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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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it makes me kinda sad ppl think I'd do all these objectively rly stupid things as scum but that's neither here nor there it's just a thing I'd like to say

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On 5/27/2024 at 1:38 AM, Makaze said:

I would probably be making fancier plays and hoping that even more wackiness would keep me alive

I also kinda just wanna add that this reminds me of Weak Watcher Survivor and how it actually sorta kinda worked for a while, and I can see Makaze thinking long and hard before dropping something of a claim. It's more a personal thing than anything else, but it's a fairly strong townread kinda post for me.

Elie we want your scumreads not your townreads

yea yea I know. I just wanna be heard.


A couple of other things with a few minutes to go

Why is SB looking townie? To page 22, I've seen a lot of regurgitation but not a lot of stance committment on other players. A little on Rapier but that's about it. Feels weird.

Marth (Bluedoom but I don't wanna call him that) calling a Vig shot on me is fine, but this early in the game? It rubs me the wrong way. I'm totally fine with the Vig callout, but a D1 vig callout. No.

Boron reads as more irritated at things/life/the game, and overall is coming off to me (SO FAR) as desperate to post for the sake of being seen posting. I'm getting mad bad vibes.

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I mean I don't think trying to save your buddy is stupid lol picking that vs bussing is taking a calculated risk. I guess it might not be too likely here because it seems like Refa isn't coming back to crossvote and if they're scum then their buddies probably would know that? (Might indicate some degree of bussing, for whatever that's worth.)

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1 minute ago, Percivalé said:

it makes me kinda sad ppl think I'd do all these objectively rly stupid things as scum but that's neither here nor there it's just a thing I'd like to say

I'm back to being as stupid as in the first day I ever played Mafia and I honestly have no idea why I feel so drained and confused

I'll play games with less players next time. Sorry, Boron. It's way beyond my capability.

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Prims, based on how Refa flips, do you think scum!me would have tried to justify/force a tie if Refa comes up town?>

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Just now, Prims said:

I mean I don't think trying to save your buddy is stupid lol picking that vs bussing is taking a calculated risk. I guess it might not be too likely here because it seems like Refa isn't coming back to crossvote and if they're scum then their buddies probably would know that? (Might indicate some degree of bussing, for whatever that's worth.)

but trying to save my buddy in this kind of way? last minute throwing out these vague statements about wanting to see how tonight goes before we elim them especially since I've been null/not super town on a lot of ppl's reads lists that's really awful play if I'm scum

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Final Day 1 Votals

Refa (8): j00, BT., Makaze, Bluedoom, Prims, BBM, WeaponsofMassConstruction, Elieson 
WeaponsofMassConstruction (6): Rapier, Snike, CT075, Sunwoo, Shinori, Percivale
Makaze (1): charlie
Rapier (1): Refa

Refa has the most votes at the end of phase and has met the minimum threshold for Elimination. They will be Eliminated shortly.



Page 2:
Rapier votes for Prims
Snike votes for Rapier
Sunwoo votes for Snike
Shinori votes for Elieson
Prims votes for Snike
Refa votes for Makaze
Prims votes for Shinori

Page 3:
BBM votes for Makaze
Makaze votes for BBM

Page 4:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes for Prims
Shinori votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction
Rapier votes for Makaze
Sunwoo votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 5:
Shinori votes for Elieson
Bluedoom votes for Refa
Rapier votes for BBM

Page 6:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes for Sunwoo
Rapier votes for Bluedoom

Page 7:
Refa votes for Sunwoo
Bluedoom votes for Sunwoo
Sunwoo votes for Refa

Page 8:
BBM votes for Prims

Page 9:
Makaze votes for Bluedoom
Shinori votes for Prims

Page 10:
Snike votes for Bluedoom
charlie votes for Shinori
Prims votes for Snike
BBM votes for Snike
Shinori votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 11:
Percivale votes for Bluedoom
j00 votes for Refa

Page 12:
Elieson votes for Makaze

Page 13:

