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New Heroes - Attuned: Peony & Triandra

Fire Emblem Fan

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I dont think X Skills will affect the score in modes like Arena and Arena Assault. The main reason being that you can't equip the Exclusive skills with then.

With they affected the score in Arena, all Legendary Heroes you must use to score well were doomed.

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Attuned skills. Okay. I'll wait for new ones, I guess. Didn't expect a whole new type of unit. Does this mean 2 attuned units will appear per banner that they appear on? Is this IS' solution to finally giving us male characters on their games' rosters filling out banners since there aren't as many characters from other FE titles that haven't gotten into the game yet?

Anyway, happy to finally see Mycen! That's about it. So, passing on this banner.

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So far, I like the idea of Attuned Heroes. Having an extra skill slot will make it easier to build older units, much like S-skills. 

Also, I like seeing another consecutive banner where everyone has great art. Mycen is a welcome addition who I thought would never make it into Heroes by virtue of being an old man and (mostly) an NPC. I’m looking forward to his Forging Bonds.

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The insta-demote being Hestia suggests Marla will be in the Forging Bonds, despite being the GHB. This sets a really bad precedent.

It seems like they're trying to play Zeno's Emblem, coming increasingly close to finishing a game's playable roster without actually doing it. There's now three playable Valentia characters without regular versions, and at this rate we'll keep getting them just one at a time. Are they ever going to finish any game?

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3 minutes ago, Othin said:

The insta-demote being Hestia suggests Marla will be in the Forging Bonds, despite being the GHB. This sets a really bad precedent.

Neither of the witches will be in the Forging Bonds.

We’re instead just getting Peony and Triandra.


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Sigh, not too happy about this banner since only 2 new characters added to the general pool (unless the new unit type is not like rearmed heroes).  I can just see this preventing Elphin from being added next Binding Blade banner among other male characters that they will decide to not add.  I guess next month will tell if we have to always give up 3 banner slots a banner to alts instead of actual new characters, or if they will be nice and only take 2 new characters from those waiting for them.  I am not feeling good about the way new heroes banners are going, my only hope is that they start doing like the last TT and add in new characters that way on every seasonal banner because every playable character deserves to get in to Heroes at some point.

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22 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

Sigh, not too happy about this banner since only 2 new characters added to the general pool (unless the new unit type is not like rearmed heroes).

Attuned Heroes will also not be in general pool, so only two new units to the general pool it is.

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Hestia and Marle are barely characters so i'm not surprised that Peony and Triandra take the forging bond spots, but i'm still not sure if I like it. I don't care much for the fairies, but more importantly i'm worried that auto-demotes I do actually like might be replaced with Oc's in the forging bonds.

Anyway because i'm completely indifferent to the fairies, i'm also completely indifferent to this banner. Sonia, who we alread got and Mycen aren't the most exiting pick either.

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4 hours ago, Othin said:

The insta-demote being Hestia suggests Marla will be in the Forging Bonds, despite being the GHB. This sets a really bad precedent.

It seems like they're trying to play Zeno's Emblem, coming increasingly close to finishing a game's playable roster without actually doing it. There's now three playable Valentia characters without regular versions, and at this rate we'll keep getting them just one at a time. Are they ever going to finish any game?


I don't know if complaining about this to IS will make a difference at all, but maybe we should just spam their feedback button about this.

Besides, it's really shitty that TWO fairies took slots for an "Echoes" banner and yet we only get ONE extra Echoes character to compensate, and they'd rather put in non-playable unimportant female characters for these throwaway spots too when the game in question literally had four playable dudes left.

"But Hestia and Marla fit the theme with Sonya --" No one said that the Rearmed had to be Sonya. Heck, I'd argue that we didn't need a Rearmed (or Ascended) with this batch when Peony and Triandra are both stealing spots here.

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2 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Attuned Heroes will also not be in general pool, so only two new units to the general pool it is.

Ugh, that is not a good thing, but at least I won't be pity broken by alts I don't like.

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15 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:


I don't know if complaining about this to IS will make a difference at all, but maybe we should just spam their feedback button about this.

Besides, it's really shitty that TWO fairies took slots for an "Echoes" banner and yet we only get ONE extra Echoes character to compensate, and they'd rather put in non-playable unimportant female characters for these throwaway spots too when the game in question literally had four playable dudes left.

