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For a moment I thought we were getting a second round of maid/bulter units ...


As for this banner, I'm leaning towards Felix, but Robin's ice is intriguing

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Bernadetta stole Leonie's bow, and that kinda makes me upset. And the GHB unit is...from Engage. And it's one of the most requested Engage women they could easily use to sell a banner. That's certainly a choice. At least it isn't another Three Houses unit.

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Felix getting Levin sword over  Robin is top tier trolling that I am not a fan of. As is the fact that they are giving this years three houses winners slightly unique outfits. Why did the lords not get something more unique I will not understand.

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I kinda wish that female Robin didn't get Basically The Same Outfit as male Robin (but at least she's not based on Grima either). It's also good that she doesn't use the same weapon as him, but I don't like the trend of guys getting physical weapons and girls getting magical stuff.

Panette is also a WTF choice for a GHB. She could've been saved to carry a Solm 2.0 banner. Plus, Engage is a relatively small cast and didn't need these kind of GHBs to expand their roster as badly as Tellius did.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and the Levin Sword. Fuckers knew what they were doing when they pointed it out on Felix when people have been requested it on Robin(s) for years.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Well, it'll be interesting to see if the M!Byleth voters and the M!Corrin voters will even bother in CYL9 if all they're going to get is the same outfit (and possibly the same artist) as their female counterpart.

Beyond that, yup there sure isn't even an once of creativity to be found in this batch. The only surprise here is Panette as the GHB, but I suppose that just means that Merrin will be the 5 star that accompanies Timerra and Fogado.

16 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Bernadetta stole Leonie's bow, and that kinda makes me upset.

That isn't going to matter since base Leonie will almost certainly be a lance cavalier (she has to match Jeralt, after all) anyways.

Also, The Inexhaustible is Indech's bow well before being Leonie's bow.

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2 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Well, it'll be interesting to see if the M!Byleth voters and the M!Corrin voters will even bother in CYL9 if all they're going to get is the same outfit (and possibly the same artist) as their female counterpart.

You sure that wouldn't just make people want to vote for m!Byleth even more so they can get him in a dress?

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Well I am doing 40 pulls so I will be going for Felix and Alphonse if I don't pull them on the banner for my free picks and hope the girls show up when I pull.  Honestly not surprised at the choice of no levin sword on F!Robin they are determined to not use it on Robin.  As to Bernie "stealing" Leonie's bow I always ended up using it on Bernie since her crest pairs with it, I know Leonie gets the bow and she can use it it just works better with Bernie, so no surprise on that and I was expecting it.    

I am surprised at Panette because she could have carried a banner, though with all the limited time heroes on NH banners lately I can see her getting in again. On the other hand this means Engage will now have a F2P friendly unit of every color, which is nice.

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11 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

You sure that wouldn't just make people want to vote for m!Byleth even more so they can get him in a dress?

If they want that, they can just put M!Byleth in the Sothis regalia in Three Houses itself. 

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If I had a dollar for everytime blue haired printed who dressed like their father and was voiced by Ray Chase, I'd have two dollars. Ff15 jokes aside Alphonse looks great. So who is his new Japanese actor?

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Robin: Exalt's Right Hand sounds like an innuendo. Anyways, creating obstacles is neat. I think she is the most unique of the bunch for now with Divine Vein: Ice. If they keep Divine Vein: Ice limited in availability, she will have pretty good longevity; if not, she does not really offer much else in my opinion that is really game changing.

Felix: Sword Savant got double Slaying and can double Galeforce. I think he is most useful day-to-day unit as a double Galeforcer doing Auto-Battle stuff, and the Distant Counter Weapon certainly helps speed things up. He is not super unique in this regard though, since Edelgards and other double Galeforcers exist, and plenty of units exist already that can do Auto-Battle.

Bernadetta: Sheltered Loner does "no u" Penalties. As a nuke, she is alright I guess, but her main value lies in being a good counter unit against debuff teams. 

