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Special Heroes: A Place to Rest

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Mirabilis is the demote? With THAT dance skill???

I am so going for her

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You know, I was so ready to skip this banner when Mirabilis was confirmed to be on it.

So naturally, IS decides to dangle a Chloe / Cordelia Harmonic in front of me. I will now be definitely pulling on this banner and my orb saving plans will again be put on an infinite hiatus.

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25 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Heroes give Sumia literally ANYTHING challenge: Difficulty level - IMPOSSIBLE

It might be partly because of the more unhinged F!Robin and Chrom shippers, but Sumia unfortunately has never been particularly popular. If IS was capable of ignoring someone like Ayra for years on end, they can certainly do the same to someone like Sumia.

It really is quite a shame since I really like Sumia too (just not as much as Cordelia).

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Hmm... I wanted to skip this banner, but Sylvain got me. Not because of the character, but because I really want Near Trace 4 on my Bride Catria, and I can also get No Quarter as well. I may have to summon now.

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I see my dream of a sleepover banner drifting further and further away. Anyway...this is...some lineup. The token spunky bunny girl, the token "I'm cuddle-able" girl, the token busty ladies, the token "I'm embarrassed to be a rabbit" guy, and...Linhardt. Haven't seen his response to all this. Might be the "eh. Whatever." guy. This banner sure has a history of weird archetypes... Well. Framme's in before Clanne. Maybe it's just me, but that feels wrong. I get Cloe and Cordelia having fairy tales in common, but...I don't know. Feels like they're coming in before various others should, but "should" is up to IS so...eh.

I don't feel invested at all in this banner. I'll probably skip it.

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10 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

Framme's in before Clanne. Maybe it's just me, but that feels wrong.

For what it's worth, IS has had a (maybe unintentional) history of separating twins in this game. Off the top of head, Raigh, Felicia and Saizo all had to wait a while before their twin got added into FEH.

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There go my hopes for a spring Karel alt...

I'm really hoping the child banner will be Fates-themed (Northern Fortress life in particular,) if Fates isn't featured on this month's New Heroes banner.

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Relieved there's nothing here for me because I'd have to do some serious orb farming if I wanted to pull both here and on AHR.

- Framme looks like your standard god axe. Am I using that term right?

- Sylvain is a worse, blue version of Winter Dimitri, both in terms of skills and in terms of that art. It is even possible to have FEH depict a non-awful wink?

- Demote is demote

- Harmonic has charge and canto which is nice. I've never particularly liked this artist though, and this pair in particular doesn't suit the style at all I think.

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Firestorm Boost 3 and S/D Near Trace 4 are nice to finally have released. Crux is very, very interesting.

And they're really spoiling us with 4-star dancers with both Lara and now Mirabilis being released as 4-star units.

I might have some budget lying around for this banner since although AHR is coming up, I think there should be enough time before the AHR banner that it will end up on next month's budget instead of this month's, but we'll see. It's pretty convenient that Mirabilis shares a color with Sylvain because I'm definitely going to want an extra copy of him to give his skills to Rearmed Chrom to duplicate.

I might also go for 2 copies of Framme. Not sure how many copies of Chloe I want. I already have a decently merged Anna to use as a score stick in Resonant Battles, so I don't need Chloe that badly.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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What exactly is their color distribution regarding these characters? They've doubled up on red, green, and blue units on recent seasonal banners but the missing color seems to always be colorless. Any reason they're making the colorless seasonal pool so light?

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Sylvain finally gets a non-demote version, complete with bonuses from finding one of your units to have a fling with.

Lack of Karel is disappointing, but Framme at least offers a newcomer.

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42 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Any reason they're making the colorless seasonal pool so light?

I dunno, maybe IS themselves are aware of how bad pulling on colorless can be with its large amount of terrible 3 to 4 star units?

The term "colorless hell" exists in this game's fandom for a reason.

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10 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

I dunno, maybe IS themselves are aware of how bad pulling on colorless can be with its large amount of terrible 3 to 4 star units?

The term "colorless hell" exists in this game's fandom for a reason.

Colorless hell isn't gonna get fixed unless IS wanna make a separate pool of at the very least all the book 1+2 demotes and kick them out of the main one. Hint hint IS.

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Anyways, the usual translation notes:


The banner name, "A Place to Rest", is "安眠の地を求めて" (anmin no chi o motomete), "Searching For a Place to Sleep Well".

Framme's epithet, "Spring Fangirl", is "季節では春が推し" (kisetsu de wa haru ga oshi), "Of the Seasons, Spring Is [Her] Favorite". "推し" (oshi), "one's favorite", is terminology used in idol fan culture and related fandoms to refer to a person's favorite group or individual member.

