
  3. I have a mIRC script that converts disp into true hit. Put it into the aliases tab, if you know how to do that. Use /grh [disp] to get true hit of [disp]. realhit { if ( $1 == 0 ) { return 0 } if ( ( $1 > 0 ) && ( $1 < 51 ) ) { var %x = $1 var %y = 0 while (%x > 0) { inc %y $calc(0.03 + (0.04 * ( %x - 1 ) ) ) dec %x } return %y } if ( $1 == 51 ) { return 52.47 } if ( ( $1 > 51 ) && ( $1 < 100 ) ) { var %ax = $1 var %ay = 52.47 while (%ax > 51) { inc %ay $calc(0.01 + (0.04 * ( 100 - %ax) ) ) dec %ax } return %ay } } grh { echo -a $realhit($1) }
  4. This brings up speculations about who his father is.
  5. I like how you used an FE8 one that is 5hp from dying.
  6. My post was (as far as I could remember) a carbon copy from a (naturally trollish) Naggy post on GameFAQs.
  7. I wonder if they will have "injured" quotes rather than death quotes.
  8. From the top of my head some "Item Locations" sections only have per chapter or per item, but not vice versa. Do you need help with that?
  9. Lot is optimal throughout pretty much his entire pre-Fir existence, so it helps him rather than it hurts him.
  10. There's even a topic with the title "Casuals!" that you could have checked within 2 seconds........
  11. Maybe it'll be replaced by another staff. Or maybe it won't and you end up with something you won't use...can't really be the first time.
  12. You can have Nolan or Sothe or whoever use Savior to keep Micaiah safe. Vika can rescue Tormod and fly off to nowhere. Dunno if Nailah can rescue Volug, or if she can untransform while carrying him.
  13. Were you both at the meeting where they made the decision on whether to bring Sothe or not, and the alternatives that were raised? As far as I'm concerned neither of you _know_ what they "would have done" had Sothe not been a forced unit into endgame. But the fact is that they did and we have no idea of knowing. We know the story reasons why he did come, though (which answered the OP).
  14. What an awfully unreadable block of text. You can use Warp to get people from your home castle to Lenster quickly. However, I think Fin can handle most of it by himself with a Javelin. He has ridiculous strength - 38 atk with a Javelin. I forgot the level of the LanceKnights, but L10 ones only have 40 hp/9 def, and this Fin KOs that with room to spare (29x2 is 58, so they can have 18 more hp+(def*2) and he'd still KO). The troubadours probably won't attack him though, but the boss will prove troublesome. So what you do is get him to kill as many Lance Knights as possible, while having Aless or Shannan in reserve for the Elthunder asshole. They have to be there anyway, because of the upcoming magic issues. Everyone else should be dealing with Muhammed's army. Muhammed himself is mostly luck based, just Shannan him if you're sick of him. Make sure to advance Patty towards where Faval comes from every turn. Make good use of move again and your dancer to have 4 people act again every turn. The magic triplet is a bit annoying, just try to take out one of the two slow ones with Aless on player phase to prevent triangle attack, and heal him with Libro or Reserve Lana if possible. Contrary what above poster said, Ambush+Continue is NOT certain death: it's Continue% death, and you face that even if she is not in Ambush range. Faval can OHKO her if he's lucky...if you save state abuse, just check if he hits, and if he doesn't, go with plan B. That means Shannan or Aless trying their luck.
  15. I agree that if only the forced chapters work to their advantage, they're better. However, I think Louise has a shot at being optimal for perhaps a few more maps? She and Geitz are likely your only Longbow/Brave Bow users, which makes her a reasonable choice for Cog of Destiny, and in Sands of Time you have so many slots she might as well be free (but fair is fair, she can't reduce your SoT turn count).
  16. Best way to kill Elthsan is probably rigging a lover critical Silver Lance hit with Cuan x Ethlin.
  17. A software bug is the common term used to describe an error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that produces an incorrect or unexpected result, or causes it to behave in unintended ways. Most bugs arise from mistakes and errors made by people in either a program's source code or its design, and a few are caused by compilers producing incorrect code.
  18. I prefer Nephenee over Aran because I can give her a lot of favouritism in part 2 and 3 while Aran sucks in 1-4 which is the only part 1 map that matters.
  19. Levin doesn't gain Pursuit.
  20. So can Tibarn, he just needs Savior.
  21. If only there was just one of them...
  22. From the tone of your writing, it seems you are surprised it is so easy even though you had only seven units out, and only two real combat units, with Marth not among them. Surprise: none of the things you named (other than the whole Cord-Magestone fiesta) actually make the game harder, and you could argue they make it even easier. Solo'ing or duo'ing the combat portion of the game makes the units you do it with gain all the EXP and other nice goodies such as stat boosters and powerful weapons, which means they can trivialize parts of the map by themselves. As for Marth, he is locked to his own 7 mov sword class, with WTD and no 2-range for eternity...it is much easier to make this game a laugh by ignoring him rather than by trying to make him into a good combatant. And yeah, this game has a Normal Mode for beginners. People who suck at the game. If you find it too easy, it might not be the mode for you to play! After all, there's six others. Normal Mode (which, btw, has the same enemies as H1, so don't start a file on that) is only good for special runs like my Warpless lowturn run.
  23. Keep reposting the exact some thing, maybe it will magically force Kyza into 3-4 even though he normally isn't!! EDIT: damn, troll ruined.
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