Alfonse: Heir to Openness has access to a new status effect that boosts stats. The sheer quantity of stats is nice, but takes a while to set up.

In terms of gameplay, I think the girls would be the best options to pick up, as they offer new tools to expand a player's toolbox to tackle a variety of challenges. Alfonse: Heir to Openness is nice as a support unit to further stack stats, but he does not really bring anything new to the table in terms of interesting gameplay and mechanics, so he would be the third pick after the girls. Felix: Sword Savant brings nothing new to the table at all gameplay wise, so unless you really like double Galeforce, I think he is pretty skippable; he feels more like a QOL unit to me to handle the mundane stuff.

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Panette is a shock. I was sure Timerra, Fogado, Panette, Pandreo would be the Solm banner. It felt too perfect to pass up on. But anyway, that means all of my Engage pact ring recipients have at least one version in FEH.

I will take my free Robin and be happy.

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Drive-by snap judgement -

Minimum effort Robin
Boring edgelord sword infantry remains boring edgelord sword infantry
Bernadetta's weird eyes will make it difficult for me to ever sleep again
Minimum effort Alfonse

As a unit and in the absence of any fliers, Alfonse wins for me just on the basis of raw mobility.

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Other than Alfonse introducing a new Bonus effect, the new units seem a bit tame. That's not a bad thing considering I don't have the orbs to pull on the banner.

As a Galeforce enthusiast, I should probably pick Felix but my 3H roster is doing fine. Alfonse seems like an annoying unit to face but I prefer something instantaneous when it comes to support effects. Robin's support is more appealing to me so if I don't get her on my free pulls then I'll go with her as my free pick. 

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4 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

EDIT: Oh yeah, and the Levin Sword. Fuckers knew what they were doing when they pointed it out on Felix when people have been requested it on Robin(s) for years.

Yeah, that feels targeted. I wasn't even that invested in "Levin Sword Robin" and even I'm kinda insulted by that.

Also I have to say this is one of the worst CYLs in terms of creativity (though nothing's beating CYL 4). Bernie and Felix just got recolors of their promoted classes complete with the most obvious weapon types (and lazy weapon choice for Bernie. Sorry Leonie) while F!Robin got the exact same outfit as M!Robin. Compared to them, Alfonse is just a powercrept version of his dad, but at least that's something new for him.

As for effects, they seem kinda tame this year as Shogi said. Felix is our first "Special Cooldown -2" unit which is worrying, but Great Tactics and the new Fortress Def/ Res feel like they're the most important things going forward? That Great Tactics is a permanent effect that'll keep stacking as a battle progresses is horrifying.

4 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

The only surprise here is Panette as the GHB

Better than us getting another 3H GHB. And yeah, it's weird getting her here when you'd expect her to be on a Solm banner. Not that I'm complaining considering CYL GHBs tend to be decent units, but still.

4 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Also, The Inexhaustible is Indech's bow well before being Leonie's bow.

But the point of Leonie's Paralogue is that she earned a legendary weapon from Indech through her own efforts and not her bloodline/ nepotism. It's cheap to give that bow to Bernie because it matches her bloodline because of that.

3 hours ago, Humanoid said:

Boring edgelord sword infantry remains boring edgelord sword infantry

Yeah. If only Three Hopes Felix had won instead. At least that one kinda grew out of the edgelord stuff.

5 hours ago, vikingsfan92 said:

As is the fact that they are giving this years three houses winners slightly unique outfits. Why did the lords not get something more unique I will not understand.

Actually Felix and Bernadetta are just getting the same treatment as Lysithea and getting a barely tweaked version of their promoted outfits in the base game. They're still not anything worth writing home about.


Anyway, my plans for the banner are staying the same: the only character I really want is Alfonse. I was considering pulling for Robin but she doesn't interest me and I hate the two 3H characters. I'll check the units again but I have half a mind to skip this banner altogether. (Or at best just get the 3H duo for fodder, I guess.)

