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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@Phoenix, I'll keep ranting for as long as it exists, you might not be, but others are (regardless of what anyone says) As for the dice rolls

So I guess it works like this:

Nadesico end of post: Reika attacks a Tough Bandit!

Let's say I'm the next poster.

I roll (3,3,3) for Reika's attack, describe what it does

Then I roll the bandit's counter (2, 4, 6) blah blah miss

Then at the end of my post I say Morgan attacks Bandit Archer using Midnight or w/e and it continues like so.

Obviously have a third party roll in fights in between PC's, otherwise you're rolling for your enemy which is just odd.

Yes, you could still theoretically fudge rolls, but its less likely. I like it.

And making your own is fine, though it'd be good to restrict the size to something that's compact. (Not something that I'd think 200X200 pixels is pushing it, but definetely nothing over 300x300. Though I guess it's no big deal if it's going in your sig.

@Kai: Like Phoenix, you could make a variation, (just cut out the central mug section.

@All, Is anyone actually fond of making items/Keeping them?

Stat Image

If your using them, then you'll be expected to update it (at least at the end of each chapter). And should indicate stats and how much more Exp you need. And obviously a name. Everything else is optional really.

Edited by Nadesico
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I know how to sprite, im just to lazy



Guess who?

@Nadesico: Can you post the blank image card?

EDIT: Since we're not going to do any fighting can i propose a training chapter. This chapter i was hoping that we all get to know each other well and train a bit. I propose we train in pairs and this is what i had so far

Damian and Aiya or Irina

Ian and Esphr

Helios and Morgan or Rayton and vise versa

Micheal and the other dude :facepalm: damn i forgot his name but i remeber that he was a thief

Edited by Kai
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I personally just used the Spriters Resource on FE planet and it works out OK. It calculates Evd differently, but since you can see their Spd/Skl you can do that yourself anyway.

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For some reason my image turns grainy when i convert it to a gif


DO NOT... I repeat DO NOT convert to gif from jpg, or anything other than png.

You need to make the image while it's already a gif, or start off as a png. png files are huge, but they work, and none of the data is lost during conversion.

If you're using MS Paint for the conversion, that is most likely the problem.

I'll get to work on mine soon, but don't expect to see them til tomorrow.

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If you use this it will only except it if it is in Gif format. I dont know how Cynthia pulled it off

I know exactly what you're talking about now.

I might have a way around that though :)

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Good luck finding it

I really dont know how Cynthia did it though

Me neither, but I did fix the problem :)

I added my own preferred mugs so I had to do some extra work, but if you're directly downloading a finished picture, this'll go smoothly for you.

When the sheet you made shows up. Hit right click, and save as...

Next when you're going to type in a name make sure you change the file type.

If the picture name is going to be "Helios sheet" type Helios sheet.gif. specifically type that out when you save. This automatically converts it, that way it won't be a php file. Don't even know what the hell a php file is truth be told :lol:

These are a bit too big to both be in my sig, so I'll stick them in my profile if anyone wants to check them.



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Like i proposed before....

EDIT: Since we're not going to do any fighting can i propose a training chapter. This chapter i was hoping that we all get to know each other well and train a bit. I propose we train in pairs and this is what i had so far

Damian and Aiya or Irina

Ian and Esphr

Helios and Morgan or Rayton and vise versa

Micheal and the other dude :facepalm: damn i forgot his name but i remeber that he was a thief

I really think this is necessary. Most of us are wounded and some of us dont know each others name

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I just wanna make sure you're informed on this Kai.

The Crimson Weapons do not have demons. They are crystalized hellfire that has been tempered with light magic and forged into weapons. Not sentient or anything of the kind.

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Two points, One is the stat sheet, I considered making mine in that format at first as well but when you have 2~3 characters it really is a pain. (Don't want to make the RP image heavy now do we?) I just found it.... well space consuming, and unnecessarily so.

I like the idea of how you're allowing everyone to contribute information on the crimson weapons and their thoughts/theories on them, some could be wrong but it adds a realistic touch when someone provides inaccurate information unconsciously. (I mean even Morgan and Daimian could be wrong, the former from incorrect studies and Daimian.... well BSmith is dead so some of the information he has could be from a secondary source)

@Snowy, I'm not sure yet, but I might drop Jones and pick up another character since I'm finding it hard to post anything when none of my characters are part of the main group. Still not sure yet since I planned to use Jones for "wicked deeds" but I doubt I can get Reika to join anytime soon, and I can't handle 4 characters (nor should you allow it, even if I did ask) XD

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I don't think the format matters much, as long as it contains the necessary info. It's a little bigger I guess, but small enough to fit in a signature. Plus, I like that it gives it a nice FE feel.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I don't know, while it's your RP, I thought the idea of having a demon sealed away in them was rather interesting, but depending on the setting I can see why it might be plausible, my conclusion is a misinterpretation.

While the weapons are forged out of fire they are still essentially evil in my opinion. Even if they were tempered with light magic. That's like saying A necromancer raised a Revenant, and a Light Sage tempered with it to make it more human. It doesn't change the origin or raw existence of the original object(revenant).

Since you seem to not like the idea of demons living in them, how about using "demons" as a metaphor of insanity? I mean, the damn things drain your life force as is, it wouldn't surprise me if someone with a weak will/mind went insane due to it's usage. And as you may have figured from my above comments, I'm not really fond of "Holy Weapons" which bring immense power without any cost/risk. (You could say life draining is a cost, but it's not like your lifespan shortens or anything, hell it's not that costly if a cheap little vulnerary can fix it) XD

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The cost one pays for being a Crimson Weapon wielder is the misfortune that it brings to the person/ their family etc. Just looking at the backstories, pretty much everyone has dead parents or their lives sucked in general.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Ah good point, forgot about that XD

Though I think the unfortunate pasts are a coincidence, if you take a look at RP signups, most tend to be some dark angsty story, and many find it more convinent to have killed their past. (severed ties with it) so that they can work on their present situation (RP).

It doesn't really matter, but I don't understand how a non-sentinent object or any object can bring bad luck :/ (Does it decrease our Lck? XD[/s] Unless of course it's cursed, which.... doesn't seem to be the case.

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The weapons have no actual effect on luck. Esphyr perceives her weapon as being her bane because it's what makes her different from others. I do agree with what you said about them still being evil though and likely bad enough to be considered to have a 'demon'. Just not a actual demon within them.

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