Sunwoo votes for Makaze
Bluedoom unvotes

Page 14:
charlie votes for Rapier

Page 15:
BT. votes for Refa
j00 votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 16:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes Rapier
Prims votes Makaze

Page 17:
BBM votes WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 18:
Bluedoom votes charlie
Refa votes Makaze

Page 19:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes Elieson
Prims votes for Refa

Page 20:
j00 votes for Refa
Percivale unvotes

Page 21:
Bluedoom votes for Refa

Page 22:
Rapier votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction
Shinori votes for Percivale
CT075 votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 23:
Refa unvotes

Page 24:
Makaze votes for Refa
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes for Prims
Prims votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 25:
Refa votes for Rapier

Page 32:
Shinori votes for Rapier

Page 35:
CT075 votes for Refa

Page 36: 
CT075 unvotes
Makaze votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 37:
Bluedoom unvotes
BT. unvotes

Page 40
BT. votes for Refa
Makaze votes for Refa

Page 41
charlie votes for Makaze
Bluedoom votes for Refa

Page 42
Prims votes for Refa
Snike votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 44
Percivale votes for Rapier

Page 45
BBM votes for Refa
Shinori votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction
Percivale votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 46
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes for Refa
Elieson votes for Refa

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PSA 1: @Conqueror remind me to edit this in the rules later, but I think earlier this thread I said I was determining whether flips would be full flips or card flips, and said they'd likely be full flips. Well, I discussed with my checkers earlier this phase, and we decided upon... neither! You'll get partial full flips (all flavor, as it's not related to alignment), but get the Role Name only.

Sorry for baiting you, flip will be in the next post. 🫢

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The sun began to set, and the exhausted NOCcers had come to a decision: tension gripped the air as a bewildered Refa was sent towards the elimination chamber.

You look below and see Refa's Role PM...


  Dear Refa,


You are Thiefgame (20XX?).


Couldn’t have put it better myself.

Why is it spelled Thiefgame (one word) and not Thief Game? This game has been on the queue for over six years now (and if you check, it’s the only game still on the queue)! I have no idea what sort of mechanics would be present in this game, but apparently you and SB have been working on it forever. One day SB and Refa will return from the war… It even gets mentioned at least once a year by THE Koneko aka “Kitty is my real name”, so she single-handedly carrying this game… Or is she mentioning it because she was the thief in thiefgame all along…?🤔

Regardless, it sounds like you’re more likely to host Sonic & NOCcles in the future… and you don’t even host NOC games! You know what’s more cringe than hosting NOC games? Hosting EiMM games.

A dark spirit possesses you.

You are Everyone is Mafia Mafia (EiMM).

You were created by Edible, an unsuspecting Maidens of the Kaleidoscope (MotK) user, in 2009. You were then ported over to Serenes Forest in 2014 by another unsuspecting MotK user, Prims. Thanks to some of the most dedicated NOC hosts becoming addicted to EiMM hosting, this community has expanded massively, eclipsing its progenitor communities in popularity and becoming a true melting pot of… culture (citation needed?). You’ve caused friendships to fall apart, as well as family members’ relationships. Mechanically, it’s a very good game, but some people take their Internet trophies very seriously, after all. Also, EiMM won the Mafia Universe championships last year. It’s not even a NOC community! Clearly SF can just take credit for the win as SF originated EiMM…


In short, you are Bulletproof Killing Modifier Jack of All Trades.

You are a member of the Off-site Traitors. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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Posted (edited)

Well. That seems like a good start for the SF Mafia Elitists?

Night 1 begins. It will end in less than 24 hours (like going to push tonight's deadline a bit up, so that I can have Day 2 end at a convenient time for me.



Night 1 ends on May 29th at 6:00 PM EDT. 

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Posted (edited)


@Elieson and @Prims are being subbed out. I will provide details on the subs in the next couple of hours.

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Posted (edited)

Hi all, making a post about pronouns again because I think it's important. 