"But Hestia and Marla fit the theme with Sonya --" No one said that the Rearmed had to be Sonya. Heck, I'd argue that we didn't need a Rearmed (or Ascended) with this batch when Peony and Triandra are both stealing spots here.

Where Sonya ranked among the Valentian characters in CYL7, for reference:

Berkut: 47th
*Catria: 68th
Desaix: 80th
Delthea: 110th
*Palla: 125th
Mae: 151st
Faye: 165th
Lukas: 177th
Rinea: 182nd
Clair: 196th
Kliff: 197th
Genny: 215th
Python: 219th
Saber: 243rd
Sonya: 252nd

Even if you take out Catria and Palla, that would be 12 whole characters ahead of Sonya. Half of those characters (Mae, Rinea, Clair, Kliff, Python, Saber) only have one version and one Resplendent (Saber) between them while Desaix isn't even in FEH at all.

If it wasn't for his dipshit Japanese voice actor, this Rearmed Hero probably would've been (and definitely should've been) Berkut. I say this as someone who doesn't even like Berkut, either.

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The arcane green tome feels a bit lacking? Back to waiting for the one for speedier units. 

As for SoV, if they need a female character on their next banner, they can go with Rinea since she technically doesn't have a base version even though her dancer alt looks very similar to her home game representation.

Edited by Flying Shogi
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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

Where Sonya ranked among the Valentian characters in CYL7, for reference:

Berkut: 47th
*Catria: 68th
Desaix: 80th
Delthea: 110th
*Palla: 125th
Mae: 151st
Faye: 165th
Lukas: 177th
Rinea: 182nd
Clair: 196th
Kliff: 197th
Genny: 215th
Python: 219th
Saber: 243rd
Sonya: 252nd

Even if you take out Catria and Palla, that would be 12 whole characters ahead of Sonya. Half of those characters (Mae, Rinea, Clair, Kliff, Python, Saber) only have one version and one Resplendent (Saber) between them while Desaix isn't even in FEH at all.

If it wasn't for his dipshit Japanese voice actor, this Rearmed Hero probably would've been (and definitely should've been) Berkut. I say this as someone who doesn't even like Berkut, either.

Do I dare ask what what the fuck his voice actor did

Also, damn. I thought Sonya would be more popular considering that she also got a Harmonic bunny alt. Turns out it was just the devs being horny for her. Or something. Boobs, I guess.

By the way, uh, this might be kind of important, but ... I vaguely remembered the FEH channel that introduced the 4-star special Heroes and I pulled it up again to rewatch that segment. It specifically says that going forward, Special Heroes/New Heroes summoning events will 4-star summoning events with the 3% rates. I also think they had to add an addendum later on stating that things like Fallen and Brave Heroes wouldn't get the special 4-star rate.

My question then is whether IS broke their own rules by not including a 4-star demote here in this batch, since despite the "Attuned Heroes" existing it's still being passed off as a "regular" New Heroes banner.

EDIT: I'm dumb and didn't include the link to the FEH Channel: 

Skip to like 11:20

Edited by Sunwoo
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27 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Do I dare ask what what the fuck his voice actor did

Around July / August 2021, it came out that he (Tatsuhisa Suzuki) cheated on his wife (who, if I have my information correct, also happens to be a pretty big star in Japan) and also ended up in the hospital with health issues (which might've resulted from a botched suicide attempt, but absolutely don't quote me on that). He was on a hiatus for a while but returned from it a while ago.

Consequently, he was dropped from several different productions (one of which was apparently the Pokemon anime, a Nintendo related production) so IS probably has no clue what to do with him and his characters (because he also voices Tibarn, Ranulf and the main character of FEH himself, Alfonse).

Personally, I'm pretty sure it's no accident that the last time we've seen any of his characters get something new was in February 2021 (Day of Devotion Alfonse).

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I have no personal issue with the character picks, the forging bonds, or the idea of attuned heroes and X slots. There are valid criticisms for the first two for sure, they just don't matter to me personally.