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Okay, had to pause to express how heckin' HYPED I am for these CYL heroes this year! I am FOR SURE getting Alfonse! Grats, man, on finally inheriting the kingdom! (And that cute special introduction by Anna and Sharena! I'm so glad Alfonse is getting special recognition.) Man, seeing him with his dad's ax and armor, and that he's finally king, it just moves my heart. Way to go!

And dang, they really buffed Felix's personal skill of him not wanting soldiers under his command. As before, 3H CYL winners get their canon classes. And then there's F!Robin, who, appearance-wise, is basically a copy of her male version. Kind of glad they didn't try to fem-up the outfit since they're following the same theme as before, but I do kind of wish they'd done something else for her than they did for M!Robin. Like, making her outfit based on something else. Also, I want Divine Vein: Ice on something inheritable. It would be nice to give it to canonically icy characters like Nifl or Flora.

Okay, continued the video. Yay! Panette! Her design always reminded me of Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas, so I thought she'd make for a good Halloween unit (especially since her liege lady was introduced to the game through that event), but okay. (And her coworker could totally have been a werewolf, even though the Robins were already that.)

Anyway, fun times! Really looking forward to picking up Fallen Gustav 2.0! (Thematically fitting, really.)

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I want to get Creation Pulse for Emblem Ike. That will help him counter Scowl effects.

About the GHB pick... Panette is such a weird choice. She could easily be a 5-star hero in the future Solm banner. I guess they went with her because she ranked well in CYL?

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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After reading what other people said, I remember impressions I had. Yeah, Levin Sword on Felix when Robin's right there makes a statement. That said, I think that the Levin Sword suits him well, so I'm not bothered by it. Besides, the Levin Sword existed well before Robin did, even though Robin has an association with it (largely popularized by Smash.) A similar note on the bow. It can be given to whomever in 3H, so even though I associate it with Leonie, it realistically could go to whomever. (I still hope we get the massive turtle as a playable unit someday. Also dragon forms for certain applicable characters.)

Also, that new Legendary Teatime event looks interesting. I'll check it out later.

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I hope Felix' C skill is available on fliers, since I'll need to feed a copy to HSMia for Excel anyway. As for the units, the support capabilities of the other three seem neat, I didn't get young FRobin so access to Hush spectrum will be neat. Panette as the GHB makes sense to me mostly because it was always in heavy contention which of Merrin, Panette, and Pandreo would get left out of the Solm banner. Putting Panette here means the other two can slide on in with little issue(sorry to Bunet, but there's really little contest in terms of who people would actually want). Sure she could carry a second Solm banner, but they probably don't want to leave her out to dry for the amount of time it would take to wheel back around to Solm a second time.

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4 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

But the point of Leonie's Paralogue is that she earned a legendary weapon from Indech through her own efforts and not her bloodline/ nepotism. It's cheap to give that bow to Bernie because it matches her bloodline because of that.

Somehow, I don't think any of that matters to IS.

They made base Sylvain an axe cavalier specifically so they didn't have to give him the Lance of Ruin, a weapon that is his family's heirloom. Based off just that, Leonie was never getting the Inexhaustible in FEH even if her base form is a bow cavalier instead of a lance cavalier.

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5 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Flap Flap Flap. Flap flap flap. FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH

I'm surprised to see Pannette. I always assumed Merrin was the more popular of the two. 

I'm surprised because Panette is the more popular of the two.

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Just to be clear, Panette was the highest ranked (37th) missing character in CYL8……who wasn’t from TMS (RIP Touma, that 29th placed finish meant nothing to IS).

Merrin, meanwhile, got 55th which also put her below Pandreo (who got 51st). Somehow, I don’t think that’ll stop IS from giving Merrin premium treatment while Pandreo either gets stuck as a demote or gets his demote slot taken by Bunet.

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