Hippity-Hop Axe is "春に跳ぶ白兎の斧" (haru ni tobu shirousagi no ono), "Axe of the White Rabbit That Hops In Spring".

Firestorm Boost is "生命の業火疾風" (seimei no gōka shippū), "Hellfire/Gale of Lifeblood". As usual, the Boost series uses the same stat indicators as Dance and Balm skills.

Sylvain's epithet, "Spring Flingster", is "春の出会いを期待" (haru no deai o kitai), "Anticipating a Spring Meeting". "出会い" (deai), "meeting" or "encounter", is used to refer to meetings facilitated by dating services.

Flingster Spear is "春の出会いの槍" (haru no deai no yari), "Lance of a Spring Meeting".

S/D Near Trace is "速さ守備の近影" (hayasa shubi no kin'ei), "Spd/Def Near Trace". As usual, "影" (ei), normally "shadow", "reflection", or "image", here means "trace" as in something that was left behind.

Canto (Rem. +1; Min. 2) is "再移動(残り+1、最低2)" (sai-idō (nokori +1, saitei 2)), "Move Again (Remainder +1, Minimum 2)".

Mirabilis's epithet, "Spring Daydream", is "お昼寝日和の" (o-hirune-biyori no), "A Perfect Day For an Afternoon Nap". This epithet is structured to be grammatically linked to Mirabilis's name as an appositive due to the fact that epithets precede the character's name in Japanese. This results in her name and epithet being read "お昼寝日和のルピナス" (o-hirune-biyori no rupinasu), "Mirabilis, [who is enjoying] a perfect day for an afternoon nap". (Her name in Japanese is "Lupinus", though it's spelled "Lupine" in internal files.)

Daydream Egg is "春に揺蕩う白夢の卵" (haru ni tayutau hakumu no tamago), "Egg of Daydreams Swaying In the Spring". "白夢" (hakumu), literally "white dream", is a novel compound that is also Mirabilis's base version's epithet. It's most likely a contraction of "白昼夢" (hakuchūmu) or "白日夢" (hakujitsumu), both literally "dreaming in the white [light] of day", meaning "daydream" or "fantasy".

Spring's Dream is "しろいはるのゆめ" (shiroi haru no yume), "Dream of a White Spring". Compare with Whimsical Dream, which is "しろいゆめ" (shiroi yume), "white dream", in Japanese. As is the standard for the fairies' exclusive Assist skills, this one is written entirely phonetically in hiragana, which is a format commonly used in publications intended to be read by children who are too young to be expected to be able to read kanji yet.

Chloe's epithet, "Spring Wings", is "春空舞う双つの翼" (haruzora-mau futatsu no tsubasa), "Paired Wings Dancing In the Spring Sky". This appears to be a play on the terminology for Duo Heroes, "比翼" (hiyoku, "flying side by side", literally "[with] wings matched", often used figuratively to refer to a married couple), and Harmonized Heroes, "双界" (sōkai, "paired worlds"). "春空" is a novel compound, so I'm not sure if it should be read "haruzora" or "shunkū".

Sky-Hopper Egg is "春風舞う天馬兎の卵" (harukaze-mau tenba-usagi no tamago), "Egg of Pegasus-Rabbits Dancing In the Spring Breeze".

Spd/Res Crux is "速さ魔防の十字牽制" (hayasa mabō no jūji kensei), "Spd/Res Cross Restraint". Compare with Rein, which is "牽制" (kensei), "restraint".

Linhardt's epithet, "Spring Snoozer", is "春眠の徒" (shunmin no to), "Adherent of Deep Sleep". "春眠" (shunmin), "deep sleep", literally translates as "sleeping in spring". This word derives from a Japanese proverb, "春眠暁を覚えず" (shunmin akatsuki o oboezu), "sleeping in the spring, unaware of the dawn", which itself comes from the first line of the poem "春暁" (shungyō), "Spring Dawn", and refers to sleeping in late due to the warmth of spring after winter's end.

Carrot Bow is "ニンジンの弓" (ninjin no yumi), "Carrot Bow".

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Can't believe Mirabilis is the demote, only reason that could make me want her would be a tier 4 dance skill since I don't like her character and already have other dancers with reliable fancy dances, but... Of course she didn't get it. I mean, she's pretty alright for a demote and the fact she didn't get a tier 4 skill means I won't have to pull on this banner, which is great. I'm almost sure she'll be one of the 4* heroes in one of the next year's anniversary banners too (including the free special hero) so if I ever want her for some reason, I can just wait.

 I'm pissed at the lack of Karel too cause I was really counting that he was gonna be here, but alas, another reason to not brother wasting my orbs here.

 Will try my free summon either for the duo or for Sylvain and that's it.