There are two things here that really worry me, though:

  • Skill inheritance is still limited to 4. Not only have we regularly been getting units with multiple premium skill chains, we've now got a whole new slot to fill. Being able to keep rearmed/attuned units after the first use does somewhat mitigate this, but SI really needs to increase again.
  • Attuned heroes, like rearmed, aren't in the general summoning pool. This New Heroes banner is closer to a seasonal. There should never have been a whole unit type that gets added through New Heroes banners that doesn't stay in the general pool, and now there's a second one.
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29 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Around July / August 2021, it came out that he (Tatsuhisa Suzuki) cheated on his wife (who, if I have my information correct, also happens to be a pretty big star in Japan) and also ended up in the hospital with health issues (which might've resulted from a botched suicide attempt, but absolutely don't quote me on that). He was on a hiatus for a while but returned from it a while ago.

Consequently, he was dropped from several different productions (one of which was apparently the Pokemon anime, a Nintendo related production) so IS probably has no clue what to do with him and his characters (because he also voices Tibarn, Ranulf and the main character of FEH himself, Alfonse).

Personally, I'm pretty sure it's no accident that the last time we've seen any of his characters get something new was in February 2021 (Day of Devotion Alfonse).

Huh, I see.

And of course Japanese media tends to not recast voice actors for whatever silly reason.

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2 hours ago, Sunwoo said:


I don't know if complaining about this to IS will make a difference at all, but maybe we should just spam their feedback button about this.

Besides, it's really shitty that TWO fairies took slots for an "Echoes" banner and yet we only get ONE extra Echoes character to compensate, and they'd rather put in non-playable unimportant female characters for these throwaway spots too when the game in question literally had four playable dudes left.

"But Hestia and Marla fit the theme with Sonya --" No one said that the Rearmed had to be Sonya. Heck, I'd argue that we didn't need a Rearmed (or Ascended) with this batch when Peony and Triandra are both stealing spots here.

I've sent in feedback, and I hope others do the same. Backlash seemed to help get IS to turn back from when they previously pushed too far in 2018, so maybe the same thing will happen here.

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@Sunwoo I sent feedback about this as well.  I really get a bad feeling about this and the chances of less popular characters getting in now with things like this are now even worse then before.  I sent it in under characters so I don't know if that was the right place to put it, hopefully enough people will send feedback in this time to make a difference like with Ayragate.

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I'm also sending feedback. This banner is unacceptable. Hestia as free unit, are you serious? Mycen as the only new unit from Echoes playable cast? Three of the four banner units being limited and not in the regular summoning pool? Two OCs stealing spots? This is one of the worst banners Feh has ever had. I had hope we'd get Jesse or Nomah or something for free, but they can't even be arsed to do that. I'm very happy to see Mycen, but this banner is a dumpster fire. We should have just gotten Mycen and Jesse on the banner, Deen/Nomah as the free unit, and Jedah/Rudolf as the GHB. No Rearmed/Ascended.

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30 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I'm also sending feedback. This banner is unacceptable. Hestia as free unit, are you serious? Mycen as the only new unit from Echoes playable cast? Three of the four banner units being limited and not in the regular summoning pool? Two OCs stealing spots? This is one of the worst banners Feh has ever had. I had hope we'd get Jesse or Nomah or something for free, but they can't even be arsed to do that. I'm very happy to see Mycen, but this banner is a dumpster fire. We should have just gotten Mycen and Jesse on the banner, Deen/Nomah as the free unit, and Jedah/Rudolf as the GHB. No Rearmed/Ascended.

I made sure to note that Mycen was a character I'd specifically been hoping for and that my frustrations were in spite of that, in case it helps clarify things.

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I really don't understand all of the commotion over this banner. We're literally at the bottom of the barrel for Echoes, and I don't see the value of making a banner full of characters that are at the bottom of the barrel, even with the novelty of finishing out a game's roster.

I honestly would've preferred it if they made Mycen the instant demote and added an Ascended Hero to the banner if they were going to add yet another special unit type to the game and further reduce the rate that we get florets going forward.


The thing that actually annoys me about this banner is the fact that they made both of the new skills in the X slot be offensive skills as if offensive units needed any more help killing things these days.


15 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I dont think X Skills will affect the score in modes like Arena and Arena Assault. The main reason being that you can't equip the Exclusive skills with then.

With they affected the score in Arena, all Legendary Heroes you must use to score well were doomed.

According to the accompanying announcement explaining Attuned units, X skills cost zero SP to learn, so they wouldn't affect your Arena score either way.

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