Respect is a fundamental part of a supportive community. Misgendering (or accidentally using the wrong pronouns), whether intentional or not, can have a significant impact on someone's well-being and sense of identity. I know this is a subject that might not seem like a big deal, but it may mean a lot to others, and I would like everyone if possible to use the correct pronouns for others. I know it might seem grammatically weird to use a plural pronoun in English, but I'd also like to recognize the issues that nonbinary individuals face, as their identities are also often invalidated or overlooked. Thanks for understanding!


@BBM he/him
@Bluedoom any/all
@BT. he/him
@charlie_ they/them; subbed in for by @Duskfall98 he/him
@CT075 he/him
@Elieson he/him; subbed in for by @RADicate he/him
@j00 she/her
@Makaze any/all
@Prims guess; subbed in for by @Ichigo he/him
@Rapier he/him
@Refa they/them
@Shinori doesn't matter
@Snike he/him
 doesn't matter
@WeaponsofMassConstruction he/him

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I've updated the post about helpful info regarding ISOs script, the SF software... can be found here: 


Additionally, if you need help, please DM me directly. This goes for most host related requests, you can reach me either via my Discord or via Role PM.


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See the format below:

Voting: ##Vote: @Conqueror

Unvoting (if you are switching in the same post, you do not need to unvote): ##Unvote: @Conqueror

(The tag is not case sensitive nor does it require the bolding, but it does require the hashtags, key word, and the ping to actually ping the user -- will be in a special bubble to know if it's working).

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  • Iris changed the title to SF Mafia: The Revival [Night 1 - N1 ends 6:00 PM EDT 29-May-2024]
Posted (edited)


Good morning. Passed out, woke up, and saw I am making yet another sub (I THOUGHT WE WEREN'T GOING TO RUN THROUGH THE FULL SUBS LIST HELLO).

@Duskfall98 (he/him) subs in for charlie (they/them).

Also phase is going to end today at 6:00 PM EDT which puts Day 2 deadline on Friday, May 31st, 6:00 PM EDT.

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I was supposed to do this last night but I had like 60 things, and also because we have 3 subs, a reminder about discussing substitutions: don't do it. It is fine to reference the old player's content, but substitution reasons generally remain between Host and Player, and should not be discussed in thread. Please message me if you need any clarification on this.


Per the Ruleset: Do not discuss substitutions, including why/why not someone subbed and what that may or may not mean for this slot.

Additionally, I've also updated the ruleset with the partial cardflips like I said I would.

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I was rereading my ruleset and noticed that *YLO will not be announced. LOL. Surprised no one asked me about this in the rules. This isn't the case. *YLO will be announced, if it wasn't, that would be pretty bastard... I've updated the rule to the following:


*YLO will be announced. Whether it is potential *YLO or *YLO will not be announced. *YLO is defined as a phase where the town can lose at the beginning of the immediate day phase. In *YLO, to hammer, only majority is needed.

Also many apologies for all the N1 announcements, I promise most of these are very important.

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Posted (edited)


(Got to my computer a little late and will need ~10 minutes to double check night resolution and send out results as applicable. Thanks for the patience. 🙂 )

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Posted (edited)

The NOCcers woke up BRIGHT and EARLY today. But sunrise was later than when they woke up (WHOOPS, sometimes even the sun has off days). As they all walked to the village square where they saw a body keeled over...

BT. has died! Looks like he died N1 just like in his game below... His Role PM is below.

Dear BT,

You are The iDOLM@STER Mafia (2013).


Wait, what do you mean this wasn’t hosted on Serenes Forest? It’s fiiine, Maidens of the Kaleidoscope/MotK is basically SF Mafia, right…?

I thought SF Mafia had its portion of poorly designed games, but iDOLM@STER takes this to a whole new level. You are a game hosted on the Maidens of the Kaleidoscope Touhou forum, and you almost filled up two whole threads. Apparently the ITP and the Mafia aligning because they couldn't kill the Town Bulletproof Jailkeeper that was eliminated via vote on Day 4? You, BT, may have died N1 during this game, but you were well aware of the bullshit in this setup.


In short, you are the 1-shot Hijacker.

You are a member of the SF Mafia Elitists. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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