 Also, great that 3 Houses and Engage got my least favorite seasonal banner, hope that means they'll get less things later on the year, specially Engage. The Engage fatigue is really hapenning now I guess (even though it's good for me that they get the Bunny banner instead of say, the bridal one or something), they already got all the 3 mythic/Legendary/emblem heroes of this year for now, a New Heroes banner and now half of a seasonal banner dedicated to them, and we're on the beggining of march! And I'm sure they'll take part in at least the summer and fallen banners too so there will be more of them in the middle of the year. Glad no one from Engage won CYL at least cause geez... They're really compensating for the lack of representation it had last year.


3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Firestorm Boost 3 and S/D Near Trace 4 are nice to finally have released. Crux is very, very interesting.

And they're really spoiling us with 4-star dancers with both Lara and now Mirabilis being released as 4-star units.

I might have some budget lying around for this banner since although AHR is coming up, I think there should be enough time before the AHR banner that it will end up on next month's budget instead of this month's, but we'll see. It's pretty convenient that Mirabilis shares a color with Sylvain because I'm definitely going to want an extra copy of him to give his skills to Rearmed Chrom to duplicate.

I might also go for 2 copies of Framme. Not sure how many copies of Chloe I want. I already have a decently merged Anna to use as a score stick in Resonant Battles, so I don't need Chloe that badly.

Crux is pretty cool, yeah. And we also got Seadall as 4* dancer, if we count the end of last year, I noticed that they're doing a bunch of 4* dancers too, I wouldn't complain if Tethys or Silvia got an alt soon because of this...

Edited by ARMADS!!!
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I just noticed that Harmonized Chloe has the exact same two source games as Harmonized Anna (Engage and Awakening), which means I definitely don't need to worry about getting merges for her since it'll take a lot before she surpasses my +6 Anna for scoring, and I certainly don't have the budget for that many copies. Sacrificing one copy to duplicate Occultist's Strike and Spd/Res Crux seems pretty worthwhile now.


EDIT: The Tempest Trials announcement is now out, and the Sacred Seals are Atk/Def Clash and Rouse Def/Res. And Clash is the lower reward of the two, which seems like someone doesn't have their priorities straight.


Linhardt's weapon inflicts -7 Atk/Def and Discord with Ploy 4 targeting and Ploy 4 conditions (both phases, same stat threshold). In combat, it grants +5 Atk/Res and, if the opponent has Discord, a guaranteed follow-up and follow-up prevention.

Why it grants Res instead of Def in combat is beyond me.


2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Carrot Bow is "ニンジンの弓" (ninjin no yumi), "Carrot Bow".

Also added the weapon to the translation notes.

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1 hour ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Yeesh. Having Framme without Clanne just feels wrong. They're a duo. 

They're probably saving the other one for next year, I feel like they like to leave obviously incomplete "sets" on purpouse sometines to have people expecting for a character. (Which circles back to: fuck IS for not putting Karel on the banner).

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Looking forward to Atk/Spd Clash.

It seems like the Harmonic pair is seeing some mixed reception on their art. I want to say it's the eyes for me? I also feel like the red background might be throwing me off. Regardless, I might pull for Chloé when she gets rerun. A mage unit granting Charge seems handy.

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7 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

They're probably saving the other one for next year, I feel like they like to leave obviously incomplete "sets" on purpouse sometines to have people expecting for a character. (Which circles back to: fuck IS for not putting Karel on the banner).

I still want my Hisame+Clanne farmer's market pickle merchants harmonic.

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Spring Karel could still happen in a year or two. There was a three year gap between Spring Fir & Spring Bartre and Spring Karla, after all.

……Or, Spring Karel ended up on the same cutting room floor that Spring Nowi did. IS can be very selective on which follow-ups they want to do.

Like here, we have Cordelia since Severa got a Spring alt in 2021 but we don’t have Olivia (who, by the way, has gotten literally nothing since 2018) to match with the Spring Inigo from the same banner as Spring Severa.

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15 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Also, great that 3 Houses and Engage got my least favorite seasonal banner, hope that means they'll get less things later on the year, specially Engage. The Engage fatigue is really hapenning now I guess (even though it's good for me that they get the Bunny banner instead of say, the bridal one or something), they already got all the 3 mythic/Legendary/emblem heroes of this year for now, a New Heroes banner and now half of a seasonal banner dedicated to them, and we're on the beggining of march! And I'm sure they'll take part in at least the summer and fallen banners too so there will be more of them in the middle of the year. Glad no one from Engage won CYL at least cause geez... They're really compensating for the lack of representation it had last year.

Maybe, but this could just be one big "Engage blast" because of its one year anniversary. If anything IS couldn't even stick the landing properly since half this batch is 3H. Again.

That said, I'm sure we'll get an Engage overdose eventually. If anything I welcome it (at least for now) just so we don't get drowned in 3H units and alts for a while...

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